Do you think the Louisiana Shooter represents Conservatives, Tea Partiers and White people?

Do you think Houser is a representative of the Tea Party, white people, or conservatives in general?

  • Yes, he represents conservatives

    Votes: 8 22.2%
  • No, he is a murderer, not representative of anyone

    Votes: 28 77.8%

  • Total voters
City democrats kill more people every single day....yet oddly enough we never hear any outrage over that.
You're not representative of all conservatives, but your ignorance, fear, stupidity, and hate is typical of most on the social right.

Neither are you representative of all democrats, Clayton. So what is your point? At the same point you are judging KG you are guilty and should consider that your best course of action is to ask God to fix you first.
Kiss my ass and doctor, heal thyself.

And just to prove my point, Jeremiah was trying to defend you not criticize you. Can you not read a full on sentence without lashing out at someone?

TemplarKarmac, I do believe KG gets targeted more than most people on this board and it's wrong. She should not be provoked to anger over and over again by the same people. Everyone has lost their temper before - no one is perfect and has held their peace 100% and walked perfectly throughout their life that I know of. (other than Jesus Christ!).

Everyone targets one another in one form or another. Attack, counterattack, counter-counterattack.

Look. I hold no grudge against KG, and I admit I lost my temper too. This is nothing but a forum. A forum full of children at times, who don't know the meaning of the word "civility," myself included.

And I know how much anger forums can bring out in people. KG can keep me on her ignore list if she wants, but I had no intention of "targeting" her. I had no idea she would even react like this.

I simply don't think she has the right to deem what is, and what isn't conservative.
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Well, I have experienced that myself, KG. The truth has now been accused of being hate speech in some circles. Nevertheless the truth is sovereign, it changes not. When you stand with it? It will cost you something. Is it worth it? More than worth it. What do we have if we are not going to stand with the truth? We'll be like a ship without a rudder lost at sea!

The ship can still lose direction when a crew bent on the same goal fights over the wheel. Hence when the accusations of "fake conservative" fly around. I've been conservative since I graduated high school. Never have I wavered.

I will stand for truth all day long, but the truth is sovereign, and inconvenient. I won't sit here trying to mold it to suit my feelings. Houser was a conservative. He did a disservice to the conservative brand by murdering. That is a simple truth that won't sit well with some people; thus if stating such truth gets me labeled as a "progressive," so be it. But if the truth is so sacrosanct among conservatives, then it should be held in high regard whether or not it matches our view of the world or not. That's how I work. Truth has no bias, it is only truth. A statement of pure reality.
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And before I go:

I would like to apologize to koshergrl if I said anything to upset her.

But, since I'm on her ignore list now, she probably will never see it. But it's here nonetheless.
And before I go:

I would like to apologize to koshergrl if I said anything to upset her.

But, since I'm on her ignore list now, she probably will never see it. But it's here nonetheless.

Ahhh, you are so kind.

I'll never apologize to Koshergirl. She calls me a godless, baby-killing dumb ass because I tend to disagree with everything she post.
And before I go:

I would like to apologize to koshergrl if I said anything to upset her.

But, since I'm on her ignore list now, she probably will never see it. But it's here nonetheless.

Ahhh, you are so kind.

I'll never apologize to Koshergirl. She calls me a godless, baby-killing dumb ass because I tend to disagree with everything she post.
You are a godless, babykilling dumbass.
And before I go:

I would like to apologize to koshergrl if I said anything to upset her.

But, since I'm on her ignore list now, she probably will never see it. But it's here nonetheless.

Ahhh, you are so kind.

I'll never apologize to Koshergirl. She calls me a godless, baby-killing dumb ass because I tend to disagree with everything she post.

Leave her alone.
I'm seeing it all over the board today; liberals jumping on the fact that John Houser was a white conservative tea partier, and thus must represent them. As stereotypic as that might be, lets answer the question. Does he really represent them?
You know these liberals are stupid to claim what they do.
That shooter WAS a member of a Tea Party Message board YES.
And he was a member of THIS board as well.
BOTH are in the news. So BEFORE they go pointing fingers at ANY board they should remember that OTHER board may be pointing at US!
Noticed what she responded to. Not your apology, but the recognition I would never apologize to her.

You wasted your time trying to talk to her.

Also note, I did not post to her. I posted to you!

I don't expect her to respond to a damned thing I say. My time is mine to waste as I so choose. The apology is there. I've done my part. If she refuses to forgive, then let that rest on her conscience. So be it.
I'm seeing it all over the board today; liberals jumping on the fact that John Houser was a white conservative tea partier, and thus must represent them. As stereotypic as that might be, lets answer the question. Does he really represent them?
You know these liberals are stupid to claim what they do.
That shooter WAS a member of a Tea Party Message board YES.
And he was a member of THIS board as well.
BOTH are in the news. So BEFORE they go pointing fingers at ANY board they should remember that OTHER board may be pointing at US!

Whatever board he belonged to is not important. He now resides in hell, where he truly belongs.
The Louisiana shooter, the Charleston shooter, and other similar white shooters are not so much a reflection of white people or conservatives as they are reflections of that media sphere getting them all worked up about bullshit. The difference is they act on it while most conservatives come here and bitch.
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You'd think something like this would put an end to the RW insistence in equating the actions of extremist Muslims with all Muslims especially since terror acts from homegrown, non Muslim extremists is considerably more prevalent in this country than Islamic terror...That hasn't stopped them so far so I'm sure one more to the mix won't.
We're gonna find out Koshergirl "liked" one of his posts aren't we...
if the south hadnt already risen this conversation wouldnt be happening

the best thing that ever happened for Republicans was the Left's insistence on selecting THIS so-called Black man for President
now you've had your moment; you got the guy you wanted and elected him just on the basis of race and making history\
now you cant use that card again
and he's failed, not because he's "Black" but because of his failed Progressive policies
The Louisiana shooter, the Charleston shooter, and other similar white shooters are not so much a reflection of white people or conservatives as they are reflections of that media sphere getting them all worked up about bullshit. The difference is they act on it while most conservatives come here and bitch.

If this is true, this shooter is in no way shape or form a conservative republican. He is about as conservative as that gay kid who killed the 9 churchgoers in SC the day after a prominant southern church said it wouldn't perform gay weddings..

This: Lafayette LA shooter a member of this forum US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And this from that poster: Republicans have a poor understanding of economics. They should have no place in making policy US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum (The OP)

The reality is that the best way to stimulate economic growth is by stimulating the middle class. That is the driving force of our consumption based economy. Republicans have barely done anything for the middle class since Reagan.
Obama's stimulus created close to 3 million jobs. Why? Because it gave the middle class the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan. It also extended unemployment benefits for the millions who lost their jobs against their will. This allowed them to spend money they wouldn't have otherwise spent because they were unemployed

Yep...a real hard righter there....


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