Do you think you would benefit from taking the wealth of the Billionaires?

Do you think you would benefit from taking all of the wealth from the Billionaire class

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Do you believe that all men are created equal? If you do, why would you care to look up somebody's butt, find out a billion dollars was in there, then penalize the hell out of their profits?

Maybe you think you know more than the Constitution's founders about treating everyone the same under the law.
So if I'm Sam Walton's grandson, according to the Constitution, I'm entitled to be born with $18 billion in the bank ?
Where in the Constitution say inventors, entrepreneurs, and people who work hard and earn the big bucks should have that money they built a hospital taken away since it costs at least several billion dollars to build a unique hospital with adjacent cancer research wing, coronary center, and physician training college all rolled into one? And the reason being because that multi-billionaire's mother died at the age of 47 with cancer issues and father died at the age of 62 with medication issues related to his coronary event which most people recover from if the heart attack doesn't kill them before they hit the ground.

Should we expropriate some American's fortune to let Nancy Pelosi use it to destroy another conservative man who wins the electoral college vote using every fake charge in the book?

And guess who control's the nation's purse right now. Do you remember an incident of a Congresswoman who not only sent out those who attended her rally speech to harass his presidential staff, but her next speech about President Trump was that she was going to take out President Trump?

He's a multi-billionaire, but why should we pick his pockets to remove him from the serious job of talking authoritatively to an oil baron who offered him a bribe of one trillion dollars in an offshore bank account to let us stop defending Israel, that he would immediately nuke from its north to south and east to west, assuring his minions that Allah would double their paychecks for life if they would assassinate our president and nuke Israel at the same moment on the same day.

His family and sons would be unable to get even if he had them hunted down, murdered, and posted their bodies on the fences around their homes in the manner of Saddam Hussein.

No, I think it unwise to take a citizen's assets away from him, even if he were a wealthy child once upon a time in America.

Communists in Russia destroyed the wealthy in Russia. Now their leader is at war with Ukraine, where an earlier Russian leader murdered several million farmers in that bread basket area.

No, at least when people are made wealthy by either hard work, inheritance or fluke of inventing something like the paper clip that people bought by the droves in years past, why would we have a government so egotistical its leaders would dream up a false narrative to take away the incentive from all men to do better than they do with freebies all around them. Before their last killing spree a present-day communist nation had waiting lines for food, and people would stand in line from sunup to sundown for a small bag of oranges to take home to keep their family from getting scurvy.

Not good!!!
Not entitled. Just very fortunate. I don't know any babies that feel entitled. Some grow up feeling entitled. Mostly Socialists.
Socialists ?
You mean all the Walmart employees who helped build that fortune, making $20,000 a year relying on medicaid and food stamps ?

Employees enter into a contract with an employer: X work for Y pay. They are not entitled to anything beyond that. If they don't like it, they are free to quit.
So the system of exploiting cheap Chinese labor to increase profits can be rigged for the owners, but the workers have no rights ?

Exploiting? Those chinese workers at foxconn and other companies line up by the thousands to get a job there. The working conditions and pay are nothing like they can get anywhere else in China. It's nice that some of our companies are helping out the labor pool in other countries. Oh wait - that's a globalist view. Jeebus, I almost turned into a democrat. Ok. Now you've confused me. Do you believe in nationalism or globalism? Cuz either you're giving me a severe case of cognitive dissonance or you're just a hypocrite.

I'll take the later. It hurts less.
It's only partially about the money. Everyone knows the Wealthy Elite have been running this country since the beginning. Every President pretends they are NOT part of that nomenclature, but all of them are, or wind up being by the end. Trump is no different (He used to brag about being the wealthy elite), nor Obama, nor Bush (Especially Bush) or the Clintons. How do we change it?

We should take a lesson from the French Revolution. The struggling French masses rebelled, the first thing they did was gather up all the educated, intelligent, and wealthy people and executed them.......France hasn't been quite right since then.
Not entitled. Just very fortunate. I don't know any babies that feel entitled. Some grow up feeling entitled. Mostly Socialists.
Socialists ?
You mean all the Walmart employees who helped build that fortune, making $20,000 a year relying on medicaid and food stamps ?

If you're frugal and know how to shop, Anyone can get by on $15K. Especially with government assistance.

To do a little better in life, people need to take responsibility for themselves and work towards their goals. Most people don't have goals. Most want an iPhone, unlimited data, the latest shoes, the latest video game, a vacation to Bermuda, a new car, and they take on debt to make that happen. We're a very materialistic society.

