Documents Reveal White Supremacists Discuss Using Virus As Bioweapon

This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting out law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

Did they get the idea from the Chinese....who actually made the bio weapon to use as bio weapon?

Does your voice echo in Alex Jones' bowels?

Are you still licking the crotch on your Che Guevara poster, or has the Wuhan virus made you refrain some?

You got a little cheeto dust on your chin.
This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting out law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

You're about to die from the yellow man's death virus and you're worried about a handful of redneck peckerwood hillbillies?

Been checked for a fever yet? You're starting to sound confused and disoriented.

They don't trust The Donald but they trust the Chinese Government.

Perhaps they should register as foreign agents, if they're so intent on representing China.

"The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) is a United States law passed in 1938 requiring that agents representing the interests of foreign powers in a "political or quasi-political capacity" disclose their relationship with the foreign government and information about related activities and finances..."

Foreign Agents Registration Act - Wikipedia
white sup. lmfao


I doubt tramp ever when near a motorcycle much less driven one.
This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting out law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

You're about to die from the yellow man's death virus and you're worried about a handful of redneck peckerwood hillbillies?

Been checked for a fever yet? You're starting to sound confused and disoriented.

The trail for COVID-19 begins in China in Wuhan where they happen to have a level 4 Biolab, because of what the Chinese have unleashed on the Western world they need SEVERELY punishing and I mean SEVERELY to the ultimate extreme. Fuck China, take them down.

Your asking the US to take them down. What is wrong with your country, most of realize its not a biolab hoax.

The Western world should combine to take China down, China are NOT our friends, China are the Enemy.

"most of realize its not a biolab hoax"

Keep thinking that, keep TRUSTING China and keep TRUSTING the Chinese Government and keep THINKING that China would not deliberately develop a virus that has NO vaccine and them not first test it on their own population and then release it via travel into Western nations as a Biological Attack to attempt to crash the Western economy and weaken The West in general.

You're confusing China with Daddy Poot and the Russians Sergei. Let the disinformation continue - Whatever! :rolleyes:
It originated in a place where they eat bats. Coincidence?

Fact check: Did coronavirus originate in a Chinese laboratory?

Richard Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University, said in an interview with The Washington Post: “Based on the virus genome and properties, there is no indication whatsoever that it was an engineered virus.”
Lab? LMAO, no. Country — 100% yes!

Go back to huffing.
You disagree it started in China? You’re kidding right?

No, I'm debating people who said it started in a lab and at least one of them think it was launched purposefully. I have no idea what you're doing.
I am telling you that is irrelevant. It started in China and the only country they told early was Russia. Notice how the virus has not spread there. Russia closed borders immediately and practiced social distancing immediately.

Yes China where COVID-19 originated told Russia first and how many times bigger is Russia than for eg. Italy and look how few COVID-19 cases Russia has and look at Italy where it's going off the chart.
White iz racist cuz white iz inferior.
This is about the intelligence level of the closet white supremacists we can expect. Which, really, is kind of comforting.


You really are as dumb as you appear.

Do you think all white people should be concentrated into camps so they can't harm their betters? Sure you do. Dey all racists anywaze.
white sup. lmfao


I doubt tramp ever when near a motorcycle much less driven one.
This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting out law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

You're about to die from the yellow man's death virus and you're worried about a handful of redneck peckerwood hillbillies?

Been checked for a fever yet? You're starting to sound confused and disoriented.

The trail for COVID-19 begins in China in Wuhan where they happen to have a level 4 Biolab, because of what the Chinese have unleashed on the Western world they need SEVERELY punishing and I mean SEVERELY to the ultimate extreme. Fuck China, take them down.

Your asking the US to take them down. What is wrong with your country, most of realize its not a biolab hoax.

The Western world should combine to take China down, China are NOT our friends, China are the Enemy.

