Does any have or know where to find demographics information for the occupied territories?

According to Shusha, the notion of defining race in terms of skin color is what's abhorrent. What she wrote of is the attitude, the mindset, not the countries
Which is what all those countries have done as evidenced in my post.
I must conclude that you don't see the inadequacy of your, to support your assertion, having cited all but one of those countries.
Wow....just wow. Take a look at all those countries. What else have they, with one exception, in common?

That one can raise an objection does not make valid the objection raised.
For now, at least, it's okay that you don't see the weakness of your provided support. You're apparently a student; it's part of your charge to develop your critical thinking acumen so that you won't forever overlook shortcomings like the one evinced in your rebuttal that includes that list of countries.

And, no, I'm not going to explain it to you because that is a level of didacticism in which I will not here engage. I was happy to do what I could to respond to your request for reference sources, but that's as much involvement as I really care to have on the topic of racial diversity in Israel, or anywhere else on the planet, aside from the U.S.
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I was happy to do what I could to respond to your request for reference sources
You provided none. You are not even able to focus on the question and what has been posted. I don't think they exist and the point we all keep missing is...

that if they did exist they would look like something close to this: 100% white.
Classifying people according to their skin color is abhorrent. It has been used, in the past, as a reason for oppressing people. That is WHY it is abhorrent. Civilized countries no longer classify people as white, brown, red, yellow or black -- but by their ethnicity. While this does not eliminate oppression, it does make oppression more difficult. IMO.
I was happy to do what I could to respond to your request for reference sources
You provided none. You are not even able to focus on the question and what has been posted. I don't think they exist and the point we all keep missing is...

that if they did exist they would look like something close to this: 100% white.
Okay...that's enough binarily driven discourse with you. Ciao.
Classifying people according to their skin color is abhorrent. It has been used, in the past, as a reason for oppressing people. That is WHY it is abhorrent. Civilized countries no longer classify people as white, brown, red, yellow or black -- but by their ethnicity. While this does not eliminate oppression, it does make oppression more difficult. IMO.
Is Israel almost 100% white are the settlements actually racial colonies that are 100% white?
Ah. Having repeatedly admitted to finding NO evidence of actual demographics in the cities of interest -- you proceed to ASSUME RESULTS which match your biases. Oops.
Is Israel almost 100% white and are the settlements actually racial colonies that are 100% white?


Israeli police, Ultra-Orthodox Jews clash in Jerusalem - World Bulletin

Amazing racial diversity. no?
Should the world make humans of dark skin move to cities that now have a predominant population of humans with light skin? And vice-versa?
No and it's ridiculous you suggest that. I didn't answer as I let it roll off as simple trolling.

Now, when you were there, how would you describe the diversity that we are discussing?

Me. Trolling? Hahahahahahaha!

That seems to be what you are suggesting. Nobody knows why humans of different color skins live in one place or another.

You are the one who wants to use such facts in a racial way.

When I visited Israel, I never saw any evidence of racism, anywhere. I saw Ethiopian Jews in Netanya, a mostly Russian city. I saw Arabs in afula, Tiberius, and Nazareth. I sat on my balcony on King George street in Jerusalem and watched all kinds of people with all kinds of skin colors walk by. Without discrimination.

The only discrimination I saw on all my trips to Israel was some (not all) Arabs against me, if you must know.

You are a cull. This is really what you want from me isn't it?:

FUCK OFF you duplicitous mother fucker!

I wonder if Abi has a term paper due and is trying to get us to do their work for them?
Do Madrassas have term papers?

I thought students were supposed to memorize all the lines about killing Jews until they hid behind rocks and trees, not write term papers.
Should the world make humans of dark skin move to cities that now have a predominant population of humans with light skin? And vice-versa?
No and it's ridiculous you suggest that. I didn't answer as I let it roll off as simple trolling.

Now, when you were there, how would you describe the diversity that we are discussing?

Me. Trolling? Hahahahahahaha!

That seems to be what you are suggesting. Nobody knows why humans of different color skins live in one place or another.

You are the one who wants to use such facts in a racial way.

When I visited Israel, I never saw any evidence of racism, anywhere. I saw Ethiopian Jews in Netanya, a mostly Russian city. I saw Arabs in afula, Tiberius, and Nazareth. I sat on my balcony on King George street in Jerusalem and watched all kinds of people with all kinds of skin colors walk by. Without discrimination.

The only discrimination I saw on all my trips to Israel was some (not all) Arabs against me, if you must know.

You are a cull. This is really what you want from me isn't it?:

FUCK OFF you duplicitous mother fucker!

While these stats are for American Jews, we can see from the video that in Israel it is likely higher for whites.

• We’re not as white as we used to be: American Jewish adults are 90 percent white, 2 percent black, 4 percent Latino, 2 percent Asian American and 2 percent “other non-Hispanic.” That’s a notable change from 2007, when whites comprised 95 percent of American Jews, Latinos comprised 3 percent, blacks comprised 1 percent and the percentage of Asians was negligible.
1 in 6 American Jews are converts and 9 other findings in Pew study – J.

Ah. Having repeatedly admitted to finding NO evidence of actual demographics in the cities of interest -- you proceed to ASSUME RESULTS which match your biases. Oops.
Is Israel almost 100% white and are the settlements actually racial colonies that are 100% white?


Israeli police, Ultra-Orthodox Jews clash in Jerusalem - World Bulletin

Amazing racial diversity. no?

Come now, Louie. It’s unreasonable to blame your failures and ineptitudes on the evil white people.
At the end of the day, there could have been diversity, but then this happened:

Exactly, now, is Israel almost 100% white and are the settlements actually racial colonies that are 100% white?

Edit: Please post the links to the site you got those pics from, thanks.

Lol. The point of the pics was that it is easy enough to find images that suit your purposes. They prove nothing at all. Your premise that Israel is almost 100% white is based on your biases and prejudices -- not on any evidence that you have found or demonstrated here. In other words -- its bullshit that you made up to demonize Jews. Yawn. What else is new?
Why don't you go ahead and shove your racist head further up your fucking racist ass.
Yeah, you're obviously triggered and I'm sorry, it's kind of hard to watch, but why do you support a racist culture and then attack those as a racist for pointing it out?
To continue. Yes, I've been to Israel. I've already said this but you have chosen to ignore my facts

Israel could care less about a person's skin color.

Can you say the same?

I highly doubt it. You fucking Nazi.

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