Do you think you would benefit from taking the wealth of the Billionaires?

Do you think you would benefit from taking all of the wealth from the Billionaire class

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Simple Question but to clarify:

Do you think you would benefit from the government taking all of the money from the Billionaire class so that there were no Billionaires (reduce their wealth to $999M) and using it in programs (which include free health care, free college tuition, paying of student debt, universal income for all, etc..,

Keep in mind that all of the Billionaires in the US amount to 40% of the country's wealth.
Do you believe that all men are created equal? If you do, why would you care to look up somebody's butt, find out a billion dollars was in there, then penalize the hell out of their profits?

Maybe you think you know more than the Constitution's founders about treating everyone the same under the law.
Do you believe that all men are created equal? If you do, why would you care to look up somebody's butt, find out a billion dollars was in there, then penalize the hell out of their profits?

Maybe you think you know more than the Constitution's founders about treating everyone the same under the law.
So if I'm Sam Walton's grandson, according to the Constitution, I'm entitled to be born with $18 billion in the bank ?
Simple Question but to clarify:

Do you think you would benefit from the government taking all of the money from the Billionaire class so that there were no Billionaires (reduce their wealth to $999M) and using it in programs (which include free health care, free college tuition, paying of student debt, universal income for all, etc..,

Keep in mind that all of the Billionaires in the US amount to 40% of the country's wealth.
Do you believe that all men are created equal? If you do, why would you care to look up somebody's butt, find out a billion dollars was in there, then penalize the hell out of their profits?

Maybe you think you know more than the Constitution's founders about treating everyone the same under the law.

Have you read any of the fucking thread. I"m very fiscally conservative and I think that taxing wealth is robbery. You haven't read anything I've written. Next time, take some time to understand one's position before spouting off.
Do you believe that all men are created equal? If you do, why would you care to look up somebody's butt, find out a billion dollars was in there, then penalize the hell out of their profits?

Maybe you think you know more than the Constitution's founders about treating everyone the same under the law.
So if I'm Sam Walton's grandson, according to the Constitution, I'm entitled to be born with $18 billion in the bank ?

Do you believe that all men are created equal? If you do, why would you care to look up somebody's butt, find out a billion dollars was in there, then penalize the hell out of their profits?

Maybe you think you know more than the Constitution's founders about treating everyone the same under the law.
So if I'm Sam Walton's grandson, according to the Constitution, I'm entitled to be born with $18 billion in the bank ?

Not entitled. Just very fortunate. I don't know any babies that feel entitled. Some grow up feeling entitled. Mostly Socialists.
So lets do some quick math.

All of those you listed combined, is barely $793 Billion.

So now, we've wiped out all those people, and their companies. Because most of them won't run a company, when they no longer have any stake in the company. They also are not likely to stay in the US. If the US government wiped out all my wealth.... I can promise you, I'd be moving to Canada, or somewhere else, by next month.

So all those companies will likely move outside the US, and that means your tax revenue from them will drop.

But back to the point....

So you have a whooping $793 Billion.

The national debt is $23.2 Trillion dollars.
The national budget is over $4 Trillion.

Again you do not even have $800 billion to spend. It's a drop in the bucket, and once spent, it's gone.

And again, after you spend it, the deficits will end up being worse than they are now, because I guarantee that if you do this, all those people, and many more like them, will pack up and leave the US. Name one rich person in this country, that would stay in this country, after seeing you just confiscate everything all those people earned?

They wouldn't. So tax revenue is going to drop. No question about it.

By the way, if you doubt that, look at all the companies that fled Venezuela when Chavez started confiscating their stuff. Again, short term gain, long term pain. Confiscating the wealth of the rich people, didn't make the poor people better off.
I'm not disagreeing with you, but you think you'll be taxed less in Canada ?

This was my reply on page 2;
The $20 trillion roughly, that's been siphoned from us over the past 40 years is gone.
We will never get it back no matter how much we tax the rich..

And as for the ever-growing $23 trillion national debt, most likely we'll lose our sovereignty to China, Saudi Arabia ....we basically already lost it to the Federal Reserve anyway. You look at the CFR and globalists controlling our foreign policy ( until now perhaps), and see how it's all tied together with DC ,. Israel, and Saudi Arabia and the MSM & intel agencies.

There's a reason Mnuchin and other 'appointees' are steadily breathing down Trump's neck. Bolton nearly had us at war in Venezuela, for godz sake.....Thank God Trump got rid of hios sorry ass. However Mnuchin ain't going nowhere....mark my words.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but you think you'll be taxed less in Canada ?

Well... yes. We're discussing taking billions of dollars in the hard earned wealth that people spent literally decades on end building.

That's like you working your whole life to build up a fortune, only to have it just confiscated by the government.

