Does Anybody Know When Obama's Watch Starts


Foisted a huge entitlement onto the backs of the taxpayers of America. Check

More taxes to pay. Check

Followed Bush's timeline to remove the troops. Check.

And that big bonus. He actually pulled up his big boy pants and gave the order to kill UBL.

Yep. He's one helluva winner. LOL

We got it....Conservatives don't like liberal Democratic policies

Obama delivered on what he promised in 2008

How's that hopey changey working out for you Republicans? <wink>

I beg to differ.

He sure didn't deliver what folks voting for him thought they were getting.

Most folks though he was going to clean up DC and had no idea about his lefty agenda.

He fooled a lot of folks on that one.

His Hope and Change sucks.

No idea of his "lefty" agenda? What do you think he ran on?

Hope and Change was supposed to suck for Conservatives.....The "Change" was away from their disastrous agenda

under obama the richest are richer than they wre under bush; the very poorest are poorer.
under obama both the rich got richer and the poor poorer AT A FASTER PACE then they did under Republicans
whose disastrous agenda leftard??

So you support the policies of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren

Glad to see it
I rather like Warren and I've read some of what she has to say.

Doubt she will be in the running though.

Foisted a huge entitlement onto the backs of the taxpayers of America. Check

More taxes to pay. Check

Followed Bush's timeline to remove the troops. Check.

And that big bonus. He actually pulled up his big boy pants and gave the order to kill UBL.

Yep. He's one helluva winner. LOL

We got it....Conservatives don't like liberal Democratic policies

Obama delivered on what he promised in 2008

How's that hopey changey working out for you Republicans? <wink>
No he didnt. Ask any progressive if they're happy with Obama. Even Democrats dont support him.

66 million supported him in 2012....seems they were happy enough

So how is that "Hopey/Changey" work'n out for ya Rabbi? <wink>

Six and a half years as President and Obama hasn't figured out when he follows the same policies as the Democrats, it leads to the same results...

Foisted a huge entitlement onto the backs of the taxpayers of America. Check

More taxes to pay. Check

Followed Bush's timeline to remove the troops. Check.

And that big bonus. He actually pulled up his big boy pants and gave the order to kill UBL.

Yep. He's one helluva winner. LOL

We got it....Conservatives don't like liberal Democratic policies

Obama delivered on what he promised in 2008

How's that hopey changey working out for you Republicans? <wink>

I beg to differ.

He sure didn't deliver what folks voting for him thought they were getting.

Most folks though he was going to clean up DC and had no idea about his lefty agenda.

He fooled a lot of folks on that one.

His Hope and Change sucks.

No idea of his "lefty" agenda? What do you think he ran on?

Hope and Change was supposed to suck for Conservatives.....The "Change" was away from their disastrous agenda

Then why did he continue the Republican agenda?

Lets see?

Repealed the Bush tax cuts....check
Pushed for gay rights in the military and marriage....check
Provided healthcare to 9 million americans.....check
Reinstated environmental protections.....check
Extended unemployment benefits to millions.....check
Recognized Cuba.....check

Doesn't look like the Republican agenda to me

Foisted a huge entitlement onto the backs of the taxpayers of America. Check

More taxes to pay. Check

Followed Bush's timeline to remove the troops. Check.

And that big bonus. He actually pulled up his big boy pants and gave the order to kill UBL.

Yep. He's one helluva winner. LOL

We got it....Conservatives don't like liberal Democratic policies

Obama delivered on what he promised in 2008

How's that hopey changey working out for you Republicans? <wink>

I beg to differ.

He sure didn't deliver what folks voting for him thought they were getting.

Most folks though he was going to clean up DC and had no idea about his lefty agenda.

He fooled a lot of folks on that one.

His Hope and Change sucks.

No idea of his "lefty" agenda? What do you think he ran on?

Hope and Change was supposed to suck for Conservatives.....The "Change" was away from their disastrous agenda

Then why did he continue the Republican agenda?

Lets see?

