Doctors Quitting - Wonderful

No doctors will quit medicine like no rich people will dump their citizenship to get out of the US.

Liberals need their dreams. They rely on them.

The government knows that doctors are going to leave medicine. That's why they have already made provisions to advance physician assistants and nurse practioners to have more responsibility. The same ability to practice medicine, without the same education.

Many doctors will just not accept insurance. They will go to direct pay or concierge services. Who ever can afford it will get medical care, those who can't will be getting care from a nurse practitioner staffed clinic.

That is the plan.

"Even if doctors do not quit their jobs over the ruling, America will face a shortage of at least 90,000 doctors by 2020. The new health care law increases demand for physicians by expanding insurance coverage. This change will exacerbate the current shortage as more Americans live past 65.

"By 2025 the shortage will balloon to over 130,000, Len Marquez, the director of government relations at the American Association of Medical Colleges, told The Daily Caller.

“One of our primary concerns is that you’ve got an aging physician workforce and you have these new beneficiaries — these newly insured people — coming through the system,” he said. “There will be strains and there will be physician shortages.”
No doctors will quit medicine like no rich people will dump their citizenship to get out of the US.

Liberals need their dreams. They rely on them.

The government knows that doctors are going to leave medicine. That's why they have already made provisions to advance physician assistants and nurse practioners to have more responsibility. The same ability to practice medicine, without the same education.

Many doctors will just not accept insurance. They will go to direct pay or concierge services. Who ever can afford it will get medical care, those who can't will be getting care from a nurse practitioner staffed clinic.

That is the plan.

"Even if doctors do not quit their jobs over the ruling, America will face a shortage of at least 90,000 doctors by 2020. The new health care law increases demand for physicians by expanding insurance coverage. This change will exacerbate the current shortage as more Americans live past 65.

"By 2025 the shortage will balloon to over 130,000, Len Marquez, the director of government relations at the American Association of Medical Colleges, told The Daily Caller.

“One of our primary concerns is that you’ve got an aging physician workforce and you have these new beneficiaries — these newly insured people — coming through the system,” he said. “There will be strains and there will be physician shortages.”

My point exactly. It would have been much better had cooler heads thought this through rather than having this crucial decision made in the heat of Obama Worship Fever

...and we haven't even finished reading the bill yet!

What this country is bound to become if left to the present administration is a totalitarian Marxist state...RULED by the likes of Valerie Jarrett, Michelle Obama and the Boy King himself, Barack Hussein Obama.

As soon as he gets the IRS (the new Gestapo) enlarged and armed, he will have the beginnings of the personal police force he spoke of years ago.

...and we haven't even finished reading the bill yet!

What this country is bound to become if left to the present administration is a totalitarian Marxist state...RULED by the likes of Valerie Jarrett, Michelle Obama and the Boy King himself, Barack Hussein Obama.

As soon as he gets the IRS (the new Gestapo) enlarged and armed, he will have the beginnings of the personal police force he spoke of years ago.

What frightens me is years down the road when these Obama worshippers have to turn to their grandkids and say something on the order of:
'Well the Beatles said it was okay to take acid in huge quantities and that's why your silly straw DNA has you looking like a tadpole, Little Mugwump.'
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Do you honestly believe that the 2,500 pages of the obamatax is all there is? Doctors are looking at thousands and thousands of regulations that they are expected to comply with. There are 13,000 pages of regulations so far, the regulations are still being written.

Most of them won't put up with it. They'll find something else to do or someplace else to do it.
Do you honestly believe that the 2,500 pages of the obamatax is all there is? Doctors are looking at thousands and thousands of regulations that they are expected to comply with. There are 13,000 pages of regulations so far, the regulations are still being written.

Most of them won't put up with it. They'll find something else to do or someplace else to do it.

Have you ever seen a Government program with all the cards on the table? Of course not. This is the beginning of the end if we don't stop it.

Check the date.

BTW, I contacted the Doctor Patient group and pointed out the obvious selection bias they implemented in their poll.

They responded with a lot of tap dancing, but never could quite justify their methodology.

The report was just released.
Check the dateline, moron.
hey wahrrior102, you do know the org who *cough* "conducted" this poll was debunked @ 15 pages ago right?

Bullshit story ? You think the whole survey was fabricated ?

The DPMA is a Tea Party/ALEC astroturf organization. So...yeah. A bullshit survey not indicative of the feelings of all US doctors.
you are correct sir ;) :
Doctor Patient Medical Association - SourceWatch
Doctor Patient Medical Association

The Doctor Patient Medical Association (DPMA) and the Patient Power Alliance (PPA) work to repeal health care reform[1] and call themselves a "a nonpartisan association of doctors and patients dedicated to preserving free choice in medicine."[2] The organization is a member of the National Tea Party Federation[3] and the "American Grassroots Coalition."[4]
Ties to the American Legislative Exchange Council

The DPMA is a member of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). DPMA Chair and Co-Founder, Kathryn Serkes, is on ALEC's Health and Human Services Task Force.[5]
:eusa_eh: :lol: :lol: :lol: :clap2:
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hey wahrrior102, you do know the org who *cough* "conducted" this poll was debunked @ 15 pages ago right?

