Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

So obama lying has to do what with bush lying?

Nothing at all. Did you even bother to read what I was responding to? Its not like I just said Bush lied out of the blue.

No I didn't I turned it off at bush lied.

Well there you go Big Guy. My statement Bush Lied looks like an idiot spewing out a rhetorical political nervous tick if you dont see the context I was responding to.

In the future, try to see what people are refering to huh? A little common courtesy is all Im asking :):):);):):):)
Nothing at all. Did you even bother to read what I was responding to? Its not like I just said Bush lied out of the blue.

No I didn't I turned it off at bush lied.

Well there you go Big Guy. My statement Bush Lied looks like an idiot spewing out a rhetorical political nervous tick if you dont see the context I was responding to.

In the future, try to see what people are refering to huh? A little common courtesy is all Im asking :):):);):):):)

Bush lied and it's done. Bush is gone and obama tells bigger lies.
So obama lying has to do what with bush lying?

Nothing at all. Did you even bother to read what I was responding to? Its not like I just said Bush lied out of the blue.

No I didn't I turned it off at bush lied.

DUDE! Look over your life and the links, here. Ask yourself, ARE YOU A TROLL? Do you live under a bridge, etc., etc.:

How to tell if you’re a troll

Maybe you are a stalking, wobbling, lurching oxymoron, such as a living-dead, brain-eating, crazy m-f'n, redstate-retard, of a ZOMBIE:




What is apparent is bigretardedqueenofcalinkey, The Twat, pussyshithead, Queer Fartbag, Unconsciouscornhole, and most of the day-crew at this thread pushed the page total WAY UP, without doping out the upcoming play, very well.

As I write this, the House Investigative Committee is about to vote, tomorrow, June 28, 2012, on whether Atty.Gen.Eric Holder is in contempt of Congress, for withholding documents, related to Operation Fast and Furious, which was like the Bush Administration's Project Gunrunner and Operation Wide Receiver.

Relative to Operation F&F, marked guns were used as sting-bait, to lure Mexican drug cartel-connected criminals, to involve themselves, whereupon the evidence was to be used, to convict persons, arrested.

But something went wrong. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed, in 2010, and guns connected to Op.F&F were found, nearby. Eric Holder has withheld documents, requested by the House committee, after providing some of the documents, requested by the committee and Chairman Darrell Issa, R-CA.

The vote happens tomorrow. As the following articles describe, the USDOJ would be the enforcing body, IF the committee issues a contempt citation, but Atty.Gen.Holder heads the USDOJ.

Furthermore, the ATF claims related investigations are ongoing, so what will the Republicans do, in court, if they have the nerve, to take Holder and the USDOJ and the ATF, to court?

Will the House committee get their documents, or will Holder and the USDOJ and the ATF keep everything? Comment-e-vouz, otay?

Holder faces House contempt vote on gun probe | Reuters

The Republican-led House is scheduled to vote on Thursday on whether to charge the nation's top law enforcement officer with contempt of Congress related to his withholding of documents in the "Fast and Furious" gun-running sting operation on the U.S.-Mexico border.

The operation was run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which is part of the Justice Department that Holder heads.

Speaking at a Reuters Washington Summit, Pelosi called the move against Holder "one of the most irresponsible" acts she has witnessed in the Congress, but said some Democrats are feeling pressure to vote with Republicans.

The National Rifle Association, which wields influence in both parties in Washington, has put members on notice that the contempt vote is considered a "gun issue" with repercussions for anyone voting no.

The Democratic leader said she tells members that if the Republicans "are acting politically, you may have to react politically."

Pelosi accused Republicans of trying to "tie up" Holder to keep him from looking into voter suppression activities around the country. "They want the attorney general to be tied up," she said. "They don't want him to combat voter fraud. This is such a canard."

Fast and Furious, devised by law enforcement officials in Arizona, which borders Mexico, was aimed at tracing the illegal flow of guns from the United States over the border where they were suspected of falling into the hands of violent drug cartels.

