Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Uhm.. It's not HIS movie, moron!

It's a ahemm... "documentary" by some political activist hit men.

Oh... and thanks to the Citizen's United ruling, companies can publish films like this during a presidential election... and you thought it was all about corporations being people.
You don't seem to get the point. McCain's comments about Trump supporters should not have prompted Trump's personal attack. There is no reason why Trump should have attacked.him. He's not in the race. Yes, Trump can't stand McCain but that's irrelevant. The race for president is not a game to see who can launch the most vile personal attack.

I have to wonder if the only reason Trump is in the race is to capture the Bully Pulpit where world would will listen to him.


I'm sorry... Some reporter asked McCain about what he thought of Donald Trump and McCain replied... I think he has all the crazies stirred up! Now... How do you figure that isn't a personal attack on Trump?

There was no "vile personal attack" of John McCain on behalf of Trump... Remember, THAT was the spin you libtards attempted to put on it and it backfired? Trump bitch slapped McCain for taking a cheap shot at him and his supporters and his supporters LOVED it!
It doesn't matter whether Trump was attacked by McCain, Rosie O'donnell or whoever, he should not be engaged in personal attacks in a political campaign. However, this is what Trump does, attack the person which diverts attention from the issues. It get's more media coverage which is his goal.

Trump has compared himself to P.T. Barnum and I have to agree like Barnum, he is a masterful showman. He will say or do anything to maintain center stage.

are you really so stupid that you will sit there and claim that the dems did not use personal attacks on Romney, McCain, Palin, and every other GOP candidate. Do you think that the clintons have not tried to destroy everyone who ever dared oppose them?

you are either very naive or very stupid.
Of course, the Democrats launch personal attacks. All politicians do. However, Trump has made a career of it. He attacks anyone who he believes is disparaging his good name. He keeps his lawyers busy filing law suits and threats of suits. It doesn't matter who they are. That's fine for a TV personality who thrives on his constant battles with the famous and not so famous but not for a President.

Have you heard of Teddy Roosevelt? or Harry Truman? or LBJ?
Donald Trump has proven time and time again he doesn't play well with others. Presidents have to make friends in Congress and gain support for their initiatives.

There are a lot of requirements that government has in doing business that private and even public companies don't have. They constrain efficiency in decision making in order to prevent corruption and bribery. For someone coming from the private sector, the process is slow cumbersome, and instead of saving money, actually adds a lot of costs to projects. This is not how The Donald is accustomed to doing business.
Donald Trump has proven time and time again he doesn't play well with others. Presidents have to make friends in Congress and gain support for their initiatives.

There are a lot of requirements that government has in doing business that private and even public companies don't have. They constrain efficiency in decision making in order to prevent corruption and bribery. For someone coming from the private sector, the process is slow cumbersome, and instead of saving money, actually adds a lot of costs to projects. This is not how The Donald is accustomed to doing business.

All you know about Trump is how you perceive him. I don't know how "well" he plays with others, but he has played very successfully according to his financial statement. He built one of the biggest and most expensive hotels in the world in Dubai... I imagine he had to play nice with someone to do that, don'tchya think?

Trump knows how to make friends and play the politics game... you can't develop real estate in Manhattan and not know how to deal with politicians and government. He knows what motivates politicians and how to get them motivated. I actually think his skill set for getting things done is far superior to anyone in Washington.

The Executive Branch is just one of three parts of the government... I have to believe that Mr. Trump, being a highly-educated and intelligent man, understands this... not so sure about you liberals... you seem to think the President is like the King of America or something. The general role of a President is not unlike that of a typical CEO. Of all the jobs in the private sector, it would probably be the closest.

But hey... Trump is your DREAM candidate for Hillary, so why worry? ....Right? ;)
I don't think that Trump is all that successful. I think it's all smoke and mirrors. His Trump Hotel in Toronto has his name on it but people who worked on the project said the Saudis signed the cheques. Trump was born rich. He lives in a country where the rich get richer. And then there's those four bankruptcies. There are lots of scams and crooked dealings in real estate development and ways of scamming large amounts of money.
Of course, the Democrats launch personal attacks. All politicians do. However, Trump has made a career of it. He attacks anyone who he believes is disparaging his good name. He keeps his lawyers busy filing law suits and threats of suits. It doesn't matter who they are. That's fine for a TV personality who thrives on his constant battles with the famous and not so famous but not for a President.

