Does anybody really want to listen to Hillary Clinton for four years?

OMG.... Who can even stand to listen to this women's screechy, cackling voice? Besides the fact that she's corrupt, just the way she speaks, sounds like the wicked witch of the west :eusa_eh:

better than anything you wingers would vote for.
Has far as corruption goes, the Clintons are experts. Why do you support corny capitalism and Corruption? Is that somehow a virtue to you? Resume enhancement maybe?:dunno:
Because it's their crony capitalism and their corruption.
See, Dems are so corrupt they assume everyone else is just as corrupt. So they can excuse their own corruption because "they all do it."
Of course they dont all do it. Only Dems amass a record of lies, corruption, self dealing, and rule breaking that the Clintons have compiled.
Yeah? let me know how many others made 150 million, and set up a phony charity, which 80% of the proceeds are used as a slush fund for the Clintons and their friends

And I'm sure you have this evidence and will be going to the authorities with it.

You are familiar with the story of the Boy who Cried Wolf, right?
The right wingers constantly make wild assed accusations with no proof whatsoever and they KNOW they are lying but they think it is perfectly fine for them to engage in character assassination ... whatever it take to achieve their objective.

If we had a real justice dept the Clintons would have been indicted long ago. The Clintons like them stupid people like you are their Favorited idiots

the Clintons have used the charitable foundation to promote other goals, including Bill Clinton’s business ventures and Hillary Clinton’s political aspirations; t

Kate Andrews - Revealing: NYT Exposes Clinton Foundation for Shady Financial and Business Deals
Again, indicted for what?

The 2 year old townhall OPINION hit piece you linked to comes from reading this NYTimes article... nothing at all about indictments or criminality in it....struggles within the foundation, yes, but nothing criminal is mentioned?
OMG.... Who can even stand to listen to this women's screechy, cackling voice? Besides the fact that she's corrupt, just the way she speaks, sounds like the wicked witch of the west :eusa_eh:

better than anything you wingers would vote for.
Has far as corruption goes, the Clintons are experts. Why do you support corny capitalism and Corruption? Is that somehow a virtue to you? Resume enhancement maybe?:dunno:
Because it's their crony capitalism and their corruption.
See, Dems are so corrupt they assume everyone else is just as corrupt. So they can excuse their own corruption because "they all do it."
Of course they dont all do it. Only Dems amass a record of lies, corruption, self dealing, and rule breaking that the Clintons have compiled.

Only liberal Democrats can get away with such corruption
Yeah? let me know how many others made 150 million, and set up a phony charity, which 80% of the proceeds are used as a slush fund for the Clintons and their friends

And I'm sure you have this evidence and will be going to the authorities with it.

You are familiar with the story of the Boy who Cried Wolf, right?
The right wingers constantly make wild assed accusations with no proof whatsoever and they KNOW they are lying but they think it is perfectly fine for them to engage in character assassination ... whatever it take to achieve their objective.

If we had a real justice dept the Clintons would have been indicted long ago. The Clintons like them stupid people like you are their Favorited idiots

the Clintons have used the charitable foundation to promote other goals, including Bill Clinton’s business ventures and Hillary Clinton’s political aspirations; t

Kate Andrews - Revealing: NYT Exposes Clinton Foundation for Shady Financial and Business Deals
Again, indicted for what?

The 2 year old townhall OPINION hit piece you linked to comes from reading this NYTimes article... nothing at all about indictments or criminality in it....struggles within the foundation, yes, but nothing criminal is mentioned?

In Case you have forgotten, Hillary is under FBI investigation,first and foremost, the only presidential candidate, as far as I know, to have that distinction, but most of you libs love her.The Clinton foundation is a slush fund. What foundation takes in hundreds of millions and runs a deficit? The Clinton foundation. Why do 80% of the foundations income go for supporting Clintons friends and crony political allies...You people are a sick joke really .You could give a shit what the Clintons do. They sell out the county for cash you you idiots cheer for them ......sad really
You can't assassinate someone's character when they don't have any. That couldn't apply any more to Hillary than it did to Bill.

Yet you guys spent 70 million dollars letting Ken Starr Sniff Panties, and you still came up with nothing.

Interesting how you call a piece of shit like Bill having an affair, and not the first one he had, in the Oval Office, the people's office, lying about it, and trying to cover it up nothing. While you may want to say it was nothing, perjury and obstruction of justice aren't nothing to those of us who really care. It matters not what the lie was about but that it was a lie. Your kind seem to think that the topic of the lie makes it less of one. Sorry, not the case.

