Doctor in video promoted by Trump says: DNA from aliens is being used in medicine

It was a retrospective observational study, not exactly the gold standard.
This is not a game we are playing

people are dying and liberals are screaming to close down the economy

So the 5-10 year process for approving new drugs does not apply here
Doctor retweeted by Trump has warned of alien DNA, sex with demons

A Houston doctor who made false statements about the coronavirus in a video that was removed from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube this week has previously made other unfounded claims about medical conditions, sexual contact with spirits, the U.S. government, children's television shows and more.

Immanuel said in a 2015 sermon that alien DNA is used in medical treatments. In another 2015 sermon, she claimed that researchers are currently working on a vaccine to prevent individuals from being religious.

In the same 2015 sermon in which she referenced alien DNA, she said the government is run by “reptilians,” not humans.

Gee, I wonder why Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pulled the plug on the psycho doctor?

So you're STILL GONNA LIE about what the doctor meant by "alien DNA" and "demon sperm"???

Gross lack of character there.. Ignorance is bliss....
Doctor retweeted by Trump has warned of alien DNA, sex with demons

A Houston doctor who made false statements about the coronavirus in a video that was removed from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube this week has previously made other unfounded claims about medical conditions, sexual contact with spirits, the U.S. government, children's television shows and more.

Immanuel said in a 2015 sermon that alien DNA is used in medical treatments. In another 2015 sermon, she claimed that researchers are currently working on a vaccine to prevent individuals from being religious.

In the same 2015 sermon in which she referenced alien DNA, she said the government is run by “reptilians,” not humans.

Gee, I wonder why Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pulled the plug on the psycho doctor?

So you're STILL GONNA LIE about what the doctor meant by "alien DNA" and "demon sperm"???

Gross lack of character there.. Ignorance is bliss....

Look, sparky, the psycho doctor made it crystal clear what she meant by "alien DNA" - and it sure as hell wasn't the "scientific" definition. She is batshit crazy! Spin it all you want...
Doctor retweeted by Trump has warned of alien DNA, sex with demons

A Houston doctor who made false statements about the coronavirus in a video that was removed from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube this week has previously made other unfounded claims about medical conditions, sexual contact with spirits, the U.S. government, children's television shows and more.

Immanuel said in a 2015 sermon that alien DNA is used in medical treatments. In another 2015 sermon, she claimed that researchers are currently working on a vaccine to prevent individuals from being religious.

In the same 2015 sermon in which she referenced alien DNA, she said the government is run by “reptilians,” not humans.

Gee, I wonder why Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pulled the plug on the psycho doctor?

So you're STILL GONNA LIE about what the doctor meant by "alien DNA" and "demon sperm"???

Gross lack of character there.. Ignorance is bliss....

Look, sparky, the psycho doctor made it crystal clear what she meant by "alien DNA" - and it sure as hell wasn't the "scientific" definition. She is batshit crazy! Spin it all you want...

You're simply a moron for not understanding the CONTEXT of what she said about the SCIENCE of Synthetic DNA chemistry.. ANd you're too lazy and arrogant to ADMIT you ignorance is on FULL display here...
Doctor retweeted by Trump has warned of alien DNA, sex with demons

A Houston doctor who made false statements about the coronavirus in a video that was removed from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube this week has previously made other unfounded claims about medical conditions, sexual contact with spirits, the U.S. government, children's television shows and more.

Immanuel said in a 2015 sermon that alien DNA is used in medical treatments. In another 2015 sermon, she claimed that researchers are currently working on a vaccine to prevent individuals from being religious.

In the same 2015 sermon in which she referenced alien DNA, she said the government is run by “reptilians,” not humans.

Gee, I wonder why Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pulled the plug on the psycho doctor?

So you're STILL GONNA LIE about what the doctor meant by "alien DNA" and "demon sperm"???

Gross lack of character there.. Ignorance is bliss....

Look, sparky, the psycho doctor made it crystal clear what she meant by "alien DNA" - and it sure as hell wasn't the "scientific" definition. She is batshit crazy! Spin it all you want...

You're simply a moron for not understanding the CONTEXT of what she said about the SCIENCE of Synthetic DNA chemistry.. ANd you're too lazy and arrogant to ADMIT you ignorance is on FULL display here...

That's not what she meant. Sane people know that.

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Totally hogwash. You are missing something Dude. Yes HCQ are used in hospitals to treat Covid patients with strick supervisions. No one is denying that. So I don’t know what Trump BULLSHIT and the rest of you are talking about.
The difference. Trump is campaigning iuse it as a PREVENTATIVE MEASURE. That’s the difference. YOU GOT THAT?

