Do You Understand capitalism?

Yrah, I had to use 3rd grade psychology because you all are acting like 3rd graders.
Well, at least you admit the level.

Yeah, I think you just did too only mine was purposely done yours is from ignorance.
Ignorance of what, precisely?

Pretty funny coming a guy whose definition of capitalism is a third grade-level temper tantrum.

So tell me, ignorance of what?

What I said was and IS true and you show me where it works differently. See what I mean? If you ever stopped the propaganda, the young would see.
I remember when you could run a car, pay rent and feed yourself with one 40 hr job on minimum wage. If you ever stopped the propaganda...

Your "definition" is simply a grossly simplistic, one-sided, shallow diatribe, replete with hyperbole and caricatures.

If it's really the best you can do, great. But it's certainly a clue that trying to have an interesting conversation with you on the topic would be an abject waste of time.

And, strangely, we'd probably agree on at least a few things. But I just don't make a habit of turning complicated issues into food fights.

Its IS how it works. Lol. Yes. My definition is simple but true. Now, I can go back and write it like a court doc if you want but it will still say the same thing. It IS one sided...the side of Freedom, Democracy, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights.
A conversation with you is a conversation of none sense. Yeah, Freedom, Democracy, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights and what you want to do to them IS simple. You want to destroy them for your own personal monetary gain. Judas.
Well, at least you admit the level.

Yeah, I think you just did too only mine was purposely done yours is from ignorance.
Ignorance of what, precisely?

Pretty funny coming a guy whose definition of capitalism is a third grade-level temper tantrum.

So tell me, ignorance of what?

What I said was and IS true and you show me where it works differently. See what I mean? If you ever stopped the propaganda, the young would see.
I remember when you could run a car, pay rent and feed yourself with one 40 hr job on minimum wage. If you ever stopped the propaganda...

Your "definition" is simply a grossly simplistic, one-sided, shallow diatribe, replete with hyperbole and caricatures.

If it's really the best you can do, great. But it's certainly a clue that trying to have an interesting conversation with you on the topic would be an abject waste of time.

And, strangely, we'd probably agree on at least a few things. But I just don't make a habit of turning complicated issues into food fights.

Its IS how it works. Lol. Yes. My definition is simple but true. Now, I can go back and write it like a court doc if you want but it will still say the same thing. It IS one sided...the side of Freedom, Democracy, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights.
A conversation with you is a conversation of none sense. Yeah, Freedom, Democracy, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights and what you want to do to them IS simple. You want to destroy them for your own personal monetary gain. Judas.

Wow, there's a couple of shallow, simplistic, ignorant assumptions.

How appropriate.
I do. get rich off your workers then proceed to fuck them out of their union, their benefits and their retirement, then build shit as cheaply as fucking possible to last just long enough that you cant bring it back while charging you up the ass for the same product that that employer fired his workforce and moved to china for. To bilk and screw the public by taking all consumer protections and removing all responsibility from their actions whatever they might be all the while getting tax cuts and subsidies and "incentives" from our government they bought off by the transfer of wealth from a corrupt capitalistic system.

No actually you don't. Capitalism is a series of contracts. If you don't like what an employer offers, don't enter into a contract to work for them. If you don't like the price or quality of a product, don't enter into a contract to purchase it. No one is forcing you to engage in commerce, well except the commiecrats.


Your a tool. Jesus dont think I havent heard the propaganda crock of shit before. Go tell that shit to a kid or a stupid person cause Im neither. Dont insult me with your mediocre attempts.

Yet you lack the ability to mount a logical rebuttal. LMAO


So, your saying thats not how it works? oh, and your rebuttal?...constructive and

I gave you my rebuttal you retarded twerp. You come back with nothing but a derogatory rant, that's not a rebuttal to what I said. You're demonstrating the intelligence of a life long burger flipper. I bet you've never signed the front side of a paycheck.


Um, well, no. I ran my own biz, started my workers ay almost 3 times min wage, bout them food and drink almost daily, because, I was very thankful for the money I was making of of their labor.
I do. get rich off your workers then proceed to fuck them out of their union, their benefits and their retirement, then build shit as cheaply as fucking possible to last just long enough that you cant bring it back while charging you up the ass for the same product that that employer fired his workforce and moved to china for. To bilk and screw the public by taking all consumer protections and removing all responsibility from their actions whatever they might be all the while getting tax cuts and subsidies and "incentives" from our government they bought off by the transfer of wealth from a corrupt capitalistic system.
Capitalism made the world (not that all will agree that was a good thing). But unregulated capitalism will undo it (eating itself in the process). Like all tools, you need the right tool for the right job and just enough force to get said job accomplished.

