Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

I'm not sure I understnd your point.

He was forgetting that you seek totalitarianism.

He pretends to take a principled stance against the drug war, all while coming on here and playing virtual tonsil hockey with Obama and the democrat party hours a day.

I don't understand why he just isn't honest about it, he's cool with the drug war as long as someone he voted for is supplying the tyranny.
The only weapon you have to combat this is your vote.

But instead you're using your only weapon to crush the few americans left fighting for liberty.

I'm not sure I understnd your point.

You vote and support those who are hellbent on arresting as many people as they can for using drugs and doing their best to suppress state's rights on the subject, even if that person is a former drug user himself.

It seems Doc is insinuating Boo votes for Obama and other rats.

I won't vote, for Obamney, Doc. I support legalization of drugs, but particularly marijuana, and I want government support, for legal industrial hemp, more than any other measure.

I don't like how prison industry is shielding petroleum industry and war industry, with a scam, to fund 25% of the world's prisoners, by a yoke, on 5% of the world's citizens.

I don't like how rats and pubs refuse to notice global climate change OR Henry Ford's achievements, when he made ethanol and indestructible plastic, from hemp, but we still haven't caught up, with Henry, even though we need biomass, to combat CO2 emissions.

So instead of insinuating boo-boos by Boo, you should post something, for me to review. I won't be votiing for pubs or rats or Obamney, so let's see what you really think, Doc.
What a surprise that you support legalizing drugs. It seems as if you are munching them by the handful every time you post.
Ah, but it is - because executive privilege cannot cover acts the president was not aware.

Who says? I mean not to be combative but really, who says? Its my understanding that executive priviledge has never been clearly defined and while traditionally it has been used in only the way youre describing, theres no set of rules as to how it can be applied. If that be the case, then could executive priviledge then be applied not to the President himself, but to the entire executive branch?

That question being asked, I hope that theres a battle over this use of executive priviledge and Obama loses. I support Obamas re-election, but to use EP in this way, in my opinion, sets a very dangerous precedent. A precedent that cannot be allowed to stand.
Nobody "knew it" until we were in Iraq, but the whole world thought there were (which is exactly what saddam wanted).

The CIA knew it. They reported it in the NIE report and through briefings to W. Bush. He then told Congress and the American peoople that the Intelligence community told him there were WMD's in Iraq.

The intelligence community DID tell him that. You're trying to pick and spin to justify the claim of "lying" that neither you nor anyone else ever has or ever will prove.

Nobody "knew" anything until there were boots on the ground looking for the shit.

So yet another case of we wont know until we pass it?

and to find out we only had to sacrifice the lives of 4,459 American soldiers?

Seems to me, before a president is willing to risk the lives of our troops, He ought to have some real evidence that its necessary.

Personally, I think thats the best way to support our troops. Those brave men and women deserve better.
The CIA knew it. They reported it in the NIE report and through briefings to W. Bush. He then told Congress and the American peoople that the Intelligence community told him there were WMD's in Iraq.

The intelligence community DID tell him that. You're trying to pick and spin to justify the claim of "lying" that neither you nor anyone else ever has or ever will prove.

Nobody "knew" anything until there were boots on the ground looking for the shit.

So yet another case of we wont know until we pass it?.

No, nothing like that.
They allowed the weapons to walk which violated rules .

But...bigrednec...guns don't kill people................

So guns kill people in your mind, but you still have unwavering love and support for an administration that enacted a policy to give automatic guns to terrorists who have a motivation to kill americans?

Any stance that puts the democrat party above the United States and her citizens I guess.

Was that a question?
I have an unwavering love for what?

Don't you think the gun lobby has a lot of responsibility for the amount of weapons heading to Mexico?
Mexicans have been legally purchasing guns for years in the US because it's so easy.
But...bigrednec...guns don't kill people................

Stupid bitch

Dumb redneck.
Guns purchased legally are never dangerous.
I know because the NRA tells me so.

The NRA is full of shit. ALL guns are dangerous and must be treated with respect.

I proudly own more guns than all of you combined. And fuck the NRA! I see the morons who cant figure out how to get toothpaste on a toothbrush with their NRA stickers on their trucks and it makes me sick.

And Charlton Heston holding up a musket and crying out,"From my cold dead hands!"???? Yeah, Chuck? Ive got a semi automatic machine pistol that says I can get it out of hands before they go cold, dumbass...oh wait...hes already dead. Guess Ill have to prove it on someone else...

Who wants to hold the musket?
You realize that is an illogical thing to say, right?

Its not illogical. Its a fact.

Really? You know for a fact how many guns every single member of this site owns? I know you want to be boastful, but don't be stupid.

Uke my man, I know for a fact that I own more because of the sheer amount I own. I only store ten of the guns in my home, the rest are offsite, and that isnt even 1% of what I own.

ETA: Oh and a word of advice to all you folks thinking your prepared for if the shit hits the fan, like dear ole Uncle Ted likes to ramble on and on about, How many different types of guns do you own? How many rounds do you have for each? Dont answer here just to yourselves. Now consider this: Stop "collecting" different kids that fire different calibers. Get a TON of guns that all fire the same caliper then stock the hell up on ammo. 10,000 rounds per gun you own should do it...just in case.

Yeah, when it comes right down to it...Im a nutter too. But at least I know it.
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Its not illogical. Its a fact.

Really? You know for a fact how many guns every single member of this site owns? I know you want to be boastful, but don't be stupid.

Uke my man, I know for a fact that I own more because of the sheer amount I own. I only store ten of the guns in my home, the rest are offsite, and that isnt even 1% of what I own.

You can't know how many guns every member of this site owns in order to reach any such conclusion. There are an awful lot of members here. Do you see why your statement is illogical? It would be illogical even if you were the owner of a gun factory because you cannot know the information you are basing your conclusion upon. Understand?
Really? You know for a fact how many guns every single member of this site owns? I know you want to be boastful, but don't be stupid.

Uke my man, I know for a fact that I own more because of the sheer amount I own. I only store ten of the guns in my home, the rest are offsite, and that isnt even 1% of what I own.

You can't know how many guns every member of this site owns in order to reach any such conclusion. There are an awful lot of members here. Do you see why your statement is illogical? It would be illogical even if you were the owner of a gun factory because you cannot know the information you are basing your conclusion upon. Understand?

If you mean every BOARD member then yeah I doubt its more than every board member...but I mean everyone who has posted in this thread.

And youre still right. I could be wrong. But Id lay money on it if we could prove it without getting the government involved lol.
But...bigrednec...guns don't kill people................

So guns kill people in your mind, but you still have unwavering love and support for an administration that enacted a policy to give automatic guns to terrorists who have a motivation to kill americans?

Any stance that puts the democrat party above the United States and her citizens I guess.

Was that a question?
I have an unwavering love for what?

Don't you think the gun lobby has a lot of responsibility for the amount of weapons heading to Mexico?
Mexicans have been legally purchasing guns for years in the US because it's so easy.

The gun lobby didnt send guns into mexico that was Holder and Obama

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