Go visit and find out how to really save money and end up with considerable wealth. I did. I retired at the age of 54.

You and most other people probably won't do that. Most think it's too much work and consider living frugally a hardship.

The average person in Africa makes about $798 per year. Our bottom 25% are in the top 5% of the world.

Buy here in the good old USA, everyone is entitled to free everything without having to do anything apparently.

I actually lived on $12,000 in one year. And I had money left over. Not that it was fun. Of course not. But you can live on very little.
Not entitled. Just very fortunate. I don't know any babies that feel entitled. Some grow up feeling entitled. Mostly Socialists.
Socialists ?
You mean all the Walmart employees who helped build that fortune, making $20,000 a year relying on medicaid and food stamps ?

If you're frugal and know how to shop, Anyone can get by on $15K. Especially with government assistance.

To do a little better in life, people need to take responsibility for themselves and work towards their goals. Most people don't have goals. Most want an iPhone, unlimited data, the latest shoes, the latest video game, a vacation to Bermuda, a new car, and they take on debt to make that happen. We're a very materialistic society.

Go visit and find out how to really save money and end up with considerable wealth. I did. I retired at the age of 54.

You and most other people probably won't do that. Most think it's too much work and consider living frugally a hardship.

The average person in Africa makes about $798 per year. Our bottom 25% are in the top 5% of the world.

Buy here in the good old USA, everyone is entitled to free everything without having to do anything apparently.

I actually lived on $12,000 in one year. And I had money left over. Not that it was fun. Of course not. But you can live on very little.

Yes it can be done. There is some guy on the internet (can't remember his name) who lives of $6,500/yr (wife included). Of course, he's too frugal. lol. The things you have to do to get there are definitely not worth it.
Do you believe that all men are created equal? If you do, why would you care to look up somebody's butt, find out a billion dollars was in there, then penalize the hell out of their profits?

Maybe you think you know more than the Constitution's founders about treating everyone the same under the law.
So if I'm Sam Walton's grandson, according to the Constitution, I'm entitled to be born with $18 billion in the bank ?
Where in the Constitution say inventors, entrepreneurs, and people who work hard and earn the big bucks should have that money they built a hospital taken away since it costs at least several billion dollars to build a unique hospital with adjacent cancer research wing, coronary center, and physician training college all rolled into one? And the reason being because that multi-billionaire's mother died at the age of 47 with cancer issues and father died at the age of 62 with medication issues related to his coronary event which most people recover from if the heart attack doesn't kill them before they hit the ground.

Should we expropriate some American's fortune to let Nancy Pelosi use it to destroy another conservative man who wins the electoral college vote using every fake charge in the book?

And guess who control's the nation's purse right now. Do you remember an incident of a Congresswoman who not only sent out those who attended her rally speech to harass his presidential staff, but her next speech about President Trump was that she was going to take out President Trump?

He's a multi-billionaire, but why should we pick his pockets to remove him from the serious job of talking authoritatively to an oil baron who offered him a bribe of one trillion dollars in an offshore bank account to let us stop defending Israel, that he would immediately nuke from its north to south and east to west, assuring his minions that Allah would double their paychecks for life if they would assassinate our president and nuke Israel at the same moment on the same day.

His family and sons would be unable to get even if he had them hunted down, murdered, and posted their bodies on the fences around their homes in the manner of Saddam Hussein.

No, I think it unwise to take a citizen's assets away from him, even if he were a wealthy child once upon a time in America.

Communists in Russia destroyed the wealthy in Russia. Now their leader is at war with Ukraine, where an earlier Russian leader murdered several million farmers in that bread basket area.

No, at least when people are made wealthy by either hard work, inheritance or fluke of inventing something like the paper clip that people bought by the droves in years past, why would we have a government so egotistical its leaders would dream up a false narrative to take away the incentive from all men to do better than they do with freebies all around them. Before their last killing spree a present-day communist nation had waiting lines for food, and people would stand in line from sunup to sundown for a small bag of oranges to take home to keep their family from getting scurvy.

Not good!!!

Nothing? You're not going to reply and at least throw me a bone that you made a very bad assumption about my point of view?

I'm the OP that you berated and said I should look up some billionaires ass.

Whatever. Some people just don't come clean and apologize for their mistakes.
Not entitled. Just very fortunate. I don't know any babies that feel entitled. Some grow up feeling entitled. Mostly Socialists.
Socialists ?
You mean all the Walmart employees who helped build that fortune, making $20,000 a year relying on medicaid and food stamps ?

