Do You View Socialism Positively?

Oh, so that's why you support socialism, you're a fucking ignoramus who doesn't even know what it is!!
Hi Frank! Crush any E100s lately?

I bought back the 704 and sold the 268.

Loving the E3!
Just about have the BL-10 for the -152.
The E4 is situational, but generally awesome.

The BL-10 is like having a nuclear weapon, kind of unfair to deal out 750 damage at tier 8 but is it a Russian game.

I love the E4 but I need to remember it only looks like a heavy, it get really squishy when I try to play it up front
True that.
Don't all you servile liberal turds all claim that FICA taxes don't go into the general fund?

Though there seems little to keep our elected officials from doing just that, FICA "taxes" are actually federally mandated retirement insurance premiums and are not to be used for any other purpose. Technically the gov't "borrows" FICA funds to cover current budget shortfalls.
Derido's claim that FICA funds are used for general expenditures (his way of "proving" that all taxpayers fund fed expenses) is just not true.
Roughly the bottom 50% of fed tax payers get a free ride on the backs of corporations and the upper 50%.

Derido's claim that FICA funds are used for general expenditures (his way of "proving" that all taxpayers fund fed expenses) is just not true.

So you cannot refute the FACT that 100% of all taxpayers do pay taxes. Furthermore you cannot refute the FACT that tax funds are not specifically allocated therefore everyone is paying a share of all spending.

And yes, failing to be honest about those FACTS does make you disingenuous!

You claimed all taxpayers share the federal expenditure tax load and you disingenuously used FICA to "prove" it but, as we both know, FICA is not general funds but rather retirement INSURANCE premiums. Only corporations and the top 50% of earners pay federal income tax. The bottom 50% get a free ride.

FICA is FEDERAL taxation. Semantic squirming on your part isn't going to alter the FACT that 100% of all taxpayers are paying FEDERAL FICA taxes.

I never said all earners don't pay FICA. I correctly pointed out that the bottom 50% of earners do not help pay the federal expenditure load and to argue otherwise is disingenuous at best.

You disingenuously alleged that ONLY the top 50% of earners were paying taxes and that everyone else was getting a "free ride" which is patently FALSE.

I correctly pointed out that the bottom 50% of earners do not help pay the federal expenditure load

Are you now alleging that ONLY the top 50% of earners bear 100% of the cost of the Medicare "federal expenditure load"?
Socialism is an economic tool. National Parks are socialistic. As are police departments, fire departments, and the military. All are supported and ran by the government. Our Interstate System is a creation of socialism.
I don't agree that's what socialism is. Those parks are funded by the private sector, capitalism, not state ownership. The state doesn't create any wealth, it doesn't fund jack shit, that's the people's money. The people fund the state, that's capitalism.

Your ignorance as to the definition of socialism doesn't alter the definition.

National Parks, police, fire depts, etc are all socialist by definition. Parks used to belong only to the wealthy, police forces were there to protect the wealthy from the rabble, the military was there to do the bidding of the wealthy.

Today We the People have formed a society where we have our own socialized parks, police, fire and military for our mutual benefit.

You might not understand this concept but it is socialism by it's very nature.

Go back to you knitting old lady. You've just defined government as socialism. The very basis of government is common defense. When you expand socialism to include the functions of government then you've shot yourself in the foot with respect to the a.) people treating you seriously, and b.) you've totally negated the "argument" that socialism is an economic tool, for how is establishment of a park or the creation of an army an economic act.

Gotta :lol: at Pastor Rikurzhen preaching his perverted "Gospel of Conservatism" without any understanding of what he is actually saying!

The very basis of government is common defense

Common defense, common ownership, common wealth, common interests, common legal systems, common roads, common parks, etc.

Socialism is about what we as a SOCIETY do in COMMON because it benefits us all. Common defense is a socialist concept because We the People are pooling our funds to provide for our common defense. Equally we are pooling our funds to provide roads, police forces and fire departments because they serve our COMMON interests.

Too bad your home schooling never included the foundation of what constitutes the purpose of a government.

The Constitution is our government.
Socialism is an economic tool. National Parks are socialistic. As are police departments, fire departments, and the military. All are supported and ran by the government. Our Interstate System is a creation of socialism.
I don't agree that's what socialism is. Those parks are funded by the private sector, capitalism, not state ownership. The state doesn't create any wealth, it doesn't fund jack shit, that's the people's money. The people fund the state, that's capitalism.

Your ignorance as to the definition of socialism doesn't alter the definition.

National Parks, police, fire depts, etc are all socialist by definition. Parks used to belong only to the wealthy, police forces were there to protect the wealthy from the rabble, the military was there to do the bidding of the wealthy.

