Does Anybody Here Support Black Lives Matter ?

Now that is the most racist thing I have read on this site today. There are ways to WRITE like a Black person or a rich white person? Jesus Christ do you pay attention to what you type? Or do you purposefully do that?
Not racist one iota. BLM pretends to be the people we see in the street. Ordinary middle class. Rich leftist elitists (who are overwhelmingly white) are who wrote the website. I mention the race distinction only because Black Lives Matter makes the race distinction (by calling themselves BLACK Lives Matter)

But leftists can't help waving the race card flag. It's a sickness. Addiction. :rolleyes: Ho hum.
You are in the minority the whole world is backing this movement dont be like the Nazis and I say this and I'm not in this dog fight between the pro BLM and those against it. I'm just watching in the sideline.
HA HA HA. NO, delerious dupe. The whole world is not duped into this, like you are, despite the rabid pushing of it in the media, and lost in space pro sports organizations.

Oh yeah, you're just in the sideline. That's why you call those who are aware of the Democrats' use of the BLM lunacy as being "Nazis", right ?

Do you have the foggiest idea of what's going on here ? Read the OP - including the links.

PS - do you like seeing pregnant women lose their babies ? Fire trucks unable to get to a fire ? You like crime ?
Now that is the most racist thing I have read on this site today. There are ways to WRITE like a Black person or a rich white person? Jesus Christ do you pay attention to what you type? Or do you purposefully do that?
Not racist one iota. BLM pretends to be the people we see in the street. Ordinary middle class. Rich leftist elitists (who are overwhelmingly white) are who wrote the website. I mention the race distinction only because Black Lives Matter makes the race distinction (by calling themselves BLACK Lives Matter)

But leftists can't help waving the race card flag. It's a sickness. Addiction. :rolleyes: Ho hum.

Yes it is. For you to think there is a way a person of a certain race WRITES? Like there is no such thing as an educated person of color? Damn right I am going to raise the race flag. You need to know that shit is wrong so you can fix it, or you do it on purpose.
Now that is the most racist thing I have read on this site today. There are ways to WRITE like a Black person or a rich white person? Jesus Christ do you pay attention to what you type? Or do you purposefully do that?
Not racist one iota. BLM pretends to be the people we see in the street. Ordinary middle class. Rich leftist elitists (who are overwhelmingly white) are who wrote the website. I mention the race distinction only because Black Lives Matter makes the race distinction (by calling themselves BLACK Lives Matter)

But leftists can't help waving the race card flag. It's a sickness. Addiction. :rolleyes: Ho hum.

AGAIN, Protectionist speakum TRUTH!
Yes it is. For you to think there is a way a person of a certain race WRITES? Like there is no such thing as an educated person of color? Damn right I am going to raise the race flag. You need to know that shit is wrong so you can fix it, or you do it on purpose.
YES, there is a way that people of different races write. Just as there are different ways that people of different races name their kids, talk, dress, and even walk. It's called CULTURE.

Of course there are educated people of all races, but educated or not, they all still have a style that goes with their culture. The BLM website appears to be in the style of rich, white, elite radicals, who I am very familiar with, since I used to be closely among them, when I was a far-left liberal for over 30 years.

Damn right you're going to raise the race flag, because you are ignorant enough to not know that we don't all bow down to it.

As for "wrong", that would be the # 1 racism in America, which victimizes, by far the largest number of people (whites), ie. Affirmative Action. Do you support it, Mr Race Card ?
After 20 years of watching WNBA, I no longer will watch any WNBA games. I also will not buy any products of sponsors of these games. This is because of the disgusting BLACK LIVES MATTER words written on the courts. BLM is a racist, anarchist, anti-American, terrorist organization, that engages in continual harmful, criminal behavior. Many examples could be cited but one that sticks out to me is when BLM blocked traffic in my town, with the OK of the Democrat mayor. A pregnant woman on the way to the hospital was in one of the traffic jammed cars, and lost her baby as a result. There also could have been fire trucks, police cars, stopped, etc.

