Doctors Quitting - Wonderful

Report: 83 percent of doctors have considered quitting over Obamacare
A Perfect Example of the "Law of Unintended Consequences"
Tea Party is actually non-partisan.


But you were obviously wrong about them surveying 'just tea partiers. '

With the vast resources of ALEC behind them, how hard do you think it would be to find just the right kind of doctors for this bogus "non-partisan" survey? Do you know how easily someone with an agenda can rig a survey to get the participants they want to answer the way they want?

"I need a list of all doctors who subscribe to Guns and Ammo magazine, or Soldier of Fortune magazine, or who drive large SUVs, or who bought yellow ribbon magnetic stickers from Amazon."

There are 691,000 physicians and surgeons in the US.

Employment of physicians and surgeons is expected to grow by 24 percent from 2010 to 2020, faster than the average for all occupations. Job prospects should be good for physicians willing to practice in rural and low-income areas, because these areas typically have difficulty attracting doctors.

Physicians and Surgeons : Occupational Outlook Handbook : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
And that's just the beginning. This Obama care is going to wreck this country good before anyone wises up and by that time the damage will be done. We'll be decades untangling this mess if it ever takes hold.
People can be so stupid. They will evidently support the downfall of an entire country rather than even consider maybe they're wrong.

This will be one bell that's going to be VERY hard to unring.
The survey was random and 699 doctors responded.

Hello? It was a "random" survey of 699 Tea Partiers! If you did a "random" survey of communist doctors, what percent do you think would respond that the state should control the means of production?

This survey is meaningless.

Because it's not the Liberal-Leaning AMA, it doesn't count, hunh?


My anti-Obamacare credentials are well-established, fool. I just don't drink every glass of bongwater put in front of me, and I'd like to see a lot more critical thinking from the right.
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Hello? It was a "random" survey of 699 Tea Partiers! If you did a "random" survey of communist doctors, what percent do you think would respond that the state should control the means of production?

This survey is meaningless.

Because it's not the Liberal-Leaning AMA, it doesn't count, hunh?


My anti-Obamacare credentials are well-established, fool. I just don't drink every glass of bongwater put in front of me, and I'd like to see a lot more critical thinking from the right.

G5 I work with Doctors. I know what I've heard. It ain't good,
Doctors don't know shytte about politics, and neither do you dupes LOL. Liberal AMA? Absolute idiocy.

Romneycare a great success, none of the PUB doom and gloom.

Frontline said cost rises are now 2%, easily the lowest in the USA. So change the channel...

"For this reason he also provided for subsidies for individuals living below three times the federal poverty line to make insurance affordable.

This “three-legged stool”—banning discrimination in insurance markets, mandating that individuals purchase insurance, and providing low-income subsidies for insurance purchase—became the basis for both our reform in Massachusetts and for the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

The enormous success of health-care reform in the almost six years since its passage in Massachusetts can make us more confident that this three-legged stool will work for the nation as a whole. We have covered about two-thirds of uninsured Massachusetts residents, and have lowered the premiums in the non-group market by half relative to national premium trends. And we have done so with broad public support. Moreover, this reform succeeded without interfering with the employer-sponsored insurance market that works for most of our residents: employer-sponsored insurance coverage has actually risen in Massachusetts, while falling sharply nationally, and the premiums for employer-sponsored insurance rose no faster in Massachusetts than they did nationally.

This was all possible because the individual mandate ended the “death spiral” of trying to obtain fairly priced insurance by just forcing insurers to charge everyone the same price. The bottom line is that we can’t have fairly priced insurance for the healthy and sick alike without the broad participation that is guaranteed by the mandate.

The mandate is the spinach we have to eat to get the dessert that is fairly priced insurance coverage.

Actually, RomneyCare is an enormous success « Hot Air HeadlinesMar 27, 2012 ... Actually, RomneyCare is an enormous success. Into this chasm stepped the hero of our story, Governor Mitt Romney, and his plan for ... -

Cachedromneycare success - Google Search
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That the article cites the DPMA, and not the AMA, should have been a huge red flag to you.

