Does anybody really want to listen to Hillary Clinton for four years?

The normal people have no problem with Hillary.

Now, hearing HDS losers whine can be both good and bad. On the minus side, their chronic hysterical screeching makes dogs howl in pain. On the plus side, it's funny, how pathetic they are. And if those conservative bedwetters are weeping, you know good things must be happening for America.
You're Abnormal, you stupid bitch! The DNC has ALREADY done their dirty work....Even DRUDGE had The Bern WINNING the debate, over that OLD, WHITE, FAT, LYING, MURDEROUS Criminal....


I figured the conserve-hate-ive loons here who think Hillary is going to be so easy to beat would be quite happy that the primaries are supposedly rigged.

Whats the guys not as confident as you brag about being?


I dont trust Career politicians like her, they have very selective morals. They change when it suits them politicaly, then they claim to have evolved.
Does anybody really want to listen to Hillary Clinton for four years?
You have stumbled across one of the main differences between conservatives and modern liberals.

To modern liberals, government is something that should be involved in nearly every part of their lives. As such, it must be listened to closely every day, and must constantly be telling us what to do and how to do it. In such a situation, listening to Hillary would indeed get old very quickly.

But to conservatives, government is something that should be seen and not heard... and not seen very much either. Conservatives (and that's different from "Republicans") live their lives independent from government. Govt is there mostly to keep people from messing with us, to keep us from messing each other up, to set basic standard so we can work together. Only in the vent of actual war does a central government become large and domineering. For most ordinary aspects of life, government has little or no role for conservatives. Hillary as head of a properly conservative government (well, that'll never happen) would have little opportunity to screech and make strident demands, and people could usually ignore her when she does.

So, for liberals that hang on government's every word, yes, Hillary would be dreadful to have to listen to every day.

But for normal people (most Americans are conservative), they wouldn't care what she sounds like, since they know their lives are none of her business. They will simply change the channel or hit the OFF switch.
The normal people have no problem with Hillary.

Now, hearing HDS losers whine can be both good and bad. On the minus side, their chronic hysterical screeching makes dogs howl in pain. On the plus side, it's funny, how pathetic they are. And if those conservative bedwetters are weeping, you know good things must be happening for America.
You're Abnormal, you stupid bitch! The DNC has ALREADY done their dirty work....Even DRUDGE had The Bern WINNING the debate, over that OLD, WHITE, FAT, LYING, MURDEROUS Criminal....


I figured the conserve-hate-ive loons here who think Hillary is going to be so easy to beat would be quite happy that the primaries are supposedly rigged.

Whats the guys not as confident as you brag about being?


I dont trust Career politicians like her, they have very selective morals. They change when it suits them politicaly, then they claim to have evolved.

Fair enough.

I think the retention rate in the House is over 90% and in the Senate it's up over 80 and over 90 when you have an incumbent or something like that.

I don't see your criteria being what many others use
Does anybody really want to listen to Hillary Clinton for four years?
You have stumbled across one of the main differences between conservatives and modern liberals.

To modern liberals, government is something that should be involved in nearly every part of their lives. As such, it must be listened to closely every day, and must constantly be telling us what to do and how to do it. In such a situation, listening to Hillary would indeed get old very quickly.

But to conservatives, government is something that should be seen and not heard... and not seen very much either. Conservatives (and that's different from "Republicans") live their lives independent from government. Govt is there mostly to keep people from messing with us, to keep us from messing each other up, to set basic standard so we can work together. Only in the vent of actual war does a central government become large and domineering. For most ordinary aspects of life, government has little or no role for conservatives. Hillary as head of a properly conservative government (well, that'll never happen) would have little opportunity to screech and make strident demands, and people could usually ignore her when she does.

So, for liberals that hang on government's every word, yes, Hillary would be dreadful to have to listen to every day.

But for normal people (most Americans are conservative), they wouldn't care what she sounds like, since they know their lives are none of her business. They will simply change the channel or hit the OFF switch.

Hillary will be a center-left President and appoint like minded persons to the court. Anything else is a bonus.
The normal people have no problem with Hillary.

Now, hearing HDS losers whine can be both good and bad. On the minus side, their chronic hysterical screeching makes dogs howl in pain. On the plus side, it's funny, how pathetic they are. And if those conservative bedwetters are weeping, you know good things must be happening for America.
You're Abnormal, you stupid bitch! The DNC has ALREADY done their dirty work....Even DRUDGE had The Bern WINNING the debate, over that OLD, WHITE, FAT, LYING, MURDEROUS Criminal....


