Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

That's why Issa told Chris Wallace on Fox News how he had nothing, on the White House.

That's not at all what he said, Bugnuts - but you don't mind lying about it. You're a mindless partisan hack.

Schwarzenegger got a girl pregnant, you idiot zombie wingnut!

Well that excuses providing weapons to the Mexican drug cartels that got hundreds of people killed.

He's getting away! Get him to trial!

Does it hurt? I mean actual, physical pain, to that stupid? When you first realized just how severely retarded you are, were you emotionally distraught?

What did Issa say, you ranting homosexuals? "Either you and your senior advisers . . ." AND HE GOT ON FOX NEWS, LIVE, SUNDAY, AND SAID HE DIDN'T HAVE SQUAT, ON OBAMA, you stupid fucktards!

Since the report came from some wingnut rant-rag, and since I am an independent, who isn't voting for either Obamney, black or white, EAT SHIT AND DIE, you stinking, Log Cabin Club punkholes!

WHAT excuses not ending the drug war, while you wingpunk-zombies queer around, Unconsciouscornhole and The Twat? Did you forget, somebody else got killed, since Brian Terry? You forgot, somebody got killed, before, during, and after, since you are queers, with CRS, DKS, and HUB.

You right-wing queers forgot all about how GW and Cheney lied, to get the US to do Iraqi Freedom and torture. It was up to the Democrats to nail them, but since the rats let the pubs run, hey now. Eat shit, you queers in traffic! Just because rats suck doesn't get me voting for pub-punkholes.

You forgot, how F&F will end up in court, and you forgot how Issa is a schmuck, WHO DOESN'T HAVE SQUAT, ON OBAMA, and he knows he doesn't have squat. As for Holder, who knows what all those dicks will do?

Dicks did Nixon, back in the day, since Nixon could be shown, to have criminal intent, where prosecuted criminal cases were connected. Obama won't go down, to that.

The Republicans did Project Gunrunner AND Operation Wide Receiver, and they didn't kill anybody, did they? Did you queers make sure?

Did you make sure GW's use of executive privilege was all jake? He did it a lot more, than black Obamney did. You queers probably have me confused with somebody blue, who gives a shit, except for the fact I like to piss on redstate-retard zombies.

So at the bottom is a link to Issa's letter, not to your slow-loading shit-rag for neo-cons.

"Does it hurt? I mean actual, physical pain, to that stupid?" WHAT hurts, your incoherent, English-as-a-wingnut-language rant? WHAT hurts, Mexican girls won't make out with YOU, since YOU proved the white-trash gene-pool is fatally compromised?

Does it hurt, to know the only thing you Log Cabin Club neo-cons have in common, with Honest Abe is your persistent homosexual tendencies?

Rep. Issa Letter to Obama Re: Executive Privilege

Redstate wingnut on the hunt, for BRAINS!

What did Issa say, you ranting homosexuals?

Bugnuts, you're what clinical psychologists refer to as "a fucking retard."

Issa stated the truth, this is an investigation by a congressional committee. The subpoenas issued to Holder are to find the facts. If the facts were already known, there would be no need for an investigation.

Seriously, you are incredibly stupid.
I made no conclusion because I don't know who gave the okay on this operation.

What you're saying is departments can do as they please and can run any kind of program they want to? If that's the case holder is not doing his job and controlling his people. Or he gave the ok to start the programs. Take your pick.

You certainly have framed your picks as well as can be expected. :clap2:

If holder can't maintain more control over his departments he does not need to be in control. We know the DOJ conducted operations like this under Bush what makes you think the DOJ didn't start them under holder?
Hell Napolitano was aware of Fast and Furious in 2009

[ame=]Napolitano Aware of Fast and Furious in 2009 - YouTube[/ame]
Holy guys see where there appears to be enough Democrats that agree he is in contempt that Congress will have the votes to approve the measure?

Holder is toast. This is going to be a very BAD day for Obama tomorrow.
Isn't fortune owned and published by MSNBC?

Why, yes it is - MSN/Money-Fortune....


Fortune Magazine is owned by Time, Inc, which is owned by Time Warner.


It is a publication whose editorial pages have historically supported free markets and free trade.

Thanks for playing though.

Fortune Magazine is owned by Time, Inc, which is owned by Time Warner.


It is a publication whose editorial pages have historically supported free markets and free trade.

Thanks for playing though.

Fortune's stock picks for 2012- MSN Money

Try again.

Fortune is part of a merger with MSN/Money - and has been for years.

Tied to MSNBC.

Forbes is the free market investment magazine, Fortune has always leaned far left - as does Time.
I don't give a SHIT about 'Fortune'.

Holder goes DOWN...Tomorrow. :eusa_hand:

He'll be censured, but that doesn't really mean much.

I think it could hurt Obama in the polls, but with fascist care being tossed out tomorrow, most likely no one will notice.
I don't give a SHIT about 'Fortune'.

Holder goes DOWN...Tomorrow. :eusa_hand:

He'll be censured, but that doesn't really mean much.

I think it could hurt Obama in the polls, but with fascist care being tossed out tomorrow, most likely no one will notice.

It's a blow to Obama's creds.

And yeah...stroke of genius the vote happens on the same day as the death of Obamacare...the media will be diverted.
What did Issa say, you ranting homosexuals?

Bugnuts, you're what clinical psychologists refer to as "a fucking retard."

Issa stated the truth, this is an investigation by a congressional committee. The subpoenas issued to Holder are to find the facts. If the facts were already known, there would be no need for an investigation.

Seriously, you are incredibly stupid.

Does it hurt? I mean actual, physical pain, to that stupid? When you first realized just how severely retarded you are, were you emotionally distraught?

