Do You Want To Be Free? KILL!

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Pretty sure everyone of them would also say that your freedom to offend doesnt free you from the consequences of your chosen words. IOW if youre not smart enough to convey your idea without offense you should probably wait until youre no longer an idiot.


That's more of declaration of threat, rather than anything legal... Depends on what consequences you're imagining doesn't it?

Shouldn't BE any consequences for most offensive speech. Definitely not legally.. Because we all know that what's "threatening speech" has been defined down by the left to the point of being meaningless now..

Offensive speech is the WEAPON -- the problem is the person being offensive.. Only way to fix that is to try and reason.. RIdicule. Ignore. Or try to understand the underlying problems and misconceptions.. Any other consequence IS pretty much in the realm of threats and puts YOU onto the same damn mentally challenged level....
Consequences have nothing to do with legality. When I was a kid I fought alot. I learned that you meet fire with fire or you get ran over. I dont mind being on the same level mentally for a moment. I know I can get back to equilibrium afterwards..

Figures that's what you meant by consequences.. You're not a kid anymore... The law CAN infringe on your consequences....
Pretty sure everyone of them would also say that your freedom to offend doesnt free you from the consequences of your chosen words. IOW if youre not smart enough to convey your idea without offense you should probably wait until youre no longer an idiot.


That's more of declaration of threat, rather than anything legal... Depends on what consequences you're imagining doesn't it?

Shouldn't BE any consequences for most offensive speech. Definitely not legally.. Because we all know that what's "threatening speech" has been defined down by the left to the point of being meaningless now..

Offensive speech is the WEAPON -- the problem is the person being offensive.. Only way to fix that is to try and reason.. RIdicule. Ignore. Or try to understand the underlying problems and misconceptions.. Any other consequence IS pretty much in the realm of threats and puts YOU onto the same damn mentally challenged level....
Consequences have nothing to do with legality. When I was a kid I fought alot. I learned that you meet fire with fire or you get ran over. I dont mind being on the same level mentally for a moment. I know I can get back to equilibrium afterwards..

Figures that's what you meant by consequences.. You're not a kid anymore... The law CAN infringe on your consequences....

The law cant infringe on me handing out consequences until after the fact. I am prepared to deal with those consequences for things I believe in.
Slaughter is the only thing that has ever worked to be free. Over 2000 years ago Plato said something that has stood the test of time. "Only the dead have seen an end to war." I am also reminded of what Thomas Jefferson once said. "From time to time the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Not being a filthy hypocrite or satisfied slave, I have gone beyond free speech to the kind of speech practiced by American patriots before and during the Revolutionary War. And the kind of speech practiced by French peasants before and during the French Revolution. DEATH SPEECH! So who should be the first to die? Those who promote censorship. The strongest chain that can bind you. Those who are against what I will show you. KILL THEM!









Though I haven't looked, I wonder what this forum has to say about "offensive" speech.

Do you realize that if you kill someone you are denying them "free speech"?

murder is the ultimate censorship.
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