Doctrine of Reason


Oct 9, 2008
Doctrine of Reason
Immutable Truths

Capitalism is responsible for the greatest economies in the world.
Socialism is responsible for the worst.

The first act of every tyrannical ruler has been the revoking of the right to firearms.
Hitler. Stalin. Mao. Castro. Hussein. Every one.

The most wealthy 5% provide jobs for the other 95%
The middle-class and the poor do not create jobs.

The more money consumers have, the more money they spend.
Spending money fixes economies.

A person is smart.
People are dumb.
The government is made up of people.

Politicians lie.

The nations of the world do not want the best for you.
They want the best for them.

The greatest achievements in history were fueled by self-interest.
Architecture. Nuclear power. Plastic. Computers. Air conditioning. Plumbing.

You have/had a mommy.
Do not pay taxes for a second one, especially one who is incompetent.

Freedom is not a privilege.
Personal liberties are not yours to give away.
Other people are happy the way they are.

My name is __________________ and I have read and understood the above points before even considering voting.

_____________________________________________ Signature
the 5% most wealthy provide jobs for 95%?

man oh man have you been brainwashed to believe something so blatently untrue!

80% of the jobs and economy for that matter, in the USA are SMALL businesses/self employed!
Another brain dead stooge.

"The elite, the most powerful, influential, and wealthy individuals among us, have essentially succeeded in creating the most important element in sustaining their perpetual control: eternally loyal, anti-thinking, slave-followers, fundamentally hostile to any kind of meaningful thought, perhaps as much as eighty percent of the world's population. For the purposes of keeping this article short enough for publication, my comments here are limited to Americans."

It's the Stupidity, Stupid! |
Capitalism is also responsible for 2 global financial system failures in less than 100 years now.

Perhaps a hybrid system is warranted?

What if Banking and Insurance - and only banking and insurance were nationalized?

They're not exactly productive enterprises, more like necessary evils - kind of like government.

Before you rail against all government, pretend for a moment that you have no reason to trust your food supply, just one of the things that We The People set enforceable standards for.

Doctrine of Reason
Immutable Truths

Capitalism is responsible for the greatest economies in the world.
Socialism is responsible for the worst.
Debateable, but certainly true in the XXth century

The first act of every tyrannical ruler has been the revoking of the right to firearms.
Hitler. Stalin. Mao. Castro. Hussein. Every one.

Well...not really. The Iraq were some of the most heavily armed people in the world even while Hussein was their dark overlord.

The most wealthy 5% provide jobs for the other 95%
And the 95% provide the wealth to the other 5%. When that system works well it's a wonderfully symbiotic social relationship.

The middle-class and the poor do not create jobs.
You have been misinformed. Far more people work for very small businesses of the middle class than for all the major corporations combined. Major corporations employ about 12% of the working population.

The more money consumers have, the more money they spend.

Well...when consumers have enough money they typically save about 5% of it -- if you study the history of savings in this nation, at least.

Spending money fixes economies.
Depends on what its being spent on.

A person is smart.
Half of them are smarter than the other half, that's for damned sure

People are dumb.
People have a 100 IQ

The government is made up of people.
So are private businesses

Politicians lie.
Everybody lies

The nations of the world do not want the best for you.
They want the best for them.

Kill my landlord! Kill my landlord!

The greatest achievements in history were fueled by self-interest.
Architecture. Nuclear power. Plastic. Computers. Air conditioning. Plumbing.

For an alternate view of the world See: HTML, JAVA, every language spoken by mankind, all mathamatics, and motherhood.

You have/had a mommy.

Do not pay taxes for a second one, especially one who is incompetent.

That's what servants are for, right?

Freedom is not a privilege.

Personal liberties are not yours to give away.
Or take away, either.

Other people are happy the way they are.

Thought for the day: never trust a smiling dog.

My name is __________________ and I have read and understood the above points before even considering voting.
_____________________________________________ Signature

Sorry, sport. I don't sign loyalty oaths.
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Wal-Mart Stores
Exxon Mobil
ING Group
Royal Dutch Shell
General Motors
Toyota Motor

Not a small business among them. These are the top ten.

Enjoy actual facts. A strange thing in a strange time, to be sure.
It's more true to say that the top 5% make money off the bottom 95%.
"Well...not really. The Iraq were some of the most heavily armed people in the world even while Hussein was their dark overlord."

Your facts are incorrect. Also, even if you were correct, your Hussein example denounces Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Castro, etc?

Does it denounce the fact that just before the Rwanda Massacre and the Ottoman Turkey massacre the right to personal arms were taken away?

Read history books before you vote. Before you eat breakfast. Read, read, read and enjoy the fruits of being correct.
'It's more true to say that the top 5% make money off the bottom 95%."

Is that unfair? Are we in preschool again? Nowhere in the Constitution is "fairness" guaranteed.

The person taking the risks and building the economy and creating the jobs should be making money. The man who has no more drive than to work in a cubicle and play it safe should not be making money.

That man is lazy; it is not the duty of the successful and the driven to reward the lazy and vision-less.

That is the job of your mommy. That is the job of the preschool teacher. It is not the duty of the successful.
'Other people are happy the way they are."

"Thought for the day: never trust a smiling dog."

Odd that you would argue the point in the Doctrine of Reason allowing people to be who they are. Odd that you would denounce the point in the Doctrine protecting the right to be gay, the right to believe in any religion you want, etc.

Understanding is yours, if you can put aside vitriol and talking points.

"Or take away, either."

Exactly. Like gun rights, right to eat a rare steak, right to smoke, right to drink, right to drive while talking on the phone, right to freedom.

There is no right to brainless safety.
"For an alternate view of the world See: HTML, JAVA, every language spoken by mankind, all mathamatics, and motherhood."

If this is the case, then ignorance of history stands eye to eye with ignorance of human psychology.

To think these things were done out of altruism is naivete.

HTML: Made to make the creation of websites easier, probably by a C++ programmer tired of busting his hump and working so hard to make websites about cats.

Java: Similar idea. Someone wanted to make their life easier and make games and applications easier to play and run.

Language: The most self-interested pursuit. The desire to communicate is not altruism; its a function of evolution and the want to speak. The idea of facilitating the exchange of ideas to make life more convenient.

Mathematics: Altruism? Mathematics was created/discovered by brilliant men of science who wanted to make their life better, to make engineering easier, to make the building of bridges and the gaining of wages from said bridges more manageable. It wasn't a summit of scientists who decided to better mankind. They wanted to make their lives easier, and their calculations easier.

Motherhood: Brain chemistry, not altruism. People have children because they want to have someone to take care of, someone to teach, someone to pass on the knowledge of their life. That is naked self-interest like nothing other.

Self-interest is not a bad word. It simply is what drives humans.

Don't confuse making-money or profitability with self-interest. If Tycho Brahe could have copywritten his theories and made billions, he would have, and there would be nothing wrong with that.

If the maker of HTML knew it was going to be so widespread, he would have sold it, and there would be nothing wrong with that either.

Embrace human strengths - don't deny them.

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