Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

It bothers me much more that after all this time, HC is still the anointed one in the DNC. No scandal is too big for that bitch to her joke of a party.

She's owned by the super rich! Wall street own Bush and own clinton....bernie is the guy from the outside that gives a shit about the little guy.

Bernie's a scam artist. I'm sure he has his benefactors too.
It bothers me much more that after all this time, HC is still the anointed one in the DNC. No scandal is too big for that bitch to her joke of a party.

She's owned by the super rich! Wall street own Bush and own clinton....bernie is the guy from the outside that gives a shit about the little guy.

If I want someone to "care" about me, I'll get a therapist. You should definitely consider doing so.
It bothers me much more that after all this time, HC is still the anointed one in the DNC. No scandal is too big for that bitch to her joke of a party.

She's owned by the super rich! Wall street own Bush and own clinton....bernie is the guy from the outside that gives a shit about the little guy.

Bernie's a scam artist. I'm sure he has his benefactors too.

Judging by his current list of donors, he's owned by unions. Maybe that's an improvement in liberal eyes, but not in mine.
It bothers me much more that after all this time, HC is still the anointed one in the DNC. No scandal is too big for that bitch to her joke of a party.

She's owned by the super rich! Wall street own Bush and own clinton....bernie is the guy from the outside that gives a shit about the little guy.

Bernie's a scam artist. I'm sure he has his benefactors too.
Exactly. Bernie is a lifetime politician, which makes him only different than HRC in his level of success. Both are socialist. If you want to live in a socialist country, move to Europe where Socialism is eating them alive. America and its capitalism (not the crony capitalism our political class has established) is what made us the successful people we are as a whole.

If we abandon the free market for socialism, we are abandoning what built America to be the envy of the world, and we still are the envy of the world. Why else would people continue to come hear for a piece of it?

Liberals would have us believe that the things that make America great are flaws. They are wrong and their wrong thinking is ruining this country, epitomized by Obama's autocratic reign.

Anyone who votes for a Liberal at this point is voting against America. It's really that simple. Those of us who love this country are not going to let a minority of Marxists tear down what so many great Americans have built and defended with their blood.

No more career politicians. No more Liberals who want to turn America into the Soviet Union. We need to elect people who love America, not those who despise her even as they enjoy the liberty they aim to destroy.

We need to start giving a damn and voting for better leaders. If we don't, we will live with the consequences, just as we have with the tyrant wannabe who holds the Presidency hostage today.
It bothers me much more that after all this time, HC is still the anointed one in the DNC. No scandal is too big for that bitch to her joke of a party.

She's owned by the super rich! Wall street own Bush and own clinton....bernie is the guy from the outside that gives a shit about the little guy.

Bernie's a scam artist. I'm sure he has his benefactors too.
Exactly. Bernie is a lifetime politician, which makes him only different than HRC in his level of success. Both are socialist. If you want to live in a socialist country, move to Europe where Socialism is eating them alive. America and its capitalism (not the crony capitalism our political class has established) is what made us the successful people we are as a whole.

If we abandon the free market for socialism, we are abandoning what built America to be the envy of the world, and we still are the envy of the world. Why else would people continue to come hear for a piece of it?

Liberals would have us believe that the things that make America great are flaws. They are wrong and their wrong thinking is ruining this country, epitomized by Obama's autocratic reign.

Anyone who votes for a Liberal at this point is voting against America. It's really that simple. Those of us who love this country are not going to let a minority of Marxists tear down what so many great Americans have built and defended with their blood.

No more career politicians. No more Liberals who want to turn America into the Soviet Union. We need to elect people who love America, not those who despise her even as they enjoy the liberty they aim to destroy.

We need to start giving a damn and voting for better leaders. If we don't, we will live with the consequences, just as we have with the tyrant wannabe who holds the Presidency hostage today.

Sanders is just a plant designed to make Hillary look like a centrist.
It bothers me much more that after all this time, HC is still the anointed one in the DNC. No scandal is too big for that bitch to her joke of a party.

She's owned by the super rich! Wall street own Bush and own clinton....bernie is the guy from the outside that gives a shit about the little guy.

