Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

You're such a moron. The Hill says the same thing said on the video.

Can you specifically point me to exactly where in The Hill article that Napolitano admits to knowing about Fast & Furious in 2009?

Can you explain to me how you can post a message and be such a fucking moron? Are there others assisting you?

Once upon a time, there was a big, stupid, dumbfuck DOG. Dogs are normally smart, if not always obediant, but this dog was a dumbass bitch, who was actually a male, but he always acted like a bitch.

This bad doggie didn't know he was on a long chain, so he kept trying to chase cars and squirrels, but he'd always forget, how he was on a chain, so when he came to the end, he'd always jerk himself, and the cars drove away, and the squirrels ran up trees.

There is no moral to this story, except real dogs are smarter, than our doggie, in the story, whose name was bigretardedqueenofthenorth. This hound wanted to be free, like King of the North, but he was on a damn chain, and he sure was stupid.

Bigretardedqueenofthenorth couldn't fetch for shit, but he could roll in his own feces and piss, forget he was on a chain, get running, and jerk, to a complete stop, and repeat.

Meanwhile, this dog saw a couple of eastern fox squirrels, across the street, so he'd take off running, again and again and again, barking a shitload, and each time, bigretardedqueenofthenorth would jerk to a stop, in his own damn yard, and the squirrels across the street would do what they damn pleased, including pass Squirrelcare, which was patterned after what some damn eastern grey squirrel did, and the squirrel who did THAT first didn't like the eastern fox squirrels getting nutty, but squirrels are nuts.

But why are modern pubs queer? Abe slept with about 11 guys, but he also came up with the Gettysburg Address and Emancipation Proclamation. Quasi mo, pussyshithead, and others like them are queers, but Ravi and Queer Fartbag are out and gay. Bigretardedqueenofcalinkey just hangs out with those queers and gays, no big deal, since bigretard is a MOG, or part man, part dog. Part queer dog, if you must know.

Out, moggie!

That squirrel story kind of reminds me, of a number of squirrels, in real life, barked at, by inbred, redstate-idiot puppies, who post this thread! Get 'em, doggies! Roll in your shit!

"Everything the Power does, it does in a circle." Lakota Proverb

Redstate retards have learned, from the Teton Sioux, so pubs jerk, in a CIRCLE! Go back to bed, bigretardedqueenofcalinkey. You are just proving the red-dog gene pool is depleted, from idiots like YOU fucking yourself, in traffic.
Can you specifically point me to exactly where in The Hill article that Napolitano admits to knowing about Fast & Furious in 2009?

Can you explain to me how you can post a message and be such a fucking moron? Are there others assisting you?

Once upon a time, there was a big, stupid, dumbfuck DOG. Dogs are normally smart, if not always obediant, but this dog was a dumbass bitch, who was actually a male, but he always acted like a bitch.

This bad doggie didn't know he was on a long chain, so he kept trying to chase cars and squirrels, but he'd always forget, how he was on a chain, so when he came to the end, he'd always jerk himself, and the cars drove away, and the squirrels ran up trees.

There is no moral to this story, except real dogs are smarter, than our doggie, in the story, whose name was bigretardedqueenofthenorth. This hound wanted to be free, like King of the North, but he was on a damn chain, and he sure was stupid.

Bigretardedqueenofthenorth couldn't fetch for shit, but he could roll in his own feces and piss, forget he was on a chain, get running, and jerk, to a complete stop, and repeat.

Meanwhile, this dog saw a couple of eastern fox squirrels, across the street, so he'd take off running, again and again and again, barking a shitload, and each time, bigretardedqueenofthenorth would jerk to a stop, in his own damn yard, and the squirrels across the street would do what they damn pleased, including pass Squirrelcare, which was patterned after what some damn eastern grey squirrel did, and the squirrel who did THAT first didn't like the eastern fox squirrels getting nutty, but squirrels are nuts.

But why are modern pubs queer? Abe slept with about 11 guys, but he also came up with the Gettysburg Address and Emancipation Proclamation. Quasi mo, pussyshithead, and others like them are queers, but Ravi and Queer Fartbag are out and gay. Bigretardedqueenofcalinkey just hangs out with those queers and gays, no big deal, since bigretard is a MOG, or part man, part dog. Part queer dog, if you must know.

Out, moggie!

That squirrel story kind of reminds me, of a number of squirrels, in real life, barked at, by inbred, redstate-idiot puppies, who post this thread! Get 'em, doggies! Roll in your shit!

