Do You Trust Germans?

Do You Trust Germans

  • Hell No

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • I trust a German about as much as a canadian...just little

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • I am unfamiliar with world history, so yes I trust Germans

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters
If it isnt about race at all, why are permanently maundering about a "hate gene"?
I find it to be quite hilarious (and true). Look at the history of the German people and the history of what people of German heritage have done in this world. Virtually every hate group is of German origin. Take a poll of the hate mongers on this forum, you will find the majority of them are of German ancestry. It is an interesting phenomenon that cannot be denied.
An interesting and true fact is that Germany has been involved in far less wars then the other powers.
Perverted facts....sure, the US has been engaged in a few conflicts...much different than starting 2 world wars and attempted genocides.
How did Germany started the wars though the others declared war on it?
Looks like the true German is manifesting....

How did they NOT start the wars. This should be interesting.
If France an Britain declare war they cannot complain of war. Simple as it can be.
I find it to be quite hilarious (and true). Look at the history of the German people and the history of what people of German heritage have done in this world. Virtually every hate group is of German origin. Take a poll of the hate mongers on this forum, you will find the majority of them are of German ancestry. It is an interesting phenomenon that cannot be denied.
An interesting and true fact is that Germany has been involved in far less wars then the other powers.
Perverted facts....sure, the US has been engaged in a few conflicts...much different than starting 2 world wars and attempted genocides.
How did Germany started the wars though the others declared war on it?
Looks like the true German is manifesting....

How did they NOT start the wars. This should be interesting.
If France an Britain declare war they cannot complain of war. Simple as it can be.
No declration is needed when you are the cause.
An interesting and true fact is that Germany has been involved in far less wars then the other powers.
Perverted facts....sure, the US has been engaged in a few conflicts...much different than starting 2 world wars and attempted genocides.
How did Germany started the wars though the others declared war on it?
Looks like the true German is manifesting....

How did they NOT start the wars. This should be interesting.
If France an Britain declare war they cannot complain of war. Simple as it can be.
No declration is needed when you are the cause.
Explain that to the soldiers you want to waste for your crazy idea.
What 'Nazi Propaganda machine' would that be?
Those who defend and minimize the Nazi rise in Germany and ther past crimes against humanity.

What about those that actually lied about the alleged crimes so they could watch men choke to death ?
I don't follow what you are saying.

The Nuremburg trials that were overseen by the real mass murderers. Maybe you should look at the latest reports coming out of Russia
Holocaust denier! You have lost ALL credibility.

So were have I denied the holocaust then, bringing the facts to the forefront is what everyone should be doing. Do you agree with the Judges at Nuremburg that testimony procured under torture is admissible in a court of law. That uncorroborated evidence is enough to send a man to the gallows, that hearsay is also admissible to arrive at a guilty verdict. If you do then I hope that you are sentenced to death on the word of someone who was not even there
They also gave us gas chambers, a Holocaust and lamps made out of Jew skin.
I recently read that the lampshade story was not true.

Those who have researched the camps knew 30 years ago that many of the stories were fabrications, and that the allies concocted most of them to exact revenge on the Germans.
the christonazi on uk boards is a well known welfare cheat and holocaust denier.His hero is former BNP leader racist and white supremacist Nick Griffin.
Where is the surprise, he is German and the German people have been defending and agreeing with him all throughout this forum.

I am no more German than you are, but I have a better grasp of reality than you will ever have. take no notice of the STALKER as he is out to silence the voice of truth so he can freely go about doing the dirty work of his NATIONAL SOCIALST masters.
The user name Phoenall (affectionately known as Phoney) represents a Hasbara team of posters of differing levels of intelligence and grasp of the English language. They mostly post on Israel/Palestine issues but meander into other threads for image purposes. This one is one of the more reasonable ones that has a decent grasp of English.
Leave it to the German ilk to molest the intent of this thread and turn it into a holocaust deniers convention. Typical of the German scum. More proof.
Leave it to the German ilk to molest the intent of this thread and turn it into a holocaust deniers convention. Typical of the German scum. More proof.
Hell, what do you expect from a pathetic thread?
It's an honest thread asking an honest question. History and the actions of the German people dictate that humans of good and common demeanor put the German people under constant scrutiny. The German people have repeated inhumane atrocities in the name of hate. They have proven they are a people that are a threat to humanity.