Someone needs to tell Drudge. His 15,000,000 daily viewers are still seeing it as the lead. Maybe you can call the White House and ask them to intervene to get it taken down.
They sent it to 36,000 on a random basis.

Quit while you are behind.

Regardless, the DPMA is a Tea Party/ALEC front, so the claim they are "non-partisan" is bullshit, and the results suspect.

ahhh, well thanks for Playing.


Really, Must be kinda of nice to be willfully Ignorant, and just go through life dismissing any point of view that differs from your own as "suspect"

sure makes things simpler I am sure.

hey wahrrior102, you do know the org who *cough* "conducted" this poll was debunked @ 15 pages ago right?

Someone needs to tell Drudge. His 15,000,000 daily viewers are still seeing it as the lead. Maybe you can call the White House and ask them to intervene to get it taken down.

why does it not surprise me that the type of people who traffic Drudge don't bother/aren't capable of investigating the source :eusa_eh: :clap2:
Can't argue statistics here folks.

Just reporting the facts.

American Medicine - soon to be as efficient as the DMV.

The reason MANY, MANY Canadian doctors are working in the U.S. today.

They quit - took their degrees elsewhere.

Same now with US docs.....

Obama's fucked up royally.

You can when the statistical survey is irreparably screwed up.
Can't argue statistics here folks.

Just reporting the facts.

American Medicine - soon to be as efficient as the DMV.

The reason MANY, MANY Canadian doctors are working in the U.S. today.

They quit - took their degrees elsewhere.

Same now with US docs.....

Obama's fucked up royally.

You can when the statistical survey is irreparably screwed up.

If you're in favor of some government-issue Doc sticking his fingers in your ass during a routine physical - have at it.

That's why I avoid the VA
If I were a Dr. And I loved being a Dr. I would quit too, it is going to become nothing but a huge bureaucratic nightmare with no compassion for the patient and certainty not the Dr.

Adam Sharp, MD said the following
For patients, this means that they will only be able to consume the healthcare that they “qualify” for or be forced to find another way to obtain the care that they want and need. It is the second outcome that is the most intriguing, because as “shoppers,” patients will want to be informed and have choices as they take on more responsibility for the cost and quality of their own care. This approach works very well with Health Savings Accounts, which were conveniently de-emphasized in the healthcare reform effort. Like the lightning going to ground, this is the inevitable future for healthcare in this country (assuming the other alternative, an acceleration to a single-payer system does not occur first).

For physicians … well, it isn’t hard to figure out where this is all heading. EMRs are quickly becoming the instrument by which we are controlled and managed. As an example, many organizations are already starting to restrict diagnostic testing and therapies via EMR.

Why EMR is a dirty word to most physicians


As if the ACA has anything to do with EMRs being implemented in hospitals.

My hospital switched to EMR five or six years ago (if not longer).
Even if no doctors Quit. Less and less are going to School to be Doctors.....

That is just factually dishonest.

The acceptance rate to a U.S. allopathic medical school (a school that confers an MD degree) is at 50%, just the same as it has been. There is absolutely no sign that people are not applying to medical school due to the current political climate, and due to demand, the number of seats is increasing with the opening of new schools.
Libs, and their Ideological Partisan Blinders.

Am I to understand that you feel that I have mischaracterized the interpretations of the survey? If so, could you explain?

Yeah you have... Respondents can't be bound and shackled to respond. The percent response was actually not unexpectedly low for a fax survey. A phone survey would be even markedly lower. (Here nurse, hold her colon for 20 minutes -- I've got an important phone survey to respond to)

The last thing you want is a belligerent poll respondent. Also, the demographics need not be finely balanced if you don't expect a major change in the response..

They disclosed that the majority was from small practice. This is probably because in a LARGE practice -- the doctors would never see the fax.. I think it's JUST AS important a finding if it is restricted to the small practices that we all know and love...

Why not direct mail? It would have been the best way to get an accurate statistical sample.

I suspect I know the answer. I suspect an honest person knows it too.

Check the date.

BTW, I contacted the Doctor Patient group and pointed out the obvious selection bias they implemented in their poll.

They responded with a lot of tap dancing, but never could quite justify their methodology.

The report was just released.
Check the dateline, moron.

The results were released in mid June.

Once again, you are behind the power curve.
Can't argue statistics here folks.

Just reporting the facts.

American Medicine - soon to be as efficient as the DMV.

The reason MANY, MANY Canadian doctors are working in the U.S. today.

They quit - took their degrees elsewhere.

Same now with US docs.....

Obama's fucked up royally.

You can when the statistical survey is irreparably screwed up.

If you're in favor of some government-issue Doc sticking his fingers in your ass during a routine physical - have at it.

That's why I avoid the VA

A rectal exam is part of an annual physical. Especially for someone your age. If your PCP isn't doing it, they are derelict. Politics has nothing to do with it.

Prostrate cancer doesn't really care how you vote.

You sound like a smart and compliant patient.....

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