If I have to censor my life based on my political beliefs, I'd soon rather jump off a tall cliff. Doing stuff like this makes life completely unbearable.

However, if activists claim their cause to be noble and just, they won't do disgusting things like blocking traffic and harming innocent people in the process. If you can't recruit me to your cause without using force or doing unspeakable things to people, I will resist you and I will not adhere to your cause.
Yes it is. For you to think there is a way a person of a certain race WRITES? Like there is no such thing as an educated person of color? Damn right I am going to raise the race flag. You need to know that shit is wrong so you can fix it, or you do it on purpose.
YES, there is a way that people of different races write. Just as there are different ways that people of different races name their kids, talk, dress, and even walk. It's called CULTURE.

Of course there are educated people of all races, but educated or not, they all still have a style that goes with their culture. The BLM website appears to be in the style of rich, white, elite radicals, who I am very familiar with, since I used to be closely among them, when I was a far-left liberal for over 30 years.

Damn right you're going to raise the race flag, because you are ignorant enough to not know that we don't all bow down to it.

As for "wrong", that would be the # 1 racism in America, which victimizes, by far the largest number of people (whites), ie. Affirmative Action. Do you support it, Mr Race Card ?

If you aren't racist you need to step back and re-evaluate what you are saying. It is utterly ridiculous and a huge part of the problem. You THINK you know how ALL people of a race write to the point you can recognize it.

Trying to accuse the accuser is the worst defensive mechanism in the book. That's probably a large part of your problem. You are worried more at breaking down and judging other people that you don't realize who you are and how you are presenting yourself to others.

Being well educated and being able to write well has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with culture.
As a principle, yes. As a movement, no.
WHAT principle ? Opposing/disrupting the "Western-prescribed nuclear family structure" ? Being free "from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking" ? Calling cops murderers ? (who aren't). Supporting illegal aliens ? Opposing elected officials who are not "radical" ? Opposing police and supporting defunding them ? Opposing nationalism ? Calling Trump supporters "racist" ? Advocating looting (see post # 33).

Note: all the above quotes in blue italics are from BLM's website.

In a TV interview on Fox News, Hawk Newsome (leader of NY BLM chapter) argued that because violence and rioting appeared to be getting the point across more effectively, those efforts were justifiable. He said >> "if this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it."
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There are more important things afoot in this thread. 1st off, I don't believe you REALLY wrote a letter to the WNBA. If it is however true... I doubt all the advertisers of women's products during the games will really miss your business unless you use women's razors, wear pads, or hair dye and other women's hair products. View attachment 375969

And no I do not support the BLM organization, but I support racial justice and equality. quote

There is no such thing as racial fact there is no equality in anything. That is just a marxist vision that has proven time and again not to work as in it goes against human nagture.

What people should really support is fairness...most Americans do believe in fairness and whilst even that is difficult to achieve it is much more possible than equality.

However, and I have explained this before.....what white liberals really want is a sense of moral superiority. The morons think they achieve that by supporting African so called Americans not understanding that blacks are perps and not victims...yet the msm does their absolute best to keep the fallacious narrative of black victimhood alive and well.
Yes it is. For you to think there is a way a person of a certain race WRITES? Like there is no such thing as an educated person of color? Damn right I am going to raise the race flag. You need to know that shit is wrong so you can fix it, or you do it on purpose.
YES, there is a way that people of different races write. Just as there are different ways that people of different races name their kids, talk, dress, and even walk. It's called CULTURE.

Of course there are educated people of all races, but educated or not, they all still have a style that goes with their culture. The BLM website appears to be in the style of rich, white, elite radicals, who I am very familiar with, since I used to be closely among them, when I was a far-left liberal for over 30 years.

Damn right you're going to raise the race flag, because you are ignorant enough to not know that we don't all bow down to it.

