Do You Want To Be Free? KILL!

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Mar 11, 2020
Slaughter is the only thing that has ever worked to be free. Over 2000 years ago Plato said something that has stood the test of time. "Only the dead have seen an end to war." I am also reminded of what Thomas Jefferson once said. "From time to time the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Not being a filthy hypocrite or satisfied slave, I have gone beyond free speech to the kind of speech practiced by American patriots before and during the Revolutionary War. And the kind of speech practiced by French peasants before and during the French Revolution. DEATH SPEECH! So who should be the first to die? Those who promote censorship. The strongest chain that can bind you. Those who are against what I will show you. KILL THEM!









Though I haven't looked, I wonder what this forum has to say about "offensive" speech.
Pretty sure everyone of them would also say that your freedom to offend doesnt free you from the consequences of your chosen words. IOW if youre not smart enough to convey your idea without offense you should probably wait until youre no longer an idiot.

Slaughter is the only thing that has ever worked to be free. Over 2000 years ago Plato said something that has stood the test of time. "Only the dead have seen an end to war." I am also reminded of what Thomas Jefferson once said. "From time to time the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Not being a filthy hypocrite or satisfied slave, I have gone beyond free speech to the kind of speech practiced by American patriots before and during the Revolutionary War. And the kind of speech practiced by French peasants before and during the French Revolution. DEATH SPEECH! So who should be the first to die? Those who promote censorship. The strongest chain that can bind you. Those who are against what I will show you. KILL THEM!









Though I haven't looked, I wonder what this forum has to say about "offensive" speech.
Addressing your original thought, how do you feel about my relative Nat Turner?

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Pretty sure everyone of them would also say that your freedom to offend doesnt free you from the consequences of your chosen words. IOW if youre not smart enough to convey your idea without offense you should probably wait until youre no longer an idiot.

This thread wasn't about any consequences to me, but to YOU. From your words, I take it you are one of those who are against freedom of speech and are therefore worthy of DEATH! And the more painful the death, the better. Now, let me free you from your stupidity on this matter. First, I have heard it said, "If you can't say what you mean, you can't mean what you say." Secondly, if you are "offensive" in what you say, it means that what you have to say is important. It adds weight to what you say. But to broach any topic in an inoffensive way is to make light of it. It is saying that what you are talking about isn't that serious. So if you deliver it in a light hearted manner, it will be taken lightly as well. Which means that change is less likely to happen. There is only one thing that people will regard seriously and truly respect. The only thing they ever have or ever will. Violence!
Pretty sure everyone of them would also say that your freedom to offend doesnt free you from the consequences of your chosen words. IOW if youre not smart enough to convey your idea without offense you should probably wait until youre no longer an idiot.


I understand completely what it is that you are trying to point out here. The real question is, who should have the final word on what is considered idiotic and what isn't?

God bless you always!!!

Slaughter is the only thing that has ever worked to be free. Over 2000 years ago Plato said something that has stood the test of time. "Only the dead have seen an end to war." I am also reminded of what Thomas Jefferson once said. "From time to time the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Not being a filthy hypocrite or satisfied slave, I have gone beyond free speech to the kind of speech practiced by American patriots before and during the Revolutionary War. And the kind of speech practiced by French peasants before and during the French Revolution. DEATH SPEECH! So who should be the first to die? Those who promote censorship. The strongest chain that can bind you. Those who are against what I will show you. KILL THEM!









Though I haven't looked, I wonder what this forum has to say about "offensive" speech.

Over 2000 years ago Plato said something that has stood the test of time. "Only the dead have seen an end to war."

George Santayana
Pretty sure everyone of them would also say that your freedom to offend doesnt free you from the consequences of your chosen words. IOW if youre not smart enough to convey your idea without offense you should probably wait until youre no longer an idiot.

