Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

They most certainly are. Just a couple of many attributes that a nice person possesses. Why would you argue that point? That is just silly.

Because it's completely naive and stupid to assume that someone who is "nice" is also honest and fair, or that someone who is honest and fair has to also be a "nice person." If you ever watched the mini-series, Lonesome Dove, or read any of Larry McMurtry's novels, there is a specific character by the name of Woodrow F. Call who is a classic example of someone who is honest and fair but not a very "nice" person. In fact, he can be downright dis-likable. On the other hand, we have Bill Cosby... someone who had all of America fooled. Turns out, he wasn't the "nice guy" everyone thought.

So? Honest and fair are usually attributes of a nice person. That is just a fact.

And I am saying they are unrelated and that is a terribly naive viewpoint.
They most certainly are. Just a couple of many attributes that a nice person possesses. Why would you argue that point? That is just silly.

Because it's completely naive and stupid to assume that someone who is "nice" is also honest and fair, or that someone who is honest and fair has to also be a "nice person." If you ever watched the mini-series, Lonesome Dove, or read any of Larry McMurtry's novels, there is a specific character by the name of Woodrow F. Call who is a classic example of someone who is honest and fair but not a very "nice" person. In fact, he can be downright dis-likable. On the other hand, we have Bill Cosby... someone who had all of America fooled. Turns out, he wasn't the "nice guy" everyone thought.

So? Honest and fair are usually attributes of a nice person. That is just a fact.

And I am saying they are unrelated and that is a terribly naive viewpoint.

Well, I disagree. I think they are very closely related from my own experiences. Perhaps yours have been different. What now? :) I guess we will have to agree to disagree on that subject.
They most certainly are. Just a couple of many attributes that a nice person possesses. Why would you argue that point? That is just silly.

Because it's completely naive and stupid to assume that someone who is "nice" is also honest and fair, or that someone who is honest and fair has to also be a "nice person." If you ever watched the mini-series, Lonesome Dove, or read any of Larry McMurtry's novels, there is a specific character by the name of Woodrow F. Call who is a classic example of someone who is honest and fair but not a very "nice" person. In fact, he can be downright dis-likable. On the other hand, we have Bill Cosby... someone who had all of America fooled. Turns out, he wasn't the "nice guy" everyone thought.

So? Honest and fair are usually attributes of a nice person. That is just a fact.

And I am saying they are unrelated and that is a terribly naive viewpoint.

Well, I disagree. I think they are very closely related from my own experiences. Perhaps yours have been different. What now? :) I guess we will have to agree to disagree on that subject.

Doesn't matter about your experiences. Appearing to be nice means nothing with regard to honesty and fairness. I can think of a million examples of completely despicable people who fooled others into believing they were nice people. Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy, for example.

Yes, I guess I've had different experiences... I've been screwed over by "nice people" too many times to count... I go to by tires for the car, the salesman is a nice guy, I pay 25% more for my tires because he was so nice. Happens to people all the time.

By the same token, 90-year-old farmer I knew in North Carolina, grumpy and cantankerous as the day was long, totally unpleasant to be around, rude and obnoxious to others, no hesitation to hurt your feelings with what he said, didn't give a shit if you liked him or not... but the man would give you the shirt off his back to help you. When he passed away, I went to his funeral and was shocked... you couldn't get into the building where his body rested for viewing. There were thousands of people there to say goodbye to this very "un-nice" man. Come to find out, he had helped so many people through the years and never mentioned it. The man was honest, perhaps TOO honest at times... The man was fair... but he wasn't NICE.
They most certainly are. Just a couple of many attributes that a nice person possesses. Why would you argue that point? That is just silly.

Because it's completely naive and stupid to assume that someone who is "nice" is also honest and fair, or that someone who is honest and fair has to also be a "nice person." If you ever watched the mini-series, Lonesome Dove, or read any of Larry McMurtry's novels, there is a specific character by the name of Woodrow F. Call who is a classic example of someone who is honest and fair but not a very "nice" person. In fact, he can be downright dis-likable. On the other hand, we have Bill Cosby... someone who had all of America fooled. Turns out, he wasn't the "nice guy" everyone thought.