Today We the People have formed a society where we have our own socialized parks, police, fire and military for our mutual benefit.

You might not understand this concept but it is socialism by it's very nature.

Go back to you knitting old lady. You've just defined government as socialism. The very basis of government is common defense. When you expand socialism to include the functions of government then you've shot yourself in the foot with respect to the a.) people treating you seriously, and b.) you've totally negated the "argument" that socialism is an economic tool, for how is establishment of a park or the creation of an army an economic act.

Gotta :lol: at Pastor Rikurzhen preaching his perverted "Gospel of Conservatism" without any understanding of what he is actually saying!

The very basis of government is common defense

Common defense, common ownership, common wealth, common interests, common legal systems, common roads, common parks, etc.

Socialism is about what we as a SOCIETY do in COMMON because it benefits us all. Common defense is a socialist concept because We the People are pooling our funds to provide for our common defense. Equally we are pooling our funds to provide roads, police forces and fire departments because they serve our COMMON interests.

Too bad your home schooling never included the foundation of what constitutes the purpose of a government.

The Constitution is our government.

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. The government is formed by the 3 branches which are Congress, Judicial and Executive.

You would fail the basic naturalization test that legal immigrants have to pass.
Using that time frame to hide the Libertarian donations of the Koch Bros?

Scary. Hey everyone, look it's the Koch's, they're spending money to shrink the size of government and thus oppress you. Go to open secrets and show us the size of the Koch donations compared to Senate Majority PAC and NextGen Climate Action and other liberal groups are spending.

Koch brothers are libertarian and want less government, you're socialist and want more government. Who should people really fear?

Most people view 'capitalism' positively because they are looking at the modern version of capitalism that has been heavily regulated often in ways we now don't notice and take for granted.
I don't agree that's what socialism is. Those parks are funded by the private sector, capitalism, not state ownership. The state doesn't create any wealth, it doesn't fund jack shit, that's the people's money. The people fund the state, that's capitalism.

Your ignorance as to the definition of socialism doesn't alter the definition.

National Parks, police, fire depts, etc are all socialist by definition. Parks used to belong only to the wealthy, police forces were there to protect the wealthy from the rabble, the military was there to do the bidding of the wealthy.

Today We the People have formed a society where we have our own socialized parks, police, fire and military for our mutual benefit.

You might not understand this concept but it is socialism by it's very nature.

Go back to you knitting old lady. You've just defined government as socialism. The very basis of government is common defense. When you expand socialism to include the functions of government then you've shot yourself in the foot with respect to the a.) people treating you seriously, and b.) you've totally negated the "argument" that socialism is an economic tool, for how is establishment of a park or the creation of an army an economic act.

Gotta :lol: at Pastor Rikurzhen preaching his perverted "Gospel of Conservatism" without any understanding of what he is actually saying!

The very basis of government is common defense

Common defense, common ownership, common wealth, common interests, common legal systems, common roads, common parks, etc.

Socialism is about what we as a SOCIETY do in COMMON because it benefits us all. Common defense is a socialist concept because We the People are pooling our funds to provide for our common defense. Equally we are pooling our funds to provide roads, police forces and fire departments because they serve our COMMON interests.

Too bad your home schooling never included the foundation of what constitutes the purpose of a government.

The Constitution is our government.

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. The government is formed by the 3 branches which are Congress, Judicial and Executive.

You would fail the basic naturalization test that legal immigrants have to pass.

Oh my god. What document explains the three branches of government? Idiot.
Socialism is about what we as a SOCIETY do in COMMON because it benefits us all.

That's not socialism you deluded old battleaxe, that's government. When a group of people come together and form a society and pass laws they're not engaged in socialism, they're engaged in forming a government, in creating a legal system. When they come together and form an army to do battle against invading liberal raiders, they're not engaging in socialism, they're engaging in what government exists for, common defense.
Though there seems little to keep our elected officials from doing just that, FICA "taxes" are actually federally mandated retirement insurance premiums and are not to be used for any other purpose. Technically the gov't "borrows" FICA funds to cover current budget shortfalls.
Derido's claim that FICA funds are used for general expenditures (his way of "proving" that all taxpayers fund fed expenses) is just not true.
Roughly the bottom 50% of fed tax payers get a free ride on the backs of corporations and the upper 50%.

Derido's claim that FICA funds are used for general expenditures (his way of "proving" that all taxpayers fund fed expenses) is just not true.

So you cannot refute the FACT that 100% of all taxpayers do pay taxes. Furthermore you cannot refute the FACT that tax funds are not specifically allocated therefore everyone is paying a share of all spending.

And yes, failing to be honest about those FACTS does make you disingenuous!

