Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

I've always had a different viewpoint on Watergate, Paulitician. I wrote a paper in college on my belief that Nixon's use of the "Plumbers" to try and spy on his political opposition was the direct result of Joe Kennedy using the Daley Machine in Chicago to steal the 1960 election.

As for Fast & Furious? The thing that bothers me most about the apparent goal of that failed operation is that Eric Holder and other members of this Administration appear to have had no qualms at all about putting the lives of Mexican nationals and our own citizens along the southern border at risk simply to bolster an argument for tougher gun control laws. That's really despicable behavior and I don't understand how ANYONE can look at what was done by the DOJ and defend these people. Flooding another country with weapons in order to gain a political advantage in passing legislation you want here? Who would do that? Eric Holder is not only an idiot for approving such an outrageous plan but is the ultimate coward for not accepting responsibility for it when Agent Brian Terry was killed and the program was exposed.

Wise observation. Yeah, defending the indefensible has become a very nasty habit for the Obamabots. They have sold their souls. Brian Terry and his Family deserve justice. I hope & pray that happens.
That is a Bold Faced lie. Testing has Conclusively Proven the Gun that Killed Terry was a Fast and Furious Gun.

Link it.

Latest Friday night document dump shows Holder was informed of Brian Terry

“The guns found in the desert near the murder BP officer connect back to the investigation we were going to talk about – they were AK-47s purchased at a Phoenix gun store,” Burke wrote to Wilkinson.

“I’ll call tomorrow,” Wilkinson responded.

Nothing in that article points out they did forensics on bullets retrieved from the body that are linked to any guns that they can connect to the operation.

Bullets have unique markings that can be traced back to the gun it was fired from.

That sort of evidence hasn't been produced.
It's not even clear that he was killed by a gun-walked gun. There's nothing linking any of the guns involved in the operation to Terry's death, aside from some guns found in a house near the scene of the killing.
None of them have been linked to Terry.
BULLSHIT! Weapons found at Terry's murder scene were weapons Holder provided the cartels with. These weapons have also been found at countless other murder scenes in Mexico. So piss off you Obamabot degenerate.
Provide a link.
None of the forenics matched any gun walked Terry.
But go ahead.
Get a link.
You fascist anti-American Secessionist Paul Pond Scum.

I bet you change your tune when they link fast and furious to Bush.

Latest Friday night document dump shows Holder was informed of Brian Terry

“The guns found in the desert near the murder BP officer connect back to the investigation we were going to talk about – they were AK-47s purchased at a Phoenix gun store,” Burke wrote to Wilkinson.

“I’ll call tomorrow,” Wilkinson responded.

Nothing in that article points out they did forensics on bullets retrieved from the body that are linked to any guns that they can connect to the operation.

Bullets have unique markings that can be traced back to the gun it was fired from.

That sort of evidence hasn't been produced.

Yeah... OK, whatever.....

And who is being partisan again? :eusa_hand:
It's not even clear that he was killed by a gun-walked gun. There's nothing linking any of the guns involved in the operation to Terry's death, aside from some guns found in a house near the scene of the killing.

None of them have been linked to Terry.

And why haven't the guns found at the site of Terry's death been connected? Could it be that Justice doesn't WANT then connected?

Latest Friday night document dump shows Holder was informed of Brian Terry

“The guns found in the desert near the murder BP officer connect back to the investigation we were going to talk about – they were AK-47s purchased at a Phoenix gun store,” Burke wrote to Wilkinson.

“I’ll call tomorrow,” Wilkinson responded.
I had heard that the serial numbers match to "walked" guns, no ballistic tests have been done. Can't find a link...
BULLSHIT! Weapons found at Terry's murder scene were weapons Holder provided the cartels with. These weapons have also been found at countless other murder scenes in Mexico. So piss off you Obamabot degenerate.
Provide a link.
None of the forenics matched any gun walked Terry.
But go ahead.
Get a link.
You fascist anti-American Secessionist Paul Pond Scum.

I bet you change your tune when they link fast and furious to Bush.

The partisan rhetoric is deafening with these assholes... they will stand by their man till the end. NO MATTER WHAT!!!
No, because those laws apply to vendors. The government isn't a vendor.

So, if I sold guns to criminal non-citizens, the fact that I'm a private party would render the law null and void?

Or are you saying that because Holder is a democrat, the laws that apply to the little people don't accrue?

