Does any have or know where to find demographics information for the occupied territories?

I googled that. Look at your results. There is no mention of race, just ethnicity and religion. Or, you could post what you think you found.

There is plenty of readily available information on the ethnic diversity of Israel, including specific information on Tel Aviv.

The reason you are having a problem finding demographics on race (read:skin colour) is because the concept of skin colour being a valid marker of dividing the human race is looked upon by most civilized countries as rather abhorrent. It has been replaced by ethnicity.

America seems to be the exception to the civilized countries rule. Still hanging on to some backwards ideas. Racial concepts. Gun laws. Lack of medical care for its citizens.
I do not need to demonize you at all. You're doing a fine job of revealing your racist hate very well without any help.
Now you are calling me racist for pointing out that Tel Aviv appears 100% white in their own promotional video. Hell, if we took religion out the picture, it looks like a white supremacist dreamworld.

You don'y see how backwards that is. It was their own video for crying out loud.
The reason you are having a problem finding demographics on race (read:skin colour) is because the concept of skin colour being a valid marker of dividing the human race is looked upon by most civilized countries as rather abhorrent.
That is crap. I posted wiki links to Dallas and NY state regarding the demographic breakdown of racial groups. You can find this for most towns and cities in America, but not in Israel. Let's face it, as seen in the video, it is a white European culture and if religion was not a factor, it is basically what white supremacists have been calling for for themselves.
abi. So if we could find a video about Compton, CA would that be grounds to call that city racist because there aren't many humans of light skin to be found there?

Yes, you ARE being racist.
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America seems to be the exception to the civilized countries rule.
White: British 42,747,136 87.0 42,279,236 79.8

White: Irish 624,115 1.3 517,001 1.0

White: Irish Traveller/White Gypsy[note 1]

54,895 0.1

White: Other 1,308,110 2.7 2,430,010 4.6

White: Total 44,679,361 91.0 45,281,142

Asian or Asian British: Indian 1,028,546 2.1 1,395,702 2.6

Asian or Asian British: Pakistani 706,539 1.4 1,112,282 2.1

Asian or Asian British: Bangladeshi 275,394 0.6 436,514 0.8

Asian or Asian British: Chinese[note 2] 220,681 0.5 379,502 0.7

Asian or Asian British: Asian Other 237,810 0.5 819,403 1.6

Asian or Asian British: Total 2,468,970 5.1 4,143,403

Black or Black British: Caribbean 561,246 1.1 591,016 1.1

Black or Black British: African 475,938 1.0 977,741 1.8

Black or Black British: Other 95,324 0.2 277,857 0.5

Black or Black British: Total 1,132,508 2.3 1,846,614

Mixed: White and Caribbean 231,424 0.5 415,616 0.8

Mixed: White and African 76,498 0.2 161,550 0.3

Mixed: White and Asian Other 184,014 0.4 332,708 0.6

Mixed: Other Mixed 151,437 0.3 283,005 0.3

British Mixed: Total 643,373 1.4 1,192,879

Other: Arab[note 3]

220,985 0.4

Other: Any other ethnic group 214,619 0.4 327,433 0.6

Other: Total 214,619 0.4 548,418

Total 49,138,831 100 53,012,456

Demography of England - Wikipedia
The reason you are having a problem finding demographics on race (read:skin colour) is because the concept of skin colour being a valid marker of dividing the human race is looked upon by most civilized countries as rather abhorrent.
That is crap. I posted wiki links to Dallas and NY state regarding the demographic breakdown of racial groups. You can find this for most towns and cities in America, but not in Israel. Let's face it, as seen in the video, it is a white European culture and if religion was not a factor, it is basically what white supremacists have been calling for for themselves.

Wow. Did you intentionally miss the point of my post or are you just clueless? The reason you can find the American statistics is because America has an UNHEALTHY preoccupation with race.
abi. So if we could find a video about Compton, CA would that be ground to call that city racist because there aren't many humans of light skin to be found there?

Yes, you ARE being racist.
No, Israel is. And 'the settlements' are a PC way of discussing racial colonies (which have to be at least close to 100% white). Bad when Hitler did it, good when zionists do it. I see what you are saying.
Yep. See how they are moving away from race and toward ethnicity?
The reason you are having a problem finding demographics on race (read:skin colour) is because the concept of skin colour being a valid marker of dividing the human race is looked upon by most civilized countries as rather abhorrent.
That is crap. I posted wiki links to Dallas and NY state regarding the demographic breakdown of racial groups. You can find this for most towns and cities in America, but not in Israel. Let's face it, as seen in the video, it is a white European culture and if religion was not a factor, it is basically what white supremacists have been calling for for themselves.
You. Clearly. Have NEVER been to Israel.
Wow. Did you intentionally miss the point of my post or are you just clueless? The reason you can find the American statistics is because America has an UNHEALTHY preoccupation with race.
That was England, reader.
Yep. See how they are moving away from race and toward ethnicity?
Ok, just found something from a Jewish source which is obviously trying to downplay whiteness (down 5%). While these stats are for American Jews, we can see from the video that in Israel it is likely higher for whites.

• We’re not as white as we used to be: American Jewish adults are 90 percent white, 2 percent black, 4 percent Latino, 2 percent Asian American and 2 percent “other non-Hispanic.” That’s a notable change from 2007, when whites comprised 95 percent of American Jews, Latinos comprised 3 percent, blacks comprised 1 percent and the percentage of Asians was negligible.
1 in 6 American Jews are converts and 9 other findings in Pew study – J.
abi. You are the one playing the race card here. I call it #liberallunacy.

As I said, how can you blame a state or a city just because there are not enough human beings of enough different skin colors to suit you, "racist"?
abi. You are the one playing the race card here. I call it #liberallunacy.

As I said, how can you blame a state or a city just because there are not enough human beings of enough different skin colors to suit you, "racist"?
You are attacking me as a racist for Israel's whiteness.

Watch the video. It was from Tel Aviv.
abi. You are the one playing the race card here. I call it #liberallunacy.

As I said, how can you blame a state or a city just because there are not enough human beings of enough different skin colors to suit you, "racist"?
You are attacking me as a racist for Israel's whiteness.

Watch the video. It was from Tel Aviv.

Good for you, Louie. You found another reason to hate Jews; you can claim they’re too white.

It’s good for people like you to have a purpose in their miserable lives.
abi. Israel is not all white. You should know that Abby. You are totally missing my point. Not to be expected with your #liberallunacy.

If, just because there are not enough humans of darker skins to be found in Tel Aviv makes Israel racist, then couldn't the same be said of Compton, CA? You would be hard pressed to find many people of light skin there. Does that make that city racist?

No. But carry on. You keep exposing your double standards more and more with every single post you make on this board.

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