Does anybody really want to listen to Hillary Clinton for four years?

Does anybody really want to listen to Hillary Clinton for four years?
You have stumbled across one of the main differences between conservatives and modern liberals.

To modern liberals, government is something that should be involved in nearly every part of their lives. As such, it must be listened to closely every day, and must constantly be telling us what to do and how to do it. In such a situation, listening to Hillary would indeed get old very quickly.

But to conservatives, government is something that should be seen and not heard... and not seen very much either. Conservatives (and that's different from "Republicans") live their lives independent from government. Govt is there mostly to keep people from messing with us, to keep us from messing each other up, to set basic standard so we can work together. Only in the vent of actual war does a central government become large and domineering. For most ordinary aspects of life, government has little or no role for conservatives. Hillary as head of a properly conservative government (well, that'll never happen) would have little opportunity to screech and make strident demands, and people could usually ignore her when she does.

So, for liberals that hang on government's every word, yes, Hillary would be dreadful to have to listen to every day.

But for normal people (most Americans are conservative), they wouldn't care what she sounds like, since they know their lives are none of her business. They will simply change the channel or hit the OFF switch.

Hillary will be a center-left President and appoint like minded persons to the court. Anything else is a bonus.
Hilary is the most corrupt person ever to run for the presidency...Anybody else would be indicted by now
look how corrupt she is!

The Clinton foundation is a money laundering operation. It keeps their fiends working and the private Jets flying
Does anybody really want to listen to Hillary Clinton for four years?
You have stumbled across one of the main differences between conservatives and modern liberals.

To modern liberals, government is something that should be involved in nearly every part of their lives. As such, it must be listened to closely every day, and must constantly be telling us what to do and how to do it. In such a situation, listening to Hillary would indeed get old very quickly.

But to conservatives, government is something that should be seen and not heard... and not seen very much either. Conservatives (and that's different from "Republicans") live their lives independent from government. Govt is there mostly to keep people from messing with us, to keep us from messing each other up, to set basic standard so we can work together. Only in the vent of actual war does a central government become large and domineering. For most ordinary aspects of life, government has little or no role for conservatives. Hillary as head of a properly conservative government (well, that'll never happen) would have little opportunity to screech and make strident demands, and people could usually ignore her when she does.

So, for liberals that hang on government's every word, yes, Hillary would be dreadful to have to listen to every day.

But for normal people (most Americans are conservative), they wouldn't care what she sounds like, since they know their lives are none of her business. They will simply change the channel or hit the OFF switch.

Hillary will be a center-left President and appoint like minded persons to the court. Anything else is a bonus.
Hilary is the most corrupt person ever to run for the presidency...Anybody else would be indicted by now

You should try to do something about that
the Clintons are as sleazy has they come. I'm sure they owe a lot of people, they'll be paying back, if Hillary ever becomes president
The normal people have no problem with Hillary.


There are no "normal" people that would ever vote for The Bitch. Only uneducated low information Gruberidiot type Libtard jackasses.

I think we all know that.
OMG.... Who can even stand to listen to this women's screechy, cackling voice? Besides the fact that she's corrupt, just the way she speaks, sounds like the wicked witch of the west

so other than exposing your misogyny (Did your High School sweetheart dump you for some Goy?)

Did you actually have an argument to make?

YOu know, there are arguments to be made against Hillary. Really and truly. Like she is proposing t things we don't need and can't pay for.

But keep making it about her hair or her voice, I'm sure that will work for you. and then you'll be scratching your head wondering why she got 60% of the women vote and 70% of the Jewish vote.
the Clintons are as sleazy has they come. I'm sure they owe a lot of people, they'll be paying back, if Hillary ever becomes president

So? That argument could be made for anyone else running except maybe Sanders and Trump, and those guys are nuts.
the Clintons are as sleazy has they come. I'm sure they owe a lot of people, they'll be paying back, if Hillary ever becomes president

So? That argument could be made for anyone else running except maybe Sanders and Trump, and those guys are nuts.
I expect that for the sake of legacy, even Bill does not want to have his name tarnished even more. The Clintons have always been low-lives, but Hillary would destroy whatever shreds of dignity he might have been able to salvage.

Hillary will not be president.
Anyone else sick and tired of rich politicians telling us how they can relate to hard working people? American voters need to wake up and let them know they have no clue about what hard work is. Not a one of them has earned half their money.
I expect that for the sake of legacy, even Bill does not want to have his name tarnished even more. The Clintons have always been low-lives, but Hillary would destroy whatever shreds of dignity he might have been able to salvage.

Hillary will not be president.

EuroTrash, you don't know a damned thing about American politics, do you?

The fact is, the GOP probably wants Hillary to be president. That's why they are working so hard to throw the election.
OMG.... Who can even stand to listen to this women's screechy, cackling voice? Besides the fact that she's corrupt, just the way she speaks, sounds like the wicked witch of the west :eusa_eh:

If you want to listen to a woman with a sexy voice, call 1 888 SEX TALK, and ask for Bambi the French Maid.
I expect that for the sake of legacy, even Bill does not want to have his name tarnished even more. The Clintons have always been low-lives, but Hillary would destroy whatever shreds of dignity he might have been able to salvage.

Hillary will not be president.

EuroTrash, you don't know a damned thing about American politics, do you?

The fact is, the GOP probably wants Hillary to be president. That's why they are working so hard to throw the election.
Living in a shit hole is no excuse for saying the GOP wants the Beast to be president. That said, we understand you have pathologies that go beyond simply living in Chicago.
Seriously, I'm not sure I can handle it. I may lose my mind.....
We don't even know who her running mate is going to be. I'd go with Jim Webb.

Or Joe Lieberman. He was right to side with George Bush on Iraq. Such a good democrat. Remember Republicans call that a liberal? Pretty liberal with the word liberal. Lol
Seriously, I'm not sure I can handle it. I may lose my mind.....
We don't even know who her running mate is going to be. I'd go with Jim Webb.

Or Joe Lieberman. He was right to side with George Bush on Iraq. Such a good democrat. Remember Republicans call that a liberal? Pretty liberal with the word liberal. Lol

Webb should be at the top of the dem ticket. He is the only decent human being on the dem side and you fools dumped him. He would never run with the hildebeast.

Lieberman is a good guy but he is 106 years old. He also hates the Clintons. The truth is that you demtards have no one. An old, corrupt, lying, senile, shrill bitch, or an old, tired, crazy socialist.

Its very likely that HRC will be under indictment early next year based on what the FBI has found on her personal illegal server. If you or I had transmitted 1000 pieces of classified data on an unsecure server we would already be in jail for a long time.
Seriously, I'm not sure I can handle it. I may lose my mind.....
We don't even know who her running mate is going to be. I'd go with Jim Webb.

Or Joe Lieberman. He was right to side with George Bush on Iraq. Such a good democrat. Remember Republicans call that a liberal? Pretty liberal with the word liberal. Lol

Webb should be at the top of the dem ticket. He is the only decent human being on the dem side and you fools dumped him. He would never run with the hildebeast.

Lieberman is a good guy but he is 106 years old. He also hates the Clintons. The truth is that you demtards have no one. An old, corrupt, lying, senile, shrill bitch, or an old, tired, crazy socialist.

Its very likely that HRC will be under indictment early next year based on what the FBI has found on her personal illegal server. If you or I had transmitted 1000 pieces of classified data on an unsecure server we would already be in jail for a long time.
Lieberman is why gore lost and he's served Israel more than he did his constituents.

Do you like Christie after he hugged Obama? That's how I feel about joe

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