The tool is less a problem than the human who holds it. History shows - they cannot be trusted. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Feed it, change its diaper, and never, never let it out of your sight.
There's no such thing as unregulated capitalism. Never was. You don't understand it either. The schools are fucking America.
..and I did pretty good too. My workers worked hard because they respected me. No whips, no chains, no time clock.
No actually you don't. Capitalism is a series of contracts. If you don't like what an employer offers, don't enter into a contract to work for them. If you don't like the price or quality of a product, don't enter into a contract to purchase it. No one is forcing you to engage in commerce, well except the commiecrats.


Your a tool. Jesus dont think I havent heard the propaganda crock of shit before. Go tell that shit to a kid or a stupid person cause Im neither. Dont insult me with your mediocre attempts.

Yet you lack the ability to mount a logical rebuttal. LMAO


So, your saying thats not how it works? oh, and your rebuttal?...constructive and

I gave you my rebuttal you retarded twerp. You come back with nothing but a derogatory rant, that's not a rebuttal to what I said. You're demonstrating the intelligence of a life long burger flipper. I bet you've never signed the front side of a paycheck.


Um, well, no. I ran my own biz, started my workers ay almost 3 times min wage, bout them food and drink almost daily, because, I was very thankful for the money I was making of of their labor.
...and you're the only one? LOL
I do. get rich off your workers then proceed to fuck them out of their union, their benefits and their retirement, then build shit as cheaply as fucking possible to last just long enough that you cant bring it back while charging you up the ass for the same product that that employer fired his workforce and moved to china for. To bilk and screw the public by taking all consumer protections and removing all responsibility from their actions whatever they might be all the while getting tax cuts and subsidies and "incentives" from our government they bought off by the transfer of wealth from a corrupt capitalistic system.
Capitalism made the world (not that all will agree that was a good thing). But unregulated capitalism will undo it (eating itself in the process). Like all tools, you need the right tool for the right job and just enough force to get said job accomplished.

The tool is less a problem than the human who holds it. History shows - they cannot be trusted. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Feed it, change its diaper, and never, never let it out of your sight.
There's no such thing as unregulated capitalism. Never was. You don't understand it either. The schools are fucking America.

Fuck you you weasel. FDR The New Deal. Your a traitorous piece of shit.
I do. get rich off your workers then proceed to fuck them out of their union, their benefits and their retirement, then build shit as cheaply as fucking possible to last just long enough that you cant bring it back while charging you up the ass for the same product that that employer fired his workforce and moved to china for. To bilk and screw the public by taking all consumer protections and removing all responsibility from their actions whatever they might be all the while getting tax cuts and subsidies and "incentives" from our government they bought off by the transfer of wealth from a corrupt capitalistic system.
Capitalism made the world (not that all will agree that was a good thing). But unregulated capitalism will undo it (eating itself in the process). Like all tools, you need the right tool for the right job and just enough force to get said job accomplished.

The tool is less a problem than the human who holds it. History shows - they cannot be trusted. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Feed it, change its diaper, and never, never let it out of your sight.
There's no such thing as unregulated capitalism. Never was. You don't understand it either. The schools are fucking America.

Fuck you you weasel. FDR The New Deal. Your a traitorous piece of shit.
The new deal was unregulated capitalism? More like socialism mr. history buff.
I do. get rich off your workers then proceed to fuck them out of their union, their benefits and their retirement, then build shit as cheaply as fucking possible to last just long enough that you cant bring it back while charging you up the ass for the same product that that employer fired his workforce and moved to china for. To bilk and screw the public by taking all consumer protections and removing all responsibility from their actions whatever they might be all the while getting tax cuts and subsidies and "incentives" from our government they bought off by the transfer of wealth from a corrupt capitalistic system.
Capitalism made the world (not that all will agree that was a good thing). But unregulated capitalism will undo it (eating itself in the process). Like all tools, you need the right tool for the right job and just enough force to get said job accomplished.

The tool is less a problem than the human who holds it. History shows - they cannot be trusted. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Feed it, change its diaper, and never, never let it out of your sight.
There's no such thing as unregulated capitalism. Never was. You don't understand it either. The schools are fucking America.