This thread wasn't about any consequences to me, but to YOU. From your words, I take it you are one of those who are against freedom of speech and are therefore worthy of DEATH! And the more painful the death, the better. Now, let me free you from your stupidity on this matter. First, I have heard it said, "If you can't say what you mean, you can't mean what you say." Secondly, if you are "offensive" in what you say, it means that what you have to say is important. It adds weight to what you say. But to broach any topic in an inoffensive way is to make light of it. It is saying that what you are talking about isn't that serious. So if you deliver it in a light hearted manner, it will be taken lightly as well. Which means that change is less likely to happen. There is only one thing that people will regard seriously and truly respect. The only thing they ever have or ever will. Violence!
I know the thread wasnt about consequences to you. I was just letting you know that there will be some. Almost every one of them painful provided you run into someone like me. You ever get brave enough to say something offense to me (in person) you'll be getting your stomach pumped to retrieve your teeth. Know what I mean now about consequences?

Now about having the intelligence to convey your thoughts. I frequently tell people how I feel politely, non offensively but they have no misunderstandings whatsoever about my message. Its a skill that smart people have so they dont have to start threads whining about how its so awful that they cant speak their minds.
Pretty sure everyone of them would also say that your freedom to offend doesnt free you from the consequences of your chosen words. IOW if youre not smart enough to convey your idea without offense you should probably wait until youre no longer an idiot.


I understand completely what it is that you are trying to point out here. The real question is, who should have the final word on what is considered idiotic and what isn't?

God bless you always!!!

The person you are speaking to. Give you a good example. Lets say for example a guy at work has a sex change and he no longer wants to be called Jim. Now his name is Jeannie. I could be an unmitigated asshole and keep calling him Jim because its easier for me or I just dont believe in sex changes but why be that one asshole right? It may take some getting used to but I am going to call him Jeannie or (consequence) face the possibility of being fired.
Slaughter is the only thing that has ever worked to be free. Over 2000 years ago Plato said something that has stood the test of time. "Only the dead have seen an end to war." I am also reminded of what Thomas Jefferson once said. "From time to time the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Not being a filthy hypocrite or satisfied slave, I have gone beyond free speech to the kind of speech practiced by American patriots before and during the Revolutionary War. And the kind of speech practiced by French peasants before and during the French Revolution. DEATH SPEECH! So who should be the first to die? Those who promote censorship. The strongest chain that can bind you. Those who are against what I will show you. KILL THEM!









Though I haven't looked, I wonder what this forum has to say about "offensive" speech.

NONE of those quotes support your position to just "kill your opponents"... You'd have to go find the half dozen or so ANARCHIST heroes with a flair for sayings... You may not realize it -- but anarchy is what's you're advocating..

THe rest of those historic figures were talking about GOVERNMENT restrictions on free speech.. There''s a big diff between a govt totally intolerant of free speech and getting violent because Facebook banned you or there are words you can't say on somebody's else's platform...

No one is gonna trust you to be the arbiter of which speech is a THREAT and which speech simply makes YOU uncomfortable..
Pretty sure everyone of them would also say that your freedom to offend doesnt free you from the consequences of your chosen words. IOW if youre not smart enough to convey your idea without offense you should probably wait until youre no longer an idiot.


That's more of declaration of threat, rather than anything legal... Depends on what consequences you're imagining doesn't it?

Shouldn't BE any consequences for most offensive speech. Definitely not legally.. Because we all know that what's "threatening speech" has been defined down by the left to the point of being meaningless now..

Offensive speech is the WEAPON -- the problem is the person being offensive.. Only way to fix that is to try and reason.. RIdicule. Ignore. Or try to understand the underlying problems and misconceptions.. Any other consequence IS pretty much in the realm of threats and puts YOU onto the same damn mentally challenged level....
Pretty sure everyone of them would also say that your freedom to offend doesnt free you from the consequences of your chosen words. IOW if youre not smart enough to convey your idea without offense you should probably wait until youre no longer an idiot.


That's more of declaration of threat, rather than anything legal... Depends on what consequences you're imagining doesn't it?

Shouldn't BE any consequences for most offensive speech. Definitely not legally.. Because we all know that what's "threatening speech" has been defined down by the left to the point of being meaningless now..