As for "wrong", that would be the # 1 racism in America, which victimizes, by far the largest number of people (whites), ie. Affirmative Action. Do you support it, Mr Race Card ?

If you aren't racist you need to step back and re-evaluate what you are saying. It is utterly ridiculous and a huge part of the problem. You THINK you know how ALL people of a race write to the point you can recognize it.

Trying to accuse the accuser is the worst defensive mechanism in the book. That's probably a large part of your problem. You are worried more at breaking down and judging other people that you don't realize who you are and how you are presenting yourself to others.

Being well educated and being able to write well has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with culture.
You misunderstood. I said nothing of writing "well". YOU said that. I alluded to the writing STYLE, not high or low quality (Style - in accordance with culture, which in turn, is in accordance with race, generally). Got it now ?

Liberals have a tendency to see all people as being one homogeneous group. They certainly are not, Generally, blacks are a separate culture from mainstream America, and they are that by their own CHOICE. Nobody ever told them that had to speak a certain way, wear certain clothes, or name their kids certain names.

There is no such thing as racial fact there is no equality in anything. That is just a marxist vision that has proven time and again not to work as in it goes against human nagture.

What people should really support is fairness...most Americans do believe in fairness and whilst even that is difficult to achieve it is much more possible than equality.

However, and I have explained this before.....what white liberals really want is a sense of moral superiority. The morons think they achieve that by supporting African so called Americans not understanding that blacks are perps and not victims...yet the msm does their absolute best to keep the fallacious narrative of black victimhood alive and well.
Good post, but you need to fix it so we can see it.
Check out this thead >>

So now we can add LOOTING to the list of nasty, criminal things that BLM screwballs advocate.
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As a principle, yes. As a movement, no.
WHAT principle ? Opposing/disrupting the "Western-prescribed nuclear family structure" ? Being free "from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking" ? Calling cops murderers ? (who aren't). Supporting illegal aliens ? Opposing elected officials who are not "radical" ? Opposing police and supporting defunding them ? Opposing nationalism ? Calling Trump supporters "racist" ? Advocating looting (see post # 33).

Note: all the above quotes in blue italics are from BLM's website.

In a TV interview on Fox News, Hawk Newsome (leader of NY BLM chapter) argued that because violence and rioting appeared to be getting the point across more effectively, those efforts were justifiable. He said >> "if this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it."

Perhaps I should inform you that there is a difference between a 'principle' and a 'movement'; BLM falls under the latter.

I believe life matters as a principle, regardless of the color of your skin, but as a sub-principle, I believe black lives matter.

Whereas, I do not believe in Black Lives Matter as a political movement, nor do I espouse any of their core principles. They are a rudderless movement, nothing more.
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As a principle, yes. As a movement, no.
WHAT principle ? Opposing/disrupting the "Western-prescribed nuclear family structure" ? Being free "from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking" ? Calling cops murderers ? (who aren't). Supporting illegal aliens ? Opposing elected officials who are not "radical" ? Opposing police and supporting defunding them ? Opposing nationalism ? Calling Trump supporters "racist" ? Advocating looting (see post # 33).

Note: all the above quotes in blue italics are from BLM's website.

In a TV interview on Fox News, Hawk Newsome (leader of NY BLM chapter) argued that because violence and rioting appeared to be getting the point across more effectively, those efforts were justifiable. He said >> "if this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it."

Perhaps I should inform you that there is a difference between a 'principle' and a 'movement'; BLM falls under the latter.

I believe life matters as a principle, regardless of the color of your skin, but as a sub-principle, I believe black lives matter.

Whereas, I do not believe in Black Lives Matter as a political movement, nor do I espouse any of their core principles. They are a rudderless movement, nothing more.

Black lives are irrelevant and of no value......being parasites.

The fact that so many blacks are killed by other blacks speaks volumes.
The fact that white liberals only care about black lives when a cop or some other white person kills one like in self defense.............speaks volumes.