"most of realize its not a biolab hoax"

Keep thinking that, keep TRUSTING China and keep TRUSTING the Chinese Government and keep THINKING that China would not deliberately develop a virus that has NO vaccine and them not first test it on their own population and then release it via travel into Western nations as a Biological Attack to attempt to crash the Western economy and weaken The West in general.

You're confusing China with Daddy Poot and the Russians Sergei. Let the disinformation continue - Whatever! :rolleyes:

STFU you stupid Pro-China Troll. COVID-19 originated in CHINA I am confusing China with nobody.
It originated in a place where they eat bats. Coincidence?

Fact check: Did coronavirus originate in a Chinese laboratory?

Richard Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University, said in an interview with The Washington Post: “Based on the virus genome and properties, there is no indication whatsoever that it was an engineered virus.”
Lab? LMAO, no. Country — 100% yes!

Go back to huffing.
You disagree it started in China? You’re kidding right?

No, I'm debating people who said it started in a lab and at least one of them think it was launched purposefully. I have no idea what you're doing.
I am telling you that is irrelevant. It started in China and the only country they told early was Russia. Notice how the virus has not spread there. Russia closed borders immediately and practiced social distancing immediately.
Highly unlikely the numbers reported by Russia, bare any resemblance to reality.
This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting out law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

Did they get the idea from the Chinese....who actually made the bio weapon to use as bio weapon?

Does your voice echo in Alex Jones' bowels?

The only racists here are those who support the democrat party....the home of racists of all colors.

What does that bullshit boilerplate lie have to do with your head up Alex Jones' ass?

Racists of all colors? Do you actually think before you post off the cuff? Maybe you should stick to somebody else's talking points.
Most of BLM and Antifa to start.
This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting out law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

You're about to die from the yellow man's death virus and you're worried about a handful of redneck peckerwood hillbillies?

Been checked for a fever yet? You're starting to sound confused and disoriented.

One positive thing to come out of this COVID-19 Pandemic is that more nations are going to see that it is of paramount importance NOT to have open borders. I think when the Western world emerges from the COVID-19 Pandemic nearly all of the border restrictions we have now in place will be put permanently into place and so Muh Economic Migrants had better already start thinking of you know going to Saudi Arabia or other Middle Eastern nations or staying in Sub-Saharan Africa, that crowd has worse diseases and viruses than COVID-19, that crowd they are literally walking Biological Weapons.
No open borders and disengagement from china
Lab? LMAO, no. Country — 100% yes!

Go back to huffing.
You disagree it started in China? You’re kidding right?

No, I'm debating people who said it started in a lab and at least one of them think it was launched purposefully. I have no idea what you're doing.
I am telling you that is irrelevant. It started in China and the only country they told early was Russia. Notice how the virus has not spread there. Russia closed borders immediately and practiced social distancing immediately.

Yes China where COVID-19 originated told Russia first and how many times bigger is Russia than for eg. Italy and look how few COVID-19 cases Russia has and look at Italy where it's going off the chart.

The U.S. is bigger than Italy too. Did we get a heads up?

You two debating each other should be fun to watch, you're both incredibly vulnrable to conspiracy theories and I'm looking forward to see which wingnut con wins.
This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting out law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

You're about to die from the yellow man's death virus and you're worried about a handful of redneck peckerwood hillbillies?

Been checked for a fever yet? You're starting to sound confused and disoriented.

One positive thing to come out of this COVID-19 Pandemic is that more nations are going to see that it is of paramount importance NOT to have open borders. I think when the Western world emerges from the COVID-19 Pandemic nearly all of the border restrictions we have now in place will be put permanently into place and so Muh Economic Migrants had better already start thinking of you know going to Saudi Arabia or other Middle Eastern nations or staying in Sub-Saharan Africa, that crowd has worse diseases and viruses than COVID-19, that crowd they are literally walking Biological Weapons.
No open borders and disengagement from china
And rob Ivanka of her income stream? Who is going to pay Jared's loans, then?!?! originated in the very place where they have a bio weapon lab......

