Do you wear your “Trump gear” out in public?

I've yet to see someone wearing a MAGA hat anywhere but on TV and at a Trump rally.

I do see some bumper stickers. Less often these days.

You assholes are embarrassed. With good reason.
I've yet to see someone wearing a MAGA hat anywhere but on TV and at a Trump rally.

I do see some bumper stickers. Less often these days.

You assholes are embarrassed. With good reason.

I’m in Southern Mexifornia, I spend much of my time in an area full of illegals, pole puffers and degenerate filth, I wear my MAGA hat almost daily and often wear a “Trump 2020” shirt or hoody.
My daughters wear their MAGA hoody’s to USC all the time.
I look forward to my daily walk into Starbucks where the LibTard filth look at me like I’m one crazy mothafucker...haha
I've yet to see someone wearing a MAGA hat anywhere but on TV and at a Trump rally.

I do see some bumper stickers. Less often these days.

You assholes are embarrassed. With good reason.

More like scared of unhinged TDSers. We see how inhumane they can be. It's better to go incognito, have a defense and sneak up on them.
Actually I was asked once how to get a "make America great" hat I was wearing. (on the internet. I live near Lexington Va. however so I would be concerned about my safety based on my choice of headgear in town. When did we ever say that in the last freaking half century?
Actually I was asked once how to get a "make America great" hat I was wearing. (on the internet. I live near Lexington Va. however so I would be concerned about my safety based on my choice of headgear in town. When did we ever say that in the last freaking half century?

Pretty sad huh?
That’s the times we’re in...the American flag, patriotism and being supportive of law and order offends people among us. Plain fucking Twilight Zone shit.
I'm usually politically ingonitio , not interested in sound byte/ bumper stickers or the mentality behind it

Most out there that are can't debate, think, or be objective , or are so obviously caught in some sprialing doom of cognative dissonance they're simpy not worth anyone's time or effort

I've yet to see someone wearing a MAGA hat anywhere but on TV and at a Trump rally.

I don't think I've seen one yet IRL. On the internets, they're all over the place. In the world, not so much.

The same is true of much much more.
Do you ever get harassed for it?

I've got a bumper sticker with Rump's profile on it that says "Stop Bigotry". Somebody started to peel it off. Still there though.

Yeah, yeah...not one of you Koooks have been able to articulately describe how Trump has displayed racism or bigotry. Wanna try?

Oh I don't need to. Rump did that hisself. Over and over and over and over and over.

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