Seriously, Unconsiouscornhole, you are queer AND stupid. You can't think, you can't write, and you don't post at a lot of threads, do you. The threads where you post are where the queer wingnuts all try to make shit, without squat, in the hope of shitting their pants, in front of each other.

"Does it hurt? I mean actual, physical pain, TO THAT STUPID?" I've actually had to talk to queer as a three-dollar-hillbilly retards, like YOU, in real life. Even though I don't much like it, writing to you guys beats actually being where you shit your goddamn pants, spread HIV, then eat shit, and die.

When you didn't realize F&F would wind up in court, after the NRA got into it, what is keeping you from simply finishing the shit, in your pants, and moving on?

I go over to this stupid thread, after I post, at a lot of others, since I need to see where the wingpunk queers all run off to, when they don't have a lot of crackpot arguments, against global climate change. Believe it or not, you wingpunk queers usually argue, against global warming, with the same kind of shit you post, here. So I come over here, to check it.

When you first realized you were a dumbfuck queer, who couldn't talk, did you think you would help yourself, by writing a lot of shit, about how you'd like to suck Issa's balls, in front of all your Log Cabin Club punkhole shitbags?
When you didn't realize F&F would wind up in court, after the NRA got into it, what is keeping you from simply finishing the shit, in your pants, and moving on?

Holder / DOJ should have never lied.

Coverups getcha.
Fortune's stock picks for 2012- MSN Money

Try again.

Fortune is part of a merger with MSN/Money - and has been for years.

Tied to MSNBC.

Forbes is the free market investment magazine, Fortune has always leaned far left - as does Time.

What the F does that prove?

That MSNBC has been using Fortune's data for their website?

That means nothing at all.

And Time magazine, who actually DOES own Fortune, leans right.
What did Issa say, you ranting homosexuals?

Bugnuts, you're what clinical psychologists refer to as "a fucking retard."

Issa stated the truth, this is an investigation by a congressional committee. The subpoenas issued to Holder are to find the facts. If the facts were already known, there would be no need for an investigation.

Seriously, you are incredibly stupid.

Does it hurt? I mean actual, physical pain, to that stupid? When you first realized just how severely retarded you are, were you emotionally distraught?

Seriously, Unconsiouscornhole, you are queer AND stupid. You can't think, you can't write, and you don't post at a lot of threads, do you. The threads where you post are where the queer wingnuts all try to make shit, without squat, in the hope of shitting their pants, in front of each other.

"Does it hurt? I mean actual, physical pain, TO THAT STUPID?" I've actually had to talk to queer as a three-dollar-hillbilly retards, like YOU, in real life. Even though I don't much like it, writing to you guys beats actually being where you shit your goddamn pants, spread HIV, then eat shit, and die.

When you didn't realize F&F would wind up in court, after the NRA got into it, what is keeping you from simply finishing the shit, in your pants, and moving on?

I go over to this stupid thread, after I post, at a lot of others, since I need to see where the wingpunk queers all run off to, when they don't have a lot of crackpot arguments, against global climate change. Believe it or not, you wingpunk queers usually argue, against global warming, with the same kind of shit you post, here. So I come over here, to check it.

When you first realized you were a dumbfuck queer, who couldn't talk, did you think you would help yourself, by writing a lot of shit, about how you'd like to suck Issa's balls, in front of all your Log Cabin Club punkhole shitbags?

You're Mr. Shaman without the crayons.:cuckoo:
Seriously, Unconsiouscornhole, you are queer AND stupid. You can't think, you can't write, and you don't post at a lot of threads, do you. The threads where you post are where the queer wingnuts all try to make shit, without squat, in the hope of shitting their pants, in front of each other.

"Does it hurt? I mean actual, physical pain, TO THAT STUPID?" I've actually had to talk to queer as a three-dollar-hillbilly retards, like YOU, in real life. Even though I don't much like it, writing to you guys beats actually being where you shit your goddamn pants, spread HIV, then eat shit, and die.

When you didn't realize F&F would wind up in court, after the NRA got into it, what is keeping you from simply finishing the shit, in your pants, and moving on?

I go over to this stupid thread, after I post, at a lot of others, since I need to see where the wingpunk queers all run off to, when they don't have a lot of crackpot arguments, against global climate change. Believe it or not, you wingpunk queers usually argue, against global warming, with the same kind of shit you post, here. So I come over here, to check it.

When you first realized you were a dumbfuck queer, who couldn't talk, did you think you would help yourself, by writing a lot of shit, about how you'd like to suck Issa's balls, in front of all your Log Cabin Club punkhole shitbags?

Bugnuts, you're what clinical psychologists refer to as "a fucking retard."

You are incapable of posting a rational response to anything.
When you didn't realize F&F would wind up in court, after the NRA got into it, what is keeping you from simply finishing the shit, in your pants, and moving on?

Holder / DOJ should have never lied.

Coverups getcha.

and it's exactly what it is. A Coverup.

Issa released a letter sent to Obama...wonder how many Leftist derps read it?

Either You Were Involved in ‘Fast & Furious’ or You Are Asserting a Presidential Power That You Know to be Unjustified: Rep. Issa’s Scathing Letter to President Obama

Letter is there for the reading.
What the F does that prove?

That MSNBC has been using Fortune's data for their website?

It proves that MSN and Fortune are tied and have been for a long time. Joint ventures are a common theme of Microsoft. The merger with Fortune, like the one with NBC, is part of the Microsoft strategy of using established venues to foray into markets.

That means nothing at all.

And Time magazine, who actually DOES own Fortune, leans right.

Do you think Time leans as far right as Hugo Chavez? Well, not that far right.. Maybe they lean right the way ThinkProgress does, huh?

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