"Everything the Power does, it does in a circle." Lakota Proverb

Redstate retards have learned, from the Teton Sioux, so pubs jerk, in a CIRCLE! Go back to bed, bigretardedqueenofcalinkey. You are just proving the red-dog gene pool is depleted, from idiots like YOU fucking yourself, in traffic.

enjoying your summer vacation school will be back in a month or so.
Of course, no "lie" has ever been established outside of lefty emoting. Who knows what dramatic narrative they will cook up when obama loses in Nov.
Of course, no "lie" has ever been established outside of lefty emoting. Who knows what dramatic narrative they will cook up when obama loses in Nov.

You must be very slow if you don't see the narrative already laid out before you.

MONEY and Voter defranchising.

Romney had the backing of a BILLION dollar campaign financed by multinational corporations coupled with massive voter disqualifications by Republican governors in key states led to Romneys illegitimate win over rightful president Barak Obama.

- From the Huffington Post, January 22, 2013

I KNOW youre not slow, so you already know the narrative. Speak strong or not at all!

and yes, I support Obama, but I see the narrative being laid out in the event he loses. I see the propaganda from BOTH sides. Can you?
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Now the pubs have to get civil action going. The courts tend to support investigations, by Congress, and this will go to USDC in D.C.

The USDOJ and ATF will support Holder, who will claim investigations are ongoing, etc. We'll find out, what happens, in 2-4 years.

Meanwhile, bigretardedqueenofthenorth has to chase eastern fox squirrels! Get 'em, doggie
There were no WMD's and he knew it.

Nobody "knew it" until we were in Iraq, but the whole world thought there were (which is exactly what saddam wanted).

The CIA knew it. They reported it in the NIE report and through briefings to W. Bush. He then told Congress and the American peoople that the Intelligence community told him there were WMD's in Iraq.
Now the pubs have to get civil action going. The courts tend to support investigations, by Congress, and this will go to USDC in D.C.

The USDOJ and ATF will support Holder, who will claim investigations are ongoing, etc. We'll find out, what happens, in 2-4 years.

Meanwhile, bigretardedqueenofthenorth has to chase eastern fox squirrels! Get 'em, doggie

I have a fan :clap2:
Now the pubs have to get civil action going. The courts tend to support investigations, by Congress, and this will go to USDC in D.C.

The USDOJ and ATF will support Holder, who will claim investigations are ongoing, etc. We'll find out, what happens, in 2-4 years.

Meanwhile, bigretardedqueenofthenorth has to chase eastern fox squirrels! Get 'em, doggie

I have a fan :clap2:

Dont let it go to your head...oops too late :0 just kidding
Now the pubs have to get civil action going. The courts tend to support investigations, by Congress, and this will go to USDC in D.C.

The USDOJ and ATF will support Holder, who will claim investigations are ongoing, etc. We'll find out, what happens, in 2-4 years.

Meanwhile, bigretardedqueenofthenorth has to chase eastern fox squirrels! Get 'em, doggie

I have a fan :clap2:

Tain't it great?
Now the pubs have to get civil action going. The courts tend to support investigations, by Congress, and this will go to USDC in D.C.

The USDOJ and ATF will support Holder, who will claim investigations are ongoing, etc. We'll find out, what happens, in 2-4 years.

Meanwhile, bigretardedqueenofthenorth has to chase eastern fox squirrels! Get 'em, doggie

Bugnuts, you can't REALLY be as stupid as you appear, can you?

Does "special prosecutor" have any particular meaning to you?
You bet your ass I think FF is worse than Watergate.

Fast & Furious leaves hundreds of dead in its wake. One of whom was a US Border Patrol Agent.

I hope heads roll on this.

amen to that.:clap2:

QUOTE=Black_Label;5483120]Watergate was worse, though not as bad as the Bush admin lying to the american people with the fabricated "they have WMD's and we know where they are" BS to go to war with Iraq.[/QUOTE]

Disagree on the part of watergate being worse but everything else you said was money.:clap2:
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Now the pubs have to get civil action going. The courts tend to support investigations, by Congress, and this will go to USDC in D.C.

The USDOJ and ATF will support Holder, who will claim investigations are ongoing, etc. We'll find out, what happens, in 2-4 years.

Meanwhile, bigretardedqueenofthenorth has to chase eastern fox squirrels! Get 'em, doggie

Bugnuts, you can't REALLY be as stupid as you appear, can you?

Does "special prosecutor" have any particular meaning to you?

Unconsciouscornhole, the pubs in the House want Holder to appoint a special prosecutor, over the leaks and the F&F, and they have to wait.

We all can see you are in a cruising, faggy-assed hurry, to shove all this in your asshole, so you go ahead, get elected, and appoint yourself, if you think you can.

