Doctor Ebola Arrives in the US

How Do You Feel About the CDC Allowing Ebola into the US?

  • Insanely stupid. Shut down the nuke plants now, we're in huge trouble.

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • Reckless. A terrible idea.

    Votes: 17 38.6%
  • Not my first choice but we probably can contain it.

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • I'm OK with it.

    Votes: 16 36.4%
  • It's fine, our technology can fix whatever happens.

    Votes: 4 9.1%

  • Total voters
It seems the poll is divided nearly in half. I'll wager the half that voted "terrible mistake" have at least a rudimentary background in science. And the other half are probably liberal arts people.
You never did say how that "evacuation" is going, genius. Why so shy?
You never did say how that "evacuation" is going, genius. Why so shy?
People with children are moving away...a silent evacuation isn't publicized, stupid.

Weekly Asahi: 70% of children tested in Kanto (a region that includes Tokyo) have radioactive cesium in their urine -Journalist #Fukushima Weekly Asahi: 70% of children tested in Kanto (a region that includes Tokyo) have radioactive cesium in their urine -Journalist #Fukushima

may remember when I came back from Tokyo back in February, I had 5 samples of dirt that I had taken just randomly around the city. They were all over 7,000 disintegrations per second in a two pound bag (Bq/kg). What that told me was that the releases from the accident were really severe even as far away as Tokyo. And I said then that if this were contaminated ground at a nuclear power plant it would have to be considered as nuclear waste. Well, we took a lot flack for that on the Fairewinds site, but we were right on the mark.

What happened just last week was that in a suburb of Tokyo another sample was taken by citizens and they brought it to the attention of the government that then sampled it. But basically they had a hot spot that was in excess of 10,000 disintegrations per second per kilogram of their sample. So here we are 9 months after I took my samples and citizens are still finding hot spots all over the Tokyo area. I think it speaks to one, the magnitude of the initial release. This was a serious release, not just for Fukushima Prefecture but for Tokyo and its suburbs as well. [...]

So if Tokyo could be highly contaminated to the point where its soil should be shipped to a nuclear waste dump [...] if Tokyo can have soil so hot that it should be shipped to a radioactive dump Gundersen: Tokyo soil so hot it should be sent to nuclear waste dump ? Really severe releases hit city (VIDEO)

Japanese Legal Expert: “Even residents of Tokyo are evacuating” — More and more people fleeing Fukushima (VIDEO) Japanese Legal Expert: ?Even residents of Tokyo are evacuating? ? More and more people fleeing Fukushima (VIDEO)
It doesn't "become airborne".
Hi doctor! Do excuse me for asking but I thought it best to do so especially in light of the following two articles that say just the direct opposite. How will we explain your theory to them?

Could Ebola now be airborne? New research shows lethal virus can be spread from pigs to monkeys without contact | Mail Online

Both of those articles are about the same study, and there are a number of problems with it. It's far from conclusive, and has never been duplicated.

There's a big difference between a virus being "airborne" and a virus carried in exhaled saliva droplets.

you're preaching to the choir, and the choir is nothing more than a gaggle of idiot geese. Nothing breaks through their stupidity barrier.
You never did say how that "evacuation" is going, genius. Why so shy?
People with children are moving away...

No, they are not, genius. The population of Tokyo is GROWING, you mental defect. Part of the demographic challenge facing Japan today is that more and more young people - yes, with children too - are moving away from rural areas to Tokyo and other big cities. I personally know several families - with children - who moved TO Tokyo in recent years. Have you ever spoken to a Japanese person in your life? You are deranged. Listen to people who try to set you right.
It looks as if they have effective treatments that are working well.

Hopefully they can fast track this and save the folks afflicted in Africa as well.
As long as they are American I'm okay with it. I would want to be brought back to my country for care.

And if an outbreak starts to spread from something like a flea, or bedbug or other vector infecting routine workers near a hospital? Or undertakers [as I understand ebola and bodily oozes from a corpse are contagious] come down with it and give it to their families and so on..when will your compassion dwindle? When a whole town has to be quarantined under threat of lethal fire? A city? A state?

You've heard of Typhoid Mary right?

Mary Mallon (September 23, 1869 – November 11, 1938), better known as Typhoid Mary, was the first person in the United States identified as an asymptomatic carrier of the pathogen associated with typhoid fever. She was presumed to have infected 51 people, three of whom died, over the course of her career as a cook.[1] She was twice forcibly isolated by public health authorities and died after a total of nearly three decades in isolation Typhoid Mary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When the ebola virus is much, much worse than typhoid and we understand not all we need to know about it, especially its zoonotic potential [can't shoot all the rats, fleas, ticks, lice or bedbugs, stray cats etc. fleeing a city under quarantine], YOU DON'T ROLL A RED CARPET OUT FOR IT ONTO YOUR SHORES!!

