Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

What I don't understand is why, according to the "Obama Is Going To Take Our Guns" crowd, it matters a great deal that a lot of Mexicans have been killed with American doesn't matter at all about the Americans that are killed everyday in the same manner.

Why are Mexicans dying a huge issue and a massive governmental conspiracy, when Americans dying is just business as usual and doesn't raise a mention?

Who told you that it doesn't matter?

Because it happens every day but the gun nuts are kicking up the big fuss about the F&F thing.
Where is the outrage from them about the deaths in America?

Is that what you've been told over there in earth's armpit? There is plenty of outrage over any crimes that result in needless deaths, asshole. If one person is killed in Philidelphia and on the same day a person is killed in Oregon, everyone touched by those tragedies will be outraged and saddened but it might not be a burning national issue. If, however, we discovered that the government was behind a botched scheme that resulted in both of those deaths and many, many more you're damn right the story would take on a different scope. Does that make sense to you? Ask your village elders to explain it to you over the camp fire tonight.
Aaaaaand bigretardedqueenofcalinkey lives over here, watching out for Democrats, lest they turn out to be liberals, which will piss redstate retards way the hell off.

F&F will wind up in court, bigretard, no matter how much you spank it, in public, in front of Queer Fartbag and pussyshithead and Ravi and Quasi-mo, for the glory of the Log Cabin Club.
Who told you that it doesn't matter?

Because it happens every day but the gun nuts are kicking up the big fuss about the F&F thing.
Where is the outrage from them about the deaths in America?

Is that what you've been told over there in earth's armpit? There is plenty of outrage over any crimes that result in needless deaths, asshole. If one person is killed in Philidelphia and on the same day a person is killed in Oregon, everyone touched by those tragedies will be outraged and saddened but it might not be a burning national issue. If, however, we discovered that the government was behind a botched scheme that resulted in both of those deaths and many, many more you're damn right the story would take on a different scope. Does that make sense to you? Ask your village elders to explain it to you over the camp fire tonight.

But why isn't it a burning national issue?
All those Americans dying?

Meanwhile, guns, sold legally, have been used to kill foreigners and you care more about that?

Shouldn't you be more upset that the sneaky and dastardly government agents were tracking weapons that were sold legally in America?
Doesn't that go against the right to bear arms?
What right have the government got to know where those guns have gone?
That's the real outrage, surely?
Where will it end?
They'll be wanting to know where your guns are next!
Find me evidence.

Until theres evidence, its a theory.

Whats next? Bush was behind 9/11? The CIA/Mafia killed Kennedy? We never landed on the Moon?

It was a STING operation that was stupidly concieved and stupidly executed that blew up in their faces and THAT is enough to make Obama and Holder look incompetent. The whole "2nd amendment" slant is just another election year attempt by Chicken Little to make us believe that "The Democrats are after our guns!!!" ...again.

Also, was Operation Wide Receiver a plot to remove guns from law-abiding and peace-loving Americans as well?
There wasn't a cover up with wide receiver and their wasn't a denial that the program existed. That's the problem we have the denial and now the cover up.

And I fully support and share your outrage on those two issues. But to drag in the conspiracy theory that the whole thing was a secret attack on the 2nd amendment takes the issue from righteous outrage into tin foil hat wearing territory.
Because it happens every day but the gun nuts are kicking up the big fuss about the F&F thing.
Where is the outrage from them about the deaths in America?

Is that what you've been told over there in earth's armpit? There is plenty of outrage over any crimes that result in needless deaths, asshole. If one person is killed in Philidelphia and on the same day a person is killed in Oregon, everyone touched by those tragedies will be outraged and saddened but it might not be a burning national issue. If, however, we discovered that the government was behind a botched scheme that resulted in both of those deaths and many, many more you're damn right the story would take on a different scope. Does that make sense to you? Ask your village elders to explain it to you over the camp fire tonight.

But why isn't it a burning national issue?
All those Americans dying?

Are you really this stupid? Does your isolated village lack sufficient genetic diversity?

Did you know that there is a huge wildfire burning out of control in Colorado right now? Huge. It is a national news story.

There was a house fire in a small suburb of Boston a few days ago. There was also a house fire in a small suburb of Dallas a few days ago. Do you think those were national news stories?

Bad news in all three cases. Can you tell what the difference is between them? Can you figure out why one is a national news story whereas the other two are local news stories? It must be difficult for you to grasp since your entire country is basically a small suburb of the world, but take a break from adding new rings to your neck and think about it for a minute.
Aaaaaand bigretardedqueenofcalinkey lives over here, watching out for Democrats, lest they turn out to be liberals, which will piss redstate retards way the hell off.

