Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

You bet your ass I think FF is worse than Watergate.

Fast & Furious leaves hundreds of dead in its wake. One of whom was a US Border Patrol Agent.

I hope heads roll on this.

So, at what point exactly did the agents of Fast and Furious give the Mexican cartels those guns, exactly?

Please show us the proof.

Because as far as I can see, the only thing wrong with the operation was that they failed in their mission.

Are you asserting that failing to catch criminals is the same thing as committing the crime yourself?

If so, there's a whole lot of policemen around the nation that need to go to jail...

They allowed the weapons to walk which violated rules .

But...bigrednec...guns don't kill people................
So, at what point exactly did the agents of Fast and Furious give the Mexican cartels those guns, exactly?

Please show us the proof.

Because as far as I can see, the only thing wrong with the operation was that they failed in their mission.

Are you asserting that failing to catch criminals is the same thing as committing the crime yourself?

If so, there's a whole lot of policemen around the nation that need to go to jail...

They allowed the weapons to walk which violated rules .

But...bigrednec...guns don't kill people................

Stupid bitch
They allowed the weapons to walk which violated rules .

Which rules?

And how exactly does not arresting Americans who are legally buying guns constitute "Allowing weapons to walk"?

They asked the prosecutor for indictments, and were denied. So, who were they going to arrest exactly?

The fact that they failed in their operation proves that they failed, not that they committed a crime.

Holder said so why ask me.
This thread has to wait, for on-topic content, until the House pubs get their civil shit together, so in the meantime, Queer Fartbag and Unconsciouscornhole and bigretardedqueenofcalinkey and The Twat need to assume the usual position, right up each others' assholes.

Don't ask. Just say, "Yes, Mr.Lincoln." Bitches.
Holder's weapons are still being used to slaughter many. 'Fast & Furious' lives on. It hasn't ended. Holder has so much blood on his hands.
Unconsciouscornhole, the pubs in the House want Holder to appoint a special prosecutor, over the leaks and the F&F, and they have to wait.

Bugnuts, you clearly have an IQ less than 35.

The contempt ruling empowers the house to appoint a prosecutor independent of the DOJ - you know, one that isn't corrupt.

I have no idea what that prosecutor will find, but it's clear that Holder and Dear Leader don't want it found.

This is way bigger than Watergate.
So, at what point exactly did the agents of Fast and Furious give the Mexican cartels those guns, exactly?

How would we know? Holder and the administration are covering the acts up.

Please show us the proof.

Hard to do with the Obama coverup.

Because as far as I can see, the only thing wrong with the operation was that they failed in their mission.

You can't see much, because there is a massive coverup in progress.

Are you asserting that failing to catch criminals is the same thing as committing the crime yourself?

I'm asserting that covering up details of the operation is a criminal act and the Holder is a criminal - which is indisputable fact.

If so, there's a whole lot of policemen around the nation that need to go to jail...

There are indeed, but Holder brazenly ran a coverup in the face of a congressional investigation, most police, though corrupt, are not that corrupt.
Unfortunately, many don't realize that people are still being brutally murdered with Holder's weapons. His weapons are still out there. It really is an awful travesty.

Holder didn't have any weapons.

Unless you have some evidence to the contrary.

Which you don't.
This thread has to wait, for on-topic content, until the House pubs get their civil shit together, so in the meantime, Queer Fartbag and Unconsciouscornhole and bigretardedqueenofcalinkey and The Twat need to assume the usual position, right up each others' assholes.

Don't ask. Just say, "Yes, Mr.Lincoln." Bitches.

When you say pubs are you talking about drinking establishments?
So, at what point exactly did the agents of Fast and Furious give the Mexican cartels those guns, exactly?

How would we know? Holder and the administration are covering the acts up.

Please show us the proof.

Hard to do with the Obama coverup.

You can't see much, because there is a massive coverup in progress.

Are you asserting that failing to catch criminals is the same thing as committing the crime yourself?

I'm asserting that covering up details of the operation is a criminal act and the Holder is a criminal - which is indisputable fact.

If so, there's a whole lot of policemen around the nation that need to go to jail...

There are indeed, but Holder brazenly ran a coverup in the face of a congressional investigation, most police, though corrupt, are not that corrupt.

1. It's not an "indisputable fact" when it's an ongoing operation, and such information is deemed sensitive to operational security.

2. So, again, you have nothing. Except some hearsay. And there's hearsay from the rest of the Fast and Furious team that contradicts your hearsay. So, you have nothing.

Fact is, that the only "crime" that's been committed so far is that Holder didn't want to tell Congress anything about the operation. And considering the fact that this partisan-assed Congress would probably disseminate whatever they got to the press, to score political points, I don't really blame him at all.
1. It's not an "indisputable fact" when it's an ongoing operation, and such information is deemed sensitive to operational security.

2. So, again, you have nothing. Except some hearsay. And there's hearsay from the rest of the Fast and Furious team that contradicts your hearsay. So, you have nothing.

Fact is, that the only "crime" that's been committed so far is that Holder didn't want to tell Congress anything about the operation. And considering the fact that this partisan-assed Congress would probably disseminate whatever they got to the press, to score political points, I don't really blame him at all.

No, you know what? Let me correct that.

Congress wouldn't leak all the information to the press, they'd just leak whatever pieces of information contained therein that made Holder look bad, and keep the rest under their hats.
1. It's not an "indisputable fact" when it's an ongoing operation, and such information is deemed sensitive to operational security.