The operation went awry when agents lost track of many of the guns and at least one was found at the murder site of a U.S. Border Patrol agent. The Justice Department initially maintained that there was no operation in 2009 and 2010 to let guns "walk" over the border - a claim the agency later withdrew.

House Republicans say they are trying to determine whether high-ranking administration officials knew the true nature of Fast and Furious but withheld it from congressional investigators.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is seeking documents which Holder declined to provide after months of negotiations with top Republican leaders who control the House, saying he had already turned over thousands of pages relating to the operation, code named "Fast and Furious."


The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal - Fortune Features

The ATF's accusers seem untroubled by evidence that the policy they have pilloried didn't actually exist. "It gets back to something basic for me," says Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa). "Terry was murdered, and guns from this operation were found at his murder site." A spokesman for Issa denies that politics has played a role in the congressman's actions and says "multiple individuals across the Justice Department's component agencies share responsibility for the failure that occurred in Operation Fast and Furious." Issa's spokesman asserts that even if ATF agents followed prosecutors' directives, "the practice is nonetheless gun walking." Attorneys for Dodson declined to comment on the record.

For its part, the ATF would not answer specific questions, citing ongoing investigations. But a spokesperson for the agency provided a written statement noting that the "ATF did not exercise proper oversight, planning or judgment in executing this case. We at ATF have accepted responsibility and have taken appropriate and decisive action to insure that these errors in oversight and judgment never occur again." The statement asserted that the "ATF has clarified its firearms transfer policy to focus on interdiction or early intervention to prevent the criminal acquisition, trafficking and misuse of firearms," and it cited changes in coordination and oversight at the ATF.

Irony abounds when it comes to the Fast and Furious scandal. But the ultimate irony is this: Republicans who support the National Rifle Association and its attempts to weaken gun laws are lambasting ATF agents for not seizing enough weapons—ones that, in this case, prosecutors deemed to be legal.


Rep. Issa Letter to Obama Re: Executive Privilege


How will this play out? Will Issa have to eat poo, on toast? Will he affect the election? I don't think he can have Holder or Obama, and I don't think he can have the election, and I didn't show up to the party with CRS, like Romney dodging Bullygate, but folks have their opinions. Let's see if this case stays alive, through November.

But tomorrow, team Issa tries to beat the odds, with a vote, on an unenforcible charge.
Nothing at all. Did you even bother to read what I was responding to? Its not like I just said Bush lied out of the blue.

No I didn't I turned it off at bush lied.

DUDE! Look over your life and the links, here. Ask yourself, ARE YOU A TROLL? Do you live under a bridge, etc., etc.:

How to tell if you’re a troll

Maybe you are a stalking, wobbling, lurching oxymoron, such as a living-dead, brain-eating, crazy m-f'n, redstate-retard, of a ZOMBIE:




What is apparent is bigretardedqueenofcalinkey, The Twat, pussyshithead, Queer Fartbag, Unconsciouscornhole, and most of the day-crew at this thread pushed the page total WAY UP, without doping out the upcoming play, very well.

As I write this, the House Investigative Committee is about to vote, tomorrow, June 28, 2012, on whether Atty.Gen.Eric Holder is in contempt of Congress, for withholding documents, related to Operation Fast and Furious, which was like the Bush Administration's Project Gunrunner and Operation Wide Receiver.

Relative to Operation F&F, marked guns were used as sting-bait, to lure Mexican drug cartel-connected criminals, to involve themselves, whereupon the evidence was to be used, to convict persons, arrested.

But something went wrong. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed, in 2010, and guns connected to Op.F&F were found, nearby. Eric Holder has withheld documents, requested by the House committee, after providing some of the documents, requested by the committee and Chairman Darrell Issa, R-CA.

The vote happens tomorrow. As the following articles describe, the USDOJ would be the enforcing body, IF the committee issues a contempt citation, but Atty.Gen.Holder heads the USDOJ.

Furthermore, the ATF claims related investigations are ongoing, so what will the Republicans do, in court, if they have the nerve, to take Holder and the USDOJ and the ATF, to court?