The law is intended for the ruled, not the rulers - according to the left.

Latest Friday night document dump shows Holder was informed of Brian Terry

“The guns found in the desert near the murder BP officer connect back to the investigation we were going to talk about – they were AK-47s purchased at a Phoenix gun store,” Burke wrote to Wilkinson.

“I’ll call tomorrow,” Wilkinson responded.

Nothing in that article points out they did forensics on bullets retrieved from the body that are linked to any guns that they can connect to the operation.

Bullets have unique markings that can be traced back to the gun it was fired from.

That sort of evidence hasn't been produced.
Could it be because investigators were directed to not test the bullets?
I want to see ballistic test results.
No, because those laws apply to vendors. The government isn't a vendor.

So, if I sold guns to criminal non-citizens, the fact that I'm a private party would render the law null and void?

Or are you saying that because Holder is a democrat, the laws that apply to the little people don't accrue?

The law is intended for the ruled, not the rulers - according to the left.

I don't know the exact wording of the statute, but the law is probably written to apply to individual sellers a well. Using your standard, it would be impossible to conduct sting operations, because they all involve some level of criminal activity.

Then you have no firm ground. You have lost it with the hyperbole. Way to go.

What's incredible here is that the very same people "outraged" over this..don't seem to have any "interest" in that there were so many other outrageous actions that have never been fully vetted.

Like 9/11. No one is interested about the failures there. On how a nation that was spending close to 600 billion dollars on national defense...couldn't defend against a small band of determined terrorists. And the 9/11 commission that did investigate, called in members of the Clinton well as the Bush administration. They wrapped it up in a little under a year. Close to 3000 Americans died in that fiasco.

So you are a truther.... figures :cuckoo:

Or Iraq. All the information that the Bush administration provided to the world..and this country..turned out to be completely wrong. Nothing happened to them. No investigation, nadda.

So are the dems that were fooled by bad intel culpable as well?? Again, you are a hack.

Or the financial meltdown. Aside for pouring in trillions to keep rich boys from going broke, NOTHING HAPPENED.

Idiocy... :eusa_liar:

Or Valerie Plame. Very serious crime. Leaking the name of a covert agent. Aside from a lackey falling on his sword...not much happened.

:lmao: Valerie Plame...? Really??? Are you as "outraged about the leaks coming from Obama's administration? Yeah, didnt think so... hypocrite.

This..however..jumps to the head of the line.

And not one Bush official is being called.

And this is being conducted by a man..who before he knew anythng about it..threatened to have investigations into what he called the most corrupt administration in history..every single day.

So is it little wonder why it's called "partisan bullshit"?

That's cause it is.

"partisan bullshit" alright.... on your part, you silly "Truther"
No, because those laws apply to vendors. The government isn't a vendor.

So, if I sold guns to criminal non-citizens, the fact that I'm a private party would render the law null and void?

Or are you saying that because Holder is a democrat, the laws that apply to the little people don't accrue?

The law is intended for the ruled, not the rulers - according to the left.

You have to excuse College Boy Klop...he thinks he's the smartest in the room.
If what you just said were true, it would be worthy of your "problem". Would you like to amend your comments so that you would have a prayer of being able to substantiate them?


Then you have no firm ground. You have lost it with the hyperbole. Way to go.

Just because you have a problem comprehending written English does not mean I am using hyperbole. Feel free to prove me wrong and that the agents actually made sure to ensure that the trafficked guns would not later be used in the commission of a crime.
Because the laws prohibit gun dealers from selling firearms to those persons. The government a) didn't sell the guns, b) isn't a gun dealer.

They directed others to. That makes them complicit.

Except that what you're accusing them of is not a crime.

Tell me how selling guns to people federal law prohibits selling guns to, is not a crime. This is the same as hiring someone to kill your wife. You may not have pulled the trigger, but you will be convicted of 1st degree murder every time.
Caan't you obama apologists muster just a bit of intellectual honesty, for Christ's sake?
You should only have a problem with it if you think they had some magic mechanism to prevent the guns from killing people.

I think they should have done the same thing they did under Bush, take reasonable precautions to make sure the guns did not actually get used in a crime. Then again, I have standards.

But they didn't do that under Bush. It just happened that no one got killed.

Actually, they did, and stopped when they discovered that their precautions were inadequate.

Want to try again?

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