You claimed all taxpayers share the federal expenditure tax load and you disingenuously used FICA to "prove" it but, as we both know, FICA is not general funds but rather retirement INSURANCE premiums. Only corporations and the top 50% of earners pay federal income tax. The bottom 50% get a free ride.

FICA is FEDERAL taxation. Semantic squirming on your part isn't going to alter the FACT that 100% of all taxpayers are paying FEDERAL FICA taxes.

I never said all earners don't pay FICA. I correctly pointed out that the bottom 50% of earners do not help pay the federal expenditure load and to argue otherwise is disingenuous at best.

You disingenuously alleged that ONLY the top 50% of earners were paying taxes and that everyone else was getting a "free ride" which is patently FALSE.

I correctly pointed out that the bottom 50% of earners do not help pay the federal expenditure load

Are you now alleging that ONLY the top 50% of earners bear 100% of the cost of the Medicare "federal expenditure load"?

You have now slid from just disingenuous to willful misrepresentation. Typical leftist.
Let's return to the beginning ... before you disingenuously moved the goalposts:

"National Parks, police, fire depts, etc are all socialist by definition." - Derideo

"All are paid for by those who pay fed taxes which is roughly the top 50% of earners and corporations. The bottom 50% and all non-earners get a free ride." - SAYIT

"100% of all taxpayers pay FICA taxes which is funding government spending." -Derideo

"FICA taxes are Social Security and Medicare, both gov't mandated INSURANCE policies. {They pay for SS and Medicare/Medicaid. Not national parks, police, fire depts., etc}
The money that pays for our roads, parks, military, gov't operations, etc., etc., etc., is confiscated from the top 50% of earners and corporations. The bottom 50% and all non-earners get a free ride. - SAYIT
Your ignorance as to the definition of socialism doesn't alter the definition.

National Parks, police, fire depts, etc are all socialist by definition. Parks used to belong only to the wealthy, police forces were there to protect the wealthy from the rabble, the military was there to do the bidding of the wealthy.

Today We the People have formed a society where we have our own socialized parks, police, fire and military for our mutual benefit.

You might not understand this concept but it is socialism by it's very nature.

Go back to you knitting old lady. You've just defined government as socialism. The very basis of government is common defense. When you expand socialism to include the functions of government then you've shot yourself in the foot with respect to the a.) people treating you seriously, and b.) you've totally negated the "argument" that socialism is an economic tool, for how is establishment of a park or the creation of an army an economic act.

Gotta :lol: at Pastor Rikurzhen preaching his perverted "Gospel of Conservatism" without any understanding of what he is actually saying!

The very basis of government is common defense

Common defense, common ownership, common wealth, common interests, common legal systems, common roads, common parks, etc.

Socialism is about what we as a SOCIETY do in COMMON because it benefits us all. Common defense is a socialist concept because We the People are pooling our funds to provide for our common defense. Equally we are pooling our funds to provide roads, police forces and fire departments because they serve our COMMON interests.

Too bad your home schooling never included the foundation of what constitutes the purpose of a government.

The Constitution is our government.

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. The government is formed by the 3 branches which are Congress, Judicial and Executive.

You would fail the basic naturalization test that legal immigrants have to pass.

Oh my god. What document explains the three branches of government? Idiot.


So now you are trying to squirm out of looking foolish for erroneously alleging that the supreme law of the land, AKA the constitution, was "the government".
So you cannot refute the FACT that 100% of all taxpayers do pay taxes. Furthermore you cannot refute the FACT that tax funds are not specifically allocated therefore everyone is paying a share of all spending.

And yes, failing to be honest about those FACTS does make you disingenuous!

You claimed all taxpayers share the federal expenditure tax load and you disingenuously used FICA to "prove" it but, as we both know, FICA is not general funds but rather retirement INSURANCE premiums. Only corporations and the top 50% of earners pay federal income tax. The bottom 50% get a free ride.

FICA is FEDERAL taxation. Semantic squirming on your part isn't going to alter the FACT that 100% of all taxpayers are paying FEDERAL FICA taxes.

I never said all earners don't pay FICA. I correctly pointed out that the bottom 50% of earners do not help pay the federal expenditure load and to argue otherwise is disingenuous at best.

You disingenuously alleged that ONLY the top 50% of earners were paying taxes and that everyone else was getting a "free ride" which is patently FALSE.

I correctly pointed out that the bottom 50% of earners do not help pay the federal expenditure load

Are you now alleging that ONLY the top 50% of earners bear 100% of the cost of the Medicare "federal expenditure load"?