Will the House committee get their documents, or will Holder and the USDOJ and the ATF keep everything? Comment-e-vouz, otay?

Holder faces House contempt vote on gun probe | Reuters

The Republican-led House is scheduled to vote on Thursday on whether to charge the nation's top law enforcement officer with contempt of Congress related to his withholding of documents in the "Fast and Furious" gun-running sting operation on the U.S.-Mexico border.

The operation was run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which is part of the Justice Department that Holder heads.

Speaking at a Reuters Washington Summit, Pelosi called the move against Holder "one of the most irresponsible" acts she has witnessed in the Congress, but said some Democrats are feeling pressure to vote with Republicans.

The National Rifle Association, which wields influence in both parties in Washington, has put members on notice that the contempt vote is considered a "gun issue" with repercussions for anyone voting no.

The Democratic leader said she tells members that if the Republicans "are acting politically, you may have to react politically."

Pelosi accused Republicans of trying to "tie up" Holder to keep him from looking into voter suppression activities around the country. "They want the attorney general to be tied up," she said. "They don't want him to combat voter fraud. This is such a canard."

Fast and Furious, devised by law enforcement officials in Arizona, which borders Mexico, was aimed at tracing the illegal flow of guns from the United States over the border where they were suspected of falling into the hands of violent drug cartels.

The operation went awry when agents lost track of many of the guns and at least one was found at the murder site of a U.S. Border Patrol agent. The Justice Department initially maintained that there was no operation in 2009 and 2010 to let guns "walk" over the border - a claim the agency later withdrew.

House Republicans say they are trying to determine whether high-ranking administration officials knew the true nature of Fast and Furious but withheld it from congressional investigators.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is seeking documents which Holder declined to provide after months of negotiations with top Republican leaders who control the House, saying he had already turned over thousands of pages relating to the operation, code named "Fast and Furious."


The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal - Fortune Features

The ATF's accusers seem untroubled by evidence that the policy they have pilloried didn't actually exist. "It gets back to something basic for me," says Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa). "Terry was murdered, and guns from this operation were found at his murder site." A spokesman for Issa denies that politics has played a role in the congressman's actions and says "multiple individuals across the Justice Department's component agencies share responsibility for the failure that occurred in Operation Fast and Furious." Issa's spokesman asserts that even if ATF agents followed prosecutors' directives, "the practice is nonetheless gun walking." Attorneys for Dodson declined to comment on the record.

For its part, the ATF would not answer specific questions, citing ongoing investigations. But a spokesperson for the agency provided a written statement noting that the "ATF did not exercise proper oversight, planning or judgment in executing this case. We at ATF have accepted responsibility and have taken appropriate and decisive action to insure that these errors in oversight and judgment never occur again." The statement asserted that the "ATF has clarified its firearms transfer policy to focus on interdiction or early intervention to prevent the criminal acquisition, trafficking and misuse of firearms," and it cited changes in coordination and oversight at the ATF.

Irony abounds when it comes to the Fast and Furious scandal. But the ultimate irony is this: Republicans who support the National Rifle Association and its attempts to weaken gun laws are lambasting ATF agents for not seizing enough weapons—ones that, in this case, prosecutors deemed to be legal.


Rep. Issa Letter to Obama Re: Executive Privilege


How will this play out? Will Issa have to eat poo, on toast? Will he affect the election? I don't think he can have Holder or Obama, and I don't think he can have the election, and I didn't show up to the party with CRS, like Romney dodging Bullygate, but folks have their opinions. Let's see if this case stays alive, through November.

But tomorrow, team Issa tries to beat the odds, with a vote, on an unenforcible charge.
How old are you? That's right school is out for the summer.
Nothing at all. Did you even bother to read what I was responding to? Its not like I just said Bush lied out of the blue.

No I didn't I turned it off at bush lied.

