Do you think the Louisiana Shooter represents Conservatives, Tea Partiers and White people?

Do you think Houser is a representative of the Tea Party, white people, or conservatives in general?

  • Yes, he represents conservatives

    Votes: 8 22.2%
  • No, he is a murderer, not representative of anyone

    Votes: 28 77.8%

  • Total voters
he was no more a right-wing terrorist than the Beltway Sniper was a left-wing terrorist
Yes it's true, Muslims are alone in shutting down liberals that mock their God. They have my complete Christian respect. - John Russel Houser, right wing Christian terrorist.
I'm seeing it all over the board today; liberals jumping on the fact that John Houser was a white conservative tea partier, and thus must represent them.
They will be the first to deny any meaning when a leftist commits a similar crime, so their opinions here are meaningless.

Liberals have one goal: Gain and maintain as much partisan political power as they can.
Everything they say or do at any and every moment is in pursuit of that goal.
This includes lying out their asses and the changing the lie 5 minutes later.
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The only thing more scary than a murderer like this, is the fact that there are people here who actually believe he represents the opposing political entities.

I guess mental illness is treatable, but stupidity isn't.
Yes it's true, Muslims are alone in shutting down liberals that mock their God. They have my complete Christian respect. - John Russel Houser, right wing Christian terrorist.
You mean a white CRAZY person,right?
If the nattering nimrods insist on "Muslim terrorist", then they must also insist on "right wing Christian terrorist".

I've never heard them say "crazy terrorist". Just "Muslim terrorist".

So...yeah. Houser was a right wing Christian terrorist.

As was Root.
he was a hate fuck just like you asslick


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