Doctors Quitting - Wonderful

Even if no doctors Quit. Less and less are going to School to be Doctors, and the Current Supply is growing older and closer to Retirement. Now is not the time to be doing things that make the Profession less desirable, and less lucrative to be in.

Which is exactly what we have been doing for many Years.

And after the Baby Boomers die off, if we had produced the same number of doctors as in the past, wouldnt we then have a surplus of doctors?
Even if no doctors Quit. Less and less are going to School to be Doctors, and the Current Supply is growing older and closer to Retirement. Now is not the time to be doing things that make the Profession less desirable, and less lucrative to be in.

Which is exactly what we have been doing for many Years.

And after the Baby Boomers die off, if we had produced the same number of doctors as in the past, wouldnt we then have a surplus of doctors?

They will all just specialize in tatoo removal.
The Funds will initially come from the Fed, But this is the Catch, the thing Obama does not want to talk about. The ACA only helps the States fund this Expansion for the First few years, giving them less and less each year. Eventually the States will have to come up with ways to fund it on their own, and you know what that means, The States will have to Increase taxes. But don't worry Obama and the Dems wont be blamed for those Tax Increases either.

Because apparently Americans are Fucking Ignorant.

I havent seen that aspect. Got a link so I can see for myself?

The States are also expected to absorb many more MediCaid patients from that fictitious 40 Mill uninsured.. So when you discuss COSTS --- we haven't even scratched the surface in terms of STATE TAX impacts...

Except the Feds will pay 100% of added costs for four years, and then 90%. But thanks for the Pubcrappe...
But c'mon, have you seen a news outlet do methodology and literal interpretation of surveys?

I'm not sure I understand the question. I've seen many news outlets properly conduct and report scientific surveys.

So I find the results extremely believable.

I don't have any reason to believe that results were falsified. I don't see any evidence to support the claim that they are representative of American doctors, though.

But it is a little dishonest to throw a hissy fit and multiply the poll result by the % of respondents. NO one scientific does that. It is what it is.. A factoid with probable worth to consider..

I'm sorry you feel I've thrown a "hissy fit". What precisely do you find dishonest about my statements? Given that I said "Most doctors didn't return the survey at all" I don't see how one could have been mislead by my statement that "Fewer than 5% of doctors surveyed actually reported that they considered quitting".

In a scientific survey, many people contacted are never surveyed because they decline. In this survey, many people are asked questions and therefore surveyed, and then decide whether to respond. People who declined to respond to particular questions simply are not statistically equivalent to people who won't participate in any questions.

I can hardly claim that the survey is unworthy of consideration, since I have demonstrably considered it. Upon consideration I have found it misleading propaganda with little reliable information content.
Even if no doctors Quit. Less and less are going to School to be Doctors, and the Current Supply is growing older and closer to Retirement. Now is not the time to be doing things that make the Profession less desirable, and less lucrative to be in.

Which is exactly what we have been doing for many Years.

And after the Baby Boomers die off, if we had produced the same number of doctors as in the past, wouldnt we then have a surplus of doctors?

They will all just specialize in tatoo removal.

LOL fair enough
Yeah you have... Respondents can't be bound and shackled to respond. The percent response was actually not unexpectedly low for a fax survey. A phone survey would be even markedly lower. (Here nurse, hold her colon for 20 minutes -- I've got an important phone survey to respond to)

The last thing you want is a belligerent poll respondent. Also, the demographics need not be finely balanced if you don't expect a major change in the response..

They disclosed that the majority was from small practice. This is probably because in a LARGE practice -- the doctors would never see the fax.. I think it's JUST AS important a finding if it is restricted to the small practices that we all know and love...

I don't mean to imply that fax surveys are worthless. If you want to know what thousands of doctors think, they're a good way of finding out. Your sample just won't reflect that of doctors as a whole. When the Daily Caller claims that 83% of doctors have considered quitting over Obamacare that is completely unsupported by their evidence. If I were to conduct a survey of all the doctors who would talk to me, I would find that my sample would be wildly in favor of the ACA. But that would tell us nothing about what the average American doctor feels.

I agree that demographic balancing is unnecessary if you happen to know that it won't change the response. But if you already know what the response would have been, why do the survey at all? In real surveys, failure to demographically balance surveys (or even to do so poorly) produces wildly inaccurate results.
It's bogus, like everything else that comes from the RW.
Whatta joke, Pure Pubcrappe for the dupes. No doctors are quitting. They're just worried someone might derail the gravy train. Just more Pub dupes.

what gravy train Frankie?.....professional sports is a gravy train.....not the Doctors world.....when you are around many people with serious problems and watching people being eaten up with the Cancer......i dont see where that gravy train is.....
I believe that the high percentage is with doctors in private practice.
The older ones will retire, while the doctors that are not close to retirement will go to work for hospitals and clinics. Basically, Obamacare will make private practice doctors extinct.
Doctors don't know shytte about politics, and neither do you dupes LOL. Liberal AMA? Absolute idiocy.

no one knows shit about anything....except you many times have you said this.....geezus you must think you are one intelligent motherfucker......
None of these imaginary horrors ever happen. Change the channel.

Doctors are mainly Pub dupes like you fools.

My father was for socialized medicine since 1940. Unique in the area...

you better go talk to your buddy Dean.....he claims that very few "Pubs" are into higher sure this includes Doctors.....
Even if no doctors Quit. Less and less are going to School to be Doctors

Even if that were true it will have no impact on the availability of doctors entering the work force. Every year, thousands of students fail to "match" and as a result never are given the chance to start a career in medicine.
No doctors will quit medicine like no rich people will dump their citizenship to get out of the US.

Liberals need their dreams. They rely on them.

The government knows that doctors are going to leave medicine. That's why they have already made provisions to advance physician assistants and nurse practioners to have more responsibility. The same ability to practice medicine, without the same education.

Many doctors will just not accept insurance. They will go to direct pay or concierge services. Who ever can afford it will get medical care, those who can't will be getting care from a nurse practitioner staffed clinic.
No doctors will quit medicine like no rich people will dump their citizenship to get out of the US.

Liberals need their dreams. They rely on them.

The government knows that doctors are going to leave medicine. That's why they have already made provisions to advance physician assistants and nurse practioners to have more responsibility. The same ability to practice medicine, without the same education.

Many doctors will just not accept insurance. They will go to direct pay or concierge services. Who ever can afford it will get medical care, those who can't will be getting care from a nurse practitioner staffed clinic.

That sounds fucked up.

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