Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

This isn't botched 'Police Investigation'.

What planet have you been on? I suggest YOU go back...and soon.

That's exactly what it is. Police has been running stings for decades.

In the context of your sentence Police is singular, so I can only assume you are referring to these people, who have a lead singer named Sting.

[ame=]The Police - Every Breath You Take - YouTube[/ame]

What law/laws did the DOJ break?
Obviously you're being willfully ignorant. It's not about Politics. His Family is dealing with the shocking fact their loved-one was brutally murdered with weapons provided by their own Government. And Obama & Holder are to blame. It's not a Republican vs. Democrat issue. It's about answers and justice.

I love that word "provided". It suggests such a friendly gesture. I'm sure you mean to use it to convey a fact. The US government happily gave the bad guys guns so that they could be used against Americans and innocent Mexicans. It is so obvious.

No, they happily gave them guns so they could be used to prove that guns are trafficked across the border into Mexico. Since that was all they cared about at the time, they didn't bother to take any precautions to make sure said guns were not later used against Americans or Mexicans.

Please feel free to explain why I shouldn't have a problem with that.

If what you just said were true, it would be worthy of your "problem". Would you like to amend your comments so that you would have a prayer of being able to substantiate them?
Indeed. They were weapons PURCHASED by the United States Government...D O order to trace them...

A US Agent is many Mexican Citizens?

And for what? To enrage the US public in an effort to stir passions to repeal the Second Amendment?

To 'Control the bitter clingers'? (As Obama put it)?

It stinks.

Holder had the oppritunity to cooperate...he instead gets his boss to ratchet it up to a Constitutional showdown.

The "for what" is pretty obvious: to track the guns to figure out how the cartels are moving their arms. But you're so deep in conspiracy land.

Remember. "Guns don't kill people. People kill people".....

Give it another week, and they'll have Holder personally pulling the trigger.
This isn't botched 'Police Investigation'.

What planet have you been on? I suggest YOU go back...and soon.

That's exactly what it is. Police has been running stings for decades.

In the context of your sentence Police is singular, so I can only assume you are referring to this group, and the lead singer called Sting.

[ame=""]The Police - Every Breath You Take - YouTube[/ame]

Police have.

Because, as we all know, you've never made a typo.
Pauline. Do you think anyone is buying your grieving for Brian Terry?

It's not even clear that he was killed by a gun-walked gun. There's nothing linking any of the guns involved in the operation to Terry's death, aside from some guns found in a house near the scene of the killing.

None of them have been linked to Terry.
Obviously you're being willfully ignorant. It's not about Politics. His Family is dealing with the shocking fact their loved-one was brutally murdered with weapons provided by their own Government. And Obama & Holder are to blame. It's not a Republican vs. Democrat issue. It's about answers and justice.

I love that word "provided". It suggests such a friendly gesture. I'm sure you mean to use it to convey a fact. The US government happily gave the bad guys guns so that they could be used against Americans and innocent Mexicans. It is so obvious.

No, they happily gave them guns so they could be used to prove that guns are trafficked across the border into Mexico. Since that was all they cared about at the time, they didn't bother to take any precautions to make sure said guns were not later used against Americans or Mexicans.

Please feel free to explain why I shouldn't have a problem with that.

You should only have a problem with it if you think they had some magic mechanism to prevent the guns from killing people.
Of course it wasn't a botched police investigation. The police investigation correctly identified the weapons. Therefore it wasn't botched. Unless democrats think that the police should never have conducted an investigation at all. Or just lied about it.

There was no botching. The path led up to Fast and Furious. The documents being requested all occurred AFTER F&F was identified as a government project. How much communication occurred between the justice dept and the white house? That's the question asked. We already know that the guns that killed thousands of mexicans, who knows how many Americans and Brian Terry came from the US. That's not an issue. How much involvement did the presidebt have? Holder said none. If he is telling the truth there is no basis for executive privilege because there was no executive involvement. If there was involvement by the white house, Holder was lying. It has to be one or the other.

The vile little insect pretending to be the president also said that the leaks which could only have come from the white house didn't come from the white house. How many people did those leaks kill?

obama is an out and out liar.

Indeed. They were weapons PURCHASED by the United States Government...D O order to trace them...

A US Agent is many Mexican Citizens?

And for what? To enrage the US public in an effort to stir passions to repeal the Second Amendment?

To 'Control the bitter clingers'? (As Obama put it)?

It stinks.

Holder had the oppritunity to cooperate...he instead gets his boss to ratchet it up to a Constitutional showdown.

The "for what" is pretty obvious: to track the guns to figure out how the cartels are moving their arms. But you're so deep in conspiracy land.

Wrong answer. Nice you take the loss of innocent life in such a cavilier manner.


Get lost son.:eusa_hand:
Hundreds of innoncents, including an American Border Patrol Agent were murdered with weapons supplied by Eric Holder. The weapons were found at the scenes of these massacres. You should be ashamed of yourself for defending Obama & Holder on this.

