Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Makes you wonder if the Dumocrats in Chicago have armed the drug gangs there. Chicago has become an incredibly dangerous Third World nightmare. WTG Dums.
Short answer? *YES*

And he as CAUGHT. Blind Boob is making excuses for the EP.

obama chose an incompetent person to run the DOJ. No wonder that gave out all those wacky directives about right wingers being terrorist they don't have a clue what they are doing.

[ame=""]Eric Holder "Brainwash People" about Guns - YouTube[/ame]

Thanks for bring this back to the front of the discussion. Intent matters. Holder telegraphed it.
I know finally someone brave enough to answer a simple little question
Thank you.

I still disagree with you on the 2nd amendment theory. I say he did it because he neede to protect the right of the government to operate without fear of some solitary Congressman demanding every last statement everyones ever said, propoased or even considered behind closed doors be made public.

Could it be to protect Holder from the charge of Contempt?
If the Administration is preventing the release of the documents then Holder can hardly be held accountable.
Thats abuse of power and actually a criminal use of executive privileges.
In ANY organization? YOU FOLLOW ORDERS or be fired...this escapes you how?

Was it Holder who signed to orders or was it the head of the Phoenix branch of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)?

I still don't get why you're defending Holder so vigorously. What do you owe him? Why sell your soul for him?

I disagree with the primise that the botched gun walking scheme is in anyway near the depth of Nixons crimes that came out of the Watergate scandel.

I consider it bit crazy to think the Administration planned on using this as some sort of covert operation to convince Americans that we must recend our 2nd amendment rights.

It is a politcal witch-hunt. I don't like political witch-hunts do you? It is a waste of time and money. I thought the House was supposed to be working on the economy not on some partisan ploy. Wait a minute, it's a Republican controlled House. The vote was completely partisan.
Was it Holder who signed to orders or was it the head of the Phoenix branch of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)?

I still don't get why you're defending Holder so vigorously. What do you owe him? Why sell your soul for him?

I disagree with the primise that the botched gun walking scheme is in anyway near the depth of Nixons crimes that came out of the Watergate scandel.

I consider it bit crazy to think the Administration planned on using this as some sort of covert operation to convince Americans that we must recend our 2nd amendment rights.

It is a politcal witch-hunt. I don't like political witch-hunts do you? It is a waste of time and money. I thought the House was supposed to be working on the economy not on some partisan ploy. Wait a minute, it's a Republican controlled House. The vote was completely partisan.

Sorry, sounds like you're just covering for Obama & Holder. I'm actually disappointed in you on this one. We disagree on issues, but i usually do respect your positions. But i just can't on this one. Obama & Holder should be held accountable. Too many dead bodies and blood on their hands. There can be no free pass for them.
Short answer? *YES*

And he as CAUGHT. Blind Boob is making excuses for the EP.

obama chose an incompetent person to run the DOJ. No wonder that gave out all those wacky directives about right wingers being terrorist they don't have a clue what they are doing.

[ame=]Eric Holder "Brainwash People" about Guns - YouTube[/ame]

Yep fast and the furious had nothing to do with gun control. He's a sick twisted freak.
In ANY organization? YOU FOLLOW ORDERS or be fired...this escapes you how?

Was it Holder who signed to orders or was it the head of the Phoenix branch of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)?

Are you saying holder has no control of his departments? Are you saying he's incompetent?

I made no conclusion because I don't know who gave the okay on this operation.
Was it Holder who signed to orders or was it the head of the Phoenix branch of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)?

Are you saying holder has no control of his departments? Are you saying he's incompetent?

I made no conclusion because I don't know who gave the okay on this operation.

What you're saying is departments can do as they please and can run any kind of program they want to? If that's the case holder is not doing his job and controlling his people. Or he gave the ok to start the programs. Take your pick.
Was it Holder who signed to orders or was it the head of the Phoenix branch of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)?

I still don't get why you're defending Holder so vigorously. What do you owe him? Why sell your soul for him?

I disagree with the primise that the botched gun walking scheme is in anyway near the depth of Nixons crimes that came out of the Watergate scandel.

I consider it bit crazy to think the Administration planned on using this as some sort of covert operation to convince Americans that we must recend our 2nd amendment rights.

It is a politcal witch-hunt. I don't like political witch-hunts do you? It is a waste of time and money. I thought the House was supposed to be working on the economy not on some partisan ploy. Wait a minute, it's a Republican controlled House. The vote was completely partisan.

The House has sent several budgets to the Senate where Harry Reid didn't bring them to the floor for a vote. The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform consists of 23 Republicans and 17 Democrats out of 435 House members. There are 242 Republicans in the House and that leaves 219 that aren't on the Issa Committe to work on the economy.

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I still don't get why you're defending Holder so vigorously. What do you owe him? Why sell your soul for him?

I disagree with the primise that the botched gun walking scheme is in anyway near the depth of Nixons crimes that came out of the Watergate scandel.

I consider it bit crazy to think the Administration planned on using this as some sort of covert operation to convince Americans that we must recend our 2nd amendment rights.

It is a politcal witch-hunt. I don't like political witch-hunts do you? It is a waste of time and money. I thought the House was supposed to be working on the economy not on some partisan ploy. Wait a minute, it's a Republican controlled House. The vote was completely partisan.

The House has sent several budgets to the Senate where Harry Reid didn't bring them to the floor for a vote. This Republican controlled Committee consists of 23 Republicans and 17 Democrats out of 435 House members.

Both Holder and Obama can avoid the House vote...clock is ticking...
I disagree with the primise that the botched gun walking scheme is in anyway near the depth of Nixons crimes that came out of the Watergate scandel.

I consider it bit crazy to think the Administration planned on using this as some sort of covert operation to convince Americans that we must recend our 2nd amendment rights.

It is a politcal witch-hunt. I don't like political witch-hunts do you? It is a waste of time and money. I thought the House was supposed to be working on the economy not on some partisan ploy. Wait a minute, it's a Republican controlled House. The vote was completely partisan.

The House has sent several budgets to the Senate where Harry Reid didn't bring them to the floor for a vote. This Republican controlled Committee consists of 23 Republicans and 17 Democrats out of 435 House members.

Both Holder and Obama can avoid the House vote...clock is ticking...

This vote mat not just fall along partisan lines:

Democratic leader: Some may join GOP in Holder vote

NRA pressure could push some Dems to vote contempt for Holder – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Was it Holder who signed to orders or was it the head of the Phoenix branch of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)?

I still don't get why you're defending Holder so vigorously. What do you owe him? Why sell your soul for him?

I disagree with the primise that the botched gun walking scheme is in anyway near the depth of Nixons crimes that came out of the Watergate scandel.

I consider it bit crazy to think the Administration planned on using this as some sort of covert operation to convince Americans that we must recend our 2nd amendment rights.

It is a politcal witch-hunt. I don't like political witch-hunts do you? It is a waste of time and money. I thought the House was supposed to be working on the economy not on some partisan ploy. Wait a minute, it's a Republican controlled House. The vote was completely partisan.

You LOVED political which hunts when the subject was Carl Rove or Dick Cheney, you hypocritical hack.
CaféAuLait;5519306 said:
The House has sent several budgets to the Senate where Harry Reid didn't bring them to the floor for a vote. This Republican controlled Committee consists of 23 Republicans and 17 Democrats out of 435 House members.

Both Holder and Obama can avoid the House vote...clock is ticking...

This vote mat not just fall along partisan lines:

Democratic leader: Some may join GOP in Holder vote

NRA pressure could push some Dems to vote contempt for Holder – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Holder needs to be brought down. Obama needs to follow suit.

This whole affair reeks of scandal...

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