Bernie's a scam artist. I'm sure he has his benefactors too.
Exactly. Bernie is a lifetime politician, which makes him only different than HRC in his level of success. Both are socialist. If you want to live in a socialist country, move to Europe where Socialism is eating them alive. America and its capitalism (not the crony capitalism our political class has established) is what made us the successful people we are as a whole.

If we abandon the free market for socialism, we are abandoning what built America to be the envy of the world, and we still are the envy of the world. Why else would people continue to come hear for a piece of it?

Liberals would have us believe that the things that make America great are flaws. They are wrong and their wrong thinking is ruining this country, epitomized by Obama's autocratic reign.

Anyone who votes for a Liberal at this point is voting against America. It's really that simple. Those of us who love this country are not going to let a minority of Marxists tear down what so many great Americans have built and defended with their blood.

No more career politicians. No more Liberals who want to turn America into the Soviet Union. We need to elect people who love America, not those who despise her even as they enjoy the liberty they aim to destroy.

We need to start giving a damn and voting for better leaders. If we don't, we will live with the consequences, just as we have with the tyrant wannabe who holds the Presidency hostage today.

Sanders is just a plant designed to make Hillary look like a centrist.

A distinct possibility that I too have considered. An astute notion on your part. GMTA.
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It bothers me much more that after all this time, HC is still the anointed one in the DNC. No scandal is too big for that bitch to her joke of a party.

She's owned by the super rich! Wall street own Bush and own clinton....bernie is the guy from the outside that gives a shit about the little guy.

Bernie's a scam artist. I'm sure he has his benefactors too.
Exactly. Bernie is a lifetime politician, which makes him only different than HRC in his level of success. Both are socialist. If you want to live in a socialist country, move to Europe where Socialism is eating them alive. America and its capitalism (not the crony capitalism our political class has established) is what made us the successful people we are as a whole.

If we abandon the free market for socialism, we are abandoning what built America to be the envy of the world, and we still are the envy of the world. Why else would people continue to come hear for a piece of it?

Liberals would have us believe that the things that make America great are flaws. They are wrong and their wrong thinking is ruining this country, epitomized by Obama's autocratic reign.

Anyone who votes for a Liberal at this point is voting against America. It's really that simple. Those of us who love this country are not going to let a minority of Marxists tear down what so many great Americans have built and defended with their blood.

No more career politicians. No more Liberals who want to turn America into the Soviet Union. We need to elect people who love America, not those who despise her even as they enjoy the liberty they aim to destroy.

We need to start giving a damn and voting for better leaders. If we don't, we will live with the consequences, just as we have with the tyrant wannabe who holds the Presidency hostage today.

Sanders is just a plant designed to make Hillary look like a centrist.

A distinct possibility that I too have considered. An astute notion on your part. GMTA.

Sanders is getting his for being the main contender; and Biden is getting his for staying out. Dems are way better at back room dealing than Repubs.
It bothers me much more that after all this time, HC is still the anointed one in the DNC. No scandal is too big for that bitch to her joke of a party.

She's owned by the super rich! Wall street own Bush and own clinton....bernie is the guy from the outside that gives a shit about the little guy.

Bernie's a scam artist. I'm sure he has his benefactors too.
Exactly. Bernie is a lifetime politician, which makes him only different than HRC in his level of success. Both are socialist. If you want to live in a socialist country, move to Europe where Socialism is eating them alive. America and its capitalism (not the crony capitalism our political class has established) is what made us the successful people we are as a whole.

If we abandon the free market for socialism, we are abandoning what built America to be the envy of the world, and we still are the envy of the world. Why else would people continue to come hear for a piece of it?

Liberals would have us believe that the things that make America great are flaws. They are wrong and their wrong thinking is ruining this country, epitomized by Obama's autocratic reign.

Anyone who votes for a Liberal at this point is voting against America. It's really that simple. Those of us who love this country are not going to let a minority of Marxists tear down what so many great Americans have built and defended with their blood.

No more career politicians. No more Liberals who want to turn America into the Soviet Union. We need to elect people who love America, not those who despise her even as they enjoy the liberty they aim to destroy.

We need to start giving a damn and voting for better leaders. If we don't, we will live with the consequences, just as we have with the tyrant wannabe who holds the Presidency hostage today.