Repealed the Bush tax cuts....check
Pushed for gay rights in the military and marriage....check
Provided healthcare to 9 million americans.....check
Reinstated environmental protections.....check
Extended unemployment benefits to millions.....check
Recognized Cuba.....check

Doesn't look like the Republican agenda to me

Continued the Iraq war on W's timeline...check
Expanded Afghanistan...check
Attacked and overthrew the Libyan government...check
Continued the same tax and spend government spending....check

Looks like the same Republican agenda to me with some different packaging

Foisted a huge entitlement onto the backs of the taxpayers of America. Check

More taxes to pay. Check

Followed Bush's timeline to remove the troops. Check.

And that big bonus. He actually pulled up his big boy pants and gave the order to kill UBL.

Yep. He's one helluva winner. LOL

We got it....Conservatives don't like liberal Democratic policies

Obama delivered on what he promised in 2008

How's that hopey changey working out for you Republicans? <wink>
No he didnt. Ask any progressive if they're happy with Obama. Even Democrats dont support him.

66 million supported him in 2012....seems they were happy enough

So how is that "Hopey/Changey" work'n out for ya Rabbi? <wink>
His approval ratings remain poor. Democrats in Congress have opposed his trade pact, and have never passed one of his budgets.
Stagnant wages.
Stagnant household wealth
High levels of gov't dependence
High levels of taxation
Burgeoning inflation
Increased terrorist attacks.

Yeah I'd say "hopey changey" is more like "nopey gamey"
you seem to enjoy being wrong


extended ALL the Bush tax cuts; EVEN FOR THE TOP BRACKETS, BEYOND the date they were going to "sunset"
before allowing them to expire
gay rights in the military; whoop-ti-do
healthcare to 9 million? WASNT THE GOAL AT LEAST 40 MILLON?
reinstated what environment protections
extended unemployment to milions; panderng, because he couldnt create jobs
recognized cuba; YAWN without asking for political prisoners to be released

you're right this FAILURE isnt the Republican agenda; but obama DID extend the republican agenda:

retained the bush anti-terror program
retained the Patriot Act
expanded warrantless wiretapping
retained the bush MONETARY POLICY
voted FOR the "Bush" bailout as Senator; then did his own bailout of Wall Street

libs are simply losers who lie to themselves

Foisted a huge entitlement onto the backs of the taxpayers of America. Check

More taxes to pay. Check

Followed Bush's timeline to remove the troops. Check.

And that big bonus. He actually pulled up his big boy pants and gave the order to kill UBL.

Yep. He's one helluva winner. LOL

We got it....Conservatives don't like liberal Democratic policies

Obama delivered on what he promised in 2008

How's that hopey changey working out for you Republicans? <wink>
No he didnt. Ask any progressive if they're happy with Obama. Even Democrats dont support him.

66 million supported him in 2012....seems they were happy enough

So how is that "Hopey/Changey" work'n out for ya Rabbi? <wink>
His approval ratings remain poor. Democrats in Congress have opposed his trade pact, and have never passed one of his budgets.
Stagnant wages.
Stagnant household wealth
High levels of gov't dependence
High levels of taxation
Burgeoning inflation
Increased terrorist attacks.

Yeah I'd say "hopey changey" is more like "nopey gamey"

Oh Noooooooo :ack-1:
Rabbi is starting his "Stagflation" rant again

Everything else is typical unsupportable bizarre claims by The Rabbi

Foisted a huge entitlement onto the backs of the taxpayers of America. Check

More taxes to pay. Check

Followed Bush's timeline to remove the troops. Check.

And that big bonus. He actually pulled up his big boy pants and gave the order to kill UBL.

Yep. He's one helluva winner. LOL

We got it....Conservatives don't like liberal Democratic policies

Obama delivered on what he promised in 2008

How's that hopey changey working out for you Republicans? <wink>
No he didnt. Ask any progressive if they're happy with Obama. Even Democrats dont support him.

66 million supported him in 2012....seems they were happy enough

So how is that "Hopey/Changey" work'n out for ya Rabbi? <wink>
His approval ratings remain poor. Democrats in Congress have opposed his trade pact, and have never passed one of his budgets.
Stagnant wages.
Stagnant household wealth
High levels of gov't dependence
High levels of taxation
Burgeoning inflation
Increased terrorist attacks.