Fuck you you weasel. FDR The New Deal. Your a traitorous piece of shit.
The new deal was unregulated capitalism? More like socialism mr. history buff.
No one has unregulated capitalism. It would destroy itself and take society with it.
I do. get rich off your workers then proceed to fuck them out of their union, their benefits and their retirement, then build shit as cheaply as fucking possible to last just long enough that you cant bring it back while charging you up the ass for the same product that that employer fired his workforce and moved to china for. To bilk and screw the public by taking all consumer protections and removing all responsibility from their actions whatever they might be all the while getting tax cuts and subsidies and "incentives" from our government they bought off by the transfer of wealth from a corrupt capitalistic system.
Capitalism made the world (not that all will agree that was a good thing). But unregulated capitalism will undo it (eating itself in the process). Like all tools, you need the right tool for the right job and just enough force to get said job accomplished.

The tool is less a problem than the human who holds it. History shows - they cannot be trusted. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Feed it, change its diaper, and never, never let it out of your sight.
There's no such thing as unregulated capitalism. Never was. You don't understand it either. The schools are fucking America.

Fuck you you weasel. FDR The New Deal. Your a traitorous piece of shit.
The new deal was unregulated capitalism? More like socialism mr. history buff.
No one has unregulated capitalism. It would destroy itself and take society with it.
How could it destroy itself if it couldn't exist? What planet are you on?
Capitalism made the world (not that all will agree that was a good thing). But unregulated capitalism will undo it (eating itself in the process). Like all tools, you need the right tool for the right job and just enough force to get said job accomplished.

The tool is less a problem than the human who holds it. History shows - they cannot be trusted. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Feed it, change its diaper, and never, never let it out of your sight.
There's no such thing as unregulated capitalism. Never was. You don't understand it either. The schools are fucking America.

Fuck you you weasel. FDR The New Deal. Your a traitorous piece of shit.
The new deal was unregulated capitalism? More like socialism mr. history buff.
No one has unregulated capitalism. It would destroy itself and take society with it.
How could it destroy itself if it couldn't exist? What planet are you on?
Did I say it couldn't exist? Ah, no. I said no one has such a thing. When are you going to learn to read?
No actually you don't. Capitalism is a series of contracts. If you don't like what an employer offers, don't enter into a contract to work for them. If you don't like the price or quality of a product, don't enter into a contract to purchase it. No one is forcing you to engage in commerce, well except the commiecrats.


Your a tool. Jesus dont think I havent heard the propaganda crock of shit before. Go tell that shit to a kid or a stupid person cause Im neither. Dont insult me with your mediocre attempts.

Yet you lack the ability to mount a logical rebuttal. LMAO


So, your saying thats not how it works? oh, and your rebuttal?...constructive and

I gave you my rebuttal you retarded twerp. You come back with nothing but a derogatory rant, that's not a rebuttal to what I said. You're demonstrating the intelligence of a life long burger flipper. I bet you've never signed the front side of a paycheck.


Um, well, no. I ran my own biz, started my workers ay almost 3 times min wage, bout them food and drink almost daily, because, I was very thankful for the money I was making of of their labor.

Sure you did, what kind of business?

Yes. I know what socialism is.

What is it?

They both have to be regulated.

By who or what?

Dont confuse authoritarian socialist with a democrat, ok?

Give me a reason not to.

...unless you want a completely uneven playing field where you have no accountability.

What does one have to do with the other?

You traitorous fuckers all think the same.

How am I traitorous? This interests me greatly.

You think like a virus and are just as hard to get rid of.

How does a virus think, and what do they think about?

For godsakes man, straighten up and explain yourself. :slap:
Two people so far who think the OP is an accurate definition of capitalism.

It's funny, sad and scary, all at once.

Is it not the duty of a company to maximise profit above all else?

Maybe you should look up the definition of "fiduciary responsibility".

What does "fiduciary responsibility" have to do with a capitalist's desire to maximize profits?
A corporation has a "fiduciary responsibility" to its shareholders.

If that fiduciary responsibility is breached, the shareholders can sue.

This is pretty basic stuff.
So another one who actually agrees with the OP's third grade essay.

There is no other definition that you would find acceptable.

Capitalism bad. America unfair. America racist. America stole its land. America was founded by slave rapists.

Hate the country all you want.

Yrah, I had to use 3rd grade psychology because you all are acting like 3rd graders.
Well, at least you admit the level.

Yeah, I think you just did too only mine was purposely done yours is from ignorance.
Ignorance of what, precisely?

Pretty funny coming a guy whose definition of capitalism is a third grade-level temper tantrum.

So tell me, ignorance of what?

What I said was and IS true and you show me where it works differently. See what I mean? If you ever stopped the propaganda, the young would see.
I remember when you could run a car, pay rent and feed yourself with one 40 hr job on minimum wage. If you ever stopped the propaganda...

You worked for minimum wage? That explains much.

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