DUDE! Look over your life and the links, here. Ask yourself, ARE YOU A TROLL? Do you live under a bridge, etc., etc.:

How to tell if you’re a troll

Maybe you are a stalking, wobbling, lurching oxymoron, such as a living-dead, brain-eating, crazy m-f'n, redstate-retard, of a ZOMBIE:




What is apparent is bigretardedqueenofcalinkey, The Twat, pussyshithead, Queer Fartbag, Unconsciouscornhole, and most of the day-crew at this thread pushed the page total WAY UP, without doping out the upcoming play, very well.

As I write this, the House Investigative Committee is about to vote, tomorrow, June 28, 2012, on whether Atty.Gen.Eric Holder is in contempt of Congress, for withholding documents, related to Operation Fast and Furious, which was like the Bush Administration's Project Gunrunner and Operation Wide Receiver.

Relative to Operation F&F, marked guns were used as sting-bait, to lure Mexican drug cartel-connected criminals, to involve themselves, whereupon the evidence was to be used, to convict persons, arrested.

But something went wrong. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed, in 2010, and guns connected to Op.F&F were found, nearby. Eric Holder has withheld documents, requested by the House committee, after providing some of the documents, requested by the committee and Chairman Darrell Issa, R-CA.

The vote happens tomorrow. As the following articles describe, the USDOJ would be the enforcing body, IF the committee issues a contempt citation, but Atty.Gen.Holder heads the USDOJ.

Furthermore, the ATF claims related investigations are ongoing, so what will the Republicans do, in court, if they have the nerve, to take Holder and the USDOJ and the ATF, to court?

Will the House committee get their documents, or will Holder and the USDOJ and the ATF keep everything? Comment-e-vouz, otay?

Holder faces House contempt vote on gun probe | Reuters

The Republican-led House is scheduled to vote on Thursday on whether to charge the nation's top law enforcement officer with contempt of Congress related to his withholding of documents in the "Fast and Furious" gun-running sting operation on the U.S.-Mexico border.

The operation was run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which is part of the Justice Department that Holder heads.

Speaking at a Reuters Washington Summit, Pelosi called the move against Holder "one of the most irresponsible" acts she has witnessed in the Congress, but said some Democrats are feeling pressure to vote with Republicans.

The National Rifle Association, which wields influence in both parties in Washington, has put members on notice that the contempt vote is considered a "gun issue" with repercussions for anyone voting no.

The Democratic leader said she tells members that if the Republicans "are acting politically, you may have to react politically."

Pelosi accused Republicans of trying to "tie up" Holder to keep him from looking into voter suppression activities around the country. "They want the attorney general to be tied up," she said. "They don't want him to combat voter fraud. This is such a canard."

Fast and Furious, devised by law enforcement officials in Arizona, which borders Mexico, was aimed at tracing the illegal flow of guns from the United States over the border where they were suspected of falling into the hands of violent drug cartels.

The operation went awry when agents lost track of many of the guns and at least one was found at the murder site of a U.S. Border Patrol agent. The Justice Department initially maintained that there was no operation in 2009 and 2010 to let guns "walk" over the border - a claim the agency later withdrew.

House Republicans say they are trying to determine whether high-ranking administration officials knew the true nature of Fast and Furious but withheld it from congressional investigators.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is seeking documents which Holder declined to provide after months of negotiations with top Republican leaders who control the House, saying he had already turned over thousands of pages relating to the operation, code named "Fast and Furious."


The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal - Fortune Features

The ATF's accusers seem untroubled by evidence that the policy they have pilloried didn't actually exist. "It gets back to something basic for me," says Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa). "Terry was murdered, and guns from this operation were found at his murder site." A spokesman for Issa denies that politics has played a role in the congressman's actions and says "multiple individuals across the Justice Department's component agencies share responsibility for the failure that occurred in Operation Fast and Furious." Issa's spokesman asserts that even if ATF agents followed prosecutors' directives, "the practice is nonetheless gun walking." Attorneys for Dodson declined to comment on the record.