You have now slid from just disingenuous to willful misrepresentation. Typical leftist.
Let's return to the beginning ... before you disingenuously moved the goalposts:

"National Parks, police, fire depts, etc are all socialist by definition." - Derideo

"All are paid for by those who pay fed taxes which is roughly the top 50% of earners and corporations. The bottom 50% and all non-earners get a free ride." - SAYIT

"100% of all taxpayers pay FICA taxes which is funding government spending." -Derideo

"FICA taxes are Social Security and Medicare, both gov't mandated INSURANCE policies. {They pay for SS and Medicare/Medicaid. Not national parks, police, fire depts., etc}
The money that pays for our roads, parks, military, gov't operations, etc., etc., etc., is confiscated from the top 50% of earners and corporations. The bottom 50% and all non-earners get a free ride. - SAYIT

You obviously don't have a clue how badly your own words reflect on your lack of honesty and integrity in the exchange that you just quoted.

And you only did so because you have backed yourself into a corner with your own words.

The "federal expenditure load" is carried by all taxpayers but you cannot bring yourself to admit that FACT, can you.

Nevermind, I never expected you to do so when I saw you using ridiculous absurdities like "confiscated from the top 50% of earners". That tells me that your mindset is on the extreme right and therefore you are incapable of admitting when you are proven wrong.

So I am going to take your latest feeble attempt to squirm out of your own hole as a tacit admission on your part that you have failed to disprove that 100% of taxpayers do in FACT share the "federal expenditure load". Have a nice day.
Socialism is about what we as a SOCIETY do in COMMON because it benefits us all.

That's not socialism you deluded old battleaxe, that's government. When a group of people come together and form a society and pass laws they're not engaged in socialism, they're engaged in forming a government, in creating a legal system. When they come together and form an army to do battle against invading liberal raiders, they're not engaging in socialism, they're engaging in what government exists for, common defense.

When you resort to personal insults that is a tacit admission that you have failed, Pastor Rikurzhen. Go back to preaching your perverted "Gospel of Conservatism" and leave the adults in peace.
Go back to you knitting old lady. You've just defined government as socialism. The very basis of government is common defense. When you expand socialism to include the functions of government then you've shot yourself in the foot with respect to the a.) people treating you seriously, and b.) you've totally negated the "argument" that socialism is an economic tool, for how is establishment of a park or the creation of an army an economic act.

Gotta :lol: at Pastor Rikurzhen preaching his perverted "Gospel of Conservatism" without any understanding of what he is actually saying!

The very basis of government is common defense

Common defense, common ownership, common wealth, common interests, common legal systems, common roads, common parks, etc.

Socialism is about what we as a SOCIETY do in COMMON because it benefits us all. Common defense is a socialist concept because We the People are pooling our funds to provide for our common defense. Equally we are pooling our funds to provide roads, police forces and fire departments because they serve our COMMON interests.

Too bad your home schooling never included the foundation of what constitutes the purpose of a government.

The Constitution is our government.

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. The government is formed by the 3 branches which are Congress, Judicial and Executive.

You would fail the basic naturalization test that legal immigrants have to pass.

Oh my god. What document explains the three branches of government? Idiot.


So now you are trying to squirm out of looking foolish for erroneously alleging that the supreme law of the land, AKA the constitution, was "the government".

Why don't you tell us what document contains the construction of the three branches of government. Dick nose.
Gotta :lol: at Pastor Rikurzhen preaching his perverted "Gospel of Conservatism" without any understanding of what he is actually saying!

Common defense, common ownership, common wealth, common interests, common legal systems, common roads, common parks, etc.

Socialism is about what we as a SOCIETY do in COMMON because it benefits us all. Common defense is a socialist concept because We the People are pooling our funds to provide for our common defense. Equally we are pooling our funds to provide roads, police forces and fire departments because they serve our COMMON interests.

Too bad your home schooling never included the foundation of what constitutes the purpose of a government.

The Constitution is our government.

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. The government is formed by the 3 branches which are Congress, Judicial and Executive.

You would fail the basic naturalization test that legal immigrants have to pass.

Oh my god. What document explains the three branches of government? Idiot.


So now you are trying to squirm out of looking foolish for erroneously alleging that the supreme law of the land, AKA the constitution, was "the government".

Why don't you tell us what document contains the construction of the three branches of government. Dick nose.

Your tacit admission of failure is duly noted. Have a nice day.
The Constitution is our government.

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. The government is formed by the 3 branches which are Congress, Judicial and Executive.

You would fail the basic naturalization test that legal immigrants have to pass.

Oh my god. What document explains the three branches of government? Idiot.


So now you are trying to squirm out of looking foolish for erroneously alleging that the supreme law of the land, AKA the constitution, was "the government".

Why don't you tell us what document contains the construction of the three branches of government. Dick nose.

Your tacit admission of failure is duly noted. Have a nice day.

You're a lying coward punk.

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