So? Honest and fair are usually attributes of a nice person. That is just a fact.

And I am saying they are unrelated and that is a terribly naive viewpoint.

Well, I disagree. I think they are very closely related from my own experiences. Perhaps yours have been different. What now? :) I guess we will have to agree to disagree on that subject.

Doesn't matter about your experiences. Appearing to be nice means nothing with regard to honesty and fairness. I can think of a million examples of completely despicable people who fooled others into believing they were nice people. Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy, for example.

Yes, I guess I've had different experiences... I've been screwed over by "nice people" too many times to count... I go to by tires for the car, the salesman is a nice guy, I pay 25% more for my tires because he was so nice. Happens to people all the time.

By the same token, 90-year-old farmer I knew in North Carolina, grumpy and cantankerous as the day was long, totally unpleasant to be around, rude and obnoxious to others, no hesitation to hurt your feelings with what he said, didn't give a shit if you liked him or not... but the man would give you the shirt off his back to help you. When he passed away, I went to his funeral and was shocked... you couldn't get into the building where his body rested for viewing. There were thousands of people there to say goodbye to this very "un-nice" man. Come to find out, he had helped so many people through the years and never mentioned it. The man was honest, perhaps TOO honest at times... The man was fair... but he wasn't NICE.

I'm not saying that never can happen, but I don't think it is too common. Usually, nice people have pretty good personality traits, like honesty, integrity, etc. (not that a person can't slip up of course). Anyway, I can't even say that DT isn't "nice" per se. I just don't really see how a person could be dishonest and "nice" at the same time. I guess that could be subjective on what is nice too. Anyhow, I still disagree. ;)
I'm not saying that never can happen, but I don't think it is too common. Usually, nice people have pretty good personality traits, like honesty, integrity, etc. (not that a person can't slip up of course). Anyway, I can't even say that DT isn't "nice" per se. I just don't really see how a person could be dishonest and "nice" at the same time. I guess that could be subjective on what is nice too. Anyhow, I still disagree. ;)

It is more common than you think... and in my experience, the overly-nice people are generally the ones who want to screw you one way or another. Nice doesn't mean jack squat to me. In fact... it kinda irks me just being a fucking word; because what does it really mean?
They most certainly are. Just a couple of many attributes that a nice person possesses. Why would you argue that point? That is just silly.

Because it's completely naive and stupid to assume that someone who is "nice" is also honest and fair, or that someone who is honest and fair has to also be a "nice person." If you ever watched the mini-series, Lonesome Dove, or read any of Larry McMurtry's novels, there is a specific character by the name of Woodrow F. Call who is a classic example of someone who is honest and fair but not a very "nice" person. In fact, he can be downright dis-likable. On the other hand, we have Bill Cosby... someone who had all of America fooled. Turns out, he wasn't the "nice guy" everyone thought.

So? Honest and fair are usually attributes of a nice person. That is just a fact.

Not in a day and age when virtually everyone is clinging to the self-image of "nice person", irregardless of whether their actions warrant it, and the world is distressingly focused on style over substance. All you really have to do is mouth the correct pansy-ass, PC phrases, and the sheep will ignore the heinousness of your actions and their consequences. Gosh, your INTENTIONS were so "nice", though!

Whatever. I'm a bitch, but I'm scrupulously honest and fair. Actually, honesty is a lot easier to do if you don't mind being a bitch.
He will never be anything. How is anyone taking this as a serious thread?

Because he leads every national poll for the GOP nomination by double-digits over his closest competitor. That's why.

The candidates on both sides of the aisle ignore the deep vein of anger and discontent that Donald Trump has tapped into and represents at their own peril. Say what you want about the man himself, but his candidacy is serious for the simple fact that he has his finger on the pulse of the conservative public far more than anyone else has so far demonstrated.

In a sense, the same can be said for Bernie Sanders on the Democrat side. I doubt he can win, but I also believe he's more in touch with what his base wants than Hillary is, God help us all.
They most certainly are. Just a couple of many attributes that a nice person possesses. Why would you argue that point? That is just silly.