More Democrat scientific ignorance, bullying, and arrogance... It isn't TRUMP that invented the idea to use for "preventative purposes". No less than 4 ACTIVE CLINICAL trials RIGHT NOW on using it for preventative purposes with front line hospital/1st responders.. About 3000 people ENROLLED in these studies..

You "fans of science" are making it REAL CLEAR -- that you know little and CARE little about science.. Just scoring political points...

A Study of Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc in the Prevention of COVID-19 Infection in Military Healthcare Workers (COVID-Milit)

You're awfully mouthy for a person with so little knowledge of the science and it makes you look stupid...

Really? So why is FDA is against HCQ? Why are the leading scientists do not support that dumb idea? You are willing to just willy nilly telling people to take HCQ as PM. Just because Trump told you...... So why are the whole Trump gangsters from Pence to rest didn’t take HCQ as PM? Only that lying asshole took it. Just because I disagreed with Trump dumbshit idea doesn’t mean im stupid. So you just want me to just accept it? Trump doesn’t have the qualifications or even the credibility to recommend any meds. .

Little know about science? Really? I debated you from top to bottom about UV lights treating virus and that small company that you were promoting. Then you disappear.

Then lots of your buddies supported Dr. Immanuel. How sad is that? So what science are you talking about?
Maybe to you and the rest of cult members. Why would you even know the difference? To us it’s a big problem promoting a doctor that is against mask and deadly HCQ.
Its simple

she supports trump and you dont

as for wearing masks libs dont demand that the blm wackos wear masks and maintain social distancing during their nightly riots
From inmanuel absolutely. Trump went outside his circle of experts to promote immanuel against his own experts. What part of that you missed? Who in the world even believed Immanuel is promoting?

You are right I’m against Trump. Tell me where and what and why should I like Trump?
immanuel is not the only doctor reporting positive results for the malaria drug
No one are disagreeing with that. I already posted. The difference is the preventative maintenance that Trump is promoting. But in no way I believe Dr. Immanuel. So go choose something else more credible.
Really? So why is FDA is against HCQ?

Because they WANT the $BILLS in funding to approve the NEW DRUGS quickly.. And if there's a 50 yr old drug that costs 100 times less per dose -- it ruins the "make it rain" party.. Already told ya that. So they found (were fed) a couple small FLAWED studies to justify rescinding the "emergency use order".. Both junk studies now discredited and retracted...

You already showed your arrogance and ignorance by reaming out another poster about TRUMP inventing the "preventative" thing.. How much time is gonna take to educate you to the point where you post about the science without TYPING or THINKING about Trump?

Or just outright flaming people and ignoring what they are telling you..
No one are disagreeing with that. I already posted. The difference is the preventative maintenance that Trump is promoting.

WHYTFuck are you repeating this? I just TOLD you there are at least 4 clinical studies right now on HCQuine preventative use.. GAVE you the link.. TRUMP did not ORDER these universities and clinics to try it out.. It's part of scientific inquiry and EDUCATED GUESSING that scientists do everyday...

You got nothing but a life of Trump living in your head... Keep repeating the garbage.. It's a symptom of insanity...
Totally hogwash. You are missing something Dude. Yes HCQ are used in hospitals to treat Covid patients with strick supervisions. No one is denying that. So I don’t know what Trump BULLSHIT and the rest of you are talking about.
The difference. Trump is campaigning iuse it as a PREVENTATIVE MEASURE. That’s the difference. YOU GOT THAT?

More Democrat scientific ignorance, bullying, and arrogance... It isn't TRUMP that invented the idea to use for "preventative purposes". No less than 4 ACTIVE CLINICAL trials RIGHT NOW on using it for preventative purposes with front line hospital/1st responders.. About 3000 people ENROLLED in these studies..

You "fans of science" are making it REAL CLEAR -- that you know little and CARE little about science.. Just scoring political points...

A Study of Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc in the Prevention of COVID-19 Infection in Military Healthcare Workers (COVID-Milit)

You're awfully mouthy for a person with so little knowledge of the science and it makes you look stupid...

And the study from your link is in Tunisia in the Middle East. REALLY? That is so funny...... Are there any countries in the western countries doing that kind of dumb research?

I thought I know you better than that.

So they are going to take 660 volunteered participants. Take HCQ as PM. How do they even know those 660 has the CV virus. It didn’t mentioned take HCQ then infect them with CV virus. Did it say that?
So educate me what is that study mean. Please.
No one are disagreeing with that. I already posted. The difference is the preventative maintenance that Trump is promoting.

WHYTFuck are you repeating this? I just TOLD you there are at least 4 clinical studies right now on HCQuine preventative use.. GAVE you the link.. TRUMP did not ORDER these universities and clinics to try it out.. It's part of scientific inquiry and EDUCATED GUESSING that scientists do everyday...

You got nothing but a life of Trump living in your head... Keep repeating the garbage.. It's a symptom of insanity...