Sanders is just a plant designed to make Hillary look like a centrist.

Waste of time. She's not going to appeal to anyone who doesn't like seeing nothing but a big "D" when they look at her.
Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

No, but he would make a great GOP candidate.
Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

No, but he would make a great GOP candidate.

While I disagree with your apparent belief that he's a terrible candidate, I can understand and sympathize with your desperate need to have an opponent for Hillary Clinton that gives her at least an off-chance of looking appealing.
It bothers me much more that after all this time, HC is still the anointed one in the DNC. No scandal is too big for that bitch to her joke of a party.

She's owned by the super rich! Wall street own Bush and own clinton....bernie is the guy from the outside that gives a shit about the little guy.

Bernie's a scam artist. I'm sure he has his benefactors too.
Exactly. Bernie is a lifetime politician, which makes him only different than HRC in his level of success. Both are socialist. If you want to live in a socialist country, move to Europe where Socialism is eating them alive. America and its capitalism (not the crony capitalism our political class has established) is what made us the successful people we are as a whole.

If we abandon the free market for socialism, we are abandoning what built America to be the envy of the world, and we still are the envy of the world. Why else would people continue to come hear for a piece of it?

Liberals would have us believe that the things that make America great are flaws. They are wrong and their wrong thinking is ruining this country, epitomized by Obama's autocratic reign.

Anyone who votes for a Liberal at this point is voting against America. It's really that simple. Those of us who love this country are not going to let a minority of Marxists tear down what so many great Americans have built and defended with their blood.

No more career politicians. No more Liberals who want to turn America into the Soviet Union. We need to elect people who love America, not those who despise her even as they enjoy the liberty they aim to destroy.

We need to start giving a damn and voting for better leaders. If we don't, we will live with the consequences, just as we have with the tyrant wannabe who holds the Presidency hostage today.

Sanders is just a plant designed to make Hillary look like a centrist.

Waste of time. She's not going to appeal to anyone who doesn't like seeing nothing but a big "D" when they look at her.

HIllary is allowed to hedge in positive directions. It's far from a waste.
I don't know why anyone would think Trump is less worthy of the presidency than the failures we've elected recently. I figure he cannot possibly be worse than Obama and could very well prove to be the best President we have had in a very long time.

I am all for trying something completely different since what we've been doing has not been working, unless you are a Liberal Kool-Aid guzzler.

Is Trump my first choice? I don't know, it's way too early to say. However, I sure wouldn't write him off the way so many foolishly have.
She's owned by the super rich! Wall street own Bush and own clinton....bernie is the guy from the outside that gives a shit about the little guy.

Bernie's a scam artist. I'm sure he has his benefactors too.
Exactly. Bernie is a lifetime politician, which makes him only different than HRC in his level of success. Both are socialist. If you want to live in a socialist country, move to Europe where Socialism is eating them alive. America and its capitalism (not the crony capitalism our political class has established) is what made us the successful people we are as a whole.

If we abandon the free market for socialism, we are abandoning what built America to be the envy of the world, and we still are the envy of the world. Why else would people continue to come hear for a piece of it?

Liberals would have us believe that the things that make America great are flaws. They are wrong and their wrong thinking is ruining this country, epitomized by Obama's autocratic reign.

Anyone who votes for a Liberal at this point is voting against America. It's really that simple. Those of us who love this country are not going to let a minority of Marxists tear down what so many great Americans have built and defended with their blood.

No more career politicians. No more Liberals who want to turn America into the Soviet Union. We need to elect people who love America, not those who despise her even as they enjoy the liberty they aim to destroy.

We need to start giving a damn and voting for better leaders. If we don't, we will live with the consequences, just as we have with the tyrant wannabe who holds the Presidency hostage today.

Sanders is just a plant designed to make Hillary look like a centrist.

Waste of time. She's not going to appeal to anyone who doesn't like seeing nothing but a big "D" when they look at her.

HIllary is allowed to hedge in positive directions. It's far from a waste.

She can hedge like a landscaper on meth. She's still not appealing to people outside of her fanatic-Democrat base.

