Do you want equality?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I hear it often, from blacks and gays on the fringes mostly, who demand equality and representation in society. Do they really want equality, or is it something else? Recent events over the past decade suggest not. Yes the law grants everyone equal treatment and due process, no you can't discriminate against anyone. In an idyllic world, that would make every American citizen equal.

But what I see here is an effort by these selfsame blacks and gays not to gain equality but to force submission and acceptance, eliminate what they perceive to be oppression because of their skin color or gender preference. That isn't equality, it is subversion. To be honest, there isn't really such a thing as equality. If there were, there would be an equal place for one viewpoint or lifestyle and the other, people wouldn't be demanding the lion's share of the acceptance. Each way of life, each opinion, each person is unique. However, that doesn't mean they can simply force their version of equality on someone else.

If one really wanted equality, he would accept that there are other dissenting opinions and beliefs. He would not see them as an affront to his own, but simply as what they are. He would recognize that those opinions and beliefs deserve the same recognition that his does. That's how America works. Striving for equality does not mean eliminating dissent altogether, it also does not mean he eliminates one form of social influence in favor of his own.

One does not censor the opinions and beliefs of others to create a more favorable environment for his own. He also should not force his brand down the throats of those who might hold a different viewpoint. Equality doesn't mean he should engage in shaming or destruction of those who choose not to abide in his ways. That is not equality. It is also not the way he should strive for it. When these methods are used, they do more to create inequality. They are counterproductive to the end result one is trying to achieve, in this case, equality.

Whether it be through sports, entertainment, politics or general society, everyone deserves equal time on the stage, a right to be heard and to be seen by the eyes of their compatriots. They must acknowledge that their right to 'equality' ends when they start believing their version of reality or of society trumps all. Bigotry begets more bigotry, racism more racism, hatred alas, more hatred. None of those things can make a person equal with his peers.

Everyone deserves to be treated equally, not preferentially. My question to all of you is this: do you want equality? Or are you the individual who seeks the elimination of dissent as the only means to accomplish that end?
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Probably recognition and credibility. You wouldn't know it considering some of their radical behavior.

Indeed. When someone doesn't understand how to gain equality or fails to garner it by the methods they employ, they will desperately seek it though any means.
And those means include using control of the corrupt judiciary to obviate the wishes of the people and the Constitution.
You know what, Runs With Scissors, I doubt you've ever suffered from any discrimination in your entire life.

I think you are a poor spokesman to tell gays or blacks what they should or shouldn't accept.
This line of "reasoning" is as odd now as it has been the other half dozen times the OP has tried to submit a thesis on the subject. For the same reasons. I wonder if it feels like original thought to him?
This line of "reasoning" is as odd now as it has been the other half dozen times the OP has tried to submit a thesis on the subject. For the same reasons. I wonder if it feels like original thought to him?

I wonder if you feel like this made any sense whatsoever to you?

At least I present a thesis, you present garbage. Good day.
The only equality I want is between woman and guys

But I am a dad ,of a daughter
This line of "reasoning" is as odd now as it has been the other half dozen times the OP has tried to submit a thesis on the subject. For the same reasons. I wonder if it feels like original thought to him?

I wonder if you feel like this made any sense whatsoever to you?

At least I present a thesis, you present garbage. Good day.

This "theory" of yours has been posted on these forums several times already. You haven't learned a fucking thing. Go back and read the replies ( including mine ) which blew your dopey theory away. What you are saying isn't logical. spite of the attempt ( you've actually gotten a little better at communicating your thoughts ) it is presented in a repetitive and haphazard manner. I'm pleased to say that you only used one reference to medieval lexicology this time. Progress.
I think you are a poor spokesman to tell gays or blacks what they should or shouldn't accept.

Isn't that what you're doing?

No, I just accept that when a gay or a black tells me that they are upset about something, they probably have a good reason. Especially if it is something they should reasonably be upset about.
Let's a fat man living at grandmas equal to a hard working fag or n!gger?

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