Funny thing is if someone on the right does exactly what Bill did, even though that person isn't President, it's the end of the world. When one of your own does it, nothing to be seen.
nteresting how you call a piece of shit like Bill having an affair, and not the first one he had, in the Oval Office, the people's office, lying about it, and trying to cover it up nothing. While you may want to say it was nothing, perjury and obstruction of justice aren't nothing to those of us who really care. It matters not what the lie was about but that it was a lie. Your kind seem to think that the topic of the lie makes it less of one. Sorry, not the case.

Funny thing is if someone on the right does exactly what Bill did, even though that person isn't President, it's the end of the world. When one of your own does it, nothing to be seen.

Except that we really haven't done that. When have we claimed it was 'The end of the world" when we found out a LOT of Republicans were just as bad as Clinton or worse.

David Vitter was HIRING PROSTITUTES. No one insisted on removing him from office.

What he did was actually illegal, unlike having an affair. No one spent 70 million dollars trying to get the goods on him, even after the Madam who made his dates died under mysterious circumstances.

What bothers me is that while we were wasting so much time arguing about whether most people consider a blow job to be sex or not. (A lot of people don't) we had real problems bubbling up that weren't being addressed.

Talk about messed up priorities.

Back in the 1990's, I was one of the guys yelling "Impeach the Bastard".

Then George W. Stupid came along, and I ended 2008 with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and a job that paid 25% less than what I was making in 2006.
nteresting how you call a piece of shit like Bill having an affair, and not the first one he had, in the Oval Office, the people's office, lying about it, and trying to cover it up nothing. While you may want to say it was nothing, perjury and obstruction of justice aren't nothing to those of us who really care. It matters not what the lie was about but that it was a lie. Your kind seem to think that the topic of the lie makes it less of one. Sorry, not the case.

Funny thing is if someone on the right does exactly what Bill did, even though that person isn't President, it's the end of the world. When one of your own does it, nothing to be seen.

Except that we really haven't done that. When have we claimed it was 'The end of the world" when we found out a LOT of Republicans were just as bad as Clinton or worse.

David Vitter was HIRING PROSTITUTES. No one insisted on removing him from office.

What he did was actually illegal, unlike having an affair. No one spent 70 million dollars trying to get the goods on him, even after the Madam who made his dates died under mysterious circumstances.

What bothers me is that while we were wasting so much time arguing about whether most people consider a blow job to be sex or not. (A lot of people don't) we had real problems bubbling up that weren't being addressed.

Talk about messed up priorities.

Back in the 1990's, I was one of the guys yelling "Impeach the Bastard".

Then George W. Stupid came along, and I ended 2008 with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and a job that paid 25% less than what I was making in 2006.

Except you have. You gave Bill a pass then chastise anyone on the right that does the same thing.

It's called oral SEX.

Sure you were yelling that. Any proof?

Sounds to me as if you made some bad choices. NONE of those things happened to me.
Yeah? let me know how many others made 150 million, and set up a phony charity, which 80% of the proceeds are used as a slush fund for the Clintons and their friends

And I'm sure you have this evidence and will be going to the authorities with it.

You are familiar with the story of the Boy who Cried Wolf, right?
The right wingers constantly make wild assed accusations with no proof whatsoever and they KNOW they are lying but they think it is perfectly fine for them to engage in character assassination ... whatever it take to achieve their objective.

If we had a real justice dept the Clintons would have been indicted long ago. The Clintons like them stupid people like you are their Favorited idiots

the Clintons have used the charitable foundation to promote other goals, including Bill Clinton’s business ventures and Hillary Clinton’s political aspirations; t

Kate Andrews - Revealing: NYT Exposes Clinton Foundation for Shady Financial and Business Deals
Again, indicted for what?

The 2 year old townhall OPINION hit piece you linked to comes from reading this NYTimes article... nothing at all about indictments or criminality in it....struggles within the foundation, yes, but nothing criminal is mentioned?

In Case you have forgotten, Hillary is under FBI investigation,first and foremost, the only presidential candidate, as far as I know, to have that distinction, but most of you libs love her.The Clinton foundation is a slush fund. What foundation takes in hundreds of millions and runs a deficit? The Clinton foundation. Why do 80% of the foundations income go for supporting Clintons friends and crony political allies...You people are a sick joke really .You could give a shit what the Clintons do. They sell out the county for cash you you idiots cheer for them ......sad really

I must tell you, roc....I have no faith that the system will treat Bill's wife as she should be dealt with.

Orwell's 'Animal Farm' has become the reality... 'All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.'
Someone needs to drop a house on her

i would settle for just one little ole...............
You can't assassinate someone's character when they don't have any. That couldn't apply any more to Hillary than it did to Bill.

Yet you guys spent 70 million dollars letting Ken Starr Sniff Panties, and you still came up with nothing.