That's an insane amount of tax. That would make the US, a taxation leader of the world. For sure, Canada will not tax as much as we're talking about in this mythical example. Not even close.
Not entitled. Just very fortunate. I don't know any babies that feel entitled. Some grow up feeling entitled. Mostly Socialists.
Socialists ?
You mean all the Walmart employees who helped build that fortune, making $20,000 a year relying on medicaid and food stamps ?

Employees enter into a contract with an employer: X work for Y pay. They are not entitled to anything beyond that. If they don't like it, they are free to quit.
Do you believe that all men are created equal? If you do, why would you care to look up somebody's butt, find out a billion dollars was in there, then penalize the hell out of their profits?

Maybe you think you know more than the Constitution's founders about treating everyone the same under the law.
So if I'm Sam Walton's grandson, according to the Constitution, I'm entitled to be born with $18 billion in the bank ?

You are not entitled to anything. Your father, or father's father, earned some money. He can do with it, as he pleases.

Just like you can earn a bunch of money, and if you so desire, you could give it to your wife to buy a car.

Nothing "entitled" her to a car. You earn some money, that is rightfully yours to do with. You can give it to someone else, if you desire to do that with it.

All the constitution does, is say that your property, is yours by law, and you can do with it what you want.

The constitution protects the rights of the people. Now if you want to save up hundreds of millions, and pass it on to a grand-son in the future.... it's your property, your rights, and you can do that if you please.

Nothing "entitled" anyone to anything.
Not entitled. Just very fortunate. I don't know any babies that feel entitled. Some grow up feeling entitled. Mostly Socialists.
Socialists ?
You mean all the Walmart employees who helped build that fortune, making $20,000 a year relying on medicaid and food stamps ?

If you're frugal and know how to shop, Anyone can get by on $15K. Especially with government assistance.

To do a little better in life, people need to take responsibility for themselves and work towards their goals. Most people don't have goals. Most want an iPhone, unlimited data, the latest shoes, the latest video game, a vacation to Bermuda, a new car, and they take on debt to make that happen. We're a very materialistic society.

Go visit and find out how to really save money and end up with considerable wealth. I did. I retired at the age of 54.

You and most other people probably won't do that. Most think it's too much work and consider living frugally a hardship.

The average person in Africa makes about $798 per year. Our bottom 25% are in the top 5% of the world.

Buy here in the good old USA, everyone is entitled to free everything without having to do anything apparently.
Not entitled. Just very fortunate. I don't know any babies that feel entitled. Some grow up feeling entitled. Mostly Socialists.
Socialists ?
You mean all the Walmart employees who helped build that fortune, making $20,000 a year relying on medicaid and food stamps ?

Employees enter into a contract with an employer: X work for Y pay. They are not entitled to anything beyond that. If they don't like it, they are free to quit.
So the system of exploiting cheap Chinese labor to increase profits can be rigged for the owners, but the workers have no rights ?
IDGAF about Trump's charity

Why don't you find me a list of well respected charities that have seen their revenue drop by 60% immediately after a single presidential election and then get back to me

and you call me an idiot yet you can't understand when I told you I didn't vote for Trump last time and I won't vote for him this time.

Really people like you who vote for anyone as long as their a democrat are the retarded brainwashed morons
I will let law enforcement take care of that instead of ridiculous pundits. I vote for the issues Americans are really stupid about that. They vote for the people they want to have a beer with and don't even know that we are the only modern country that doesn't have a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share along with giant corporations and lying scumbags who run the GOP. And I did not call you an idiot I called you a brainwashed functional idiot. About 70% of the populace...all of our cable news networks are a disgrace really they don't have any foreign reporters or offices and just sit around debating GOP garbage mainly. But at least CNN and MSNBC don't lie lie lie innuendo innuendo innuendo and never retract.the more you listen to Fox and Rush etc etc the more you become a brainwashed functional idiot. Perfect dupes of the greedy idiot GOP rich.

Yup you're a typical kool aid drinking democrat who thinks he knows what's best for everyone else
I admire and respect your brainwashed "opinion" LOL... Anybody doesn't think his fellow citizens deserve healthcare living wage etc etc cheap college and training so opportunity is improved and great infrastructure and vacations is a brainwashed functional GOP moron. No sacrifice is too great for your scumbag mega Rich idiot GOP heroes....

I don't think anyone deserves to steal the fruits of another man's labor.

I have no obligation to subsidize college for anyone. If you want to go then you pay for it.

And there you go again calling me a republican.

You have such little brain capacity that you have to pigeonhole everything into 2 little boxes so you can understand it.

Let me tell you a little about myself

I have no problem with abortion, gay marriage, the legalization of pot, or anything else a person does in his private life

I was against the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan

What I am for is people like you leaving me the fuck alone so I can live my life without you assholes always trying to tell me I have to pay for your shit
you are already paying too much in taxes, we are talkin about taxing the rich their fair share, dumbass dupe. People who you know should be paying less in taxes and get all those things.
You don't know what I pay in taxes

You think you'll pay less in taxes if other people pay more and that will never be true

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ALL the wealth? Of course not. Most would simply like them to pay their fair share.