If a person contracts ebola abroad then they stay abroad. You sent doctors there and then quarantine THEM for a month [onset is between 2-21 days from exposure] before you let them back on shore.

If you want to develop a vaccine, you do it IN AFRICA. Have a top R&D biomedical research company or group build an A-1 facility in Africa and have plenty of subjects on hand for volunteer research.

You don't bring a potentially zoonotic disease to the US [The New're welcome Canada, Central and South America] that has a 90% fatality rate without a vaccine or effective protocol for excellent cures!!!!
Hi. You and I don't usually agree on things but in this regard I do agree with you. Physicians do take their Hippocratic Oath and are well intentioned to help aid those who are in medical need. They put their life in danger daily with some of their patients. The only thing I have grave concerns about is their bringing those infected with Ebola into this country. I think rather than just leave that matter to the CDC to decide, the President along with Congress should set certain guidelines into law to be followed explicitly under such circumstances when people are infected in another country with a deadly disease and they are being proposed to be brought back into this country. That needs much more thought and careful planning such as to avoid a potential disaster that could happen. I don't believe there would be too many who would disagree with my train of thought on that.

I do, unfortunately. I want intensive US study of the strains, not reports from afar.
Even if you knew there was great potential risks to American lives in the process?

Here's further evidence that Ebola is very dangerous to human and animal lives once it becomes airborne.

The risks for ebola in the US are virtually nonexistent from this guy being brought home. First, Ebola isn't particularly good at finding new hosts. Its only transmitted through body fluids, its only contagious for about 10 days, and its not even airborne. The world goes years without a single infection.

The doctor that was brought home in under biohazard quarantine, meaning that there isn't even flesh to flesh contact with the man. Making the likelihood of transmission virtually nil.

So the potential you are describing is ridiculously unlikely. And even if occured, the doctors and those treating him are under observation. So if they exhibited so much as the flu, they're under quarantine. And there are no reports of such symptoms from anyone treating the doctor.

Making your 'potential' even more ludicriously unlikely. While the individual patient is much more likely to survive. And the CDC being able to investigate an infection first hand will increase their knowledge of the virus and how to combat it.

So huge rewards for the individual and future patients.....and virtually none for anyone else. That's a no-brainer.
I do, unfortunately. I want intensive US study of the strains, not reports from afar.
Even if you knew there was great potential risks to American lives in the process?

Here's further evidence that Ebola is very dangerous to human and animal lives once it becomes airborne.

The risks for ebola in the US are virtually nonexistent from this guy being brought home. First, Ebola isn't particularly good at finding new hosts. Its only transmitted through body fluids, its only contagious for about 10 days, and its not even airborne. The world goes years without a single infection.

The doctor that was brought home in under biohazard quarantine, meaning that there isn't even flesh to flesh contact with the man. Making the likelihood of transmission virtually nil.

So the potential you are describing is ridiculously unlikely. And even if occured, the doctors and those treating him are under observation. So if they exhibited so much as the flu, they're under quarantine. And there are no reports of such symptoms from anyone treating the doctor.

Making your 'potential' even more ludicriously unlikely. While the individual patient is much more likely to survive. And the CDC being able to investigate an infection first hand will increase their knowledge of the virus and how to combat it.

So huge rewards for the individual and future patients.....and virtually none for anyone else. That's a no-brainer.

It is the CDC's business to notice the word 'virtually' and '90% fatality rate' and put the two together in one sentence.
Drudge is fanning the flames of FEAR!!! EBOLA!!!

Bodies dumped in streets as West Africa struggles to curb Ebola...




Locals in Sierra Leone believe conspiracy...

REPORT: Outbreak 'much worse than thought'...

DOCTOR: 'Spinning Out Of Control'...

BRITISH AIRWAYS suspends flights...

U.S. hospitals NOT prepared..

Residents Worried...


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Ya gotta love it.... the pro-science crowd is ready and willing to live in the stone age over Al Gore and his hoax, but Ebola... nah.... bring 'em on.

More evidence that the modern day liberal is completely, absolutely, batshit fucking crazy.
Even if you knew there was great potential risks to American lives in the process?

Here's further evidence that Ebola is very dangerous to human and animal lives once it becomes airborne.

The risks for ebola in the US are virtually nonexistent from this guy being brought home. First, Ebola isn't particularly good at finding new hosts. Its only transmitted through body fluids, its only contagious for about 10 days, and its not even airborne. The world goes years without a single infection.

