Does anybody really want to listen to Hillary Clinton for four years?

"Does anybody really want to listen to Hillary Clinton for four years?"

Oh, hellz no. I don't want to listen to her shrill cackle at all.

I find it fascinating when libbies "ask" if the choice came down to Clinton or Trump, could I "really" pull the lever for Trump?

Not only could I do so, I unblinkingly WOULD do so.

The notion of a Shrillary President is utterly repulsive. (I say this noting that even after his first abortion of a term, somehow the failure that IS Obumbler managed to get the majority of the American people to vote for him to be RE-elected. So I sadly recognize that Shillary could win. But even Trump would be preferable. In fact, even Lindsey Goober Graham would be preferable. Even Kasich. Heck. Even !jEB.)
Does anybody really want to listen to Hillary Clinton for four years?


I would prefer EIGHT years.
If Ronald Reagan were alive today, he'd want to smack the shit out of most Republicans. He would not approve of the way his party has devolved into crybaby authoritarian lackeys.
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If Ronald Reagan were alive today, he'd want to smack the shit of most Republicans. He would not approve of the way his party has devolved into crybaby authoritarian lackeys.

He wouldn't agree with that hack bullshit commentary by you, manboob.

So, don't fret so.
I already cant stand to listen to Obama for more than 10 seconds. That's how long it takes for him to tell a lie or promote himself.
Hillary is a shrew who thinks she's smarter than everyone else. In the case of Democrats she's probably right.

Well.. she's hasn't been indicted yet, I guess that says something:dunno:
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OMG.... Who can even stand to listen to this women's screechy, cackling voice? Besides the fact that she's corrupt, just the way she speaks, sounds like the wicked witch of the west :eusa_eh:

Never underestimate the power of promising the masses other people's money
The normal people have no problem with Hillary.

Now, hearing HDS losers whine can be both good and bad. On the minus side, their chronic hysterical screeching makes dogs howl in pain. On the plus side, it's funny, how pathetic they are. And if those conservative bedwetters are weeping, you know good things must be happening for America.

Then why did her own party throw her under the bus in 2008? Why yes I AM going to continue rubbing your noses in that.
As someone that dreads either party controlling everything, WH & both chambers, I still don't think I could bring myself to pull the Hillary lever. If it was Hillary or Stalin I probably wouldn't vote.
The normal people have no problem with Hillary.

Now, hearing HDS losers whine can be both good and bad. On the minus side, their chronic hysterical screeching makes dogs howl in pain. On the plus side, it's funny, how pathetic they are. And if those conservative bedwetters are weeping, you know good things must be happening for America.

Jeeze, she hid her damn email trail
OMG.... Who can even stand to listen to this women's screechy, cackling voice? Besides the fact that she's corrupt, just the way she speaks, sounds like the wicked witch of the west :eusa_eh:

my brake drums made that same sound once, just before they seized up and nearly threw my truck into the ditch. Beware Libs !!!!!! hahahahaha
The normal people have no problem with Hillary.

Now, hearing HDS losers whine can be both good and bad. On the minus side, their chronic hysterical screeching makes dogs howl in pain. On the plus side, it's funny, how pathetic they are. And if those conservative bedwetters are weeping, you know good things must be happening for America.
You're Abnormal, you stupid bitch! The DNC has ALREADY done their dirty work....Even DRUDGE had The Bern WINNING the debate, over that OLD, WHITE, FAT, LYING, MURDEROUS Criminal....


I figured the conserve-hate-ive loons here who think Hillary is going to be so easy to beat would be quite happy that the primaries are supposedly rigged.

Whats the guys not as confident as you brag about being?

I already cant stand to listen to Obama for more than 10 seconds. That's how long it takes for him to tell a lie or promote himself.
Hillary is a shrew who thinks she's smarter than everyone else. In the case of Democrats she's probably right.

You won't have to, Fox et. al. will continue to tell you what to think and you will follow your orders. Or you could actually listen with an open mind for a few moments and realize the magnitude of how far 'round the bend the right has gone.
I already cant stand to listen to Obama for more than 10 seconds. That's how long it takes for him to tell a lie or promote himself.
Hillary is a shrew who thinks she's smarter than everyone else. In the case of Democrats she's probably right.

With Hillary we would not get a speech every day like with Obama.
That's the only upside to Hillary being Queen....

But no doubt the spending will go waaaaay up.

Sequester is matter who gets elected.
The normal people have no problem with Hillary.

Now, hearing HDS losers whine can be both good and bad. On the minus side, their chronic hysterical screeching makes dogs howl in pain. On the plus side, it's funny, how pathetic they are. And if those conservative bedwetters are weeping, you know good things must be happening for America.
You're Abnormal, you stupid bitch! The DNC has ALREADY done their dirty work....Even DRUDGE had The Bern WINNING the debate, over that OLD, WHITE, FAT, LYING, MURDEROUS Criminal....


I figured the conserve-hate-ive loons here who think Hillary is going to be so easy to beat would be quite happy that the primaries are supposedly rigged.

Whats the guys not as confident as you brag about being?


Shall we start a MEME campaign in here now..... I'm ready!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

She JUST SAID SHE LIED ABOUT TRUMP...of course, it was like her MISSPOKE on Bosnia....:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

  • Clinton Campaign Walks Back Her Claim That Trump Was Featured in ISIS Recruitment Videos
    12/20/2015, 11:47:08 PM · by Helicondelta · 29 replies ^ | Dec 20, 2015
    In Saturday night's 3rd Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton sought to emphasize her line that Donald Trump has become "ISIS's best recruiter" by suggesting that the extremist group was using Trump in their recruiting videos, a claim which has now been widely discredited by fact-checkers and ISIS experts, and which prompted Trump to call Clinton a liar on the Sunday morning talk-show circuit. As a result, Sunday morning also saw Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri work to walk Clinton's statement back. Appearing on ABC's This Week, Palmieri said that Clinton "didn't have a particular video in mind"
Lying CU*T!!!!!


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