Anyone who disagrees is a fool. ISIS and the killer muslims are amateurs when it comes to the Germans. Just ask the Jews.
I trust and like Germans from today, from 2014. I respect them and admire them.
Now is the time to trust them the least. Nazi hate is on the rise...and its not just against the killer muslims....anti-semitism is on the rise and violence against the Jews and anyone of a darker hue. They are deceiving you. Did you know the Germans sell more weapons to killer muslims than any other nation in Europe? Why is that? The Germans were recently accused of funneling weapons for TERRORISTS!
Don't trust Germany...they are deceiving you.
Those who defend and minimize the Nazi rise in Germany and ther past crimes against humanity.

What about those that actually lied about the alleged crimes so they could watch men choke to death ?
I don't follow what you are saying.

The Nuremburg trials that were overseen by the real mass murderers. Maybe you should look at the latest reports coming out of Russia
Holocaust denier! You have lost ALL credibility.

So were have I denied the holocaust then, bringing the facts to the forefront is what everyone should be doing. Do you agree with the Judges at Nuremburg that testimony procured under torture is admissible in a court of law. That uncorroborated evidence is enough to send a man to the gallows, that hearsay is also admissible to arrive at a guilty verdict. If you do then I hope that you are sentenced to death on the word of someone who was not even there
Auschwitz gas chambers? so you condemn the use of torture by the Americans at Guantanamo . I presume you would applaud the federal judge who barred the testimony gained under torture of the accused African Embassy bomber Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani.?
Leave it to the German ilk to molest the intent of this thread and turn it into a holocaust deniers convention. Typical of the German scum. More proof.
Hell, what do you expect from a pathetic thread?
Whenever you see this OP, you should know it's going to be a pathetic thread.
And Ernie comes running every time.
Running? Nope. But, I won't ever give you a walk.
The user name Phoenall (affectionately known as Phoney) represents a Hasbara team of posters of differing levels of intelligence and grasp of the English language. They mostly post on Israel/Palestine issues but meander into other threads for image purposes. This one is one of the more reasonable ones that has a decent grasp of English.

Shut up Abdul, we know exactly who you are a semi literate desperate woman who converted to islam and is now a PROPAGANDIST
The user name Phoenall (affectionately known as Phoney) represents a Hasbara team of posters of differing levels of intelligence and grasp of the English language. They mostly post on Israel/Palestine issues but meander into other threads for image purposes. This one is one of the more reasonable ones that has a decent grasp of English.
I'm not sure, certainly the Toenail of six month ago claimed he was dyslexic to cover up his illiterate posts, this one has a reasonable grasp.
When the fascist Nick Griffin took over the far right BNP, he instructed his members to tone down the Antisemitic views and attempt to recruit Jews to be used as a tool against the "common" enemy the Muslims. This failed miserably, Griffin was kicked out of the BNP, his many headed love child Toenail has just not caught up yet.
What about those that actually lied about the alleged crimes so they could watch men choke to death ?
I don't follow what you are saying.

The Nuremburg trials that were overseen by the real mass murderers. Maybe you should look at the latest reports coming out of Russia
Holocaust denier! You have lost ALL credibility.

So were have I denied the holocaust then, bringing the facts to the forefront is what everyone should be doing. Do you agree with the Judges at Nuremburg that testimony procured under torture is admissible in a court of law. That uncorroborated evidence is enough to send a man to the gallows, that hearsay is also admissible to arrive at a guilty verdict. If you do then I hope that you are sentenced to death on the word of someone who was not even there
Auschwitz gas chambers? so you condemn the use of torture by the Americans at Guantanamo . I presume you would applaud the federal judge who barred the testimony gained under torture of the accused African Embassy bomber Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani.?

Yes I do as no torture is acceptable to anyone seeking justice. Which is why the Nuremburg trials were a travesty and the whole episode should be closely scutinised and the real truth reported. Not the victors version of events but the full truth. How about the Katyn forest event that resulted in the execution of German soldiers, because the evidence was an outright lie. Were is the justice for those people wrongly accused a wrongly convicted of mass murder. The Russians held their hands up and admitted that it was them that killed the Polish soldiers in Katyn forest and blamed it on the Germans, many years after the event. I wonder if you accept the evidence given at the trials, some gained by extreme torture of the gassing of 20,000 people in one night at Bergen-Belsen ? ? ? ?

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