Employees enter into a contract with an employer: X work for Y pay. They are not entitled to anything beyond that. If they don't like it, they are free to quit.
So the system of exploiting cheap Chinese labor to increase profits can be rigged for the owners, but the workers have no rights ?

Exploiting? Those chinese workers at foxconn and other companies line up by the thousands to get a job there. The working conditions and pay are nothing like they can get anywhere else in China. It's nice that some of our companies are helping out the labor pool in other countries. Oh wait - that's a globalist view. Jeebus, I almost turned into a democrat. Ok. Now you've confused me. Do you believe in nationalism or globalism? Cuz either you're giving me a severe case of cognitive dissonance or you're just a hypocrite.

I'll take the later. It hurts less.
I was referring to exploiting American workers.
Not entitled. Just very fortunate. I don't know any babies that feel entitled. Some grow up feeling entitled. Mostly Socialists.
Socialists ?
You mean all the Walmart employees who helped build that fortune, making $20,000 a year relying on medicaid and food stamps ?

Employees enter into a contract with an employer: X work for Y pay. They are not entitled to anything beyond that. If they don't like it, they are free to quit.
So the system of exploiting cheap Chinese labor to increase profits can be rigged for the owners, but the workers have no rights ?

Exploiting? Those chinese workers at foxconn and other companies line up by the thousands to get a job there. The working conditions and pay are nothing like they can get anywhere else in China. It's nice that some of our companies are helping out the labor pool in other countries. Oh wait - that's a globalist view. Jeebus, I almost turned into a democrat. Ok. Now you've confused me. Do you believe in nationalism or globalism? Cuz either you're giving me a severe case of cognitive dissonance or you're just a hypocrite.

I'll take the later. It hurts less.
I was referring to exploiting American workers.

American workers are free to leave and seek employment elsewhere if they don't like the conditions of their employment. Why is this such a difficult concept to grasp?

IF YOU DON'T LIKE YOUR JOB, QUIT. Otherwise shut the hell up. Good God....
Not entitled. Just very fortunate. I don't know any babies that feel entitled. Some grow up feeling entitled. Mostly Socialists.
Socialists ?
You mean all the Walmart employees who helped build that fortune, making $20,000 a year relying on medicaid and food stamps ?

Employees enter into a contract with an employer: X work for Y pay. They are not entitled to anything beyond that. If they don't like it, they are free to quit.
So the system of exploiting cheap Chinese labor to increase profits can be rigged for the owners, but the workers have no rights ?

Exploiting? Those chinese workers at foxconn and other companies line up by the thousands to get a job there. The working conditions and pay are nothing like they can get anywhere else in China. It's nice that some of our companies are helping out the labor pool in other countries. Oh wait - that's a globalist view. Jeebus, I almost turned into a democrat. Ok. Now you've confused me. Do you believe in nationalism or globalism? Cuz either you're giving me a severe case of cognitive dissonance or you're just a hypocrite.

I'll take the later. It hurts less.
I was referring to exploiting American workers.

You wrote:

"Exploiting Cheap Chinese Labor"

I don't see how that equates to

"American Workers"

How exactly did I misconstrue that? I must be losing it.
Socialists ?
You mean all the Walmart employees who helped build that fortune, making $20,000 a year relying on medicaid and food stamps ?

Employees enter into a contract with an employer: X work for Y pay. They are not entitled to anything beyond that. If they don't like it, they are free to quit.
So the system of exploiting cheap Chinese labor to increase profits can be rigged for the owners, but the workers have no rights ?

Exploiting? Those chinese workers at foxconn and other companies line up by the thousands to get a job there. The working conditions and pay are nothing like they can get anywhere else in China. It's nice that some of our companies are helping out the labor pool in other countries. Oh wait - that's a globalist view. Jeebus, I almost turned into a democrat. Ok. Now you've confused me. Do you believe in nationalism or globalism? Cuz either you're giving me a severe case of cognitive dissonance or you're just a hypocrite.

I'll take the later. It hurts less.
I was referring to exploiting American workers.

You wrote:

"Exploiting Cheap Chinese Labor"

I don't see how that equates to

"American Workers"

How exactly did I misconstrue that? I must be losing it.

LOL me too I guess....
You wrote:

"Exploiting Cheap Chinese Labor"

I don't see how that equates to

"American Workers"

How exactly did I misconstrue that? I must be losing it.
Never mind. Read the context of what I said ...I was referring to Walmart profits -exploiting the American workers obviously
played a large role in that.