Billionaire tax? HELL yes
Define fair share.

The top 10% of earners pay 70% of all the income tax collected
Yes yes they also earn 70% of all the income LOL and they get basically all the new wealth.of course the federal income tax is basically the only progressive tax we have. If you count all taxes we have a flat tax system with the total screwjob for the Non rich. Thanks for the brainwash but no thanks. Everything you know is wrong brainwashed functional moron.Google the only tax graph you need to know to find out how misinformed and dumbass you actually are.
So then that is their fair share

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Is there one?

The fact is the Clintons so called charity went bust after Hillary lost the election

Why do you think that is?
The Clinton foundation is still getting 40%of the contributions they did before the election which is pretty damn good and they are still highly rated. Meanwhile the Trump foundation was a total scam and joke like everything Trump does. Total fraud and scoundrel dumbass dupes... It only smellz because your heroes pack garbage up your nose stupid oops brainwashed functionally stupid.....
IDGAF about Trump

I didn't vote for him last time and I won't this time

The Clintons are as sleazy as they come you're just too brainwashed to see it
I will go with our law enforcement thanks. They would have to be crazy to try any of the stuff people believe from the sleazebag GOP propaganda machine....and no it is not a conspiracy of all the law enforcement and intelligent people in the world against the poor GOP swine liars and dupes....
People in power never get investigated to the extent the rest of the peasants do

The people who own the politicians make sure of it
Bologna, our law enforcement is always investigating every time there is evidence of corruption. Clintons have been investigated a million times and they found a b******and a mountain of garbage GOP propaganda super duper. Trump and Trump's campaign not so much. It's a good thing he never writes down anything, the mobbed-up piece of crap.
Yeah you keep believing that like a good little sheep

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Not entitled. Just very fortunate. I don't know any babies that feel entitled. Some grow up feeling entitled. Mostly Socialists.
Socialists ?
You mean all the Walmart employees who helped build that fortune, making $20,000 a year relying on medicaid and food stamps ?

Employees enter into a contract with an employer: X work for Y pay. They are not entitled to anything beyond that. If they don't like it, they are free to quit.
So the system of exploiting cheap Chinese labor to increase profits can be rigged for the owners, but the workers have no rights ?

That's right leftist, move those goalposts. First it was Walmart employees, now it's Chinese labor.

Maybe nobody told you, but we don't have jurisdiction over China. Oh and btw, that's a COMMUNIST country. You know... "power to the people!", "workers rights!", "seize the means of production!" and all that jazz?

Way to put your foot in your mouth, tard.
Defending Communism is a sure sign of senility
there were some good things about communism, and before you go absolutely insane just the things I just mentioned. they are also the good things about socialism as well as everything else about socialism if you know what the f*** you're talking about. "We are all socialists now!"--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. Of course he did not know the power of sabotage and obstruction and brainwash of the garbage scumbag giveaway to the rich screw everybody else GOP since Reagan.
There is nothing good about communism

More people were killed by communism than by any other form of government.

There is no good that can come out of giving government that kind of control over the people
Nobody is speaking in favor of dictatorship except you right-wing assholes, oops brainwashed right-wing assholes who love Putin and Kim jeong Hoon and dictators like Pinochet and the shah of Iran and all the banana republic dictators the GOP has supported forever. The GOP has been a disaster since Roosevelt TR. And more. Greedy idiot imperialist covert action scumbags. And their Pavlov dog dupes like you...

Once again I am not a republican nor am I right wing

So you once again demonstrate your inability to understand anything outside of what you have been spoon fed
If you do not vote Democratic you are a brainwashed functional moron GOP asset no matter what you call yourself. And whatever you call yourself you are a victim of GOP propaganda. Libertarians classical liberals whatever all the same crap.
Says the brainwashed Democrat

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That's right leftist, move those goalposts. First it was Walmart employees, now it's Chinese labor.

Maybe nobody told you, but we don't have jurisdiction over China. Oh and btw, that's a COMMUNIST country. You know... "power to the people!", "workers rights!", "seize the means of production!" and all that jazz?

Way to put your foot in your mouth, tard.
Way to totally spin what I said, and btw you moved the goalposts.
That's right leftist, move those goalposts. First it was Walmart employees, now it's Chinese labor.

Maybe nobody told you, but we don't have jurisdiction over China. Oh and btw, that's a COMMUNIST country. You know... "power to the people!", "workers rights!", "seize the means of production!" and all that jazz?

Way to put your foot in your mouth, tard.
Way to totally spin what I said, and btw you moved the goalposts.

YOU brought up China you fucking dunce. Jesus Christ...

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