F&F will wind up in court, bigretard, no matter how much you spank it, in public, in front of Queer Fartbag and pussyshithead and Ravi and Quasi-mo, for the glory of the Log Cabin Club.
Does anyone speak moron so this can be translated?
Is that what you've been told over there in earth's armpit? There is plenty of outrage over any crimes that result in needless deaths, asshole. If one person is killed in Philidelphia and on the same day a person is killed in Oregon, everyone touched by those tragedies will be outraged and saddened but it might not be a burning national issue. If, however, we discovered that the government was behind a botched scheme that resulted in both of those deaths and many, many more you're damn right the story would take on a different scope. Does that make sense to you? Ask your village elders to explain it to you over the camp fire tonight.

But why isn't it a burning national issue?
All those Americans dying?

Are you really this stupid? Does your isolated village lack sufficient genetic diversity?

Did you know that there is a huge wildfire burning out of control in Colorado right now? Huge. It is a national news story.

There was a house fire in a small suburb of Boston a few days ago. There was also a house fire in a small suburb of Dallas a few days ago. Do you think those were national news stories?

Bad news in all three cases. Can you tell what the difference is between them? Can you figure out why one is a national news story whereas the other two are local news stories? It must be difficult for you to grasp since your entire country is basically a small suburb of the world, but take a break from adding new rings to your neck and think about it for a minute.

How many Americans were shot dead, in America, in the last 24 hours?
How many?

Oh, sorry about the fires, that's awful too...but that's bad news, not a potential outrage.
Uuuuuunnnnnllllessssssssss...Obama set those fires!
Yes, he set the fires as an attack on the Constitution.
Now...we just need a theory as to the reason.

I'm sure you or one of your fellow inhabitants of the State of Fear can help me out.
but why isn't it a burning national issue?
All those americans dying?

are you really this stupid? Does your isolated village lack sufficient genetic diversity?

Did you know that there is a huge wildfire burning out of control in colorado right now? Huge. It is a national news story.

There was a house fire in a small suburb of boston a few days ago. There was also a house fire in a small suburb of dallas a few days ago. Do you think those were national news stories?

Bad news in all three cases. Can you tell what the difference is between them? Can you figure out why one is a national news story whereas the other two are local news stories? It must be difficult for you to grasp since your entire country is basically a small suburb of the world, but take a break from adding new rings to your neck and think about it for a minute.

how many americans were shot dead, in america, in the last 24 hours?
How many?

Oh, sorry about the fires, that's awful too...but that's bad news, not a potential outrage.
Uuuuuunnnnnllllessssssssss...obama set those fires!
Yes, he set the fires as an attack on the constitution.
Now...we just need a theory as to the reason.

I'm sure you or one of your fellow inhabitants of the state of fear can help me out.
hell how many died in a car? How many died with healthcare coverage?
Also, was Operation Wide Receiver a plot to remove guns from law-abiding and peace-loving Americans as well?
There wasn't a cover up with wide receiver and their wasn't a denial that the program existed. That's the problem we have the denial and now the cover up.

And I fully support and share your outrage on those two issues. But to drag in the conspiracy theory that the whole thing was a secret attack on the 2nd amendment takes the issue from righteous outrage into tin foil hat wearing territory.

All I will say their attempt was set back for a short time. Well never know the truth unless the courts rules that obama has to turn over all of holders papers that he kept.
But why isn't it a burning national issue?
All those Americans dying?

Are you really this stupid? Does your isolated village lack sufficient genetic diversity?

Did you know that there is a huge wildfire burning out of control in Colorado right now? Huge. It is a national news story.

There was a house fire in a small suburb of Boston a few days ago. There was also a house fire in a small suburb of Dallas a few days ago. Do you think those were national news stories?

Bad news in all three cases. Can you tell what the difference is between them? Can you figure out why one is a national news story whereas the other two are local news stories? It must be difficult for you to grasp since your entire country is basically a small suburb of the world, but take a break from adding new rings to your neck and think about it for a minute.

How many Americans were shot dead, in America, in the last 24 hours?
How many?

Oh, sorry about the fires, that's awful too...but that's bad news, not a potential outrage.
Uuuuuunnnnnllllessssssssss...Obama set those fires!
Yes, he set the fires as an attack on the Constitution.
Now...we just need a theory as to the reason.

I'm sure you or one of your fellow inhabitants of the State of Fear can help me out.

And this is why you are and shall remain just a small little jerk in a small little jerkwater nowhere country.
are you really this stupid? Does your isolated village lack sufficient genetic diversity?

Did you know that there is a huge wildfire burning out of control in colorado right now? Huge. It is a national news story.

There was a house fire in a small suburb of boston a few days ago. There was also a house fire in a small suburb of dallas a few days ago. Do you think those were national news stories?