I figured the conserve-hate-ive loons here who think Hillary is going to be so easy to beat would be quite happy that the primaries are supposedly rigged.

Whats the guys not as confident as you brag about being?


Shall we start a MEME campaign in here now..... I'm ready!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

She JUST SAID SHE LIED ABOUT TRUMP...of course, it was like her MISSPOKE on Bosnia....:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

  • Clinton Campaign Walks Back Her Claim That Trump Was Featured in ISIS Recruitment Videos
    12/20/2015, 11:47:08 PM · by Helicondelta · 29 replies ^ | Dec 20, 2015
    In Saturday night's 3rd Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton sought to emphasize her line that Donald Trump has become "ISIS's best recruiter" by suggesting that the extremist group was using Trump in their recruiting videos, a claim which has now been widely discredited by fact-checkers and ISIS experts, and which prompted Trump to call Clinton a liar on the Sunday morning talk-show circuit. As a result, Sunday morning also saw Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri work to walk Clinton's statement back. Appearing on ABC's This Week, Palmieri said that Clinton "didn't have a particular video in mind"
Lying CU*T!!!!!


I don't really deal in memes; just the facts.

If HRC was going to be as easily dispatched as you guys pretend, you would have no problem with the DNC supposedly "rigging" the operation.

That you have such an issue is revealing. Now run along and make some memes that will be forgotten immediately. The truth will endure.
Hillary will be a center-left President and appoint like minded persons to the court. Anything else is a bonus.

Only because the voting "center" has shifted far to the left of where it was, not that long ago.

Also because of the odd phenomenon where many Americans are now voting for politicians who will do things the Americans themselves would never do, and in fact consider immoral or even dishonest. Forcing their neighbors to maintain a swamp on their own land; forcibly taking money from their neighbors' pockets to give to others, dictating to their neighbors what health care they can and can't have, etc. etc.

Most Americans live their lives conservatively, and would never do such things themselves. It is a profound mystery why they vote as though it's OK for govt to do the exact same things. Orwell referred to such a flagrant contradiction as "doublethink".
hillary rodham clinton does not have the strength or the stamina to be president. she goes out & she sees the media for about 5 minutes, it's all rehearsed & staged, she picks a couple of people out of the audience who agree 100% with her. it's ridiculous. and then she goes away for 5 or 6 days. she goes to sleep or something. she's not strong enough. she's not strong enough to be president. we need a president that can go 24 hours a day 7 days a week, she can't do it. our country's in such trouble, we don't have the choice of saying let's take 5 days off.
4 years huh?

you'll be whining about Madam President for the next 8 years..

and I'll be laughing my ass off at all you candy-ass RW's.

The Hillary Derangement Syndrome is nicely established, I see. The house is settled on its foundation, the furniture is all broken in, and the fire is stoked in the hearth to a nice blaze.

The speakers have been blaring mindlessly repetitive propaganda for 24 years now, and the rubes are STILL misunderestimating the Clintons after all this time!
hillary rodham clinton: we're tired of your neoliberal pro-wallstreet activity & policies. we're tired of it! it's got to go!
Hillary will be a center-left President and appoint like minded persons to the court. Anything else is a bonus.

Only because the voting "center" has shifted far to the left of where it was, not that long ago.

Also because of the odd phenomenon where many Americans are now voting for politicians who will do things the Americans themselves would never do, and in fact consider immoral or even dishonest. Forcing their neighbors to maintain a swamp on their own land; forcibly taking money from their neighbors' pockets to give to others, dictating to their neighbors what health care they can and can't have, etc. etc.

Most Americans live their lives conservatively, and would never do such things themselves. It is a profound mystery why they vote as though it's OK for govt to do the exact same things. Orwell referred to such a flagrant contradiction as "doublethink".


The only profound mystery is that you guys still think you've accomplished everything you have done all by yourself. 90% of the nation knows that we are all warmed by the fires stared by others. In some enclaves, your brand of bullshit still sells but in most populated and educated areas, society has evolved. Is it always pretty and are the some that take more than they should? Yes. Will that stop? No. But it still beats the hopeless "I got mine/screw you" mentality that is preached here daily. Is that an uncharitable assessment? Yes. Is it far from accurate? No. Not really.
Wait until Bill starts campaigning for her....She's leading in nearly every poll already.

2016 is not shaping up to be a lot of fun for the GOP.


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