Does Anyone Actually Think Muslims Did 9/11?

Did Crazy Muslims Do 9/11?

  • Yes, Muslims hate freedom!

    Votes: 9 81.8%
  • No, Zionist Jews hate freedom!

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • Total voters
Is noting that virtually every key individual involved in 9/11 and the aftermath was a Jewish or Christian Zionist "anti-cementic?" And what does that slur actually mean? Is that an insult? Is it a common sense observation that normal people should have? After all, they are clearly Europhobic and apparently orchestrate shit that should never happen were it not for their psychotic cult and anti-everyone but them approach to the world as they have managed to obtain key positions in particular during the last century, but the fake ass, inbred chosen by a fake ass deity, yahweh.

These devils actually control Western governments. And you wonder why things are so fucked up.

indeed.nobody has ever been able to debunk the video 9/11 missing links of the mossad involvement of mine or my other video thst cia assets Susan what’s her name talking about the role of the cia,they can only fling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are it was a joint cia mossad operation. :rofl:
It’s funny these paid Zionist shills like surada sock puppet and confederate soldier think we don’t see rirghtnthrough them they are paid shills fir Israel. :abgg2q.jpg:
Because you dont

You only dream you dream up crap about paid shills because it is how you avoid the fact that you get crushed and defeated in every argument
This poster is here 24/7/365 shouting down 911 truth.

Seriously, even people who still believe the official version should wonder WTF....
Indeed they should.:thup: I assume you have him on ignore? This shill from langley has proven in SPADES that he is indeed a paid shill for Langley because sadly,it is not just this site he trolls at,

I have seen him at MANY other different sites over the years as well i used to post at trolling there 24/7 so to have THAT much time on your hands to go to so many different sites 24/7 as he does,its so obvious he is a paid shill for Langley,I barely have enough time to come here and post at THIS site.

This poster at this site is easily the most psychotic nutcase i have ever crossed paths with on this site or any other one hands down no contest and that is because he so much seeks attention from people that he replies to them addressing them in the first person when he KNOWS they have had him on ignore for YEARS.:auiqs.jpg:if that is not someone who is lonely seeking attention i do dont know what is.:rofl::auiqs.jpg:

I mean when someone makes it perfectly clear to me they have ME on ignore.I do what any logical person who is not insane does,I stop addressing them in the first person. I assume you do the same as well? when I do talk about that poster that has me on ignore,i talk about them to others,i sure dont address them in the first person and talk to myself as he does.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: that is rubber room material for sure and desperate for attention.:auiqs.jpg:

He also has the incredibly funny logic that because he always gets in the last word sense he posts here 24/7.that he somehow won the debate.:auiqs.jpg::rofl: If he did not go to other sites all the time and troll as well,we would CONSTANTLY see him here literally replying in seconds after every post,that is the only reason he does not.LOL

pretty obvious he advertises he is paid shill from langley.LOL
It’s funny these paid Zionist shills like surada sock puppet and confederate soldier think we don’t see rirghtnthrough them they are paid shills fir Israel. :abgg2q.jpg:
I honestly would be 100% commited to these conspiracy theories if I actually saw a dime of it. Give me my money, and yeah, I'll say whatever the hell you want. Until then, I will stay on the side of my father, and the tens of thousands of witnesses versus your puny amount of special interest paid off "witnesses" that actually did see a dime after special interest interviews.
This poster is here 24/7/365 shouting down 911 truth.

Seriously, even people who still believe the official version should wonder WTF....
EMH The thing that baffles me about this queer nazi mental nutcase that talks to himself is why he has such an obsession over Jfk and 9/11 why he never trolls threads on the virus hoax something that’s going on now,guess if it’s something current,then that does not appeal to the man with the child brain,only something that was historic,who knows.