Interesting how you call a piece of shit like Bill having an affair, and not the first one he had, in the Oval Office, the people's office, lying about it, and trying to cover it up nothing. While you may want to say it was nothing, perjury and obstruction of justice aren't nothing to those of us who really care. It matters not what the lie was about but that it was a lie. Your kind seem to think that the topic of the lie makes it less of one. Sorry, not the case.

Funny thing is if someone on the right does exactly what Bill did, even though that person isn't President, it's the end of the world. When one of your own does it, nothing to be seen.

You whine about someone who hasn't been in office for 20 years and their having told a lie and loudly proclaim how much TRUTH means to you


You have no problem with Trump who is the biggest liar to ever run for office and whom every fact checking organization has labeled " PANTS ON FIRE ".

You accuse Deems of not caring if one of theirs lies but you do exactly what you accuse them of doing.

You can't assassinate someone's character when they don't have any. That couldn't apply any more to Hillary than it did to Bill.

Yet you guys spent 70 million dollars letting Ken Starr Sniff Panties, and you still came up with nothing.

Interesting how you call a piece of shit like Bill having an affair, and not the first one he had, in the Oval Office, the people's office, lying about it, and trying to cover it up nothing. While you may want to say it was nothing, perjury and obstruction of justice aren't nothing to those of us who really care. It matters not what the lie was about but that it was a lie. Your kind seem to think that the topic of the lie makes it less of one. Sorry, not the case.

Funny thing is if someone on the right does exactly what Bill did, even though that person isn't President, it's the end of the world. When one of your own does it, nothing to be seen.

You whine about someone who hasn't been in office for 20 years and their having told a lie and loudly proclaim how much TRUTH means to you


You have no problem with Trump who is the biggest liar to ever run for office and whom every fact checking organization has labeled " PANTS ON FIRE ".

You accuse Deems of not caring if one of theirs lies but you do exactly what you accuse them of doing.


You lefties still run your pie holes about Reagan and it's been almost 30 years.

I pay my bills son. In fact, idiot Liberals demand I help pay the bills for those to whom the Democrats pander.
And I'm sure you have this evidence and will be going to the authorities with it.

You are familiar with the story of the Boy who Cried Wolf, right?
The right wingers constantly make wild assed accusations with no proof whatsoever and they KNOW they are lying but they think it is perfectly fine for them to engage in character assassination ... whatever it take to achieve their objective.

If we had a real justice dept the Clintons would have been indicted long ago. The Clintons like them stupid people like you are their Favorited idiots

the Clintons have used the charitable foundation to promote other goals, including Bill Clinton’s business ventures and Hillary Clinton’s political aspirations; t

Kate Andrews - Revealing: NYT Exposes Clinton Foundation for Shady Financial and Business Deals
Again, indicted for what?

The 2 year old townhall OPINION hit piece you linked to comes from reading this NYTimes article... nothing at all about indictments or criminality in it....struggles within the foundation, yes, but nothing criminal is mentioned?

In Case you have forgotten, Hillary is under FBI investigation,first and foremost, the only presidential candidate, as far as I know, to have that distinction, but most of you libs love her.The Clinton foundation is a slush fund. What foundation takes in hundreds of millions and runs a deficit? The Clinton foundation. Why do 80% of the foundations income go for supporting Clintons friends and crony political allies...You people are a sick joke really .You could give a shit what the Clintons do. They sell out the county for cash you you idiots cheer for them ......sad really

I must tell you, roc....I have no faith that the system will treat Bill's wife as she should be dealt with.

Orwell's 'Animal Farm' has become the reality... 'All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.'
Probably so, but if Hillary doesn't become president, it'll be much more likely she'll pay for her corruption. If she does win the presidency, she'll simply continue to repay those political allies. Lets hope and work for that not to happen.
You can't assassinate someone's character when they don't have any. That couldn't apply any more to Hillary than it did to Bill.

Yet you guys spent 70 million dollars letting Ken Starr Sniff Panties, and you still came up with nothing.

Interesting how you call a piece of shit like Bill having an affair, and not the first one he had, in the Oval Office, the people's office, lying about it, and trying to cover it up nothing. While you may want to say it was nothing, perjury and obstruction of justice aren't nothing to those of us who really care. It matters not what the lie was about but that it was a lie. Your kind seem to think that the topic of the lie makes it less of one. Sorry, not the case.

Funny thing is if someone on the right does exactly what Bill did, even though that person isn't President, it's the end of the world. When one of your own does it, nothing to be seen.

You whine about someone who hasn't been in office for 20 years and their having told a lie and loudly proclaim how much TRUTH means to you


You have no problem with Trump who is the biggest liar to ever run for office and whom every fact checking organization has labeled " PANTS ON FIRE ".

You accuse Deems of not caring if one of theirs lies but you do exactly what you accuse them of doing.