(Poll Closed)

BUSH 2.07% (12,112 votes)
CARSON 8.94% (52,307 votes)
CHRISTIE 1.28% (7,487 votes)
CRUZ 14.31% (83,729 votes)
HUCKABEE 3.37% (19,714 votes)
KASICH 5.28% (30,894 votes)
PAUL 6.06% (35,476 votes)
RUBIO 10.52% (61,559 votes)
TRUMP 44.67% (261,352 votes)
WALKER 3.49% (20,420 votes)

Total Votes: 585,050

I LOVE this, now to hear the NeoCommies, and RINO'S yell and scream... entertainment for tonight!
Bernie's a scam artist. I'm sure he has his benefactors too.
Exactly. Bernie is a lifetime politician, which makes him only different than HRC in his level of success. Both are socialist. If you want to live in a socialist country, move to Europe where Socialism is eating them alive. America and its capitalism (not the crony capitalism our political class has established) is what made us the successful people we are as a whole.

If we abandon the free market for socialism, we are abandoning what built America to be the envy of the world, and we still are the envy of the world. Why else would people continue to come hear for a piece of it?

Liberals would have us believe that the things that make America great are flaws. They are wrong and their wrong thinking is ruining this country, epitomized by Obama's autocratic reign.

Anyone who votes for a Liberal at this point is voting against America. It's really that simple. Those of us who love this country are not going to let a minority of Marxists tear down what so many great Americans have built and defended with their blood.

No more career politicians. No more Liberals who want to turn America into the Soviet Union. We need to elect people who love America, not those who despise her even as they enjoy the liberty they aim to destroy.

We need to start giving a damn and voting for better leaders. If we don't, we will live with the consequences, just as we have with the tyrant wannabe who holds the Presidency hostage today.

Sanders is just a plant designed to make Hillary look like a centrist.

Waste of time. She's not going to appeal to anyone who doesn't like seeing nothing but a big "D" when they look at her.

HIllary is allowed to hedge in positive directions. It's far from a waste.

She can hedge like a landscaper on meth. She's still not appealing to people outside of her fanatic-Democrat base.

Data currently supports that. But presidential elections are fickle.
Exactly. Bernie is a lifetime politician, which makes him only different than HRC in his level of success. Both are socialist. If you want to live in a socialist country, move to Europe where Socialism is eating them alive. America and its capitalism (not the crony capitalism our political class has established) is what made us the successful people we are as a whole.

If we abandon the free market for socialism, we are abandoning what built America to be the envy of the world, and we still are the envy of the world. Why else would people continue to come hear for a piece of it?

Liberals would have us believe that the things that make America great are flaws. They are wrong and their wrong thinking is ruining this country, epitomized by Obama's autocratic reign.

Anyone who votes for a Liberal at this point is voting against America. It's really that simple. Those of us who love this country are not going to let a minority of Marxists tear down what so many great Americans have built and defended with their blood.

No more career politicians. No more Liberals who want to turn America into the Soviet Union. We need to elect people who love America, not those who despise her even as they enjoy the liberty they aim to destroy.

We need to start giving a damn and voting for better leaders. If we don't, we will live with the consequences, just as we have with the tyrant wannabe who holds the Presidency hostage today.

Sanders is just a plant designed to make Hillary look like a centrist.

Waste of time. She's not going to appeal to anyone who doesn't like seeing nothing but a big "D" when they look at her.

HIllary is allowed to hedge in positive directions. It's far from a waste.

She can hedge like a landscaper on meth. She's still not appealing to people outside of her fanatic-Democrat base.

Data currently supports that. But presidential elections are fickle.

I suppose if her campaign staged an apartment building fire and filmed her running in to save a basketful of puppies, she might convince some people not to gag when they see her.
I don't know why anyone would think Trump is less worthy of the presidency than the failures we've elected recently. I figure he cannot possibly be worse than Obama and could very well prove to be the best President we have had in a very long time.

I am all for trying something completely different since what we've been doing has not been working, unless you are a Liberal Kool-Aid guzzler.

Is Trump my first choice? I don't know, it's way too early to say. However, I sure wouldn't write him off the way so many foolishly have.

