Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Sarah Brady, brought up the issue of gun control, “to fill us in that it was very much on his agenda,” she said.

“I just want you to know that we are working on it,” Brady recalled the president telling them. “We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”

Until theres actual legislation proposed, its just political pandering. Nothing new for ANY politician.

I thought his policy on gun control was made fairly clear.
"End the Dangerous Cycle of Youth Violence: Obama and Biden support innovative local programs, like the CeaseFire program in Chicago, which implement a community-based strategy to prevent youth violence and have been proven effective.

"Address Gun Violence in Cities: Obama and Biden would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent."
Obama Outlines Gun Control Policy

An article from three years ago....when exactly did they repeal?

Didnt? hmmm guess that blows that out of the water huh?
Until theres actual legislation proposed, its just political pandering. Nothing new for ANY politician.

I thought his policy on gun control was made fairly clear.
"End the Dangerous Cycle of Youth Violence: Obama and Biden support innovative local programs, like the CeaseFire program in Chicago, which implement a community-based strategy to prevent youth violence and have been proven effective.

"Address Gun Violence in Cities: Obama and Biden would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent."
Obama Outlines Gun Control Policy

An article from three years ago....when exactly did they repeal?

Didnt? hmmm guess that blows that out of the water huh?

I don't see a date mentioned in there.

GOP Oversight Chair Admits There Is No Evidence Of White House Involvement In Fast And Furious

WALLACE: Do you have any evidence that White House officials were involved in these decisions, that they knowingly misled Congress, and are involved in a cover-up?

ISSA: No, we don’t. And what we are seeking are documents that we know to exist, February 4 to December [2011] that are in fact about [murdered Border Patrol agent] Brian Terry’s murder, who knew, and why people were lying about it…

WALLACE: I want to be clear, because we’ve got to get out, no evidence that the White House is involved in the cover up?

ISSA: And I hope they don’t get involved.

Oversight Chair No Evidence White House Involvement | ThinkProgress
Let's do the redstate rant, while the Issa Gang jerks off, until F&F ends up, in court:
Ooga-booga, ooga-booga, ooga-booga-BOO!

Obama and Holder, we poo all over YOU!

What comes after that? We gots da CRS.
Let's do the redstate rant, while the Issa Gang jerks off, until F&F ends up, in court:
Ooga-booga, ooga-booga, ooga-booga-BOO!

Obama and Holder, we poo all over YOU!

What comes after that? We gots da CRS.

Is there anyone on duty today that can translate moron?
Find me evidence.

Until theres evidence, its a theory.

Whats next? Bush was behind 9/11? The CIA/Mafia killed Kennedy? We never landed on the Moon?

It was a STING operation that was stupidly concieved and stupidly executed that blew up in their faces and THAT is enough to make Obama and Holder look incompetent. The whole "2nd amendment" slant is just another election year attempt by Chicken Little to make us believe that "The Democrats are after our guns!!!" ...again.

The point is to find evidence. If there were no evidence of wrong doing, Holder and Obama would not be engaging in a coverup.

We do have evidence of direct lies to congress by Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano;

{…Comment. Claims by Mexican and U.S. officials that upwards of 90 percent of illegal recovered weapons can be traced back to the U.S. is based on an incomplete survey of confiscated weapons. In point of fact, without wider access to the weapons seized in Mexico, we really have no way of verifying these numbers. Joint efforts to develop intelligence that can serve the impetus for investigations and prosecutions of individuals or companies that market firearms to the cartels, will require Mexican and USG law enforcement agencies to share essential crime scene forensic information on a real time basis. Post law enforcement agencies will continue to work closely with their Mexican counterparts to break down institutional divisions and facilitate more information sharing on arms trafficking cases both among the Mexican agencies and with U.S. partners. End Comment} - Wikileaks; Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano
That's why Issa told Chris Wallace on Fox News how he had nothing, on the White House.

Schwarzenegger got a girl pregnant, you idiot zombie wingnut! He's getting away! Get him to trial!
I still don't get why you're defending Holder so vigorously. What do you owe him? Why sell your soul for him?

I disagree with the primise that the botched gun walking scheme is in anyway near the depth of Nixons crimes that came out of the Watergate scandel.

I consider it bit crazy to think the Administration planned on using this as some sort of covert operation to convince Americans that we must recend our 2nd amendment rights.

It is a politcal witch-hunt. I don't like political witch-hunts do you? It is a waste of time and money. I thought the House was supposed to be working on the economy not on some partisan ploy. Wait a minute, it's a Republican controlled House. The vote was completely partisan.

You LOVED political which hunts when the subject was Carl Rove or Dick Cheney, you hypocritical hack.

Feel free to link to my statements of support for those investigations or contempt of congress citations. Thank you.
Are you saying holder has no control of his departments? Are you saying he's incompetent?

I made no conclusion because I don't know who gave the okay on this operation.

What you're saying is departments can do as they please and can run any kind of program they want to? If that's the case holder is not doing his job and controlling his people. Or he gave the ok to start the programs. Take your pick.

You certainly have framed your picks as well as can be expected. :clap2:
Holy guys see where there appears to be enough Democrats that agree he is in contempt that Congress will have the votes to approve the measure?
That's why Issa told Chris Wallace on Fox News how he had nothing, on the White House.

That's not at all what he said, Bugnuts - but you don't mind lying about it. You're a mindless partisan hack.

Schwarzenegger got a girl pregnant, you idiot zombie wingnut!

Well that excuses providing weapons to the Mexican drug cartels that got hundreds of people killed.

He's getting away! Get him to trial!

Does it hurt? I mean actual, physical pain, to that stupid? When you first realized just how severely retarded you are, were you emotionally distraught?

Since when?? Well, conservatives seem to think it was when Dan Rather lied about GWB.. Were they wrong??

Assuming you meant to type 'think', you are claiming that the 'right' thought Dan Rather was a sock for the right? It was a huge misunderstanding that got him canned?

It was a typo, dear. Why did you feel it necessary to make a comment?? I tend to think that kind of behavior is kind of punky.

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