Oh please. You are saying FDA and top scientists are against Trump? True Trump did not order these studies but he is promoting it with the help of Dr. Immanuel. How sad is that?
The doctor in a viral video tweeted by Donald Trump (discouraging mask use") is an interesting character:

"But then it came to light what a kook the good doctor seems to be, believing there is alien DNA in some medications. And that sleeping individuals have sex with demons. And that a vaccine is being developed to immunize people from religion."

He didn't promote her...just another lie thread by a TDS moron....
Trump tweeted the video. He promoted it. Did you think he tweeted it because he disagreed with it? Stop playing dumb, even though you are a dumbass.
He is in favor of the medicine she is speaking of but he restated he does not know her nor has he ever heard of her....that's not promoting her tard.....lie in the title of a thread and lose the argument....
Sounds like typical trump spew.... I know her, I don’t , never heard of her. Blah blah blah. Anything that comes out of his mouth is utter bullshit.
Really? So why is FDA is against HCQ?

Because they WANT the $BILLS in funding to approve the NEW DRUGS quickly.. And if there's a 50 yr old drug that costs 100 times less per dose -- it ruins the "make it rain" party.. Already told ya that. So they found (were fed) a couple small FLAWED studies to justify rescinding the "emergency use order".. Both junk studies now discredited and retracted...

You already showed your arrogance and ignorance by reaming out another poster about TRUMP inventing the "preventative" thing.. How much time is gonna take to educate you to the point where you post about the science without TYPING or THINKING about Trump?

Or just outright flaming people and ignoring what they are telling you..

Let me repeat it again. So why Pence and the rest didn’t took HCQ as PM? Only Trump.
From you.... Ignoring them what they are telling me? I responded. Didn’t I?
Then they used Dr. Immanuel as a reference point of the arguments. Dr. Immanuel? Really? I mean REALLY?
As someone who is biased against women and brown doctors .....because of affirmative action and lowering of standards ...nothing to do with thier sex or color

Whats amusing the shit outta me is

I mentioned Christian Nigerians a few weeks ago thiers a shitload of em in NYC and Houston And how they make fun of black Americans ...the leftards were attacking a screaming Nigerian girl in D.C.

For the most part ...most are very family oriented and hard workers blah blah

The left went to town on this doctor cause a little witch doctor voodoo magic ? ? much for the champions of cultural diversity all of a sudden !eh! lol

The whitch doctor is part of thier culture..the white leftwing rubes would be celebrating her "culture " if she was attacking drumph and proclaiming lockdown ....violent riots and murder excluded of course

But ! And I add but.... now this dude is a real expert? who theyll insist is a woman ?when you'll never ever change the fact that its a genetic male

No way around scientific medical biological fact....right ?...right!

My point being witchdoctor voodoo magic ladys cultural and spiritual african beliefs are probably more sound and sane than insisting this moron is a real women ...or any type of health expert

And she's actually out thier everyday she just may have something to add or a learned wisdom from the "frontlines" the public needs to hear

Just sayn
Carry on leftards

oh, stella immanuel has a lot to say.

for example, yoga is demonic.

her research comprises watching conspiracy videos, and then gossiping about the content, such as watchting the FunVax story, and sharing it as fact. that the goverment has created a vaccine targeting the "religious gene" to eliminate religiousity.

she also knows that the government is creating containers for demons to be able to walk among us.

she knows that half reptilian / half ET people are part of the government.

she knows that there is a cure for covid19.

she advocates corporeal punishment and is proud to have had a heavy hand with her children.

she is hyper-homophobic and proud of it.

she has identified many witches.

she knows that demon sperm causes infertility, miscarriage, endometriosis etc.

to sum up, this is a serious person who is qualified to replace Fauci in trump's circus.
oh, stella immanuel has a lot to say.

for example, yoga is demonic.

her research comprises watching conspiracy videos, and then gossiping about the content, such as watchting the FunVax story, and sharing it as fact. that the goverment has created a vaccine targeting the "religious gene" to eliminate religiousity.

she also knows that the government is creating containers for demons to be able to walk among us.

she knows that half reptilian / half ET people are part of the government.

she knows that there is a cure for covid19.

she advocates corporeal punishment and is proud to have had a heavy hand with her children.

she is hyper-homophobic and proud of it.

she has identified many witches.

she knows that demon sperm causes infertility, miscarriage, endometriosis etc.

to sum up, this is a serious person who is qualified to replace Fauci in trump's circus.
Like I said carry on

As a West African would say to a moron American black ....pffffftt
And let me take a wild guess
What about the other Dr's there .?...letme take a wild guess she cancels them all out automatically to right lol

I thought the left liked a little be yourself whackieness...they preach it out loud rotflmao ...another lie from the leftwing conformists....

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