
If you knew how to Google, you would find the truth. But you are to occupied with kissing Obama's ass to discover the truth. Not that truth matters to you.

Hey, I tried Googling "Dumb shit that Republicans believe." Is that what will get me the truth?

You don't believe Obama lied about belonging to the New Party?

I don't believe it matters. That's what I don't believe. I believe idiot Conservative Whackos are buying so heavily into this "Obama is going to kill the U.S." nonsense that they'll ascribe way too much meaning to every single thing he used to do...

All the while telling us that we can't judge Mitt Romney for the way he ran a company that he was the head of for most of his adult life. That's what the rest of us call "total fucking hypocrisy on a crazy-high level."

I think Mitt Romney is going to destroy the sanctity of marriage because of his ties to the Mormon church. He's going to install forced polygamy and he's going to make one of every two tax dollars go to building a colony on Kolob.
Can we all safely agree that Obama is a socialist now? The evidence was convincing before, but if he actually joined this socialist group, what more do we have to prove?

No, but we can all safely say that you, Disturd and the rest of the USMB wingnut brigade are comically stupid.
I wonder if Obama had been all-white, and not named Barack Hussein Obama if this story would still even have ANY legs. Who's the last president who had his actual fucking BIRTH RECORD questioned nearly a full four years into his first firm? No one. And they wonder why thinking people call them racists.
They pulled the same shit on Clinton - trying to delegitimize him at every turn, the good of the country be damned.
Race has nothing to do with it.
It is about verifiable affiliations that are against the grain of our democracy, and affiliations supporting the enemies of the country.
Reflectors deflect when they have no argument.
They pulled the same shit on Clinton - trying to delegitimize him at every turn, the good of the country be damned.

Clinton was a draft dodger, and a moral Lowlife...
But, there were somethings stable with him.
And he never had a different name in another nation.

Clinton also did what he thought, was the best for the country.
Added plus, there was no question to his citizenship.
Modern conservatives are about as unpatriotic as one can get. Constantly questioning the legitimacy of the POTUS; openly mocking him and cheering world leaders who criticize him; supporting laws that keep legitimate voters from casting ballots; in the case of MI, literally turning cities into dictatorships where voters don't have a say, and the people that they elected, are powerless.
Bush actually served. This was debunked in 2004.
Remember Dan Rather resigned in shame. He was a proven fraud.
Stick with the talking points.

Obama has been proven of these connections.
National Review Online

This is very interesting. All the birthers may be onto something.
This was a closely guarded, hidden fact that the MCCAIN camp was told not to expose.

While ROMNEY was busting ass finishing up last days at BAIN CAPITOL, Obama was joining a third-party socialist third party, even verified as recent as 2008.

Had this been disclosed before the American public was hood-winked, we never would have dealt with him.

His election as well as every aspect of this administration is how the campaign was carried out, a deceptive scam.
Glen Beck had provided the facts a few years ago. I don't believe Obama or anyone from his administration has commented on it. I saw documents on line that back up Beck.
National Review Online

This is very interesting. All the birthers may be onto something.
This was a closely guarded, hidden fact that the MCCAIN camp was told not to expose.

While ROMNEY was busting ass finishing up last days at BAIN CAPITOL, Obama was joining a third-party socialist third party, even verified as recent as 2008.

Had this been disclosed before the American public was hood-winked, we never would have dealt with him.

His election as well as every aspect of this administration is how the campaign was carried out, a deceptive scam.
Glen Beck had provided the facts a few years ago. I don't believe Obama or anyone from his administration has commented on it. I saw documents on line that back up Beck.

Yeah Beck touched on it again this past week. Thing is the question remains...who exactly IS Barack Obama?
Bush actually served. This was debunked in 2004.
Remember Dan Rather resigned in shame. He was a proven fraud.
Stick with the talking points.

Obama has been proven of these connections.

Way to dodge the question about Mittens, fucktard.

And I can't fucking BELIEVE someone just used the sentence "Glenn beck provided the facts..." and meant it! That's fucking rich. Glen Beck provided tears and conspiracy theories so loony he's not even on Fox Fucking News anymore.

National Review Online

This is very interesting. All the birthers may be onto something.
This was a closely guarded, hidden fact that the MCCAIN camp was told not to expose.

While ROMNEY was busting ass finishing up last days at BAIN CAPITOL, Obama was joining a third-party socialist third party, even verified as recent as 2008.

Had this been disclosed before the American public was hood-winked, we never would have dealt with him.

His election as well as every aspect of this administration is how the campaign was carried out, a deceptive scam.
Glen Beck had provided the facts a few years ago. I don't believe Obama or anyone from his administration has commented on it. I saw documents on line that back up Beck.

Yeah Beck touched on it again this past week. Thing is the question remains...who exactly IS Barack Obama?

Our first KenyanCommunistSocialistMuslimBlack President, of course, you Birther Moron.
Nobody denied Romney dodged, too.
But versus an unverifiable person sitting in the executive office, I will take choice #2. Thank you very much.
Glen Beck had provided the facts a few years ago. I don't believe Obama or anyone from his administration has commented on it. I saw documents on line that back up Beck.

Yeah Beck touched on it again this past week. Thing is the question remains...who exactly IS Barack Obama?

Our first KenyanCommunistSocialistMuslimBlack President, of course, you Birther Moron.

I don't subscribe to the birther nonsense...shithead.

Talk out of your ass much?

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