Offensive speech is the WEAPON -- the problem is the person being offensive.. Only way to fix that is to try and reason.. RIdicule. Ignore. Or try to understand the underlying problems and misconceptions.. Any other consequence IS pretty much in the realm of threats and puts YOU onto the same damn mentally challenged level....
Consequences have nothing to do with legality. When I was a kid I fought alot. I learned that you meet fire with fire or you get ran over. I dont mind being on the same level mentally for a moment. I know I can get back to equilibrium afterwards..
Pretty sure everyone of them would also say that your freedom to offend doesnt free you from the consequences of your chosen words. IOW if youre not smart enough to convey your idea without offense you should probably wait until youre no longer an idiot.


That's more of declaration of threat, rather than anything legal... Depends on what consequences you're imagining doesn't it?

Shouldn't BE any consequences for most offensive speech. Definitely not legally.. Because we all know that what's "threatening speech" has been defined down by the left to the point of being meaningless now..

Offensive speech is the WEAPON -- the problem is the person being offensive.. Only way to fix that is to try and reason.. RIdicule. Ignore. Or try to understand the underlying problems and misconceptions.. Any other consequence IS pretty much in the realm of threats and puts YOU onto the same damn mentally challenged level....
Consequences have nothing to do with legality.

Depends on the consequence and who deals it doesn't it?
Pretty sure everyone of them would also say that your freedom to offend doesnt free you from the consequences of your chosen words. IOW if youre not smart enough to convey your idea without offense you should probably wait until youre no longer an idiot.


That's more of declaration of threat, rather than anything legal... Depends on what consequences you're imagining doesn't it?

Shouldn't BE any consequences for most offensive speech. Definitely not legally.. Because we all know that what's "threatening speech" has been defined down by the left to the point of being meaningless now..

Offensive speech is the WEAPON -- the problem is the person being offensive.. Only way to fix that is to try and reason.. RIdicule. Ignore. Or try to understand the underlying problems and misconceptions.. Any other consequence IS pretty much in the realm of threats and puts YOU onto the same damn mentally challenged level....
Consequences have nothing to do with legality.

Depends on the consequence and who deals it doesn't it?
True. I was just pointing out consequence doesnt have to be a legal thing.
Pretty sure everyone of them would also say that your freedom to offend doesnt free you from the consequences of your chosen words. IOW if youre not smart enough to convey your idea without offense you should probably wait until youre no longer an idiot.


I understand completely what it is that you are trying to point out here. The real question is, who should have the final word on what is considered idiotic and what isn't?

God bless you always!!!

The person you are speaking to. Give you a good example. Lets say for example a guy at work has a sex change and he no longer wants to be called Jim. Now his name is Jeannie. I could be an unmitigated asshole and keep calling him Jim because its easier for me or I just dont believe in sex changes but why be that one asshole right? It may take some getting used to but I am going to call him Jeannie or (consequence) face the possibility of being fired.

Is it any wonder why ******* made for great slaves .....

View attachment 313085
Theres no wonder. Our Black people are stars and we excel in everything we do.
Like killing each other
Pretty sure everyone of them would also say that your freedom to offend doesnt free you from the consequences of your chosen words. IOW if youre not smart enough to convey your idea without offense you should probably wait until youre no longer an idiot.


I understand completely what it is that you are trying to point out here. The real question is, who should have the final word on what is considered idiotic and what isn't?

God bless you always!!!

The person you are speaking to. Give you a good example. Lets say for example a guy at work has a sex change and he no longer wants to be called Jim. Now his name is Jeannie. I could be an unmitigated asshole and keep calling him Jim because its easier for me or I just dont believe in sex changes but why be that one asshole right? It may take some getting used to but I am going to call him Jeannie or (consequence) face the possibility of being fired.

Is it any wonder why ******* made for great slaves .....

View attachment 313085
Theres no wonder. Our Black people are stars and we excel in everything we do.
Like killing each other

My bad. Thats the one area where white people excel. Killing each other and anyone else. You are a bellicose people which explains why you were last to civilization.
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