I agree 100%... Ask me in 2008, if Trump is who we should elect? I tell you... No Way! Far too risky.. far too inexperienced... too much he could really fuck up. Thanks to 8 years of Obama/Hillary, I am not a bit concerned about that anymore. He knows how to be a Leader... How to get the Job done. He's not NICE... He's not PC... He's NOT a typical sound-byte politician spewing whatever kind of crap he thinks we want to hear with no intention of following through with anything because they are a PART OF THE MACHINE which is gobbling up our personal freedoms.
Exactly. Bernie is a lifetime politician, which makes him only different than HRC in his level of success. Both are socialist. If you want to live in a socialist country, move to Europe where Socialism is eating them alive. America and its capitalism (not the crony capitalism our political class has established) is what made us the successful people we are as a whole.

If we abandon the free market for socialism, we are abandoning what built America to be the envy of the world, and we still are the envy of the world. Why else would people continue to come hear for a piece of it?

Liberals would have us believe that the things that make America great are flaws. They are wrong and their wrong thinking is ruining this country, epitomized by Obama's autocratic reign.

Anyone who votes for a Liberal at this point is voting against America. It's really that simple. Those of us who love this country are not going to let a minority of Marxists tear down what so many great Americans have built and defended with their blood.

No more career politicians. No more Liberals who want to turn America into the Soviet Union. We need to elect people who love America, not those who despise her even as they enjoy the liberty they aim to destroy.

We need to start giving a damn and voting for better leaders. If we don't, we will live with the consequences, just as we have with the tyrant wannabe who holds the Presidency hostage today.

Sanders is just a plant designed to make Hillary look like a centrist.

Waste of time. She's not going to appeal to anyone who doesn't like seeing nothing but a big "D" when they look at her.

HIllary is allowed to hedge in positive directions. It's far from a waste.

She can hedge like a landscaper on meth. She's still not appealing to people outside of her fanatic-Democrat base.

Data currently supports that. But presidential elections are fickle.
He will never be anything. How is anyone taking this as a serious thread?

Because he leads every national poll for the GOP nomination by double-digits over his closest competitor. That's why.
A poll by Fox News in August of 2015 when the elections happen in November of 2016. Yes by all means take it seriously.

Why not? Every time you idiots hear a poll that says something you like, you treat it like it was written by the finger of God on stone tablets on a mountaintop somewhere.
So? Honest and fair are usually attributes of a nice person. That is just a fact.

And I am saying they are unrelated and that is a terribly naive viewpoint.

Well, I disagree. I think they are very closely related from my own experiences. Perhaps yours have been different. What now? :) I guess we will have to agree to disagree on that subject.

Doesn't matter about your experiences. Appearing to be nice means nothing with regard to honesty and fairness. I can think of a million examples of completely despicable people who fooled others into believing they were nice people. Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy, for example.

Yes, I guess I've had different experiences... I've been screwed over by "nice people" too many times to count... I go to by tires for the car, the salesman is a nice guy, I pay 25% more for my tires because he was so nice. Happens to people all the time.

By the same token, 90-year-old farmer I knew in North Carolina, grumpy and cantankerous as the day was long, totally unpleasant to be around, rude and obnoxious to others, no hesitation to hurt your feelings with what he said, didn't give a shit if you liked him or not... but the man would give you the shirt off his back to help you. When he passed away, I went to his funeral and was shocked... you couldn't get into the building where his body rested for viewing. There were thousands of people there to say goodbye to this very "un-nice" man. Come to find out, he had helped so many people through the years and never mentioned it. The man was honest, perhaps TOO honest at times... The man was fair... but he wasn't NICE.

I'm not saying that never can happen, but I don't think it is too common. Usually, nice people have pretty good personality traits, like honesty, integrity, etc. (not that a person can't slip up of course). Anyway, I can't even say that DT isn't "nice" per se. I just don't really see how a person could be dishonest and "nice" at the same time. I guess that could be subjective on what is nice too. Anyhow, I still disagree. ;)

No they don't. You're just gullible. Usually, "nice" people have one personality trait: the ability to figure out what you want to hear. Everything else is completely negotiable.

You really don't see how someone can be dishonest and nice? You clearly have not bought a used car recently.

Well, I'm not talking about "fake" nice people. :) That is "fake" nice, or people pretending to be nice to gain something.

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