Do You View Socialism Positively?

Are you the Propaganda Minister of Denmark? People who get paid to go to school have no incentive to learn, just to show up.

I've noticed those who have adopted a generally negative disposition toward socialist programs have been indoctrinated with distorted impressions. In the above example the advanced educational program in Denmark does not pay people to go to school. Rather, a free college education is available to those who qualify.

The benefit to the supportive society is a well educated population.

A free college ed is also available here - through a vast scholarship and grant system - to those who qualify.
Yep, also it helps that you can get private loans though - which allow you to hold off paying till your study finishes. In New Zealand the maximum private student loan available is $4000, which doesn't even cover a years study - and as NZ doesn't fund post graduate it means you are stuck with a general bank loan (basically the education debt is treated as equivalent to buying a tv).
Socialism is an economic tool. National Parks are socialistic. As are police departments, fire departments, and the military. All are supported and ran by the government. Our Interstate System is a creation of socialism.
I don't agree that's what socialism is. Those parks are funded by the private sector, capitalism, not state ownership. The state doesn't create any wealth, it doesn't fund jack shit, that's the people's money. The people fund the state, that's capitalism.

Your ignorance as to the definition of socialism doesn't alter the definition.

National Parks, police, fire depts, etc are all socialist by definition.

All are paid for by those who pay fed taxes which is roughly the top 50% of earners and corporations. The bottom 50% and all non-earners get a free ride.
Your ignorance as to the definition of socialism doesn't alter the definition.
Oh goodie. The forum anus opens wide (as usual) and starts its' spewing.

Socialism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
noun \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\
: a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies

Go tell Merriam-Webster they got it all wrong and you have the proper definition for them. Please post the results.
National Parks, police, fire depts, etc are all socialist by definition. Parks used to belong only to the wealthy, police forces were there to protect the wealthy from the rabble, the military was there to do the bidding of the wealthy.

Today We the People have formed a society where we have our own socialized parks, police, fire and military for our mutual benefit.

You might not understand this concept but it is socialism by it's very nature.
Wrong, asshole. Funded by the public is not the definition of socialism. Get back to us when the dictionary folks get on board with you.
Socialism is an economic tool. National Parks are socialistic. As are police departments, fire departments, and the military. All are supported and ran by the government. Our Interstate System is a creation of socialism.
I don't agree that's what socialism is. Those parks are funded by the private sector, capitalism, not state ownership. The state doesn't create any wealth, it doesn't fund jack shit, that's the people's money. The people fund the state, that's capitalism.

Your ignorance as to the definition of socialism doesn't alter the definition.

National Parks, police, fire depts, etc are all socialist by definition.

All are paid for by those who pay fed taxes which is roughly the top 50% of earners and corporations. The bottom 50% and all non-earners get a free ride.

100% of all taxpayers pay FICA taxes which is funding government spending.
Your ignorance as to the definition of socialism doesn't alter the definition.
Oh goodie. The forum anus opens wide (as usual) and starts its' spewing.

Socialism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
noun \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\
: a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies

Go tell Merriam-Webster they got it all wrong and you have the proper definition for them. Please post the results.
National Parks, police, fire depts, etc are all socialist by definition. Parks used to belong only to the wealthy, police forces were there to protect the wealthy from the rabble, the military was there to do the bidding of the wealthy.

Today We the People have formed a society where we have our own socialized parks, police, fire and military for our mutual benefit.

You might not understand this concept but it is socialism by it's very nature.
Wrong, asshole. Funded by the public is not the definition of socialism. Get back to us when the dictionary folks get on board with you.

The definition of socialism is COMMON OWNERSHIP. We the People have common ownership of parks, police and the military therefore that fits the definition.