Oh, you are on the it.

It originated in a place where they eat bats. Coincidence?

Fact check: Did coronavirus originate in a Chinese laboratory?

Richard Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University, said in an interview with The Washington Post: “Based on the virus genome and properties, there is no indication whatsoever that it was an engineered virus.”

And in Western nations we do not eat bats and we all got COVID-19 via Globalist travel from Chinese getting into Western nations and via borders being open. IF we permanently had restrictions on travel from certain nations and if we permanently closed our borders we would not be getting things like COVID-19.

So, is this you back pedaling on the whole bio weapon lab origination story now? So, now you're moving onto the next cause of wingnuts everywhere, border crossing, legal or otherwise?

If borders were restricted as you fantasize about the stock market would be even lower than it is now, what would Trump have been bragging about the last 3 years?

No not back pedaling, I maintain my position that to me and others China deliberately developing COVID-19 cannot be ruled out and this should be fully investigated because if not the next virus might be 1000 times more horrific than COVID-19.

Change the subject to borders is back pedaling. And yes, this being a man made virus has been ruled out. And now just saying "ruled out" is back pedaling from your insistence that it definitely was man made and launched on purpose.

I have always been 100% in support of total permanent restricted travel from certain nations that are considered hostile and alien to Western values and also to have permanently closed borders. This throughout modern history is how nations have protected themselves, by limiting WHO can be in the nation and not by having borders wide open.

Like I said, you'd have killed off Trump's chances in 2020 for sure.

No if borders were restricted the stock market would not be lower. For Centuries borders were restricted and that did not affect the economy of Western nations. We would all do what we all used to do Trade, there is nothing wrong with Globalised Trade it's how the world has ALWAYS operated, there is EVERYTHING WRONG with Globalised Borders it's how the world has NEVER operated.

Really? Like when? Countries have always traded with each other.

I'm looking forward to this virus passing so that I can continue to travel the globe and I welcome others to visit the United States. You on the other hand can simply lock the door to the basement and you'll be fine.

Your masters in Beijing have ruled out this being man made in their Wuhan BL-4 lab? Well, that puts that to rest....
white sup. lmfao


I doubt tramp ever when near a motorcycle much less driven one.
This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting out law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

You're about to die from the yellow man's death virus and you're worried about a handful of redneck peckerwood hillbillies?

Been checked for a fever yet? You're starting to sound confused and disoriented.

The trail for COVID-19 begins in China in Wuhan where they happen to have a level 4 Biolab, because of what the Chinese have unleashed on the Western world they need SEVERELY punishing and I mean SEVERELY to the ultimate extreme. Fuck China, take them down.

Your asking the US to take them down. What is wrong with your country, most of realize its not a biolab hoax. originated in the very place where they have a bio weapon lab......

Oh, you are on the it.

It originated in a place where they eat bats. Coincidence?

Fact check: Did coronavirus originate in a Chinese laboratory?

Richard Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University, said in an interview with The Washington Post: “Based on the virus genome and properties, there is no indication whatsoever that it was an engineered virus.”

Plausible deniability. China claims it's one of our biological weapons.
If this egghead professor knows so much about the virus genome and properties, why hasn't he come up with a cure for it?
white sup. lmfao


I doubt tramp ever when near a motorcycle much less driven one.
You're about to die from the yellow man's death virus and you're worried about a handful of redneck peckerwood hillbillies?

Been checked for a fever yet? You're starting to sound confused and disoriented.

The trail for COVID-19 begins in China in Wuhan where they happen to have a level 4 Biolab, because of what the Chinese have unleashed on the Western world they need SEVERELY punishing and I mean SEVERELY to the ultimate extreme. Fuck China, take them down.

Your asking the US to take them down. What is wrong with your country, most of realize its not a biolab hoax. originated in the very place where they have a bio weapon lab......

Oh, you are on the it.