What you are seeing is someone who knows how to deal with bullies. As president, he won't need to file law suits.... the president is a powerful man.

I would say, if you are going to take a swing at Trump you better make it count... and be prepared for the wicked counter-punch he will certainly deliver in return.
Yes, as president Trump would be very powerful and he won't need to threaten lawsuits against those that have attack him. He will have the bully pulpit to wage his verbal battles against all that offend him such John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, about half the senators, and I haven't even mention any Democrats. Then there are all the non-politician personalities he will have to deal with such as
Wooppe Goldberg, David Lettermen, Jerry Sinfeldt, Cher, Bob Schieffer, Bobby De Nero, Glen Beck, Timothy O’Brien, Karl Rowe, Rosie O’Donnell, Martha Stewart, NBC, Univision, all the bankruptcy judges, Neil Young, J Balvin, Roselyn Sánchez, Ricky Martin, Jorge Ramos, Becky G, Eva Longoria, Cheryl Burke, Flo Rida, Emmitt Smith, George Takei, America Ferrera, etc, etc.....

Lord have mercy... I've made two liberals stop talking to me today and now I've made one lose his marbles while posting... I must be on a roll!

As I said before... PRESIDENT Trump is a completely different animal than candidate Trump. The GOP in House and Senate will have come to terms with reality by the time he is inaugurated and there will be no shortage of politicians willing to hitch their wagon to Trump's agenda... including MOST of the political WHORES who are opposed to him now. So all this animosity and divisiveness you see, isn't going to happen. Yes... he will have enemies... all presidents do. But by and large, his party will support his agenda because that's what politicians do.

As for celebrities.. Not that the President of the US answers to them.... Trump has absolutely NO problem with most of them, even those who he disagrees with politically. He's closer to a pop-culture icon than anyone in politics. So again... not a problem as I see it.
When someone stops talking to you, it's usually because they are no longer interest in what you have to say. Count me as number 3.
I don't think that Trump is all that successful. I think it's all smoke and mirrors. His Trump Hotel in Toronto has his name on it but people who worked on the project said the Saudis signed the cheques. Trump was born rich. He lives in a country where the rich get richer. And then there's those four bankruptcies. There are lots of scams and crooked dealings in real estate development and ways of scamming large amounts of money.

I think Trump is probably figuring you'll vote for Hillary.

Trump WAS born into a somewhat wealthy family, his dad was in real estate.
He worked his first real estate deal in college and I'm sure dad helped.
He has made fortunes, lost them and made them back again, as you say... four times.
Someone asked him once, was it hard to get back up after that first big failure? He said, no.. it was easier. The second time, he knew he could do it.

You're right, there are a lot of scams and crooked dealings in real estate... it takes a real sharp person to deal with these kinds of people day in and day out for 40 years and not end up corrupted and taken down. Ask Al Sharpton!

And THANK GOD that Trump lives in a nation where the rich can get richer! I would HATE to ever live in a country where no one can attain as much wealth as they want and everyone has relatively the same wealth. Yes... Free Market Capitalism is responsible for creating more millionaires and billionaires than any system ever devised by man.
Donald Trump has proven time and time again he doesn't play well with others. Presidents have to make friends in Congress and gain support for their initiatives.

There are a lot of requirements that government has in doing business that private and even public companies don't have. They constrain efficiency in decision making in order to prevent corruption and bribery. For someone coming from the private sector, the process is slow cumbersome, and instead of saving money, actually adds a lot of costs to projects. This is not how The Donald is accustomed to doing business.

All you know about Trump is how you perceive him. I don't know how "well" he plays with others, but he has played very successfully according to his financial statement. He built one of the biggest and most expensive hotels in the world in Dubai... I imagine he had to play nice with someone to do that, don'tchya think?

Trump knows how to make friends and play the politics game... you can't develop real estate in Manhattan and not know how to deal with politicians and government. He knows what motivates politicians and how to get them motivated. I actually think his skill set for getting things done is far superior to anyone in Washington.