And how many small businesses did they trample on the way up ?
Fuck the Walton's.
I am an extreme leftist socialist, but clearly it would be illegal and unproductive to take wealth from anyone, even billionaires, other than by a reasonable tax on currently income profits.

You want people to have concentrations of excess capital, so that it can be easily invested into production ventures.
The only time concentrations of capital are a problem is when they try to do illegal things like monopolies, violate labor laws, etc.
You wrote:

"Exploiting Cheap Chinese Labor"

I don't see how that equates to

"American Workers"

How exactly did I misconstrue that? I must be losing it.
Never mind. Read the context of what I said ...I was referring to Walmart profits -exploiting the American workers obviously
played a large role in that.

And how many small businesses did they trample on the way up ?
Fuck the Walton's.

I'm not in disagreement about Walmart's monopolistic behavior. Them, like many, many other retailers are gentrifying the products American's buy. They close down small businesses where the service is much, much better and sell us shit. As far as pay goes, they are better than most retailers in my estimation.

I love a good unique tasty pizza. I fucking hate Domino's, Papa Johns etc... The restaurant business is loaded with gentrification. It truly sucks.

They call it gentrification but that implies they provide better product and service which is horseshit.
You wrote:

"Exploiting Cheap Chinese Labor"

I don't see how that equates to

"American Workers"

How exactly did I misconstrue that? I must be losing it.
Never mind. Read the context of what I said ...I was referring to Walmart profits -exploiting the American workers obviously
played a large role in that.

And how many small businesses did they trample on the way up ?
Fuck the Walton's.

I'm not in disagreement about Walmart's monopolistic behavior. Them, like many, many other retailers are gentrifying the products American's buy. They close down small businesses where the service is much, much better and sell us shit. As far as pay goes, they are better than most retailers in my estimation.

I love a good unique tasty pizza. I fucking hate Domino's, Papa Johns etc... The restaurant business is loaded with gentrification. It truly sucks.

They call it gentrification but that implies they provide better product and service which is horseshit.
No retailer has a monopoly

The fact that millions of people don't shop at Walmart proves they do not have a monopoly

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
You wrote:

"Exploiting Cheap Chinese Labor"

I don't see how that equates to

"American Workers"

How exactly did I misconstrue that? I must be losing it.
Never mind. Read the context of what I said ...I was referring to Walmart profits -exploiting the American workers obviously
played a large role in that.

And how many small businesses did they trample on the way up ?
Fuck the Walton's.

I'm not in disagreement about Walmart's monopolistic behavior. Them, like many, many other retailers are gentrifying the products American's buy. They close down small businesses where the service is much, much better and sell us shit. As far as pay goes, they are better than most retailers in my estimation.

I love a good unique tasty pizza. I fucking hate Domino's, Papa Johns etc... The restaurant business is loaded with gentrification. It truly sucks.

They call it gentrification but that implies they provide better product and service which is horseshit.
No retailer has a monopoly

The fact that millions of people don't shop at Walmart proves they do not have a monopoly

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Did I say they have a monopoly?

Learn to read and comprehend.
Did I say they have a monopoly?

Learn to read and comprehend.
China definitely has a monopoly on certain products sold here*. And Walmart takes a lot of the heat but they were far from the only ones to exploit the terrible trade deals of the 80's and 90's. Large private equity firms like Mitt Romney's Bain Capital -that swallowed up Toys R Us and others had a big hand in it.

*There are 30,000 Dollar Generals in the US now.
Simple Question but to clarify:

Do you think you would benefit from the government taking all of the money from the Billionaire class so that there were no Billionaires (reduce their wealth to $999M) and using it in programs (which include free health care, free college tuition, paying of student debt, universal income for all, etc..,

Keep in mind that all of the Billionaires in the US amount to 40% of the country's wealth.

If you took all the money from all the billionaires in the US, it still wouldn’t payoff the ever increasing national debt. And once you take the money, who are you going to tax to pay for all the entitlements. Government spending is the problem.
Simple Question but to clarify:

Do you think you would benefit from the government taking all of the money from the Billionaire class so that there were no Billionaires (reduce their wealth to $999M) and using it in programs (which include free health care, free college tuition, paying of student debt, universal income for all, etc..,

Keep in mind that all of the Billionaires in the US amount to 40% of the country's wealth.

If you took all the money from all the billionaires in the US, it still wouldn’t payoff the ever increasing national debt. And once you take the money, who are you going to tax to pay for all the entitlements. Government spending is the problem.

Agree, but to be clear all the Billionaire wealth in the US is about 40T so it would pay off the debt. Of course, the economy would tank and we would head directly toward the same demise as Venezuela.

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