The DPMA is a Tea Party organization, and a member of ALEC. In other words, astroturf.

So, gee, if you survey a bunch of Tea Partiers about how they feel about ObamaCare, is it any wonder most of them say they think it sucks?

This is a non story.
The survey was conducted by fax and online from April 18 to May 22, 2012. DPMAF obtained the office fax numbers of 36,000 doctors in active clinical practice, and 16, 227 faxes were successfully delivered. Doctors were asked to return their completed surveys by fax, or online at a web address included in the faxed copy. Browser rules prevented doctors from filing duplicate surveys, and respondents were asked to provide personal identification for verification. The response rate was 4.3% for a total of 699 completed surveys.​
Physician Attitudes Survey - June 2012 | Doctor Patient Medical Association

It doesn't say they only surveyed members.

You just make sure you don't believe anything that isn't properly worshipful of The One. You could get audited for apostasy.
What do all those disgruntled doctors plan on doing for a living after they leave medicine?

Real jobs?

I don't think so...:lol:

We can import a few more thousands of doctors from places like India and Pakistan. I'm sure there are plenty more there who wouldn't mind working in America.

Why so much hatred for doctors?
Not all doctors; just the ones who won't join the Faithful in worshiping The One.
What are all those 83% of doctors going to do for a living after they quit? Work at McDonald's?

That may actually be good for me. I think my local McDonalds is "rationing" the fries. Every third order is a half box of fries instead of a full one.They always fuck you in the drive thru.

The American Medical Association, which endorsed Obama’s health care
overhaul, was not able to immediately offer comment on the survey. Spokesperson Heather Lasher Todd said it would take time to review the information in the survey.

Read more: Report: 83 percent of doctors have considered quitting over Obamacare | The Daily Caller

This is worth all sides of the issue reviewing:

PolitiFact | Health Care statements

Nothing at that PolitiFart page about doctors quitting.. Not that I'd take their analysis without extreme skepticism anyway..

((ObamaCare doesn't CUT Medicare by $500B -- it just reduces the growth)) LOL
I question the validity of an article that posts:

(SEE ALSO: Jeremiah Wright: ‘White racist alien DNA’ running through synapses of Obama’s brain )

within the article itself.

Have you considered NOT relying on nutters as a news source?

Uhm, that little gem was from the nutter known as Jeremiah Wright:

Wright later went on to suggest that America’s elite universities infect African Americans with “white racist DNA.”
When you trace back the methodology for this survey you find..


•90% say the medical system is on the WRONG TRACK
•83% say they are thinking about QUITTING
•61% say the system challenges their ETHICS•85% say the patient-physician relationship is in a TAILSPIN
•65% say GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT is most to blame for current problems
•72% say individual insurance mandate will NOT result in improved access care

•49% say they will STOP accepting Medicaid patients
•74% say they will STOP ACCEPTING Medicare patients, or leave Medicare completely
•52% say they would rather treat some Medicaid/Medicare patient for FREE

•57% give the AMA a FAILING GRADE representing them
•1 out of 3 doctors is HESITANT to voice their opinion
•2 out of 3 say they are JUST SQUEAKING BY OR IN THE RED financially
•95% say private practice is losing out to CORPORATE MEDICINE
•80% say DOCTORS/MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS are most likely to help solve things
•70% say REDUCING GOVERNMENT would be single best fix.

NOW THOSE i bolded are the IMPORTANT findings if the sample is representative..
Different things. Enterprising people always find a way.

What can a person who spent years in Medical school and residency do and then some years as a doctor do that won't be affected by "Obamacare"? What about it makes them want to quit, a steady flow of clients and money?

Lower reimbursements, patient overLoads, and massive liability are a few minor Reasons....
Waiting 9 months for reimbursement after the procedure/test/exam/office visit is scrutinized by some some bureaucrat( an official who works by fixed routine without exercising intelligent judgment), then receiving 35% because only "X" was warranted, in his professional judgement.

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