Does anybody really want to listen to Hillary Clinton for four years?

What's going to drive me crazy is all the Republican whining for another eight years. :lalala:
Imagine us liberals if Palin was VP? SNL would be happy.

Guys and gals. God if she wasn't good to look at

McCain/Palin was a terrible ticket, they lost but you libtards are still obsessed with Palin. amazingly.
We like to remind people how retarded the GOP has become.

You guys loved her now today its trump.

Cruz and rubio remind me of Palin.
OMG.... Who can even stand to listen to this women's screechy, cackling voice? Besides the fact that she's corrupt, just the way she speaks, sounds like the wicked witch of the west :eusa_eh:
She won't live 4 years. Every day is a miracle with her, given her obestity, her insipiant alzheimers, her strokes.... I don't believe she is going to survive 2016
OMG.... Who can even stand to listen to this women's screechy, cackling voice? Besides the fact that she's corrupt, just the way she speaks, sounds like the wicked witch of the west :eusa_eh:
Better than listening to Trump for 4 years telling us " we're gonna be winners " and " trust me ... I'm great " while he has no actual plan on how to fix a damn thing.

You will get 4 more years of tax cuts for the rich and laws taking away weekends and other labor laws. Yes indeed, it is a fact that Republicans are pushing to " allow " workers to work 18 hour days 6 days a week. They claim workers < want > to work like that.

And, of course, if a worker < DOESN'T > want to work 18 hours a day he will be looking for a new job.
The normal people have no problem with Hillary.

Now, hearing HDS losers whine can be both good and bad. On the minus side, their chronic hysterical screeching makes dogs howl in pain. On the plus side, it's funny, how pathetic they are. And if those conservative bedwetters are weeping, you know good things must be happening for America.
Yep.....we hate all of the invisible good things that are happening because we love bad things.
OMG.... Who can even stand to listen to this women's screechy, cackling voice? Besides the fact that she's corrupt, just the way she speaks, sounds like the wicked witch of the west :eusa_eh:
She won't live 4 years. Every day is a miracle with her, given her obestity, her insipiant alzheimers, her strokes.... I don't believe she is going to survive 2016
Has anyone noticed how much younger and healthier she looks than she did prior to announcing her run? I think she's had some "work," as they put it. Little injection here, tuck there, is my guess.
She still is extreamly unhealthy. She can have all kinds of makeup, but it doesn't do anything for her alszhimers.
She won't live 4 years. Every day is a miracle with her, given her obestity, her insipiant alzheimers, her strokes.... I don't believe she is going to survive 2016.
Trump's a year older. No worries about him having an aneurysm at his first press conference? He gets all red in the face now. What happens when things really count? At least we know Hillary can keep her cool under questioning.
Just think. Those same idiots that believed in Obama's disastrous "hope and change" are going to make the same mistake in 2016. The Bitch is really nothing more than Obama v2.0 except maybe a more dishonest, if that is possible.

Then they wonder why we ridicule them so much for being morons.
She won't live 4 years. Every day is a miracle with her, given her obestity, her insipiant alzheimers, her strokes.... I don't believe she is going to survive 2016.
Trump's a year older. No worries about him having an aneurysm at his first press conference? He gets all red in the face now. What happens when things really count? At least we know Hillary can keep her cool under questioning.
Trump is a lot healthier. But I would agree with you that neither of them should be running given their health problems
She won't live 4 years. Every day is a miracle with her, given her obestity, her insipiant alzheimers, her strokes.... I don't believe she is going to survive 2016.
Trump's a year older. No worries about him having an aneurysm at his first press conference? He gets all red in the face now. What happens when things really count? At least we know Hillary can keep her cool under questioning.
Trump is a lot healthier. But I would agree with you that neither of them should be running given their health problems
Women also live longer than men on the average, but that never seems to be taken into account.
She still is extreamly unhealthy. She can have all kinds of makeup, but it doesn't do anything for her alszhimers.
I couldn't find any thing on Google indicating Hillary Clinton has Alzheimers. She promotes research. Period. I remember poor Ronald Regan--that was real. What have I missed?
OMG.... Who can even stand to listen to this women's screechy, cackling voice? Besides the fact that she's corrupt, just the way she speaks, sounds like the wicked witch of the west :eusa_eh:
i have no problem nor does 61% of the voting public... the real question is do you want to here how things are huge ???
The normal people have no problem with Hillary.

