Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

It proves that MSN and Fortune are tied and have been for a long time. Joint ventures are a common theme of Microsoft. The merger with Fortune, like the one with NBC, is part of the Microsoft strategy of using established venues to foray into markets.

So, by your logic, since NBC and the Wall Street Journal both regularly engage in joint ventures:

NBC/WSJ poll: Obama, Romney remain in dead heat - Lean Forward

Does that mean that MSNBC is a right-wing news outlet, or that the Wall Street Journal is a Left-wing outlet?

Or do you think they've "merged" to become one wildly swinging news conglomerate?

Because I'm betting Rupert Murdoch would be a bit surprised to hear that his paper has "merged" with NBC...

That means nothing at all.

And Time magazine, who actually DOES own Fortune, leans right.

Do you think Time leans as far right as Hugo Chavez? Well, not that far right.. Maybe they lean right the way ThinkProgress does, huh?

I hope that made sense in your head, because it's just a mess of jibber-jabber on my screen.
If enough Democrats break? Way to spin there short bus. Don't need one democrat vote to get the vote.

But a lot of dems will vote for the censure anyway.

While fuckwits like Bugnuts see only party, Holder has defied the authority of the United States Congress. That pisses a lot of Congressmen off, including democrats. Pelosi and the SS will move to keep the dims obedient, but many will break ranks and vote to censure Holder.
If enough Democrats break? Way to spin there short bus. Don't need one democrat vote to get the vote.

But a lot of dems will vote for the censure anyway.

While fuckwits like Bugnuts see only party, Holder has defied the authority of the United States Congress. That pisses a lot of Congressmen off, including democrats. Pelosi and the SS will move to keep the dims obedient, but many will break ranks and vote to censure Holder.

I know but short buses post was misleading.
So, by your logic, since NBC and the Wall Street Journal both regularly engage in joint ventures:

NBC/WSJ poll: Obama, Romney remain in dead heat - Lean Forward

Does that mean that MSNBC is a right-wing news outlet, or that the Wall Street Journal is a Left-wing outlet?

Or do you think they've "merged" to become one wildly swinging news conglomerate?

Because I'm betting Rupert Murdoch would be a bit surprised to hear that his paper has "merged" with NBC...

Not exactly the same. Joint polling is a joint venture, but MSN is the web portal for Fortune - not so in regard to the WSJ.

I hope that made sense in your head, because it's just a mess of jibber-jabber on my screen.

Time magazine is a far left, to claim it, the NY Times, or Washington Post, as "right leaning" is absurd.
Seriously, Unconsiouscornhole, you are queer AND stupid. You can't think, you can't write, and you don't post at a lot of threads, do you. The threads where you post are where the queer wingnuts all try to make shit, without squat, in the hope of shitting their pants, in front of each other.

"Does it hurt? I mean actual, physical pain, TO THAT STUPID?" I've actually had to talk to queer as a three-dollar-hillbilly retards, like YOU, in real life. Even though I don't much like it, writing to you guys beats actually being where you shit your goddamn pants, spread HIV, then eat shit, and die.

When you didn't realize F&F would wind up in court, after the NRA got into it, what is keeping you from simply finishing the shit, in your pants, and moving on?

I go over to this stupid thread, after I post, at a lot of others, since I need to see where the wingpunk queers all run off to, when they don't have a lot of crackpot arguments, against global climate change. Believe it or not, you wingpunk queers usually argue, against global warming, with the same kind of shit you post, here. So I come over here, to check it.

When you first realized you were a dumbfuck queer, who couldn't talk, did you think you would help yourself, by writing a lot of shit, about how you'd like to suck Issa's balls, in front of all your Log Cabin Club punkhole shitbags?

Bugnuts, you're what clinical psychologists refer to as "a fucking retard."

You are incapable of posting a rational response to anything.

Unconsciouscornhole, you and bigretardedqueenofcalinkey and Queer Fartbag and The Twat and all the other Log Cabin Club wingnut-punkholes in the stupified US of A are completely fucking demented daisy-chainers, so piss on you bitches, all day and night!

It looks like some of the points in the Fortune article reinforce my claim, this case will end up in court, IF the House Republicans want to move past voting for a contempt charge, to actually getting their hands on documents, related to ongoing investigations.

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal - Fortune Features

"For its part, the ATF would not answer specific questions, citing ongoing investigations. But a spokesperson for the agency provided a written statement noting that the "ATF did not exercise proper oversight, planning or judgment in executing this case. We at ATF have accepted responsibility and have taken appropriate and decisive action to insure that these errors in oversight and judgment never occur again." The statement asserted that the "ATF has clarified its firearms transfer policy to focus on interdiction or early intervention to prevent the criminal acquisition, trafficking and misuse of firearms," and it cited changes in coordination and oversight at the ATF.

Irony abounds when it comes to the Fast and Furious scandal. But the ultimate irony is this: Republicans who support the National Rifle Association and its attempts to weaken gun laws are lambasting ATF agents for not seizing enough weapons—ones that, in this case, prosecutors deemed to be legal."


Naturally, you wingpunk queers think the only thing going on here is the House committee on how Republicans have their heads up their assholes, without the rats doing shit about it is the only game, going on. Noooooo, fucktards, noooooo!

HOW MANY pages of this shit loaded on USMB, and nobody doped the vote or the issues? 200? 300? Never underestimate a load of Log Cabin Club queers, bitching.


