Today’s Democrat party, socialists? what’s the difference? They’ve taken over that party anyway.

Been sliding farhter left for decades. Republicans not to be outdone fill the void they left unfortunately.
Today’s Democrat party, socialists? what’s the difference? They’ve taken over that party anyway.

Been sliding farhter left for decades. Republicans not to be outdone fill the void they left unfortunately.

We'll see ,people are wise to them now, the Tea party isn't going anywhere
Today’s Democrat party, socialists? what’s the difference? They’ve taken over that party anyway.

Been sliding farhter left for decades. Republicans not to be outdone fill the void they left unfortunately.

We'll see ,people are wise to them now, the Tea party isn't going anywhere

Obama Belonged to Radical Socialist "New Party" in 1996
June 2012
Bruce Walker

Kurtz then identifies several different threads that tie Barack Obama to radical Marxism, which include these facts:

• His father wrote a paper which advocated 100% taxation of the rich, communal ownership of land and confiscation of private property, and penned an article in Kenya entitled “The Problems Facing Our Socialism”;
• His mother was a Communist sympathizer who had been described as a “fellow traveler” while she was alive, whose teachers at Mercer Island High School forced students to read the Communist Manifesto;
• His parents met in a Russian language class;
• His mentor was known Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis and in Hawaii from 1971 to 1979, Davis treated Obama like a son;
• His brother Roy Obama is a Marxist, and also a radical Muslim;
• His cousin Odinga is also a Marxist and a radical Muslim who seeks to establish Shariah courts in Kenya;
• He attended a socialist conference at Copper Union;
• He was hand picked by Illinois State Senator Alice Palmer to succeed her, and Palmer attended the 27th Communist Party Congress in the Soviet Union;
• His campaign for the Illinois State Senate was organized by avowed Marxists Bill Ayers :eusa_liar:(pictured above) and Bernadette Dorhn.
The evidence which Kurtz (and others) have assembled to show the deep immersion of Barack Obama in Marxism is overwhelming. The latest proof, his membership as recently as 15 years ago in the radical socialist New Party,:confused:shows his Marxist upbringing remained with him and, crucially, that he has concealed that information from Americans.:eusa_boohoo:

Obama Belonged to Radical Socialist "New Party" in 1996
Much ado about nothing?
Buzzards looking for fresh kill?
And why the f*** should I care about this?
And what the f*** does this have to do with anything??
Obama Belonged to Radical Socialist "New Party" in 1996
June 2012
Bruce Walker

Kurtz then identifies several different threads that tie Barack Obama to radical Marxism, which include these facts:

• His father wrote a paper which advocated 100% taxation of the rich, communal ownership of land and confiscation of private property, and penned an article in Kenya entitled “The Problems Facing Our Socialism”;
• His mother was a Communist sympathizer who had been described as a “fellow traveler” while she was alive, whose teachers at Mercer Island High School forced students to read the Communist Manifesto;
• His parents met in a Russian language class;
• His mentor was known Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis and in Hawaii from 1971 to 1979, Davis treated Obama like a son;
• His brother Roy Obama is a Marxist, and also a radical Muslim;
• His cousin Odinga is also a Marxist and a radical Muslim who seeks to establish Shariah courts in Kenya;
• He attended a socialist conference at Copper Union;
• He was hand picked by Illinois State Senator Alice Palmer to succeed her, and Palmer attended the 27th Communist Party Congress in the Soviet Union;
• His campaign for the Illinois State Senate was organized by avowed Marxists Bill Ayers :eusa_liar:(pictured above) and Bernadette Dorhn.
The evidence which Kurtz (and others) have assembled to show the deep immersion of Barack Obama in Marxism is overwhelming. The latest proof, his membership as recently as 15 years ago in the radical socialist New Party,:confused:shows his Marxist upbringing remained with him and, crucially, that he has concealed that information from Americans.:eusa_boohoo:

Obama Belonged to Radical Socialist "New Party" in 1996
Much ado about nothing?
Buzzards looking for fresh kill?
And why the f*** should I care about this?
And what the f*** does this have to do with anything??
What does it have to do with anything?

It proves Obama lied.

That's kind of a big deal to some people.

I know others don't give a damn. They'll vote for him anyway.
It's not shocking given he grew up in a dysfunctional family as a half-white/half-black and his deadbeat dad was a socialist too.

He probably wanted to emulate his father that was too busy chasing fat white women than to help ole little O back in the USA. Obamination grew up on the fringe of society and many times on college campuses losers like him end up hanging out with the socialists and other misfits on campus.

Those outcasts typically think of themselves smarter than everyone else to make up for their lack of social skills and popularity. The group plays on people like Obamination that "want to be liked" and eventually Obamination became one of them.

Of course, once he realized being a socialist off a college campus would only get him a job at Dairy Queen, he played it up like he was an average American like everyone else......which is bullshit. He is a loser still trying to follow his daddy's steps chasing fat white women's skirts.
It's not shocking given he grew up in a dysfunctional family as a half-white/half-black and his deadbeat dad was a socialist too.

HI Racist!

Can you explain to me why being mixed race is bad?


Someone who has more than one ethnicity in his DNA, like most of us.

Also, I have Well Documented Evidence that I took a shit today. PM me for proof.
Your link goes to nothing but the national review site
It's the headline story, pinhead.

Here's the link to the story, ya lazy ass.

Obama’s Third-Party History - Article - National Review Online

In late October 2008, when I wrote here at National Review Online that Obama had been a member of the New Party, his campaign sharply denied it, calling my claim a “crackpot smear.” Fight the Smears, an official Obama-campaign website, staunchly maintained that “Barack has been a member of only one political party, the Democratic Party.” I rebutted this, but the debate was never taken up by the mainstream press.

Recently obtained evidence from the updated records of Illinois ACORN at the Wisconsin Historical Society now definitively establishes that Obama was a member of the New Party. He also signed a “contract” promising to publicly support and associate himself with the New Party while in office.

Minutes of the meeting on January 11, 1996, of the New Party’s Chicago chapter read as follows:

Barack Obama, candidate for State Senate in the 13th Legislative District, gave a statement to the membership and answered questions. He signed the New Party “Candidate Contract” and requested an endorsement from the New Party. He also joined the New Party.

Obama’s Third-Party History - Article - National Review Online

To many of us, truth matters; however, to the Obama ass-kissing jerk who calls himself Truthmatters, truth doesn't matter at all. I could call myself "bigdick" but that doesn't prove a damn thing.
National Review Online

This is very interesting. All the birthers may be onto something.
This was a closely guarded, hidden fact that the MCCAIN camp was told not to expose.

While ROMNEY was busting ass finishing up last days at BAIN CAPITOL, Obama was joining a third-party socialist third party, even verified as recent as 2008.

Had this been disclosed before the American public was hood-winked, we never would have dealt with him.

His election as well as every aspect of this administration is how the campaign was carried out, a deceptive scam.

June 07, 2012

White-Wing Paranoia


"National Review claims it has new evidence that President Obama associated with a minor political party in Chicago in the 1990s.

This is apparently supposed to reveal more about Obama's political views and the way he governs than his service in the U.S. Senate and the three years he has been president.

The article instead appears to be part of the right's ongoing effort to further the absurd myth that the media has not vetted Obama -- an argument that is destroyed by the facts."



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