Yeah I'd say "hopey changey" is more like "nopey gamey"

Oh Noooooooo :ack-1:
Rabbi is starting his "Stagflation" rant again

Everything else is typical unsupportable bizarre claims by The Rabbi
ANd Nutjobber spazzes out again, pretending that well known facts are made up, despite evidence posted daily.
Is anything ever NOT the fault of Obama?

There's the dilemma...

Well yeah, when it's Clinton's fault of course.

Don't forget Jimmy Carter and Jesus! :)

So deflection aside, is anything Obama's fault? Anything at all? Or is it still just W?

Of course, who do you think he is President Bush?

Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare -

Obama Apologizes For Health Care Problems I Am Sorry
Is anything ever NOT the fault of Obama?

There's the dilemma...

Well yeah, when it's Clinton's fault of course.

Don't forget Jimmy Carter and Jesus! :)

So deflection aside, is anything Obama's fault? Anything at all? Or is it still just W?

Of course, who do you think he is President Bush?

Obama apologizes for insurance cancellations due to Obamacare -

Obama Apologizes For Health Care Problems I Am Sorry

Yes, he is President Bush. And wow, he apologized for his lie to get Obamacare, fat lot of good that does us.

As for the drone, I meant for his actions, not his apologizing for someone elses. Clinton apologized all the time for the actions of other people, that means nothing
We got it....Conservatives don't like liberal Democratic policies

Obama delivered on what he promised in 2008

How's that hopey changey working out for you Republicans? <wink>
No he didnt. Ask any progressive if they're happy with Obama. Even Democrats dont support him.

66 million supported him in 2012....seems they were happy enough

So how is that "Hopey/Changey" work'n out for ya Rabbi? <wink>
His approval ratings remain poor. Democrats in Congress have opposed his trade pact, and have never passed one of his budgets.
Stagnant wages.
Stagnant household wealth
High levels of gov't dependence
High levels of taxation
Burgeoning inflation
Increased terrorist attacks.

Yeah I'd say "hopey changey" is more like "nopey gamey"

Oh Noooooooo :ack-1:
Rabbi is starting his "Stagflation" rant again

Everything else is typical unsupportable bizarre claims by The Rabbi
ANd Nutjobber spazzes out again, pretending that well known facts are made up, despite evidence posted daily.

Well known facts?

Rabbi....your game is getting stale
Just making up "well known facts" that you can't support is getting lame

"Stagnant household wealth" ??????
Household wealth is UP $30 trillion....that is stagnant?
No he didnt. Ask any progressive if they're happy with Obama. Even Democrats dont support him.

66 million supported him in 2012....seems they were happy enough

So how is that "Hopey/Changey" work'n out for ya Rabbi? <wink>
His approval ratings remain poor. Democrats in Congress have opposed his trade pact, and have never passed one of his budgets.
Stagnant wages.
Stagnant household wealth
High levels of gov't dependence
High levels of taxation
Burgeoning inflation
Increased terrorist attacks.

Yeah I'd say "hopey changey" is more like "nopey gamey"

Oh Noooooooo :ack-1:
Rabbi is starting his "Stagflation" rant again

Everything else is typical unsupportable bizarre claims by The Rabbi
ANd Nutjobber spazzes out again, pretending that well known facts are made up, despite evidence posted daily.

Well known facts?

Rabbi....your game is getting stale
Just making up "well known facts" that you can't support is getting lame

"Stagnant household wealth" ??????
Household wealth is UP $30 trillion....that is stagnant?
Only for the top 10%. Are you in the top 10% of household income earners, Nutspazzer?
No he didnt. Ask any progressive if they're happy with Obama. Even Democrats dont support him.

66 million supported him in 2012....seems they were happy enough

So how is that "Hopey/Changey" work'n out for ya Rabbi? <wink>
His approval ratings remain poor. Democrats in Congress have opposed his trade pact, and have never passed one of his budgets.
Stagnant wages.
Stagnant household wealth
High levels of gov't dependence
High levels of taxation
Burgeoning inflation
Increased terrorist attacks.