For its part, the ATF would not answer specific questions, citing ongoing investigations. But a spokesperson for the agency provided a written statement noting that the "ATF did not exercise proper oversight, planning or judgment in executing this case. We at ATF have accepted responsibility and have taken appropriate and decisive action to insure that these errors in oversight and judgment never occur again." The statement asserted that the "ATF has clarified its firearms transfer policy to focus on interdiction or early intervention to prevent the criminal acquisition, trafficking and misuse of firearms," and it cited changes in coordination and oversight at the ATF.

Irony abounds when it comes to the Fast and Furious scandal. But the ultimate irony is this: Republicans who support the National Rifle Association and its attempts to weaken gun laws are lambasting ATF agents for not seizing enough weapons—ones that, in this case, prosecutors deemed to be legal.


Rep. Issa Letter to Obama Re: Executive Privilege


How will this play out? Will Issa have to eat poo, on toast? Will he affect the election? I don't think he can have Holder or Obama, and I don't think he can have the election, and I didn't show up to the party with CRS, like Romney dodging Bullygate, but folks have their opinions. Let's see if this case stays alive, through November.

But tomorrow, team Issa tries to beat the odds, with a vote, on an unenforcible charge.

Back off. Big and I get along just fine. We disagree on most stuff but we have an understanding.

Youve entered crazyland, population you, with your posts, so back off.
[ame=]Issa on Holder's Knowledge of Fast and Furious - YouTube[/ame]
Gotta love the Left.

Bush gets Approval from Congress for Iraq and he needs to be Impeached.

Obama tells Congress and the SCOTUS to go fuck themselves and they defend Obama.


Bush lied to Congress.


On Sept. 18, 2002, CIA director George Tenet briefed President Bush in the Oval Office on top-secret intelligence that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, according to two former senior IA officers. Bush dismissed as worthless this information from the Iraqi foreign minister, a member of Saddam’s inner circle, although it turned out to be accurate in every detail. Tenet never brought it up again. Nor was the intelligence included in the National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002, which stated categorically that Iraq possessed WMD.

No one in Congress was aware of the secret intelligence that Saddam had no WMD as the House of Representatives and the Senate voted, a week after the submission of the NIE, on the Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq. The information, moreover, was not circulated within the CIA among those agents involved in operations to prove whether Saddam had WMD.

On April 23, 2006, CBS’s “60 Minutes” interviewed Tyler Drumheller, the former CIA chief of clandestine operations for Europe, who disclosed that the agency had received documentary intelligence from Naji Sabri, Saddam’s foreign minister, that Saddam did not have WMD. “We continued to validate him the whole way through,” said Drumheller. “The policy was set. The war in Iraq was coming, and they were looking for intelligence to fit into the policy, to justify the policyCIA confirms Bush lied about WMDs

Additionally, KMOX radio spent an entire day covering the more lies Bush told about a year after we entered Iraq. In that day, they played sound bites from Bush stating what the intelligence communtiy had told him through the NIE report. Then they read the relevent passages from that report showing that the report did not say what Bush told us all it did.

Bush lied to get us into Iraq. Big time.

There were no WMD's and he knew it before telling us all...and Congress ,that they existed.

But thats a whole other topic. One that I dont want to get into here too much, derailing this thread. If you want to discuss it, PM me with a link to a new thread or just PM me and we'll discuss it there.
Bush lied to Congress.


On Sept. 18, 2002, CIA director George Tenet briefed President Bush in the Oval Office on top-secret intelligence that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, according to two former senior IA officers. Bush dismissed as worthless this information from the Iraqi foreign minister, a member of Saddam’s inner circle, although it turned out to be accurate in every detail. Tenet never brought it up again. Nor was the intelligence included in the National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002, which stated categorically that Iraq possessed WMD.

No one in Congress was aware of the secret intelligence that Saddam had no WMD as the House of Representatives and the Senate voted, a week after the submission of the NIE, on the Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq. The information, moreover, was not circulated within the CIA among those agents involved in operations to prove whether Saddam had WMD.