You've got to be pre-puberty..You cant be an adult ,and be that much of an ignorant, idiot. Both parties are spending us into insolvency and Hillary is promising 100s of billions more :slap:
You can't assassinate someone's character when they don't have any. That couldn't apply any more to Hillary than it did to Bill.

Yet you guys spent 70 million dollars letting Ken Starr Sniff Panties, and you still came up with nothing.

Interesting how you call a piece of shit like Bill having an affair, and not the first one he had, in the Oval Office, the people's office, lying about it, and trying to cover it up nothing. While you may want to say it was nothing, perjury and obstruction of justice aren't nothing to those of us who really care. It matters not what the lie was about but that it was a lie. Your kind seem to think that the topic of the lie makes it less of one. Sorry, not the case.

Funny thing is if someone on the right does exactly what Bill did, even though that person isn't President, it's the end of the world. When one of your own does it, nothing to be seen.

You whine about someone who hasn't been in office for 20 years and their having told a lie and loudly proclaim how much TRUTH means to you


You have no problem with Trump who is the biggest liar to ever run for office and whom every fact checking organization has labeled " PANTS ON FIRE ".

You accuse Deems of not caring if one of theirs lies but you do exactly what you accuse them of doing.


You've got to be pre-puberty..You cant be an adult ,and be that much of an ignorant, idiot. Both parties are spending us into insolvency and Hillary is promising 100s of billions more :slap:

He's an adult. One can't get that stupid in that short of a period of time.
You can't assassinate someone's character when they don't have any. That couldn't apply any more to Hillary than it did to Bill.

Yet you guys spent 70 million dollars letting Ken Starr Sniff Panties, and you still came up with nothing.

Interesting how you call a piece of shit like Bill having an affair, and not the first one he had, in the Oval Office, the people's office, lying about it, and trying to cover it up nothing. While you may want to say it was nothing, perjury and obstruction of justice aren't nothing to those of us who really care. It matters not what the lie was about but that it was a lie. Your kind seem to think that the topic of the lie makes it less of one. Sorry, not the case.

Funny thing is if someone on the right does exactly what Bill did, even though that person isn't President, it's the end of the world. When one of your own does it, nothing to be seen.

You whine about someone who hasn't been in office for 20 years and their having told a lie and loudly proclaim how much TRUTH means to you


You have no problem with Trump who is the biggest liar to ever run for office and whom every fact checking organization has labeled " PANTS ON FIRE ".

You accuse Deems of not caring if one of theirs lies but you do exactly what you accuse them of doing.


You lefties still run your pie holes about Reagan and it's been almost 30 years.

I pay my bills son. In fact, idiot Liberals demand I help pay the bills for those to whom the Democrats pander.
Republicans refuse to pay any taxes to pay the bills for the two unfunded wars they started or the unfunded Medicare Prescription Benefit they also started.

During Vietnam we had an Income Tax Surcharge to pay for the war. We ended up with almost no debt from that war.

But the Republicans refuse to pay the bills for the wars they started.

And then they preach " fiscal responsibility " to poor people all while refusing to pay the bills THEY made.
You can't assassinate someone's character when they don't have any. That couldn't apply any more to Hillary than it did to Bill.

Yet you guys spent 70 million dollars letting Ken Starr Sniff Panties, and you still came up with nothing.

Interesting how you call a piece of shit like Bill having an affair, and not the first one he had, in the Oval Office, the people's office, lying about it, and trying to cover it up nothing. While you may want to say it was nothing, perjury and obstruction of justice aren't nothing to those of us who really care. It matters not what the lie was about but that it was a lie. Your kind seem to think that the topic of the lie makes it less of one. Sorry, not the case.

Funny thing is if someone on the right does exactly what Bill did, even though that person isn't President, it's the end of the world. When one of your own does it, nothing to be seen.

You whine about someone who hasn't been in office for 20 years and their having told a lie and loudly proclaim how much TRUTH means to you


You have no problem with Trump who is the biggest liar to ever run for office and whom every fact checking organization has labeled " PANTS ON FIRE ".

You accuse Deems of not caring if one of theirs lies but you do exactly what you accuse them of doing.


You lefties still run your pie holes about Reagan and it's been almost 30 years.

I pay my bills son. In fact, idiot Liberals demand I help pay the bills for those to whom the Democrats pander.
Republicans refuse to pay any taxes to pay the bills for the two unfunded wars they started or the unfunded Medicare Prescription Benefit they also started.

During Vietnam we had an Income Tax Surcharge to pay for the war. We ended up with almost no debt from that war.

But the Republicans refuse to pay the bills for the wars they started.

And then they preach " fiscal responsibility " to poor people all while refusing to pay the bills THEY made.

Democrats refuse to have the almost half in this country that pay no income taxes that fund the programs many of them receive.

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