Franco has no shame and no ethics to build shame upon.
Watergate was just the tip of the iceberg of Nixon's corrupt and paranoid administration.

How many people were killed in El Salvador and Nicaragua because of Irangate? In Iraq? Chile? Pub travesties never end...

Quite a few arrest and convictions were made because of F+F. And Holder ENDED it, a continuation of Bush policy. Who made no arrests...

Change the channel- it's reported as Pubcrappe propaganda run wild. The dupes need medication after days of bought off demagogery...LOL
I think a lot of people on the far right want it to be worse than the watergate scandal.

But.. "No."

On your scale people dying is not as bad as a bungled politically motivated burglary.

Good to know where you stand.

No. On my scale, illegal things are worse than non-illegal things.

So did the DOJ break the law with this botched sting?

Given the fact that it is impossible to breathe in this country without breaking a law, I would say they definitely did break at least one law. That leaves us with the consequences of the broken laws even if we use your scale, which is absurd on its face.
Pauline. Do you think anyone is buying your grieving for Brian Terry?

It's not even clear that he was killed by a gun-walked gun. There's nothing linking any of the guns involved in the operation to Terry's death, aside from some guns found in a house near the scene of the killing.

None of them have been linked to Terry.

Actually they were. That's what started this whole investigation in the first place.
Indeed. They were weapons PURCHASED by the United States Government...D O order to trace them...

A US Agent is many Mexican Citizens?

And for what? To enrage the US public in an effort to stir passions to repeal the Second Amendment?

To 'Control the bitter clingers'? (As Obama put it)?

It stinks.

Holder had the oppritunity to cooperate...he instead gets his boss to ratchet it up to a Constitutional showdown.

The "for what" is pretty obvious: to track the guns to figure out how the cartels are moving their arms. But you're so deep in conspiracy land.

Wrong answer. Nice you take the loss of innocent life in such a cavilier manner.


Get lost son.:eusa_hand:

Tommy, don't be angry. I'm sorry that you think the black helicopters are coming over the ridge for you.
Pauline. Do you think anyone is buying your grieving for Brian Terry?

It's not even clear that he was killed by a gun-walked gun. There's nothing linking any of the guns involved in the operation to Terry's death, aside from some guns found in a house near the scene of the killing.

None of them have been linked to Terry.

BULLSHIT! Weapons found at Terry's murder scene were weapons Holder provided the cartels with. These weapons have also been found at countless other murder scenes in Mexico. So piss off you Obamabot degenerate.
That's exactly what it is. Police has been running stings for decades.

In the context of your sentence Police is singular, so I can only assume you are referring to these people, who have a lead singer named Sting.

[ame=""]The Police - Every Breath You Take - YouTube[/ame]

What law/laws did the DOJ break?

Not being an expert in federal laws, I couldn't answer that question. I do know that buying guns from legal guns shops and reselling them to other people, aka straw purchasing, is illegal. For some reason though, cops breaking the law is different.
I love that word "provided". It suggests such a friendly gesture. I'm sure you mean to use it to convey a fact. The US government happily gave the bad guys guns so that they could be used against Americans and innocent Mexicans. It is so obvious.

No, they happily gave them guns so they could be used to prove that guns are trafficked across the border into Mexico. Since that was all they cared about at the time, they didn't bother to take any precautions to make sure said guns were not later used against Americans or Mexicans.

Please feel free to explain why I shouldn't have a problem with that.

If what you just said were true, it would be worthy of your "problem". Would you like to amend your comments so that you would have a prayer of being able to substantiate them?

Brian Terry's Family doesn't care about Politics. They don't see it as a Republican vs. Democrat issue. They only see it as losing a Dad, Brother, and Son. Their Dad, Brother, and Son was brutally murdered with weapons provided by their own Government. They just want answers and accountability. Shame on Obama & Holder. This is a very sad disgrace.

They may not be Political, But they did just say today in no uncertain Terms that they Blame Obama and Holder for Covering up the Facts to Protect their own asses.

They're angry and frustrated. They just can't fathom the fact their Dad/Brother/Son was brutally slaughtered with weapons provided by their own Government. It has to be shockingly stressful for them.

I agree, and Watching the Hope and Change most Transparent President ever cover it up must be enraging.
That's exactly what it is. Police has been running stings for decades.

In the context of your sentence Police is singular, so I can only assume you are referring to this group, and the lead singer called Sting.

[ame=""]The Police - Every Breath You Take - YouTube[/ame]

Police have.

Because, as we all know, you've never made a typo.

I make them all the time. I expect people to point them out and enjoy themselves. Joke you if you can't take a frack.
Pauline. Do you think anyone is buying your grieving for Brian Terry?

It's not even clear that he was killed by a gun-walked gun. There's nothing linking any of the guns involved in the operation to Terry's death, aside from some guns found in a house near the scene of the killing.

None of them have been linked to Terry.

That is a Bold Faced lie. Testing has Conclusively Proven the Gun that Killed Terry was a Fast and Furious Gun.

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