Does anybody really want to listen to Hillary Clinton for four years?

She still is extreamly unhealthy. She can have all kinds of makeup, but it doesn't do anything for her alszhimers.
I couldn't find any thing on Google indicating Hillary Clinton has Alzheimers. She promotes research. Period. I remember poor Ronald Regan--that was real. What have I missed?

The only thing you missed is the fact that these deadbeat Republicans spread lies on top of lies garnished with lies.

They have no solutions for the nations problems so they just try to smear the Dems in any way they can make up.

They have been accusing the Clintons of every crime in the book, including murder for over 30 years. Every since they began their political careers in Arkansas.


Right wingers LIE and they KNOW they are lying but they don't care. They think they are justified in doing anything to win.

For Republicans the end justifies the means and nothing is out of bounds in order to win.

the FBI has found over 1000 classified emails sent by HRC on an unsecured private server. She violated national security regulations over 1000 times. If you did that you would be in jail today.

Bubba lied under oath, the subject of the lie does not matter, the crime is lying under oath, sometimes called perjury.
And he was DISBARRED for it.
Yeah? let me know how many others made 150 million, and set up a phony charity, which 80% of the proceeds are used as a slush fund for the Clintons and their friends

And I'm sure you have this evidence and will be going to the authorities with it.

You are familiar with the story of the Boy who Cried Wolf, right?
The right wingers constantly make wild assed accusations with no proof whatsoever and they KNOW they are lying but they think it is perfectly fine for them to engage in character assassination ... whatever it take to achieve their objective.
they need to make a 24hr tape loop of Hillarys worst/agonizing speeches ever, and just play them to the worst of the worst inmates as a much less cruel act of being sentenced to death by electricity/masked shooters, or eating McDonalds meals till their stomaches explode.

Can we pick which of her accents we want in the vid?
and another great concept/proposal for an alternative to the death penalty. why not just put the culprit in an elevator on the top floor (maybe the 77th floor) with Hillary Clinton for at least 24 hours and see what happens on the moniter. remember that guy who was stuck in an elevator all weekend and crapped his pants? i wonder if being stuck in an elevator with Hillary would be much worse.
Yeah? let me know how many others made 150 million, and set up a phony charity, which 80% of the proceeds are used as a slush fund for the Clintons and their friends

And I'm sure you have this evidence and will be going to the authorities with it.

You are familiar with the story of the Boy who Cried Wolf, right?
The right wingers constantly make wild assed accusations with no proof whatsoever and they KNOW they are lying but they think it is perfectly fine for them to engage in character assassination ... whatever it take to achieve their objective.

You can't assassinate someone's character when they don't have any. That couldn't apply any more to Hillary than it did to Bill.
they need to make a 24hr tape loop of Hillarys worst/agonizing speeches ever, and just play them to the worst of the worst inmates as a much less cruel act of being sentenced to death by electricity/masked shooters, or eating McDonalds meals till their stomaches explode.

Can we pick which of her accents we want in the vid?
and another great concept/proposal for an alternative to the death penalty. why not just put the culprit in an elevator on the top floor (maybe the 77th floor) with Hillary Clinton for at least 24 hours and see what happens on the moniter. remember that guy who was stuck in an elevator all weekend and crapped his pants? i wonder if being stuck in an elevator with Hillary would be much worse.

I think you may have hit on something here.....but I believe that the current iteration of the Supreme Court is far tooo Liberal, and would find it 'cruel and unusual.'

It does remind of this:

"When Van Halen was used to drive General Noriega out of Vatican protection

When dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega took refuge in the Vatican Embassy in Panama in December 1989, the US Army used Rock & Roll to drive him out."
When Van Halen was used to drive General Noriega out of Vatican protection
I dont know which I would choose if i was sentenced to death, being stuck with Hillary in an elevator, or being tied to a steel chair with a 24hr tape loop of all of Hillarys agonizing speeches.
Good, we need to get rid of those establishment types...Weed them out

So you want the GOP to become what the National Front is in France? A racist party of the fringe that will never govern?
You libs seem to like Europeans especially you Jew haters:slap:

You've been brainwashed by the Jewish media and are too stupid to realize it.

After the JEWS manipulated us into a war over a LIE.

You do get this, right? Those Americans would be alive today of the Jews hadn't lied about Iraq having WMD's to start with.

The Jews tell Bush to take out Saddam. He does. the result is the country collapses into chaos.

Obama pulls us out, because we were lied into this and no one saw a good reason for it.

And now you are complaining he isn't doing enough about the chaos your policies caused?
I spent 8 years where I could not listen to Bill Clinton, just couldn't....

doesn't mean he wasn't a good president or didn't accomplish a lot....

I just didn't like his voice, AT ALL! :eek:
Yeah? let me know how many others made 150 million, and set up a phony charity, which 80% of the proceeds are used as a slush fund for the Clintons and their friends

And I'm sure you have this evidence and will be going to the authorities with it.

You are familiar with the story of the Boy who Cried Wolf, right?
The right wingers constantly make wild assed accusations with no proof whatsoever and they KNOW they are lying but they think it is perfectly fine for them to engage in character assassination ... whatever it take to achieve their objective.

If we had a real justice dept the Clintons would have been indicted long ago. The Clintons like them stupid people like you are their Favorited idiots

the Clintons have used the charitable foundation to promote other goals, including Bill Clinton’s business ventures and Hillary Clinton’s political aspirations; t

Kate Andrews - Revealing: NYT Exposes Clinton Foundation for Shady Financial and Business Deals
OMG.... Who can even stand to listen to this women's screechy, cackling voice? Besides the fact that she's corrupt, just the way she speaks, sounds like the wicked witch of the west :eusa_eh:

better than anything you wingers would vote for.
Has far as corruption goes, the Clintons are experts. Why do you support corny capitalism and Corruption? Is that somehow a virtue to you? Resume enhancement maybe?:dunno:

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