Do you think Russia attacked our democracy to steal the 2016 election in favor of Trump?

You know, because he's "Putin's lapdog" and stuff like that to make one feel better?

Foreigners interfere with elections all the time. Happened since before we were born and the left gave us the internet. We do the same thing. The same was done for Clintons, Obama, Biden.

Speak of internet, compare and contrast "Russian influences" to daily left run most information, which is really misinformation. And there's always this.......

Foreign powers have NOT "interfered with" your elections in the past. It's a complete fallacy that you think so. What Russia did in 2016 was unlike anything they've ever done before, and they did it with the full knowledge and cooperation of the candidate. Trump was THRILLED to accept their help.

And then you link to a bullshit YouTube video.
Stop and think about what you are saying because I don't think that you do. You just insinuated that Russia during the era of the USSR was more democratic than what it is today. What planet (or United Snakes city) do you live on/in?
No. What I Said is that Russia has slid into autocracy since it’s few years (pre Putin) of democracy after the USSR fell apart
No. What I Said is that Russia has slid into autocracy since it’s few years (pre Putin) of democracy after the USSR fell apart
You've got your shirt on inside out and the label is showing.
When the United States interferes with another country's elections ... we send in the Marines ... Managua, Port-au-Prince, Santiago ... Kabul ...

If this is Russia's best attempt to influence our elections, then we've nothing to worry about from them ... and everything to worry about from ourselves ... it was Americans who voted The Donald into office ... I'm sorry you don't like what that says about us, but that doesn't mean it's not true ... we are misogynic racists hellbent on world domination ...

Adjust your investment portfolio accordingly ...
When the United States interferes with another country's elections ... we send in the Marines ... Managua, Port-au-Prince, Santiago ... Kabul ...

If this is Russia's best attempt to influence our elections, then we've nothing to worry about from them ... and everything to worry about from ourselves ... it was Americans who voted The Donald into office ... I'm sorry you don't like what that says about us, but that doesn't mean it's not true ... we are misogynic racists hellbent on world domination ...

Adjust your investment portfolio accordingly ...
They HACKED into the e-mail accounts of prospective Presidents and their political party and then weaponized the results.

That's illegal in a bunch of ways and no small thing.
And you know this because .....
Because of stuff like reading and not living under a rock.

  • The office of the special counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 US election announced charges Friday against 13 Russian nationals and 3 Russia entities.
  • Among the entities are the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a troll factory based in Russia that used bots to spread fake news and sow discord in the US.
  • By September 2016, the IRA had a monthly budget of more than $1.25 million to carry out its influence campaign.

Since the end of the USSR, Russia's democracy has been on the rise
Any two bit authoritarian shithole can hold elections but true Democracy is defined by competetive elections, free media, independent judiciacy and peaceful transfer of power.

Russia has has none of that, they have a pretend Democracy where Kremlin has a tight grip on national media and therefore popular opinion. Pretend Democracy where potentially serious political oponents of Putin are disqualified from political process, poisoned and murdered. Pretend Democracy where Putin has been the de-facto King for over 20 years now and will never give up power.
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I dont know. But every time you say the 2020 election was fraudulent, you are working for Russia.

Do you think Russia attacked our democracy to steal the 2016 election in favor of Trump?​

Total, complete, bullshit cooked up by HRC and her gang of crooks.
You know, because he's "Putin's lapdog" and stuff like that to make one feel better?

Foreigners interfere with elections all the time. Happened since before we were born and the left gave us the internet. We do the same thing. The same was done for Clintons, Obama, Biden.

Speak of internet, compare and contrast "Russian influences" to daily left run most information, which is really misinformation. And there's always this.......

It has been well documented that Russia leaked the DNC emails, and used social media to create fake accounts to influence American voters.


Mark Zuckerberg, on the other hand, is an American. If you have a problem with US corporations spending a lot of money on politics, I refer you to Citizens United v. FEC.

Do you think Russia attacked our democracy to steal the 2016 election in favor of Trump?​

Total, complete, bullshit cooked up by HRC and her gang of crooks.
Actually, it was the conclusion of our intelligence agencies. Got any other coping mechanism lies you would like to tell?
The Russians tried to sway the election in favor of trump via Facebook and Twitter posts and some fake news.

I'm not sure how big an impact it had on the election.
Are you really this ignorant? Russia always plays around with our elections----they play both sides fool, hoping to cause a civil war so the US implodes fighting itself. I read a KGB head hopes for the US years ago...they hope and are trying to cause the US to break up into 10 pieces...with Texas and Alaska being individual countries and the rest of the US broken into 8 pieces.
When the United States interferes with another country's elections ... we send in the Marines ... Managua, Port-au-Prince, Santiago ... Kabul ...
... Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Iran, Irak, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Panama, Guatemala, Cuba, Costa Rica, San Salvadore, Lebanon, Dominican Republic, Bosnia, Serbia, Grenada ...

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