Yeah I'd say "hopey changey" is more like "nopey gamey"

Oh Noooooooo :ack-1:
Rabbi is starting his "Stagflation" rant again

Everything else is typical unsupportable bizarre claims by The Rabbi
ANd Nutjobber spazzes out again, pretending that well known facts are made up, despite evidence posted daily.

Well known facts?

Rabbi....your game is getting stale
Just making up "well known facts" that you can't support is getting lame

"Stagnant household wealth" ??????
Household wealth is UP $30 trillion....that is stagnant?

Yes, you do love the rich big guy. The rich are getting richer, they are leaving the rest behind. And once again you applaud that
66 million supported him in 2012....seems they were happy enough

So how is that "Hopey/Changey" work'n out for ya Rabbi? <wink>
His approval ratings remain poor. Democrats in Congress have opposed his trade pact, and have never passed one of his budgets.
Stagnant wages.
Stagnant household wealth
High levels of gov't dependence
High levels of taxation
Burgeoning inflation
Increased terrorist attacks.

Yeah I'd say "hopey changey" is more like "nopey gamey"

Oh Noooooooo :ack-1:
Rabbi is starting his "Stagflation" rant again

Everything else is typical unsupportable bizarre claims by The Rabbi
ANd Nutjobber spazzes out again, pretending that well known facts are made up, despite evidence posted daily.

Well known facts?

Rabbi....your game is getting stale
Just making up "well known facts" that you can't support is getting lame

"Stagnant household wealth" ??????
Household wealth is UP $30 trillion....that is stagnant?

Yes, you do love the rich big guy. The rich are getting richer, they are leaving the rest behind. And once again you applaud that
Democrats are the party of the rich. Wall St poured more money into Obama's campaign than they did Romey's. Rich Hollywood elites support Democrats about 98% of the time.
Average Main St types? They tend to be GOP.
obama has admitted the vast majority of his income gains went to that 1% you jackass left-wing idiots are always crying about

you know what is hilariouis? when a left-wing nutjob thinks he's putting the smackdown on a right-winger with the "real" facts, when in fact he's makng the point for the other side
66 million supported him in 2012....seems they were happy enough

So how is that "Hopey/Changey" work'n out for ya Rabbi? <wink>
His approval ratings remain poor. Democrats in Congress have opposed his trade pact, and have never passed one of his budgets.
Stagnant wages.
Stagnant household wealth
High levels of gov't dependence
High levels of taxation
Burgeoning inflation
Increased terrorist attacks.

Yeah I'd say "hopey changey" is more like "nopey gamey"

Oh Noooooooo :ack-1:
Rabbi is starting his "Stagflation" rant again

Everything else is typical unsupportable bizarre claims by The Rabbi
ANd Nutjobber spazzes out again, pretending that well known facts are made up, despite evidence posted daily.

Well known facts?

Rabbi....your game is getting stale
Just making up "well known facts" that you can't support is getting lame

"Stagnant household wealth" ??????
Household wealth is UP $30 trillion....that is stagnant?
Only for the top 10%. Are you in the top 10% of household income earners, Nutspazzer? now we are getting someplace
Rabbis objection has nothing to do with what he called "stagnant household wealth"......he objects to the distribution of that wealth

I am so glad to see that. Does that mean you now support the policies of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders to ensure more of that wealth ends up in the hands of the 90%?
Obama admits 95% of income gains gone to top 1% - Sep ...
Sep 15, 2013 - President Obama has been loud and clear about his fight against income inequality, but he admitted that the rich have fared far better than the ...

ANOTHER vote for Bernie Sanders
it figures you would say something so deluded

obama is the most progressive president since carter; and he's made the richest richer and the poorest poorer

put it another way; the richest had LESS when Republicans were in charge, and the poorest had MORE when Republicans ran things.

that should make a left-wing nutjob even do the right thing

now get out there and vote for Republicans!!!!

vote for the Party of the common man!!!!!

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