Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

The story is an opinion piece from The Talking Points

Which part of this is false?

“During the inception and the participation through the death of Brian Terry, we have no evidence nor do we currently have strong suspicion” that Holder knew of the tactics, Issa said during testimony before the House Rules Committee on Wednesday.

“We have just the opposite, have a number of people, including Lanny Breuer, who should have known who’s responsibility was to know, that as part of our ongoing responsibility to figure out who was responsible,” Issa continued.

Did Issa not make this statement?

Where is the video of Issa saying it? MSNBC would be playing 24/7
The story is an opinion piece from The Talking Points

Which part of this is false?

“During the inception and the participation through the death of Brian Terry, we have no evidence nor do we currently have strong suspicion” that Holder knew of the tactics, Issa said during testimony before the House Rules Committee on Wednesday.

“We have just the opposite, have a number of people, including Lanny Breuer, who should have known who’s responsibility was to know, that as part of our ongoing responsibility to figure out who was responsible,” Issa continued.

Did Issa not make this statement?

Where is the video of Issa saying it? MSNBC would be playing 24/7

Hmmmmm. Let me try the nutter tactic.

There is no denial from Issa that he said it. If he doesn't prove that he didn't say it, he must have said it.


May I suggest listen to this

[ame=]Inward Silence / Eri Saito - easy listening jazz - YouTube[/ame]
Gotta love the Left.

Bush gets Approval from Congress for Iraq and he needs to be Impeached.

Obama tells Congress and the SCOTUS to go fuck themselves and they defend Obama.

Where is the video of Issa saying it? MSNBC would be playing 24/7

Hmmmmm. Let me try the nutter tactic.

There is no denial from Issa that he said it. If he doesn't prove that he didn't say it, he must have said it.


nutters are those who thinks their isn't a cover up just because obama says so.

Before the use of EP I would not have Agreed. Now I think anyone that does not think Obama is at the Very least Covering for Holder, if not himself, has to be a nutter.
Gotta love the Left.

Bush gets Approval from Congress for Iraq and he needs to be Impeached.

Obama tells Congress and the SCOTUS to go fuck themselves and they defend Obama.


Bush lied to Congress.

And the Congress and the SCOTUS do need to go fuck themselves...all 9 justices and every single senator and congressperson, regardless of party affiliation.

Just saying.
Hmmmmm. Let me try the nutter tactic.

There is no denial from Issa that he said it. If he doesn't prove that he didn't say it, he must have said it.


nutters are those who thinks their isn't a cover up just because obama says so.

Before the use of EP I would not have Agreed. Now I think anyone that does not think Obama is at the Very least Covering for Holder, if not himself, has to be a nutter.

Ive provided a few examples of Obama NOT covering for Holder but using EP in this case that say otherwise.

Because we dont know whats in the documents we can only speculate. Refusal to provide the documents is not proof of guilt.

What I find the MOST interesting is how many posters in this thread were "Innocent until proven guilty" screamers in the Zimmerman threads but "They MUST be covering something up if they wont provide documents " screamers in these threads.

maybe we should all start re-evaluating our stances based on the actual ISSUE instead of what our party tells us to think, hmmmm?
Hmmmmm. Let me try the nutter tactic.

There is no denial from Issa that he said it. If he doesn't prove that he didn't say it, he must have said it.


nutters are those who thinks their isn't a cover up just because obama says so.

Before the use of EP I would not have Agreed. Now I think anyone that does not think Obama is at the Very least Covering for Holder, if not himself, has to be a nutter.

Gotta love the Left.

Bush gets Approval from Congress for Iraq and he needs to be Impeached.

Obama tells Congress and the SCOTUS to go fuck themselves and they defend Obama.


Bush lied to Congress.

And the Congress and the SCOTUS do need to go fuck themselves...all 9 justices and every single senator and congressperson, regardless of party affiliation.

Just saying.

So obama lying has to do what with bush lying?
Gotta love the Left.

Bush gets Approval from Congress for Iraq and he needs to be Impeached.

Obama tells Congress and the SCOTUS to go fuck themselves and they defend Obama.


Bush lied to Congress.

And the Congress and the SCOTUS do need to go fuck themselves...all 9 justices and every single senator and congressperson, regardless of party affiliation.

Just saying.

So obama lying has to do what with bush lying?

Nothing at all. Did you even bother to read what I was responding to? Its not like I just said Bush lied out of the blue.
Just to play devils advocate on this point...

saying that something could be used to illustrate a point and creating something to specifically illustrate a point are two very different things. Do you really think EITHER side will allow for that nuance or point to anything they can as a smoking gun? ( pun intended )

I really don't understand the position of the administration on this. When this started bubbling a couple of weeks ago, I openly posted that there would be no contempt vote, because Holder would surrender the documents.

What in the fuck is Obama thinking? Why would he create a coverup unless there is something very incriminating in the documents? And even if there is, wouldn't Holder simply destroy the incriminating evidence? These are democrats, they have no ethics, after all. So what is wrong with Obama that he is playing this game? What could he possibly think to gain?

Ok Im just gonna throw out a couple of possibilities. These are just me thinking aloud so dont take it as "This is what he is protecting"

1) There could be names or information in those documents that would identify undercover agants and such documents should not be made public as it would endanger the lives of those agents and possibly even their families

2) There could be information including in those documents that references ongoing investigations/operations and making them public would put those investigations/operations at risk as well

Its not like Republicans havent outed agents for political gain before.

Again, just playing devils advocate here.

I think that one of the points that the Administration has made is that everyone needs to feel free to discuss things openly when formulating policy or strategy.
The threat of these discussions being made public, for political point-scoring, would discourage open discourse.
Bush lied to Congress.

And the Congress and the SCOTUS do need to go fuck themselves...all 9 justices and every single senator and congressperson, regardless of party affiliation.

Just saying.

So obama lying has to do what with bush lying?

Nothing at all. Did you even bother to read what I was responding to? Its not like I just said Bush lied out of the blue.

No I didn't I turned it off at bush lied.

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