The Executive Branch is just one of three parts of the government... I have to believe that Mr. Trump, being a highly-educated and intelligent man, understands this... not so sure about you liberals... you seem to think the President is like the King of America or something. The general role of a President is not unlike that of a typical CEO. Of all the jobs in the private sector, it would probably be the closest.

But hey... Trump is your DREAM candidate for Hillary, so why worry? ....Right? ;)

That is not really the reason why a lot of people don't approve of him, IMO. Some of it is his stance on social issues. Some of it might be the fact that when people see him, they are reminded of a caricature, like a celebrity type of person, not someone that they would take very seriously. When you are on a reality show, that tends to happen. ;) Also, most people don't get to his level by being honest and fair.
That is not really the reason why a lot of people don't approve of him, IMO. Some of it is his stance on social issues. Some of it might be the fact that when people see him, they are reminded of a caricature, like a celebrity type of person, not someone that they would take very seriously. When you are on a reality show, that tends to happen. ;) Also, most people don't get to his level by being honest and fair.

Wow... exactly how I feel about Obama and Hillary. Obama was a wet-behind-the-ears community agitator who had no business being president. Hillary looks like something that should be floating over a parade in Salem. Obama is only taken seriously because he's sitting in the Oval Office... and we've seen what happens when we take Hillary seriously and put her in charge of something important, (like looking out for our ambassadors and embassies).

Also, most people don't get to his level by being honest and fair.

Oh, I know! They lie about their places of birth, they lie about their religious beliefs, help cover up their husbands affairs, make unscrupulous cattle futures investments and land deals... all kinds of things. If they are Democrats, they always manage to get away with it because they are Democrats. If they are caught red handed, they stage 'suicides' and hide bodies in Fort Marcy Park.

I actually think it's VERY impressive that Trump has been wheeling and dealing for 50 years and has never been charged, indicted or taken down on corruption or ethics charges of any kind. That's why ALL you can do is mouth off about the 'possibility' as opposed to posting some actual evidence of impropriety.
Wow... exactly how I feel about Obama and Hillary. Obama was a wet-behind-the-ears community agitator who had no business being president. Hillary looks like something that should be floating over a parade in Salem. Obama is only taken seriously because he's sitting in the Oval Office... and we've seen what happens when we take Hillary seriously and put her in charge of something important, (like looking out for our ambassadors and embassies).


Also, most people don't get to his level by being honest and fair.

Oh, I know! They lie about their places of birth, they lie about their religious beliefs, help cover up their husbands affairs, make unscrupulous cattle futures investments and land deals... all kinds of things. If they are Democrats, they always manage to get away with it because they are Democrats. If they are caught red handed, they stage 'suicides' and hide bodies in Fort Marcy Park.

I think you have jumped to the erroneous conclusion that I am a democrat because I don't like DT?? :D No, sorry, you don't get filthy rich like he is by being a "nice guy." Lol.

I actually think it's VERY impressive that Trump has been wheeling and dealing for 50 years and has never been charged, indicted or taken down on corruption or ethics charges of any kind. That's why ALL you can do is mouth off about the 'possibility' as opposed to posting some actual evidence of impropriety.

Sorry if it makes you angry, but there are some valid reasons why people don't like Donald Trump. Also, he will probably lose against the competition.
I think you have jumped to the erroneous conclusion that I am a democrat because I don't like DT?? :D No, sorry, you don't get filthy rich like he is by being a "nice guy." Lol.

I don't know what you are. I don't really care, to be honest. I only go by what is posted.

Now you are talking about "nice guy" when before you were talking about "honest and fair" and I think we need to discuss that. Being a "nice guy" doesn't mean honest and being a "prick" doesn't mean dishonest. Being a "nice person," doesn't equate to you negotiating the best deals or even making the best decisions sometimes. I thought George W. Bush was a nice guy!

And what IS "fair?" When you go to purchase a new car, do you go in to negotiate a "fair" deal or do you want the "best" deal for you? Has Trump ever held a gun to someone's head and demanded they work a deal with him? That would be "unfair" in my opinion.... but I don't think Trump has done anything like that.