The doctor that was brought home in under biohazard quarantine, meaning that there isn't even flesh to flesh contact with the man. Making the likelihood of transmission virtually nil.

So the potential you are describing is ridiculously unlikely. And even if occured, the doctors and those treating him are under observation. So if they exhibited so much as the flu, they're under quarantine. And there are no reports of such symptoms from anyone treating the doctor.

Making your 'potential' even more ludicriously unlikely. While the individual patient is much more likely to survive. And the CDC being able to investigate an infection first hand will increase their knowledge of the virus and how to combat it.

So huge rewards for the individual and future patients.....and virtually none for anyone else. That's a no-brainer.

It is the CDC's business to notice the word 'virtually' and '90% fatality rate' and put the two together in one sentence.

If you're using probabilities as your guide, your argument is already lost. As the odds of the type of hysteric 'plague' being imagined is ridiculously, almost laughably low.

Which the CDC seems fully aware of. I'm glad the CDC is making decisions based on rational assessment rather than mindless emotion.
Ya gotta love it.... the pro-science crowd is ready and willing to live in the stone age over Al Gore and his hoax, but Ebola... nah.... bring 'em on.

More evidence that the modern day liberal is completely, absolutely, batshit fucking crazy.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with the overwhelming majority on earth scientists on climate change and the CDC on infection disease.....rather than some anonymous guy on the internet who insists he/she knows better.
Drudge is fanning the flames of FEAR!!! EBOLA!!!

C'mon....fear is a conservative's primary motivator. Remember the 'influence operation' by Huma Abdeen? The 'victory mosque' in NY? The 'death panels' under Obamacare? The 'FEMA concentration camps'? And when you look into each hysteric accusation, what do you find?

Jack shit.

But to this day, there are conservatives that will repeat each debunked talking point with mechanical precision. Just like they were taught to. Given how ludicrously programmable some conservatives are it any shock that now many are being whipping into a frothing lather over another empty issue?

I mean, AIDS kills 1.3 million people a year. The worst ebola outbreak in history has killed 900. But conservatives are shitting their panties over ebola. A disease that isn't airborne, that is contagious for about 10 days, and requires contact with body fluid to be transmitted. can't fix stupid.
I demand we go to CODE ORANGE! Ebola is on our shores! This missionary doctor should have been tossed out of the plane over the Atlantic.

Where is that bastard Obama? IS HE GOLFING AGAIN!!!!?

Ebola is creeping across the Mexican border, dammit! Inside someone's cantaloupe calf.

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The risks for ebola in the US are virtually nonexistent from this guy being brought home. First, Ebola isn't particularly good at finding new hosts. Its only transmitted through body fluids, its only contagious for about 10 days, and its not even airborne. The world goes years without a single infection.

The doctor that was brought home in under biohazard quarantine, meaning that there isn't even flesh to flesh contact with the man. Making the likelihood of transmission virtually nil.

So the potential you are describing is ridiculously unlikely. And even if occured, the doctors and those treating him are under observation. So if they exhibited so much as the flu, they're under quarantine. And there are no reports of such symptoms from anyone treating the doctor.

Making your 'potential' even more ludicriously unlikely. While the individual patient is much more likely to survive. And the CDC being able to investigate an infection first hand will increase their knowledge of the virus and how to combat it.

So huge rewards for the individual and future patients.....and virtually none for anyone else. That's a no-brainer.

It is the CDC's business to notice the word 'virtually' and '90% fatality rate' and put the two together in one sentence.

If you're using probabilities as your guide, your argument is already lost. As the odds of the type of hysteric 'plague' being imagined is ridiculously, almost laughably low.

Which the CDC seems fully aware of. I'm glad the CDC is making decisions based on rational assessment rather than mindless emotion.

The only acceptable instance of a disease that has a 90% fatality rate and a quick-spread contagion is 0%. We must allow 0% of ebola sufferers off a plane or boat into the New World.

Again, did the US consult with Canada, Central or South America about this "exception" to the fast rule?
I demand we go to CODE ORANGE! Ebola is on our shores! This missionary doctor should have been tossed out of the plane over the Atlantic.

Where is that bastard Obama? IS HE GOLFING AGAIN!!!!?

Ebola is creeping across the Mexican border, dammit! Inside someone's cantaloupe calf.


Oh, some republicans are just that stupid. There are GOP congressman arguing that immigrant children have ebola. Not because there is the slightest evidence of it.

But because to the low information republican voter, the accusation is evidence.

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