Does Anyone Actually Think Muslims Did 9/11?

Did Crazy Muslims Do 9/11?

  • Yes, Muslims hate freedom!

    Votes: 9 81.8%
  • No, Zionist Jews hate freedom!

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • Total voters
the trollboys NEVER have any answers for building 7 and all the 5 stupid fucks who voted for Muslims have no answers for these two videos here of mine that it was a joint CIA/MOSSAD operation.

they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trols they are especially the boy seeking attention soupnazi who is such a stupid fuck he doesnt even try and hide how evil he is using a name like NAZI how much of a stupid fuck can you get advertising you work for langley the facts nazis were brought over by the CIA after the war to work for them? you would think the stupid dumbass attention seeker would at least come up with a more clever user name than that. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

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At least you waited six hours AFTER the anniversary of the 9/11 attack to spew your sick, twisted conspiracy theory.

Still, pretty poor taste.
As pawns? Yes. As masterminds? No. And I think anyone who isn't brainwashed, woefully naïve or willfully blind knows this.

That doesn't mean that "da joooos" did it, however.
ahhh the truth hurts.:itsok: debunk these two videos here clown evenifigoalone you cant trollboy,NOBODY ever has in 15 years.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Everything Dr. Reverend Farrakan says in this is true, except the part in which Jewish employees received a text message not to go downtown NYC that day. That is unconfirmed. Since they had planned it for so long, wouldn't they have been informed at their temple/synagogue meetings on Saturdays.

Dr. Farrakan mentions truth seeker and journalist Victor Thorn (RIP).

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Ah, yes, all millions of the Jews operate as a hivemind. Yes, yes, I forgot that.
No they don't operate as a hive mind, although Tramps cult operates that way.

Came here to post the yes meme. Instead I found antisemitism.

You said, which is wrong, a few jews doesn't make one anti-Semitic. There are bad people in every religion.
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WTC building 7, the one that imploded as result of office furniture burning according to the government story. Does any rational person think office furniture can cause an office building to implode? :cuckoo:

"Actually" think . Is that like think?

How do you think it started? A government conspiracy again?
Bloody hell. My cat died lately. I wonder if they killed it.
Why it seems odd is the cat was a Republican. How do I know?
He whined all the time, complained about the dog invading his space and freedom,
Hated to see me give the dig food and thought the dog next door was a Russian spy.
Well, then I think I'm going to send the police to your home because you probably killed it.
Everything Dr. Reverend Farrakan says in this is true, except the part in which Jewish employees received a text message not to go downtown NYC that day. That is unconfirmed. Since they had planned it for so long, wouldn't they have been informed at their temple/synagogue meetings on Saturdays.

Dr. Farrakan mentions truth seeker and journalist Victor Thorn (RIP).

So the first video has multiple problems with it from what I can see. I didn't bother with the second one.

For starters, the whole premises of the argument lies on the hypothesis that the building was rigged with explosives - which it most certainly was not. The building was not rigged with explosives, no matter how many phony "scientists" tell you such. It would make no sense. There would be no need for planes to hit the WTC, Because explosions in of themselves would be blamed on terrorists anyway. Planes didn't need to be a part of the equation if this were true, which it is not.

Secondly, the preacher or whatever this fellow is, is oddly anti-semetic. He has a vendetta, a bias if you will. He may be right in his disdain for the jews, but even so, it rules him out as any source of information purely on his bias alone.

Third, an Israeli camera crew, disguised as Arabs filming the WTC before the North Tower was hit? Does this make any sense? Why would they need to disguise themselves as Arabs? Why not just look like regular New Yorkers? Why film it? There is no need to. The only known footage of the first plane hitting the towers was of a fire crew checking a gas leak 14 blocks away.

On the fourth note, this man makes it seem like rocket science to fly a plane. The men who hijacked the planes had pilot training. yes in little Cessnas, but the controls of a Cessna and the controls of a 767 are NOT that different. In order to descend to the altitude needed, all the pilot had to do was.... move the controls that is literally a square steering wheel, and adjust the throttle. Not. Hard. At all. Anyone can do it. Whether the ride would be comfortable or not is another question, but they weren't going for comfort were they?

Fifth, he uses the same old illogical argument that the heat of burning jet fuel isn't strong enough to melt steel. Any structural engineer will tell you, the steel doesn't HAVE to melt in order to give way. Steel loses its structural integrity at only 425 Celsius. At 650 celsius, steel loses over 50% of its structural integrity! 50%! On the upper floors of the WTC, pockets of fire were burning at over 1000 celsius, fueled by fuel, desks, chairs, papers, etc. and also by the very strong breeze through the damaged parts of the building acting like a blast furnace. It was only a matter of time before the whole thing gave way.

Sixth. "We know that jews were sent a text message telling them not to come to work on 9/11". A false and unsubstantiated claim if I ever heard one. 4,000 Israelis lived in the area, a good number of those not even Jewish. As it turns out, only a fraction of the Jews in the area actually worked at the WTC. Jews in fact did die, and were injured. Many were there to help. A Jewish firefighter, killed by the falling debris of the South Tower, a Orthodox Jew, running in and out of the WTC to help people get out, others helping with water, medical aid and support. The conspiracy theory here was brought up by arab media (long time enemies of Israel) and stuck with anti-semites everywhere. On a seperate, but related note, the Israeli Covert Op guy wasn't the only one blaming Osama Bin Laden at the time. Reporters from Fox News and other stations mentioned Al Queda and Osama by name. He wasn't the only guy.

Seventh, the Benjamin Netanyahu quotes was here say, written by one newspaper. Doesn't that sound just the least bit suspicious? One newspaper, and conspiracy theorists accept it as the gospel. Wow.

Finally, the man is speaking to what appears to be, a largely arab looking crowd. Huh. I wonder what they believe...
The truth
ahhh the truth hurts.:itsok: debunk these two videos here clown evenifigoalone you cant trollboy,NOBODY ever has in 15 years.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

The truth hirts you gay boy

Those videos were debunked and proven fiction on this thread and many others for years.

You know this and are a liar
bld 7 is the crux of the 9/11 coverup the fact it was not hit by a plane and witnesses said they heard explosions in the basement same as the towers,they can only sling shit in defeat lie the monkey trolls they
Long debunked anjd it is you slinging shit in defeat'

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