Again... I find it incredible that a man like Trump has been around for over 50 years, wheeling and dealing in an industry rife with crooked people, unscrupulous characters, sleazy dealings, corrupt individuals... he's had to deal with them and work with them on a daily basis.. for 50 years. Yet, his ethics record is squeaky clean... nothing. You'd think if Trump were "dirty" someone would have taken him down by now... or we'd at least hear of some prosecutor who had something on him... nadda!
Should we take the Capital right seriously if they have no plan to earn multibillion dollar bonuses for the People with the Peoples' money?
I think you have jumped to the erroneous conclusion that I am a democrat because I don't like DT?? :D No, sorry, you don't get filthy rich like he is by being a "nice guy." Lol.

I don't know what you are. I don't really care, to be honest. I only go by what is posted.

Now you are talking about "nice guy" when before you were talking about "honest and fair" and I think we need to discuss that. Being a "nice guy" doesn't mean honest and being a "prick" doesn't mean dishonest. Being a "nice person," doesn't equate to you negotiating the best deals or even making the best decisions sometimes. I thought George W. Bush was a nice guy!

And what IS "fair?" When you go to purchase a new car, do you go in to negotiate a "fair" deal or do you want the "best" deal for you? Has Trump ever held a gun to someone's head and demanded they work a deal with him? That would be "unfair" in my opinion.... but I don't think Trump has done anything like that.

Again... I find it incredible that a man like Trump has been around for over 50 years, wheeling and dealing in an industry rife with crooked people, unscrupulous characters, sleazy dealings, corrupt individuals... he's had to deal with them and work with them on a daily basis.. for 50 years. Yet, his ethics record is squeaky clean... nothing. You'd think if Trump were "dirty" someone would have taken him down by now... or we'd at least hear of some prosecutor who had something on him... nadda!

Well then, don't make accusations or think you know what a person is. :)

Honest and fair would be attributes of a "nice" guy, so I think you are way off there. Perhaps you don't really know what "nice" is?

Yes, I'm sure he is just squeaky clean. :D He's not STUPID. I never claimed he was a stupid man. Lol. I don't trust the man, that is all. I also think of him more as a celebrity than a serious presidential candidate. Also, I don't agree with some of his views on social issues.
Well then, don't make accusations or think you know what a person is. :)

Honest and fair would be attributes of a "nice" guy, so I think you are way off there. Perhaps you don't really know what "nice" is?

Yes, I'm sure he is just squeaky clean. :D He's not STUPID. I never claimed he was a stupid man. Lol. I don't trust the man, that is all. I also think of him more as a celebrity than a serious presidential candidate. Also, I don't agree with some of his views on social issues.

Honest and fair would be attributes of a "nice" guy...
Absolutely nothing to do with each other (and I'd stay away from Vegas).

Con men and shysters can be VERY VERY nice people! It's how they gain your trust. Obama seems like a nice guy, Hillary seems like a nice lady... does that mean they are honest and fair? Did you not see the Iraq propaganda videos of Saddam greeting his cheering fans? Playing with the kids? Kissing babies? Looked like he was a really NICE guy.

As for Trump, I can't imagine that someone hasn't scoured every aspect of his life to find something unethical or unscrupulous to throw in his face. With the political enemies he has made, anything that could have been even remotely suspicious would be coming out... it hasn't. There's nothing we don't already know about him. As far as I know, he has never been indicted, investigated or suspected of anything illegal. To sit here and insinuate that he MUST be guilty of something, is extremely unfair and I have to wonder what kind of moral character YOU have to make such a judgement?

You don't trust the man... But it sounds like you have no basis for your distrust other than Trump being wealthy. I don't agree with Trump on some social issues, or even some domestic and foreign policy issues... I don't know that I am going to actually vote for Trump yet. I still like Walker and Cruz, as well as Ben Carson. However, if it comes down to Trump vs. Hillary, no doubt on who I am voting for. The president is NOT a dictator. He doesn't assume office and begin implementing his views on society... that's not how our form of government works. Too much is made of a potential president's views on abortion or whatever... he isn't going to outlaw abortion by Executive Order.
Well then, don't make accusations or think you know what a person is. :)

Honest and fair would be attributes of a "nice" guy, so I think you are way off there. Perhaps you don't really know what "nice" is?