I guarantee if the deep state had been successful and killing trump in all their assassination attempts on his life as they tried,we all know he would toot the governments version of events same as he does with jfk,rfk and 9/11 as his boss at Langley instructs him to,that’s a given. :abgg2q.jpg:
EMH The thing that baffles me about this queer nazi mental nutcase that talks to himself is why he has such an obsession over Jfk and 9/11 why he never trolls threads on the virus hoax something that’s going on now,guess if it’s something current,then that does not appeal to the man with the child brain,only something that was historic,who knows.

I think everyone who ever showed up to a trump rally with a confederate flag was a left wing Zionist homosexual fraud trying to portray trump as racist.

This one has carried that people fraud to this message board.

A "confederate" obsessed 24/7 about trolling and shouting down 911 truth... My rear.... This one is a Zionist homosexual who donated to traitor Joe....
This poster is here 24/7/365 shouting down 911 truth.

Seriously, even people who still believe the official version should wonder WTF....
No I am not.

You have not posted or spoken any truth. You are a proven liar
EMH The thing that baffles me about this queer nazi mental nutcase that talks to himself is why he has such an obsession over Jfk and 9/11 why he never trolls threads on the virus hoax something that’s going on now,guess if it’s something current,then that does not appeal to the man with the child brain,only something that was historic,who knows.

I guarantee if the deep state had been successful and killing trump in all their assassination attempts on his life as they tried,we all know he would toot the governments version of events same as he does with jfk,rfk and 9/11 as his boss at Langley instructs him to,that’s a given. :abgg2q.jpg:
Many things baffle you, anything above the comprehension of a third grader for example
I think everyone who ever showed up to a trump rally with a confederate flag was a left wing Zionist homosexual fraud trying to portray trump as racist.

This one has carried that people fraud to this message board.

A "confederate" obsessed 24/7 about trolling and shouting down 911 truth... My rear.... This one is a Zionist homosexual who donated to traitor Joe....

Riddle me this then, fag. How do I prove to you otherwise?

Give me an honest test, (and no, conceding that you are "right" can't be the test), like I dunno, blood analysis or something, and I'll see if I can pass it.

Until then I stand by my belief that you were raped by a Jew long ago, which is why you are so racist and anti-semetic.
WTC building 7, the one that imploded as result of office furniture burning according to the government story. Does any rational person think office furniture can cause an office building to implode? :cuckoo:

The massive structural damage that WTC 7 suffered when huge pieces of the falling towers slammed into it may have played a role. That and the con-ed substation built into the base of the structure.

The FDNY had been measuring the structural damage to WTC 7 for most of the day, the leaning, the buckling, the slow structural failure as the building burned uncontrolled. The FDNY determined WTC 7 would collapse hours before it came down and evacuated the area in anticipation of it.

How did BBC know that WTC 7 was coming down before it collapsed? The FDNY told them.
Well you came here for politics and spout antisemitism, do you think Jews can do not wrong?

Does anybody.
Here we go again… The Holocaust denier. Let me change that; The Jews ASKED for it. According to her, Bin Laden had NOTHING to do with 9-11
SHERI even admitted to having ONE JEWISH FRIEND who is a DEMO- RAT
Tell me, SHERI… In your “ opinion” what have the Jews done right?
Do you believe that the mastermind Jew brought in and trained Muslims to fly passenger jets to attack the World Trade Center? Does this make sense? Are you antisemitic? Sure sounds like you are?
Go to church and listen to your pastor.
The names of the Hijackers have been posted many times yet she appears to have trouble with reading comprehension . Garbage comes from Garbage
Here we go again… The Holocaust denier. Let me change that; The Jews ASKED for it. According to her, Bin Laden had NOTHING to do with 9-11
SHERI even admitted to having ONE JEWISH FRIEND who is a DEMO- RAT
Tell me, SHERI… In your “ opinion” what have the Jews done right?

Col Tim osman aka "Osama" did have one thing to do with 911, popping up and taking credit.

"Osama," did you do 911?


Yes, yes, say you did.

Ok, we did it, but flying planes into steel structured skyscrapers would not bring the buildings down - (shocking excellence in science from a "religious" leader....)

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