It IS indisputable that Holder is a criminal. His crime is the coverup. That we don't know the details of what he was covering up is irrelevant, the coverup is a criminal act.

2. So, again, you have nothing. Except some hearsay. And there's hearsay from the rest of the Fast and Furious team that contradicts your hearsay. So, you have nothing.

So again, the coverup is a criminal act. Eric Holder is a criminal, he was served subpoenas and defied the law. He is guilty of multiple felony counts. Regardless of other crimes in the commission of F&F, Holder is a criminal, that cannot be disputed.

Fact is, that the only "crime" that's been committed so far is that Holder didn't want to tell Congress anything about the operation.

It's called a "Coverup," and that is what brought Nixon down. This should bring Obama down for exactly the same reason - not that the left holds the same standards for their own.

And considering the fact that this partisan-assed Congress would probably disseminate whatever they got to the press, to score political points, I don't really blame him at all.

So, coverups by dims are okay, since congress is partisan?

Here is a wild idea, one law that applies to all, servant and master, pauper and king?

Nah, you of the left will never go for such a radical idea; Obama must be held above the laws that rule commoners and Republicans.
It IS indisputable that Holder is a criminal. His crime is the coverup. That we don't know the details of what he was covering up is irrelevant, the coverup is a criminal act.

Ahh, but it's not. Because the President of the United States used his EP.

And there you go. Suck it.

So again, the coverup is a criminal act. Eric Holder is a criminal, he was served subpoenas and defied the law. He is guilty of multiple felony counts. Regardless of other crimes in the commission of F&F, Holder is a criminal, that cannot be disputed.

But it's not, he's not, and it can indeed be "disputed", and has.

It's called a "Coverup," and that is what brought Nixon down. This should bring Obama down for exactly the same reason - not that the left holds the same standards for their own.

It brought Nixon down because Nixon committed criminal acts, and THEN covered them up.

Holder committed no criminal acts to cover up.

So, coverups by dims are okay, since congress is partisan?

Here is a wild idea, one law that applies to all, servant and master, pauper and king?

Nah, you of the left will never go for such a radical idea; Obama must be held above the laws that rule commoners and Republicans.

Prove a crime was committed, then you have a cover up. Until then, you have nothing.
So, at what point exactly did the agents of Fast and Furious give the Mexican cartels those guns, exactly?

Please show us the proof.

Because as far as I can see, the only thing wrong with the operation was that they failed in their mission.

Are you asserting that failing to catch criminals is the same thing as committing the crime yourself?

If so, there's a whole lot of policemen around the nation that need to go to jail...

They allowed the weapons to walk which violated rules .

But...bigrednec...guns don't kill people................

So guns kill people in your mind, but you still have unwavering love and support for an administration that enacted a policy to give automatic guns to terrorists who have a motivation to kill americans?

Any stance that puts the democrat party above the United States and her citizens I guess.
Holder's weapons are still being used to slaughter many. 'Fast & Furious' lives on. It hasn't ended. Holder has so much blood on his hands.

Many many more people are being slaughtered without the weapons in question. The responsible policy is the US war on Drugs. Everyone who supports it shares the blame.

Drug Cartel Rivals Behead Zetas on Camera - ABC News

The only weapon you have to combat this is your vote.

But instead you're using your only weapon to crush the few americans left fighting for liberty.
Holder's weapons are still being used to slaughter many. 'Fast & Furious' lives on. It hasn't ended. Holder has so much blood on his hands.

Many many more people are being slaughtered without the weapons in question. The responsible policy is the US war on Drugs. Everyone who supports it shares the blame.

Drug Cartel Rivals Behead Zetas on Camera - ABC News

The only weapon you have to combat this is your vote.

But instead you're using your only weapon to crush the few americans left fighting for liberty.

I'm not sure I understnd your point.
Many many more people are being slaughtered without the weapons in question. The responsible policy is the US war on Drugs. Everyone who supports it shares the blame.

Drug Cartel Rivals Behead Zetas on Camera - ABC News

The only weapon you have to combat this is your vote.

But instead you're using your only weapon to crush the few americans left fighting for liberty.

I'm not sure I understnd your point.

You vote and support those who are hellbent on arresting as many people as they can for using drugs and doing their best to suppress state's rights on the subject, even if that person is a former drug user himself.
Ahh, but it's not. Because the President of the United States used his EP.

Ah, but it is - because executive privilege cannot cover acts the president was not aware. Unless you're saying Obama perjured himself and not only was aware of F&F, but directly involved?

And there you go. Suck it.

What are you, conservaderrps now?

But it's not, he's not, and it can indeed be "disputed", and has.

{Washington (CNN) -- The House of Representatives voted Thursday to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt for refusing to turn over documents tied to the botched Fast and Furious gun-running sting -- a discredited operation that has become a sharp point of contention between Democrats and Republicans in Washington.}

House holds Holder in contempt -

When did you become a mindless, partisan hack? You used to be rational.

It brought Nixon down because Nixon committed criminal acts,


The only criminal acts were in the coverup.

and THEN covered them up.


Holder committed no criminal acts to cover up.

You don't know that.

Prove a crime was committed, then you have a cover up. Until then, you have nothing.

We already have a coverup. The reason for the coverup is under investigation.

One law for the lords, another for the commoners and Republicans.

You leftists never change.

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