You are looking it in a political context as opposed to understanding the actual meaning of the term itself. Yes, MW does give the political definition because that is how most people use it here in the US. But the term socialism means common ownership and that goes beyond merely "owning the means of production."
Suppose, when Marx had looked about for a name to give to his program to transition capitalism to communism he had selected "scientific capitalism" instead of scientific socialism? Would all this furor that socialism leads to communism have existed; I wonder if we would have spent the last 100 years or so dreading capitalism? Marx gave us another good one and we were even afraid to read and learn how stupid the whole communistic set up or we would be afraid of being labeled a communist. I remember taking a college course on comparative economic practices and I kept one textbook covered so the title with Marx could not be seen. Students were not above accusing one of being a communist if they carried a textbook about Marx and communism to class.
After the 1917 revolution the USSR dropped the scientific-socialist thing pretty quick, and then dropped the whole communist program, it didn't work-except to frighten. Can anyone name a country that made Marxian communism work?
Where do you functional idiots get that servitude crapp, anyway? Just curious...
Huh. And I thought your inability to understand was deliberate - instead, perhaps it's natural.
What do you call it when the state forces people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation, if not state-enforced involuntary servitude?
Social expediency.
Please explain what you think that term means and how it applies to state-enforced involuntary servitude.
A great book is "The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible!"- every GOPer should read it. The suffering of the nonrich from nonregulation was horrible in the 1800's, mainly.. Poisonous and fatal work conditions, food, housing, pollution, horrible.
Jacob Riss wrote about the not so good old days. His book has plenty of pictures also. Poverty in America was rampant, homeless children sleeping in alleys and all. It wasn't all "come with me Lucille, in my merry oldsmobile." God bless the progressives, labor unions, and the FDR's and the Frances Perkinses that enabled us to have a better life.
"Better", so long as you're willing to accept state-enforced involuntary servitude
I've noticed those who have adopted a generally negative disposition toward socialist programs have been indoctrinated with distorted impressions.
There's only one thing you need to know about socialism that should necessarily lead you to a negative disposition:
The state forces people to provide goods and services to others w/o compenation, creating a condition of state-enfocred involuntary servitude.
I've noticed that people who have a favorable impression of socialism are OK with this.
Socialism is an economic tool. National Parks are socialistic. As are police departments, fire departments, and the military. All are supported and ran by the government. Our Interstate System is a creation of socialism.
I don't agree that's what socialism is. Those parks are funded by the private sector, capitalism, not state ownership. The state doesn't create any wealth, it doesn't fund jack shit, that's the people's money. The people fund the state, that's capitalism.

Your ignorance as to the definition of socialism doesn't alter the definition.

National Parks, police, fire depts, etc are all socialist by definition. Parks used to belong only to the wealthy, police forces were there to protect the wealthy from the rabble, the military was there to do the bidding of the wealthy.

Today We the People have formed a society where we have our own socialized parks, police, fire and military for our mutual benefit.

You might not understand this concept but it is socialism by it's very nature.

Oh, so that's why you support socialism, you're a fucking ignoramus who doesn't even know what it is!!
The poll question: "Just off the top of your head, would you say you have a positive or negative image of socialism?"

Dems/left leaning - 53% pos ... 41% neg
Repubs/right leaning - 17% pos ... 79% neg
All Americans - 36% pos ... 68% neg

Strangely, Americans are almost unanimously positive about small biz (95%) and very positive about free enterprise (86%) and entrepreneurs (84%), all of which are contrary to socialism.

Socialism Viewed Positively by 36 of Americans

Socialism is an economic tool. National Parks are socialistic. As are police departments, fire departments, and the military. All are supported and ran by the government. Our Interstate System is a creation of socialism.

Capitalism is an economic tool. It has allowed men like Elon Musk to create whole new industries and products. It has created, in those nations that manage it well, a level of living for the average citizen unseen in the history of our world.

But tools can be used in the wrong manner, clumsily, and even destructively. Those stating that socialism or capitalism are evil are blaming the tool for it's use. And demonstrating their inability to grasp basic reality.

Yes, I see now, you're a fucking moron who think any government spending means the nation embraces Socalism
Suppose, when Marx had looked about for a name to give to his program to transition capitalism to communism he had selected "scientific capitalism" instead of scientific socialism? Would all this furor that socialism leads to communism have existed; I wonder if we would have spent the last 100 years or so dreading capitalism? Marx gave us another good one and we were even afraid to read and learn how stupid the whole communistic set up or we would be afraid of being labeled a communist. I remember taking a college course on comparative economic practices and I kept one textbook covered so the title with Marx could not be seen. Students were not above accusing one of being a communist if they carried a textbook about Marx and communism to class.
After the 1917 revolution the USSR dropped the scientific-socialist thing pretty quick, and then dropped the whole communist program, it didn't work-except to frighten. Can anyone name a country that made Marxian communism work?
It isn't the name, it's the system people live under. Call it whatever you want, I want to minimize what the state takes from me to redistribute to others and pet projects. We were not formed as a socialist country, capitalism made us number one and moving away from it is lowering quality of life and freedom for most of us. Putting a happy face on socialism to sell to the masses isn't going to improve our economy.
Oh, so that's why you support socialism, you're a fucking ignoramus who doesn't even know what it is!!
Hi Frank! Crush any E100s lately?

I bought back the 704 and sold the 268.

Loving the E3!
Just about have the BL-10 for the -152.
The E4 is situational, but generally awesome.

The BL-10 is like having a nuclear weapon, kind of unfair to deal out 750 damage at tier 8 but is it a Russian game.

I love the E4 but I need to remember it only looks like a heavy, it get really squishy when I try to play it up front

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