On April 23, 2006, CBS’s “60 Minutes” interviewed Tyler Drumheller, the former CIA chief of clandestine operations for Europe, who disclosed that the agency had received documentary intelligence from Naji Sabri, Saddam’s foreign minister, that Saddam did not have WMD. “We continued to validate him the whole way through,” said Drumheller. “The policy was set. The war in Iraq was coming, and they were looking for intelligence to fit into the policy, to justify the policyCIA confirms Bush lied about WMDs

Additionally, KMOX radio spent an entire day covering the more lies Bush told about a year after we entered Iraq. In that day, they played sound bites from Bush stating what the intelligence communtiy had told him through the NIE report. Then they read the relevent passages from that report showing that the report did not say what Bush told us all it did.

Bush lied to get us into Iraq. Big time.

There were no WMD's and he knew it before telling us all...and Congress ,that they existed.

But thats a whole other topic. One that I dont want to get into here too much, derailing this thread. If you want to discuss it, PM me with a link to a new thread or just PM me and we'll discuss it there.

None of that proves he "lied to get us into Iraq." It just proves you have an agenda.

[ame=]Napolitano Aware of Fast and Furious in 2009 - YouTube[/ame]

There should not be any problem releasing the documents if they aren't hiding anything

That wingnut video is hilarious! The C-SPAN logo is a nice touch.

Napolitano denies knowledge of Fast and Furious gun-tracking program -
You're such a moron. The Hill says the same thing said on the video.

Napolitano Aware of Fast and Furious in 2009 - YouTube

There should not be any problem releasing the documents if they aren't hiding anything

That wingnut video is hilarious! The C-SPAN logo is a nice touch.

Napolitano denies knowledge of Fast and Furious gun-tracking program -
You're such a moron. The Hill says the same thing said on the video.


OMG what a bot, Lakhota is a complete tool. Whatelse can you say?
Napolitano Aware of Fast and Furious in 2009 - YouTube

There should not be any problem releasing the documents if they aren't hiding anything

That wingnut video is hilarious! The C-SPAN logo is a nice touch.

Napolitano denies knowledge of Fast and Furious gun-tracking program -
You're such a moron. The Hill says the same thing said on the video.


Can you specifically point me to exactly where in The Hill article that Napolitano admits to knowing about Fast & Furious in 2009?
That wingnut video is hilarious! The C-SPAN logo is a nice touch.

Napolitano denies knowledge of Fast and Furious gun-tracking program -
You're such a moron. The Hill says the same thing said on the video.


Can you specifically point me to exactly where in The Hill article that Napolitano admits to knowing about Fast & Furious in 2009?

Can you explain to me how you can post a message and be such a fucking moron? Are there others assisting you?
None of that proves he "lied to get us into Iraq." It just proves you have an agenda.

Punkotardy, hit search: "Operation Curveball." GW and Cheney used a lying Iraqi informant, to bolster their lies, in order to attack Iraq AND use torture, during interrogations. You are just another stupid, Log Cabin Club queer, lying on forum threads, without reading any of the posts, or you'd at least know about Op. Curveball.


The CIA put up Saddam, in 1958. GHW Bush is former CIA Chief, he knew about Sadddam, but as President, he got cold feet, on the road to Basra, and then he told the Iraqis to revolt, which they did. Occupying UN forces, including US troops watched Saddam's retribution, against Kurds, Madan Arabs, Shiites, and everybody else, who thought their Uncle George was something, besides shit or shinola.

So GW and Cheney cooked up a fuckover, and Iraq got bombed and shot up, with d.u., and all kinds of wingnut-fucktard DDDs keep ranting, out of their redstate assholes, when GW BUSH AND DICK CHENEY AND OTHERS LIED, TO GET US BACK INTO IRAQ, punk!

Saddam had no more yellowcake, since Israel bombed his ass, 1981. GW and Dick LIED!

Meanwhile, F&F vote comes up, today. Issa and the pubs think maybe they can force the USDOJ to prosecute their boss, Eric Holder. Pubs are public masturbators, in a circle.

I think they are typically delusional pub shitasses, since the only known non-delusional pub posts at environment, and he gets treated, like a RINO.

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