What was it General Sheridan said about bad it was the Indians.
Though his thought applies more to blacks than Indians.

Enough of the charade no one gives a crap about black lives not even their fellow blacks.
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As a principle, yes. As a movement, no.
WHAT principle ? Opposing/disrupting the "Western-prescribed nuclear family structure" ? Being free "from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking" ? Calling cops murderers ? (who aren't). Supporting illegal aliens ? Opposing elected officials who are not "radical" ? Opposing police and supporting defunding them ? Opposing nationalism ? Calling Trump supporters "racist" ? Advocating looting (see post # 33).

Note: all the above quotes in blue italics are from BLM's website.

In a TV interview on Fox News, Hawk Newsome (leader of NY BLM chapter) argued that because violence and rioting appeared to be getting the point across more effectively, those efforts were justifiable. He said >> "if this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it."

Perhaps I should inform you that there is a difference between a 'principle' and a 'movement'; BLM falls under the latter.

I believe life matters as a principle, regardless of the color of your skin, but as a sub-principle, I believe black lives matter.

Whereas, I do not believe in Black Lives Matter as a political movement, nor do I espouse any of their core principles. They are a rudderless movement, nothing more.

Black lives matter no more than those of cats and dogs. In fact I think the lives of cats have more least cats do not kill white folk.
ANTIFA AND BLM should campaign for Biden and insist Biden run on police abolition.
ANTIFA AND BLM should campaign for Biden and insist Biden run on police abolition.
Both BLM and Biden/Harris have openly called for defunding police (taking funds away from them). This is the first step to complete police abolition, and mindless criminal anarchy.
Perhaps I should inform you that there is a difference between a 'principle' and a 'movement'; BLM falls under the latter.
BLM falls under BOTH principle AND movement. In the post I posted which you quoted, I laid out a list of BLM's deranged principles. Anyone who would agree with them, is equally as deranged as they are.
Yes it is. For you to think there is a way a person of a certain race WRITES? Like there is no such thing as an educated person of color? Damn right I am going to raise the race flag. You need to know that shit is wrong so you can fix it, or you do it on purpose.
YES, there is a way that people of different races write. Just as there are different ways that people of different races name their kids, talk, dress, and even walk. It's called CULTURE.

Of course there are educated people of all races, but educated or not, they all still have a style that goes with their culture. The BLM website appears to be in the style of rich, white, elite radicals, who I am very familiar with, since I used to be closely among them, when I was a far-left liberal for over 30 years.

Damn right you're going to raise the race flag, because you are ignorant enough to not know that we don't all bow down to it.

As for "wrong", that would be the # 1 racism in America, which victimizes, by far the largest number of people (whites), ie. Affirmative Action. Do you support it, Mr Race Card ?

If you aren't racist you need to step back and re-evaluate what you are saying. It is utterly ridiculous and a huge part of the problem. You THINK you know how ALL people of a race write to the point you can recognize it.

Trying to accuse the accuser is the worst defensive mechanism in the book. That's probably a large part of your problem. You are worried more at breaking down and judging other people that you don't realize who you are and how you are presenting yourself to others.

Being well educated and being able to write well has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with culture.
You misunderstood. I said nothing of writing "well". YOU said that. I alluded to the writing STYLE, not high or low quality (Style - in accordance with culture, which in turn, is in accordance with race, generally). Got it now ?

Liberals have a tendency to see all people as being one homogeneous group. They certainly are not, Generally, blacks are a separate culture from mainstream America, and they are that by their own CHOICE. Nobody ever told them that had to speak a certain way, wear certain clothes, or name their kids certain names.

View attachment 375994

Oh so your comment that a "White Rich" person vs. a Black person wasn't intended to say it was written 'well?' Get out of here with that B.S. In your post people can see what you meant when you wrote that.

You are continuing to write non-sense. How does Sen. Scott dress? How did Senator John Lewis dress? How did Senator John Lewis dress all the way back in the 1960's?

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