Do you get paid, for being a shitty fucktard, in a hurry? You don't have a whole lot of your own ideas, do you. Just how do you imagine I appear, punkhole?

Here's what I think: Obama screwed up, by wasting the House, on Obamacare. People just aren't ready, for his 2400 or whatever pages of shit. So the rats lost the House, in 2010. The punkass pubs want everybody to pay for that, so they are disturbing a load of shit, in a hypocritical way, and you rank-and-file pub queerboys are ranting and raving up a shitload, but you have to wait, for shit, to happen.

What will happen next is people will tend to vote for Democrats, even though I won't ever do that, since I know rats suck. But I won't be voting, for white Obamney, either, since look how you neo-con queers go around, looking for what amount of failure, in November? ALL KINDS OF IT! The more people contact pub shitters, the more you LOSE, at the polls.
Now the pubs have to get civil action going. The courts tend to support investigations, by Congress, and this will go to USDC in D.C.

The USDOJ and ATF will support Holder, who will claim investigations are ongoing, etc. We'll find out, what happens, in 2-4 years.

Meanwhile, bigretardedqueenofthenorth has to chase eastern fox squirrels! Get 'em, doggie

Bugnuts, you can't REALLY be as stupid as you appear, can you?

Does "special prosecutor" have any particular meaning to you?

Unconsciouscornhole, the pubs in the House want Holder to appoint a special prosecutor, over the leaks and the F&F, and they have to wait.

We all can see you are in a cruising, faggy-assed hurry, to shove all this in your asshole, so you go ahead, get elected, and appoint yourself, if you think you can.

Do you get paid, for being a shitty fucktard, in a hurry? You don't have a whole lot of your own ideas, do you. Just how do you imagine I appear, punkhole?

Here's what I think: Obama screwed up, by wasting the House, on Obamacare. People just aren't ready, for his 2400 or whatever pages of shit. So the rats lost the House, in 2010. The punkass pubs want everybody to pay for that, so they are disturbing a load of shit, in a hypocritical way, and you rank-and-file pub queerboys are ranting and raving up a shitload, but you have to wait, for shit, to happen.

What will happen next is people will tend to vote for Democrats, even though I won't ever do that, since I know rats suck. But I won't be voting, for white Obamney, either, since look how you neo-con queers go around, looking for what amount of failure, in November? ALL KINDS OF IT! The more people contact pub shitters, the more you LOSE, at the polls.
Hey sweetie you'll not troll anyone else but me got now go back into your cave until I pull your chain.
You bet your ass I think FF is worse than Watergate.

Fast & Furious leaves hundreds of dead in its wake. One of whom was a US Border Patrol Agent.

I hope heads roll on this.

So, at what point exactly did the agents of Fast and Furious give the Mexican cartels those guns, exactly?

Please show us the proof.

Because as far as I can see, the only thing wrong with the operation was that they failed in their mission.

Are you asserting that failing to catch criminals is the same thing as committing the crime yourself?

If so, there's a whole lot of policemen around the nation that need to go to jail...
You bet your ass I think FF is worse than Watergate.

Fast & Furious leaves hundreds of dead in its wake. One of whom was a US Border Patrol Agent.

I hope heads roll on this.

So, at what point exactly did the agents of Fast and Furious give the Mexican cartels those guns, exactly?

Please show us the proof.

Because as far as I can see, the only thing wrong with the operation was that they failed in their mission.

Are you asserting that failing to catch criminals is the same thing as committing the crime yourself?

If so, there's a whole lot of policemen around the nation that need to go to jail...

They allowed the weapons to walk which violated rules .
They allowed the weapons to walk which violated rules .

Which rules?

And how exactly does not arresting Americans who are legally buying guns constitute "Allowing weapons to walk"?

They asked the prosecutor for indictments, and were denied. So, who were they going to arrest exactly?

The fact that they failed in their operation proves that they failed, not that they committed a crime.
There were no WMD's and he knew it.

Nobody "knew it" until we were in Iraq, but the whole world thought there were (which is exactly what saddam wanted).

The CIA knew it. They reported it in the NIE report and through briefings to W. Bush. He then told Congress and the American peoople that the Intelligence community told him there were WMD's in Iraq.

The intelligence community DID tell him that. You're trying to pick and spin to justify the claim of "lying" that neither you nor anyone else ever has or ever will prove.

Nobody "knew" anything until there were boots on the ground looking for the shit.
Unfortunately, many don't realize that people are still being brutally murdered with Holder's weapons. His weapons are still out there. It really is an awful travesty.

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