Naturally, you queers have been over here, for days, without actually pasting together some real links and issues, so along comes The Twat, and he finally gets the Issa letter link, done, after I put it up. You bitches let the flame-zine story suffice, for awhile, didn't you. Eat big shitlogs and die, redstate queers.
So the issue here is that the Obama Admin supposedly has been advising DOJ on what to do and say following the total (and forseeable) failure of F&F?

I'm just asking, cuz I've seen people claiming this is some "grand, gun-control conspiracy" and typically BS along the lines of that.
Not exactly the same. Joint polling is a joint venture, but MSN is the web portal for Fortune - not so in regard to the WSJ.

Time magazine is a far left, to claim it, the NY Times, or Washington Post, as "right leaning" is absurd.

According to you, 90% of the media is "far-left", and the other 10% is "moderate".

So, you'll have to excuse me if I don't take you seriously when you say a magazine is "Far-Left". Especially one that I've read often, and know to be specifically not "far-left".

Next you'll be claiming that the WSJ was "far-left" until Murdoch took it over.
I know but short buses post was misleading.

I'm a little concerned if this ends up a vote down party lines, or close to party lines. Since the censure is purely a political act, it could actually harm the Republicans if this is portrayed by the DNC press as empty partisan theatrics.

*THAT* is already happening 'Bro...

Jay Carney: Fast and Furious Contempt Vote Just ‘Political Theater’

OK glad you brought this up T. If this is purely politics as the democrats say it is, and there is nothing to hide, why don't they release the documents and prove their is nothing there? What better way then to show that this is political and show that there was nothing to hide?
Not exactly the same. Joint polling is a joint venture, but MSN is the web portal for Fortune - not so in regard to the WSJ.

Time magazine is a far left, to claim it, the NY Times, or Washington Post, as "right leaning" is absurd.

According to you, 90% of the media is "far-left", and the other 10% is "moderate".

So, you'll have to excuse me if I don't take you seriously when you say a magazine is "Far-Left". Especially one that I've read often, and know to be specifically not "far-left".

Next you'll be claiming that the WSJ was "far-left" until Murdoch took it over.

Maybe the 90% /10% is true when compared to him.

On another forum I frequent, someone claimed the forum was a left wing forum but MOST of the people there were to the right of me so I saw it differently.
I'm a little concerned if this ends up a vote down party lines, or close to party lines. Since the censure is purely a political act, it could actually harm the Republicans if this is portrayed by the DNC press as empty partisan theatrics.

*THAT* is already happening 'Bro...

Jay Carney: Fast and Furious Contempt Vote Just ‘Political Theater’

OK glad you brought this up T. If this is purely politics as the democrats say it is, and there is nothing to hide, why don't they release the documents and prove their is nothing there? What better way then to show that this is political and show that there was nothing to hide?

Just to play devils advocate on this point...

saying that something could be used to illustrate a point and creating something to specifically illustrate a point are two very different things. Do you really think EITHER side will allow for that nuance or point to anything they can as a smoking gun? ( pun intended )

OK glad you brought this up T. If this is purely politics as the democrats say it is, and there is nothing to hide, why don't they release the documents and prove their is nothing there? What better way then to show that this is political and show that there was nothing to hide?

Just to play devils advocate on this point...

saying that something could be used to illustrate a point and creating something to specifically illustrate a point are two very different things. Do you really think EITHER side will allow for that nuance or point to anything they can as a smoking gun? ( pun intended )
The democrats can say see I told you so, nothing there.
According to you, 90% of the media is "far-left", and the other 10% is "moderate".

So, you'll have to excuse me if I don't take you seriously when you say a magazine is "Far-Left". Especially one that I've read often, and know to be specifically not "far-left".

Next you'll be claiming that the WSJ was "far-left" until Murdoch took it over.

Honestly, I have NEVER heard anyone claim Time was anything other than left of center before.

What would possibly make them "right, " as you claimed? Do you think the NY Times is also "Right Wing?" The Washington Post? The Huffington Post?
I'm a little concerned if this ends up a vote down party lines, or close to party lines. Since the censure is purely a political act, it could actually harm the Republicans if this is portrayed by the DNC press as empty partisan theatrics.

*THAT* is already happening 'Bro...

Jay Carney: Fast and Furious Contempt Vote Just ‘Political Theater’

OK glad you brought this up T. If this is purely politics as the democrats say it is, and there is nothing to hide, why don't they release the documents and prove their is nothing there? What better way then to show that this is political and show that there was nothing to hide?

Precisely. Many of us made that point as did quite a few pundits last week.

WHY the EP...why did holder agree on one day and the next say 'NO it could be damaging...' the very next day? ISSA'S Letter addresses this if you care to read it.

Issa asked the very question.
According to you, 90% of the media is "far-left", and the other 10% is "moderate".

So, you'll have to excuse me if I don't take you seriously when you say a magazine is "Far-Left". Especially one that I've read often, and know to be specifically not "far-left".

Next you'll be claiming that the WSJ was "far-left" until Murdoch took it over.

Honestly, I have NEVER heard anyone claim Time was anything other than left of center before.

What would possibly make them "right, " as you claimed? Do you think the NY Times is also "Right Wing?" The Washington Post? The Huffington Post?

Time is hugely left wing. End story.

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