Does anybody really want to listen to Hillary Clinton for four years?

they need to make a 24hr tape loop of Hillarys worst/agonizing speeches ever, and just play them to the worst of the worst inmates as a much less cruel act of being sentenced to death by electricity/masked shooters, or eating McDonalds meals till their stomaches explode.
they need to make a 24hr tape loop of Hillarys worst/agonizing speeches ever, and just play them to the worst of the worst inmates as a much less cruel act of being sentenced to death by electricity/masked shooters, or eating McDonalds meals till their stomaches explode.
Given the choice of listening to hillary or death by crucifixion, most would choose crucifixion.
they need to make a 24hr tape loop of Hillarys worst/agonizing speeches ever, and just play them to the worst of the worst inmates as a much less cruel act of being sentenced to death by electricity/masked shooters, or eating McDonalds meals till their stomaches explode.
Given the choice of listening to hillary or death by crucifixion, most would choose crucifixion.
well with this new alternative, the criminal will be given a standard hand gun as he is being forced to watch the eternal video of Hillary speeches.
Living in a shit hole is no excuse for saying the GOP wants the Beast to be president. That said, we understand you have pathologies that go beyond simply living in Chicago.

Guy, I live in DuPage County, which is Republican Heaven in IL. Guess what, all the establishment republicans are HORRIFIED the great unwashed are backing Trump right now.
the Clintons are as sleazy has they come. I'm sure they owe a lot of people, they'll be paying back, if Hillary ever becomes president

So? That argument could be made for anyone else running except maybe Sanders and Trump, and those guys are nuts.
Yeah? let me know how many others made 150 million, and set up a phony charity, which 80% of the proceeds are used as a slush fund for the Clintons and their friends
OMG.... Who can even stand to listen to this women's screechy, cackling voice? Besides the fact that she's corrupt, just the way she speaks, sounds like the wicked witch of the west :eusa_eh:
She won't live 4 years. Every day is a miracle with her, given her obestity, her insipiant alzheimers, her strokes.... I don't believe she is going to survive 2016
Has anyone noticed how much younger and healthier she looks than she did prior to announcing her run? I think she's had some "work," as they put it. Little injection here, tuck there, is my guess.

She doesn't look young or healthy and she has a new wig
Living in a shit hole is no excuse for saying the GOP wants the Beast to be president. That said, we understand you have pathologies that go beyond simply living in Chicago.

Guy, I live in DuPage County, which is Republican Heaven in IL. Guess what, all the establishment republicans are HORRIFIED the great unwashed are backing Trump right now.

Good, we need to get rid of those establishment types...Weed them out:cool:
She still is extreamly unhealthy. She can have all kinds of makeup, but it doesn't do anything for her alszhimers.
I couldn't find any thing on Google indicating Hillary Clinton has Alzheimers. She promotes research. Period. I remember poor Ronald Regan--that was real. What have I missed?

The only thing you missed is the fact that these deadbeat Republicans spread lies on top of lies garnished with lies.

They have no solutions for the nations problems so they just try to smear the Dems in any way they can make up.

They have been accusing the Clintons of every crime in the book, including murder for over 30 years. Every since they began their political careers in Arkansas.


Right wingers LIE and they KNOW they are lying but they don't care. They think they are justified in doing anything to win.

For Republicans the end justifies the means and nothing is out of bounds in order to win.

Your post is an example of a small minded leftist.....The Clintons only care about themselves, and if she were a Republican, she'd have been indicted long ago
they need to make a 24hr tape loop of Hillarys worst/agonizing speeches ever, and just play them to the worst of the worst inmates as a much less cruel act of being sentenced to death by electricity/masked shooters, or eating McDonalds meals till their stomaches explode.

Can we pick which of her accents we want in the vid?
they need to make a 24hr tape loop of Hillarys worst/agonizing speeches ever, and just play them to the worst of the worst inmates as a much less cruel act of being sentenced to death by electricity/masked shooters, or eating McDonalds meals till their stomaches explode.

Can we pick which of her accents we want in the vid?

I'm kinda parcel to this one....


Look at the bright side....

....if she's elected, the White House gets back the silverware and place setting they took the last time.

"Upon leaving the White House in 2001, the Clintons took more than $75,000 worth of china, cutlery, and furniture as they were looking to furnish new homes in upstate New York and Washington:

The examination of gifts to the Clintons also found that 17 separate gifts of china, cutlery and furniture worth more than $75,000 arrived in December 2000 alone, at a time when the Clintons were looking to furnish two newly purchased homes, one each in Washington and Chappaqua, N.Y.

In 2002, after congressional investigators documented hundreds of thousands worth of gifts intended for the residence and not the Clintons personally, they were forcedto return or pay for $114,000 in property:

After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount." White House Cutlery Thief Bill Clinton Jokes About Stealing WH Property - America Rising
I would rather listen to the school janitor than any candidate out there on either side. He probably could do a better job than any of them and the fact he isn't wealthy is a huge plus.
Lets not forget how the Clintons sold out this country. From missile technology under president Bill Clinton, to more recently the uranium rights of this country to the Russians The Clintons are scum

But the untold story behind that story is one that involves not just the Russian president, but also a former American president and a woman who would like to be the next one.

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.

And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.
I would rather listen to the school janitor than any candidate out there on either side. He probably could do a better job than any of them and the fact he isn't wealthy is a huge plus.

"I am obliged to confess I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members of Harvard University.",_Jr.
the Clintons are as sleazy has they come. I'm sure they owe a lot of people, they'll be paying back, if Hillary ever becomes president

So? That argument could be made for anyone else running except maybe Sanders and Trump, and those guys are nuts.
Yeah? let me know how many others made 150 million, and set up a phony charity, which 80% of the proceeds are used as a slush fund for the Clintons and their friends

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