Yes, I'm sure he is just squeaky clean. :D He's not STUPID. I never claimed he was a stupid man. Lol. I don't trust the man, that is all. I also think of him more as a celebrity than a serious presidential candidate. Also, I don't agree with some of his views on social issues.

Honest and fair would be attributes of a "nice" guy...
Absolutely nothing to do with each other (and I'd stay away from Vegas).

Con men and shysters can be VERY VERY nice people! It's how they gain your trust. Obama seems like a nice guy, Hillary seems like a nice lady... does that mean they are honest and fair? Did you not see the Iraq propaganda videos of Saddam greeting his cheering fans? Playing with the kids? Kissing babies? Looked like he was a really NICE guy.

As for Trump, I can't imagine that someone hasn't scoured every aspect of his life to find something unethical or unscrupulous to throw in his face. With the political enemies he has made, anything that could have been even remotely suspicious would be coming out... it hasn't. There's nothing we don't already know about him. As far as I know, he has never been indicted, investigated or suspected of anything illegal. To sit here and insinuate that he MUST be guilty of something, is extremely unfair and I have to wonder what kind of moral character YOU have to make such a judgement?

You don't trust the man... But it sounds like you have no basis for your distrust other than Trump being wealthy. I don't agree with Trump on some social issues, or even some domestic and foreign policy issues... I don't know that I am going to actually vote for Trump yet. I still like Walker and Cruz, as well as Ben Carson. However, if it comes down to Trump vs. Hillary, no doubt on who I am voting for. The president is NOT a dictator. He doesn't assume office and begin implementing his views on society... that's not how our form of government works. Too much is made of a potential president's views on abortion or whatever... he isn't going to outlaw abortion by Executive Order.

They most certainly are. Just a couple of many attributes that a nice person possesses. Why would you argue that point? That is just silly.

No, they are not "nice" people. They are phony nice, and if you are familiar with people and their behaviors, you can spot them from a mile away. I've never fallen for a con. Mostly they go after people who are old and more trusting. Saddam? What in the hell does he have to do with anything? I disagree. Anyone with half a brain could have seen that Saddam was just acting. Maybe I'm just very good at spotting that kind of thing. :D

Look buddy, I just don't trust the man. To me, he is a loud mouth obnoxious blowhard. Nothing to admire or trust there. Lol.

It's not just that he is filthy rich but also because of his own behaviors. He is quite obnoxious and not very presidential, IMO. He seems untrustworthy and kind of sleazy to me.

Too much is made of it? Says who? I think that would be just your opinion. I think social issues matter.
They most certainly are. Just a couple of many attributes that a nice person possesses. Why would you argue that point? That is just silly.

Because it's completely naive and stupid to assume that someone who is "nice" is also honest and fair, or that someone who is honest and fair has to also be a "nice person." If you ever watched the mini-series, Lonesome Dove, or read any of Larry McMurtry's novels, there is a specific character by the name of Woodrow F. Call who is a classic example of someone who is honest and fair but not a very "nice" person. In fact, he can be downright dis-likable. On the other hand, we have Bill Cosby... someone who had all of America fooled. Turns out, he wasn't the "nice guy" everyone thought.
They most certainly are. Just a couple of many attributes that a nice person possesses. Why would you argue that point? That is just silly.

Because it's completely naive and stupid to assume that someone who is "nice" is also honest and fair, or that someone who is honest and fair has to also be a "nice person." If you ever watched the mini-series, Lonesome Dove, or read any of Larry McMurtry's novels, there is a specific character by the name of Woodrow F. Call who is a classic example of someone who is honest and fair but not a very "nice" person. In fact, he can be downright dis-likable. On the other hand, we have Bill Cosby... someone who had all of America fooled. Turns out, he wasn't the "nice guy" everyone thought.

So? Honest and fair are usually attributes of a nice person. That is just a fact.
Too much is made of it? Says who? I think that would be just your opinion. I think social issues matter.

So you believe the president should use the power of his office to push your social agenda on the rest of society?

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