Because it's completely naive and stupid to assume that someone who is "nice" is also honest and fair, or that someone who is honest and fair has to also be a "nice person." If you ever watched the mini-series, Lonesome Dove, or read any of Larry McMurtry's novels, there is a specific character by the name of Woodrow F. Call who is a classic example of someone who is honest and fair but not a very "nice" person. In fact, he can be downright dis-likable. On the other hand, we have Bill Cosby... someone who had all of America fooled. Turns out, he wasn't the "nice guy" everyone thought.

So? Honest and fair are usually attributes of a nice person. That is just a fact.

And I am saying they are unrelated and that is a terribly naive viewpoint.

Well, I disagree. I think they are very closely related from my own experiences. Perhaps yours have been different. What now? :) I guess we will have to agree to disagree on that subject.

It's actually extremely hard to be both honest and "nice". Liberals generally don't understand this at all, not having much of even a nodding acquaintance with honesty, but the truth does not have to be "nice". It just has to be true. And "fair" is only nice when the outcome happens to be something you want.
Because it's completely naive and stupid to assume that someone who is "nice" is also honest and fair, or that someone who is honest and fair has to also be a "nice person." If you ever watched the mini-series, Lonesome Dove, or read any of Larry McMurtry's novels, there is a specific character by the name of Woodrow F. Call who is a classic example of someone who is honest and fair but not a very "nice" person. In fact, he can be downright dis-likable. On the other hand, we have Bill Cosby... someone who had all of America fooled. Turns out, he wasn't the "nice guy" everyone thought.

So? Honest and fair are usually attributes of a nice person. That is just a fact.

And I am saying they are unrelated and that is a terribly naive viewpoint.

Well, I disagree. I think they are very closely related from my own experiences. Perhaps yours have been different. What now? :) I guess we will have to agree to disagree on that subject.

Doesn't matter about your experiences. Appearing to be nice means nothing with regard to honesty and fairness. I can think of a million examples of completely despicable people who fooled others into believing they were nice people. Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy, for example.

Yes, I guess I've had different experiences... I've been screwed over by "nice people" too many times to count... I go to by tires for the car, the salesman is a nice guy, I pay 25% more for my tires because he was so nice. Happens to people all the time.

By the same token, 90-year-old farmer I knew in North Carolina, grumpy and cantankerous as the day was long, totally unpleasant to be around, rude and obnoxious to others, no hesitation to hurt your feelings with what he said, didn't give a shit if you liked him or not... but the man would give you the shirt off his back to help you. When he passed away, I went to his funeral and was shocked... you couldn't get into the building where his body rested for viewing. There were thousands of people there to say goodbye to this very "un-nice" man. Come to find out, he had helped so many people through the years and never mentioned it. The man was honest, perhaps TOO honest at times... The man was fair... but he wasn't NICE.

I'm not saying that never can happen, but I don't think it is too common. Usually, nice people have pretty good personality traits, like honesty, integrity, etc. (not that a person can't slip up of course). Anyway, I can't even say that DT isn't "nice" per se. I just don't really see how a person could be dishonest and "nice" at the same time. I guess that could be subjective on what is nice too. Anyhow, I still disagree. ;)

No they don't. You're just gullible. Usually, "nice" people have one personality trait: the ability to figure out what you want to hear. Everything else is completely negotiable.

You really don't see how someone can be dishonest and nice? You clearly have not bought a used car recently.
He will never be anything. How is anyone taking this as a serious thread?

Because he leads every national poll for the GOP nomination by double-digits over his closest competitor. That's why.
A poll by Fox News in August of 2015 when the elections happen in November of 2016. Yes by all means take it seriously.

Why not? Every time you idiots hear a poll that says something you like, you treat it like it was written by the finger of God on stone tablets on a mountaintop somewhere.
Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

A lot of Republicans.
I think that he could only be a improvement over the travesty of a POTUS we have right now. I mean really. Obama is going to be a very easy act to follow.
It bothers me much more that after all this time, HC is still the anointed one in the DNC. No scandal is too big for that bitch to her joke of a party.

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