It originated in a place where they eat bats. Coincidence?

Fact check: Did coronavirus originate in a Chinese laboratory?

Richard Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University, said in an interview with The Washington Post: “Based on the virus genome and properties, there is no indication whatsoever that it was an engineered virus.”

And in Western nations we do not eat bats and we all got COVID-19 via Globalist travel from Chinese getting into Western nations and via borders being open. IF we permanently had restrictions on travel from certain nations and if we permanently closed our borders we would not be getting things like COVID-19.

No way. That would be "xenophobic", according to the left.
It originated in a place where they eat bats. Coincidence?

Fact check: Did coronavirus originate in a Chinese laboratory?

Richard Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University, said in an interview with The Washington Post: “Based on the virus genome and properties, there is no indication whatsoever that it was an engineered virus.”

And in Western nations we do not eat bats and we all got COVID-19 via Globalist travel from Chinese getting into Western nations and via borders being open. IF we permanently had restrictions on travel from certain nations and if we permanently closed our borders we would not be getting things like COVID-19.

So, is this you back pedaling on the whole bio weapon lab origination story now? So, now you're moving onto the next cause of wingnuts everywhere, border crossing, legal or otherwise?

If borders were restricted as you fantasize about the stock market would be even lower than it is now, what would Trump have been bragging about the last 3 years?

No not back pedaling, I maintain my position that to me and others China deliberately developing COVID-19 cannot be ruled out and this should be fully investigated because if not the next virus might be 1000 times more horrific than COVID-19.

Change the subject to borders is back pedaling. And yes, this being a man made virus has been ruled out. And now just saying "ruled out" is back pedaling from your insistence that it definitely was man made and launched on purpose.

I have always been 100% in support of total permanent restricted travel from certain nations that are considered hostile and alien to Western values and also to have permanently closed borders. This throughout modern history is how nations have protected themselves, by limiting WHO can be in the nation and not by having borders wide open.

Like I said, you'd have killed off Trump's chances in 2020 for sure.

No if borders were restricted the stock market would not be lower. For Centuries borders were restricted and that did not affect the economy of Western nations. We would all do what we all used to do Trade, there is nothing wrong with Globalised Trade it's how the world has ALWAYS operated, there is EVERYTHING WRONG with Globalised Borders it's how the world has NEVER operated.

Really? Like when? Countries have always traded with each other.

I'm looking forward to this virus passing so that I can continue to travel the globe and I welcome others to visit the United States. You on the other hand can simply lock the door to the basement and you'll be fine.

Your masters in Beijing have ruled out this being man made in their Wuhan BL-4 lab? Well, that puts that to rest....

I always enjoy when democrat party members defend communists...........they have been doing it so long it is second nature to them...
I doubt tramp ever when near a motorcycle much less driven one.
Your asking the US to take them down. What is wrong with your country, most of realize its not a biolab hoax. originated in the very place where they have a bio weapon lab......

Oh, you are on the it.

It originated in a place where they eat bats. Coincidence?

Fact check: Did coronavirus originate in a Chinese laboratory?

Richard Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University, said in an interview with The Washington Post: “Based on the virus genome and properties, there is no indication whatsoever that it was an engineered virus.”

And in Western nations we do not eat bats and we all got COVID-19 via Globalist travel from Chinese getting into Western nations and via borders being open. IF we permanently had restrictions on travel from certain nations and if we permanently closed our borders we would not be getting things like COVID-19.

So, is this you back pedaling on the whole bio weapon lab origination story now? So, now you're moving onto the next cause of wingnuts everywhere, border crossing, legal or otherwise?

If borders were restricted as you fantasize about the stock market would be even lower than it is now, what would Trump have been bragging about the last 3 years?

I maintain my position that to me and others China deliberately developing COVID-19 cannot be ruled out and this should be fully investigated because if not the next virus might be 1000 times more horrific than COVID-19.

Just WoW ^ :icon_rolleyes:


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