Now, hearing HDS losers whine can be both good and bad. On the minus side, their chronic hysterical screeching makes dogs howl in pain. On the plus side, it's funny, how pathetic they are. And if those conservative bedwetters are weeping, you know good things must be happening for America.
You're Abnormal, you stupid bitch! The DNC has ALREADY done their dirty work....Even DRUDGE had The Bern WINNING the debate, over that OLD, WHITE, FAT, LYING, MURDEROUS Criminal....

BWA HAHAHAHAHAHA that that funny!!!
She still is extreamly unhealthy. She can have all kinds of makeup, but it doesn't do anything for her alszhimers.
I couldn't find any thing on Google indicating Hillary Clinton has Alzheimers. She promotes research. Period. I remember poor Ronald Regan--that was real. What have I missed?

The only thing you missed is the fact that these deadbeat Republicans spread lies on top of lies garnished with lies.

They have no solutions for the nations problems so they just try to smear the Dems in any way they can make up.

They have been accusing the Clintons of every crime in the book, including murder for over 30 years. Every since they began their political careers in Arkansas.


Right wingers LIE and they KNOW they are lying but they don't care. They think they are justified in doing anything to win.

For Republicans the end justifies the means and nothing is out of bounds in order to win.
Seriously, I'm not sure I can handle it. I may lose my mind.....
We don't even know who her running mate is going to be. I'd go with Jim Webb.

Or Joe Lieberman. He was right to side with George Bush on Iraq. Such a good democrat. Remember Republicans call that a liberal? Pretty liberal with the word liberal. Lol

Webb should be at the top of the dem ticket. He is the only decent human being on the dem side and you fools dumped him. He would never run with the hildebeast.

Lieberman is a good guy but he is 106 years old. He also hates the Clintons. The truth is that you demtards have no one. An old, corrupt, lying, senile, shrill bitch, or an old, tired, crazy socialist.

Its very likely that HRC will be under indictment early next year based on what the FBI has found on her personal illegal server. If you or I had transmitted 1000 pieces of classified data on an unsecure server we would already be in jail for a long time.
Lieberman is why gore lost and he's served Israel more than he did his constituents.

Do you like Christie after he hugged Obama? That's how I feel about joe

you suggested Lieberman, not me. Gore lost because he is a fricken idiot and because the dems were unsuccessful in rigging the votes in Florida.

Christie is not my first choice, but he would be 1000% better than the hildebeast or the ancient socialist.
She still is extreamly unhealthy. She can have all kinds of makeup, but it doesn't do anything for her alszhimers.
I couldn't find any thing on Google indicating Hillary Clinton has Alzheimers. She promotes research. Period. I remember poor Ronald Regan--that was real. What have I missed?

The only thing you missed is the fact that these deadbeat Republicans spread lies on top of lies garnished with lies.

They have no solutions for the nations problems so they just try to smear the Dems in any way they can make up.

They have been accusing the Clintons of every crime in the book, including murder for over 30 years. Every since they began their political careers in Arkansas.


Right wingers LIE and they KNOW they are lying but they don't care. They think they are justified in doing anything to win.

For Republicans the end justifies the means and nothing is out of bounds in order to win.

the FBI has found over 1000 classified emails sent by HRC on an unsecured private server. She violated national security regulations over 1000 times. If you did that you would be in jail today.

Bubba lied under oath, the subject of the lie does not matter, the crime is lying under oath, sometimes called perjury.

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