Bad news in all three cases. Can you tell what the difference is between them? Can you figure out why one is a national news story whereas the other two are local news stories? It must be difficult for you to grasp since your entire country is basically a small suburb of the world, but take a break from adding new rings to your neck and think about it for a minute.

how many americans were shot dead, in america, in the last 24 hours?
How many?

Oh, sorry about the fires, that's awful too...but that's bad news, not a potential outrage.
Uuuuuunnnnnllllessssssssss...obama set those fires!
Yes, he set the fires as an attack on the constitution.
Now...we just need a theory as to the reason.

I'm sure you or one of your fellow inhabitants of the state of fear can help me out.
hell how many died in a car? How many died with healthcare coverage?

Now you're getting it!

Anyway, what's your theory on why Obama is burning down Colorado?
I hope they impeach his arse!
Are you really this stupid? Does your isolated village lack sufficient genetic diversity?

Did you know that there is a huge wildfire burning out of control in Colorado right now? Huge. It is a national news story.

There was a house fire in a small suburb of Boston a few days ago. There was also a house fire in a small suburb of Dallas a few days ago. Do you think those were national news stories?

Bad news in all three cases. Can you tell what the difference is between them? Can you figure out why one is a national news story whereas the other two are local news stories? It must be difficult for you to grasp since your entire country is basically a small suburb of the world, but take a break from adding new rings to your neck and think about it for a minute.

How many Americans were shot dead, in America, in the last 24 hours?
How many?

Oh, sorry about the fires, that's awful too...but that's bad news, not a potential outrage.
Uuuuuunnnnnllllessssssssss...Obama set those fires!
Yes, he set the fires as an attack on the Constitution.
Now...we just need a theory as to the reason.

I'm sure you or one of your fellow inhabitants of the State of Fear can help me out.

And this is why you are and shall remain just a small little jerk in a small little jerkwater nowhere country.

Quick, switch Glenn on, he'll tell you what to think!!!!
how many americans were shot dead, in america, in the last 24 hours?
How many?

Oh, sorry about the fires, that's awful too...but that's bad news, not a potential outrage.
Uuuuuunnnnnllllessssssssss...obama set those fires!
Yes, he set the fires as an attack on the constitution.
Now...we just need a theory as to the reason.

I'm sure you or one of your fellow inhabitants of the state of fear can help me out.
hell how many died in a car? How many died with healthcare coverage?

Now you're getting it!

Anyway, what's your theory on why Obama is burning down Colorado?
I hope they impeach his arse!

I wouldn't you still have sheep sleeping in your bed?
Sarah Brady, brought up the issue of gun control, “to fill us in that it was very much on his agenda,” she said.

“I just want you to know that we are working on it,” Brady recalled the president telling them. “We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”
Sarah Brady, brought up the issue of gun control, “to fill us in that it was very much on his agenda,” she said.

“I just want you to know that we are working on it,” Brady recalled the president telling them. “We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”

Sure, he may have an agenda.
Every administration does.
But can't anything he proposes be tested in the Supreme Court?
Isn't that where the constitutionality of a law is tested?
Shouldn't you be fearfully looking out from under the bed at The Supreme Court?
Sarah Brady, brought up the issue of gun control, “to fill us in that it was very much on his agenda,” she said.

“I just want you to know that we are working on it,” Brady recalled the president telling them. “We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”

Sure, he may have an agenda.
Every administration does.
But can't anything he proposes be tested in the Supreme Court?
Isn't that where the constitutionality of a law is tested?
Shouldn't you be fearfully looking out from under the bed at The Supreme Court?

His agenda is gun control and to work under the radar
If Holder was smart, he would fall on his sword Ollie North style and negotiate a 1 year prison term and then get a job in the Obamarezco Green Energy Corporation as the public affairs officer.

But maybe he isn't very smart.
How many Americans were shot dead, in America, in the last 24 hours?
How many?

Oh, sorry about the fires, that's awful too...but that's bad news, not a potential outrage.
Uuuuuunnnnnllllessssssssss...Obama set those fires!
Yes, he set the fires as an attack on the Constitution.
Now...we just need a theory as to the reason.

I'm sure you or one of your fellow inhabitants of the State of Fear can help me out.

And this is why you are and shall remain just a small little jerk in a small little jerkwater nowhere country.

Quick, switch Glenn on, he'll tell you what to think!!!!

Who? Hitting the communal pipe a little early this evening?
Sarah Brady, brought up the issue of gun control, “to fill us in that it was very much on his agenda,” she said.

“I just want you to know that we are working on it,” Brady recalled the president telling them. “We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”

Until theres actual legislation proposed, its just political pandering. Nothing new for ANY politician.

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